Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 65 I believe in you, I always believe in you.

In fact, even if 2077 has overturned, after subsequent bug fixes, it is still a good game in the minds of many people. Its world view, game content, and graphics are all what many people think of White Moonlight.

But... this is without knowing the hidden content of the game.

Lin Yuan only has one thought now, hate, he hates it so much!

Let's put it this way, the information Lin Yuan received was the most perfect idea of ​​the original team. In the information he received, there are many ways to play 2077.

The prison content of Santo Domingo, the gang sandbox outside the bad land, and most importantly, the several storylines of the main line.

The company dog ​​really has an internal plot within the company, instead of just having a few conversations and bullying the company girl!

A street boy is not a street kid, but a real gangster. NPCs will give feedback on what you do, and can also encourage others to fight for you!

The Wanderer also has more content in the follow-up of Badland. It is not like transporting things to Night City, and then there will be no more internal affairs about the family!

Just on the main line alone, Jackass gave up on multiple lines and directly merged them into one line to do it!

He gave up the different sandbox gameplay brought by different identities!

Also, when we went to Arasaka with Johnny at the end, the scene was made so that Jackass flew into the Arasaka building. The screen darkened and brightened as he entered Arasaka. But what about the original version?

The idea of ​​the original team was that V drove the car and Johnny sat in the passenger seat smoking a cigarette. The two of them talked all the way and drove the car towards the wasteland tower. There was no background music and no noisy voices from others, just two people. The mentally ill person who has looked past everything and is ready to give it a go is having a conversation.

The content of the dialogue is also extremely exciting. You can better feel Johnny's charm and feel V's emotions.

As for the endings, the star ending and the sun ending, V has hope of surviving!

A doctor issued a medical statement, saying that there is already a technical method that can repair nerves, but it only requires a sky-high treatment fee of hundreds of thousands of euros a month. But for V, who has become the king of the city, the cost of treatment is hundreds of thousands of euros a month. Is the European payment fee a problem?

But after calming down, Lin Yuan understood why the stupid donkey did what he did.

He cut off so much content because it was difficult. It was too difficult.

There are really too many things that need to be done, and after being integrated together, the result may not be perfect. Everyone in the team has their own opinions, plus the pressure from the outside world, which leads to the stupid donkey in the end. An answer sheet with negative marks was handed in.

And it is even more difficult to do this with Nan Xing's current ability.

There is no stupid donkey’s capital, technology, or manpower.

It's not enough to just rely on the perfect plan in Lin Yuan's mind.

Therefore, the production of 2077 is not destined to be successful in the short term, but it has become Lin Yuan's current goal.

If 2077 is not produced perfectly, Lin Yuan will really regret it.

As for Keanu Reeves, well, there is no such person in this world, but let’s use his face. Wearing sunglasses makes him look handsome. Without sunglasses and small eyes, it can also make players feel a sense of contrast and bring a sense of contrast. funny.

And in terms of dubbing

No, don’t think about dubbing first, because what you need to think about now is how to improve the game plot and how to create good game content!

There are actually a lot of sandbox gameplays in 2077. The content of the main line is actually not too long, and Jackass has cut off most of the gameplays. What Lin Yuan needs to do is to cut off the gameplays of Jackass Rush one by one. Join us in Night City.

This part would be very troublesome for Nanxing to do, not to mention the super graphics and modeling in the game. Lin Yuan is even thinking now. With Nanxing's ability, can it really be done?

Difficult. Too difficult!

This question is too difficult, I can’t do it!

Stupid Donkey announced the news of 2077 in 2012, but it was not until 20 years that Stupid Donkey made it, and it was still a rushed work, which took 8 years!

But you can’t look at time like this, because when it comes to production time, Jackass actually only worked on 2077 for two years, because before 2077, Jackass put all his energy into The Witcher 3, and after finishing The Witcher, Two more expansion packs were updated in succession, and then 2077 was processed.

Therefore, it was 16 years later that the plan for 2077 began to be formulated.

So can Nanxing complete 2077 in two years?

Even if it could, would the 2077 made in two years be more perfect than the one made by the stupid donkey?

Two years, compared to the speed at which Nanxing has been making games in the past, will it seem too long?

Lin Yuan took a breath of cold air and felt a little weak.

Damn, I just take it for granted, but I forget how difficult the development process is to make this game!

Although Lin Yuan was still placing the pillars and the employees were pouring cement, the quality of the cement to be poured this time was not ordinary mud. Just making the mud would take Nanxing an unknown amount of effort and time.

