Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 36 The first trailer of Legend of Sword and Fairy!

Lin Yuan, how much money can you make from the music of Legend of Sword and Fairy? The music is now ranked ninth on the album chart, and people on the Internet are saying that this album can reach the top.

What for? This is my private treasury. I won't share the money with you, so don't ask. Lin Yuan gave Feng Shuyun a disgusted look.

Who cares about your money! I'm not a greedy person, I'm just curious. Q Murakami divides the money based on the playback traffic of the songs. One album has nine songs on the list. This month There must be a 6-digit number after all, right? Feng Shuyun rolled her eyes, put down the mouse, and said.

After sitting in front of the computer for a long time, Feng Shuyun suddenly felt a little bored.

In games or something like that, after playing for a long time, electronic Yang Wei will appear, and Feng Shuyun is now electronic Yang Wei.

Mainly the games made by Nanxing. Feng Shuyun has played all the games. The only one he is still playing now is Animal Party. However, this game requires friends, and it requires a lot of friends, so Feng Shuyun cannot play it.

As for going to the wild house? Haha, she wouldn't have gone to the wild house if Lin Yuan hadn't come!

It's so uncomfortable to be pushed to the ground and beaten or something like that!

If Lin Yuan is here, the situation will be different. If you are beaten, you should quickly call Lin Yuan to come over and help. Isn't it true that you haven't been beaten after two against one?

That can't be done!

Feng Shuyun is very good at using the cat fist!

And play other games

Isn’t that funding the opponent?

Another thing, there are no fun single-player games in China for Feng Shuyun to play.

Because of this, she is so boring.

There should be some. Speaking of boss, I think trailers are more important now than this issue, right? Lin Yuan looked at Feng Shuyun and said.

Meixing has completed the first version of the MV for Legend of Sword and Fairy. The entire video contains animations, a large number of beautiful pictures of the characters, and a brief introduction to the gameplay. As for the plot, it has not been revealed at all.

Feng Shuyun nodded and said: It's all ready. The artist is doing secondary processing to add the logo and background music. It will definitely be posted online before evening. Hum, it's the time when the traffic is the largest. when!

Feng Shuyun said with a smile.

The album Legend of Sword and Fairy is so popular that it has not been trending on Weibo since this morning. It has made it all the way into the top 50 on the list, but it is a bit difficult to move up the list.

But it is enough. You must know that Weibo has tens of millions of online users every day, and the exposure rate of the top 50 is very impressive.

In addition, the hotly searched words are also Legend of Sword and Fairy, so Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun plan to release the promotional video of the game today, which will definitely attract the attention of a large number of people!

This is free traffic, and it is traffic created by Lin Yuan. If you don’t get it for free, you won’t get it!

Have we reached an agreement with Tianyou? Let them help with the announcement or something.

Well, they said it's okay to help with publicity, but the sharing needs to be changed. Feng Shuyun said a little discouraged.

The task assigned to her by Lin Yuan was to communicate with the stars until the finished trailer was released online. The second step was to communicate with the Tianyou platform to try to get Tianyou's promotion spot for Legend of Sword and Fairy before it was released. .

Tianyou is not unwilling, on the contrary, they are very willing to give the location of the trailer of Legend of Sword and Fairy on the homepage of the recommended games, but they also have a condition, which is to share Tianyou's share. Tianyou hopes to