Lin Yuan thought about it all night.


The next day, South Star.

Lin Yuan arrived at the company, and Li Lin, who had been idle for a long time, immediately found Lin Yuan.

When Li Lin asked when the new game would be started, Lin Yuan just pursed his lips and said softly: Wait a moment.

After arriving at Feng Shuyun's office, Lin Yuan sat on the boss's chair, closed his eyes, and rubbed his eyebrows vigorously.

Last night, Lin Yuan thought about it all night, but couldn't find a good solution.

Creation is a long process. In the past, the reason why Nanxing was so fast was that the game was small in size, and there was no need to think about the gameplay and plot of the game. It was simple and easy to create, and the content produced was not difficult. The technical support and skill points did not need to be too high. Just be a human being.

But... it's different now.

The technical requirements required for 2077 are very high.

We need professionals in the industry, not fresh graduates from university. Although Nanxing recruits all college students and they are very capable students, there is still a big gap compared with professionals in the industry.

If they really have to make it in two years, they might make 2077 with more bugs than the one made by the stupid donkey.

Why make it?

Destroy Nan Xing's reputation?

Looking for scolding?

And if you want to perfect it, the funds and time required are both issues.

If we start work now, if something unexpected happens, will the game be forced to be cut in half, and Nanxing will also have problems?

I have a headache. I have a headache!

It wasn't until a charming voice sounded in his ears that Lin Yuan opened his eyes.

Oh, I came to work today~ Feng Shuyun bent over with a smile on his face, put his arms on the table, supported his chin with his hands, and looked at Lin Yuan sitting in his seat with a smile.

Good morning, boss~ Lin Yuan stared at his scarlet eyes and said weakly.

Feng Shuyun was stunned when he saw this, and then asked loudly: Did you not sleep well last night?

To be precise, I didn't sleep all night.

What's wrong? Feng Shuyun stopped smiling and asked softly.

It will be very difficult to make a new game. I don't know if we should start work now. Lin Yuan said hesitantly.

Feng Shuyun was a little surprised when she heard this, because this was the first time she heard the word difficulty from Lin Yuan's mouth.

Is it a content issue?

No, it's a production problem. There is no problem with the content. It's just that with our current capabilities, we can't make it in the short term. The R\u0026D expenditure may exceed one billion.

Feng Shuyun blinked.

One billion eh

It seems, not much?

Because she now has two tenths on hand!

The character license for Fairy Sword was sold to Goose Factory and earned 40 million. Stardew Valley and Animal Party were launched on the console. The former was also launched on the mobile game market, which was another good profit.

Although Edge Walker costs a lot of money, the problem is that Feng Shuyun hasn't paid Fang Qingchan yet.

So, she has two small goals on her hands!

There are too many things we need to learn. In the current Nanxing, except for Li Lin and Luoyang Xu Xiao, the rest are unqualified. If they participate, they may become troublemakers. Lin Yuan said.

After hearing this, Feng Shuyun breathed a sigh of relief, covered his chest and said, I was scared to death. I thought there was something wrong with the content.

??? Lin Yuan looked at Feng Shuyun.

No, boss, are you really listening to me?

So that means that the game is very good, but Nanxing is not capable of making it now? Then it's not your problem, it's us who are dragging you down.

You can't use the word drag. We are one. Lin Yuan shook his head and said.

And Feng Shuyun suddenly smiled and said loudly: If it doesn't work, then just learn. We are all talents who graduated from colleges and universities. If nothing else, we must have strong learning ability. Aren't those experienced programmers all learning one by one? Did you just learn it? You just mentioned Xu Xiao and Luoyang, but think about it, aren't Luoyang and Xu Xiao who just came to the company the same as the newly recruited employees?


Lin Yuan looked at Feng Shuyun silently.

After being stared at by Lin Yuan for a long time, Feng Shuyun suddenly blushed and said a little shyly: Why are you looking at me like this?

Boss, this move of yours is very dangerous. If you do something wrong and the game is cut in half, all your time and money will be wasted. Aren't you afraid that I will let your money go down the drain? Lin Yuan asked seriously. road.

Feng Shuyun smiled, stretched out her thumb to touch her fair nose, and said proudly: Afraid? What do I have to be afraid of? Lin Yuan, with your help, I have made Nanxing's assets from one million to over one hundred million now. Now, do you remember when we first started playing games together? At that time, I only had a few thousand dollars left in my hand. But now? There are countless zeros in my account, and I have more cash than My parents have more combined.

Lin Yuan, I am just 25 years old this year, and you are about to be 25 too. It only took the two of us one year to achieve such great success. So what if the production of the new game fails? What if I lose all the money I make now? At least we have gained experience in making large-scale games, so go ahead and do it. I believe in you. I have always believed in you. I have nothing to be afraid of.

As long are still by my side, I believe that I will never be poor. I will always believe in you.

Feng Shuyun lowered his body, brought his face close to Lin Yuan, and said seriously.

So, go ahead and do it, that's what you want to do, right?

Feng Shuyun didn't like this.

Because the Lin Yuan she likes is the Lin Yuan who is confident, proud and relaxed when he starts playing games, not the Lin Yuan who is timid now because of Nan Xing.

Lin Yuan can't do it?

No, Lin Yuan can do it. He just needs to change the place and he can make it.

But now, he doesn't dare to make this game because of himself and the company.

It's not that he can't keep up, it's that I... can't keep up with him.

This is not what Feng Shuyun wants.

She didn't want herself and Nan Xing to become a burden to Lin Yuan.

But what makes Feng Shuyun happy is that Lin Yuan seems to have never thought about leaving the company. He said, we are one.

Lin Yuan looked at Feng Shuyun silently, looking at those beautiful almond eyes.

After a while, Lin Yuan smiled and reached out to Feng Shuyun's face.

Feng Shuyun was startled and stunned, but he bit his lip and did not avoid it.

Finally, Lin Yuan put his hand on Feng Shuyun's head.

Feng Shuyun: .

That's it?

Lin Yuan didn't know what Xiao Jiujiu was thinking about in Feng Shuyun's heart, but said softly: If the boss really goes bankrupt, I won't be responsible for you.

With Animal Party and Stardew Valley, I won't go broke.

Boss, the money you can earn from these two games is limited.

Then I still have Legend of Sword and Fairy, and I'll sell my IP hard!

The IP of Legend of Sword and Fairy is not as exaggerated as you think.


An unknown emotion suddenly flashed across Feng Shuyun's eyes. She pursed her lips, and then opened her red lips.

And you.

Lin Yuan blinked.

Then...I won't let you down.

The mood suddenly became a little embarrassing

Or rather ambiguous.

Lin Yuan suddenly had an indescribable emotion, or some kind of impulse.

What does it feel like to be trusted?

I can’t explain it clearly in a few words, but I will definitely be very happy and happy.

And the person who trusts you is a member of the opposite sex, a beautiful member of the opposite sex who you have a crush on.

This feeling suddenly made Lin Yuan's head feel hot.

Until the weird atmosphere was broken.

It was Feng Shuyun who suddenly stood up, turned around and said: I, I went to buy breakfast. I didn't know you were in the company when I came here. I forgot to bring you breakfast. I'm going to buy it now.

Oh. Lin Yuan said blankly.

Then, Lin Yuan just watched Feng Shuyun run out of the office.

After a while, Lin Yuan turned on his phone and started searching for something on the Internet.

——How to turn your boss into your girlfriend.

[Brother, are you an idiot? 】

[If you are suffering from hysteria, go to treatment and don’t get mad online. 】

Lin Yuan ignored the first two personal attacks on him.

Instead, look towards something that might be useful to him.

[Appreciate her, praise her, and praise her more. 】

Little mascot, security patrol, money-loving and stinky Feng Shuyun. Well, these are all nicknames I gave my boss.

This doesn’t work, pass.

[Be a low-key person, do things in a high-key manner, and let her appreciate you. 】

Is he low-key? Has he ever been low-key?

This one also passes.

[Be prepared to leave your job and find another job. 】

There is no need to worry about this. I am a partner of the company, so there is no need to think about it. Pass.

And the last answer with the most likes is——

[Care about her more, learn to be attentive inadvertently, and express your love for her. 】


Does caring about breasts count as caring?

Does liking your breasts, legs and feet count as an expression of liking?

This seems feasible!

Lin Yuan, who has never been in love, immediately took a screenshot.

But looking at the screenshots on his phone, Lin Yuan was a little confused.

Bad dish.

When did I start feeling this way about my boss?

Subordinates are not allowed to talk to their bosses!


Today is just one chapter, but it is a 4,000-word chapter, two in one.

Then I started to save the manuscript fiercely, and sent out a testimonial about the release in the evening. It will be ready to be put on the shelves at noon tomorrow.

Mira-san, I hope everyone... can give me more support. My grades are not very good now and my luck is really bad. (Everyone knows!)

So, monthly passes, subscriptions, rewards, recommendation votes, hit me hard!

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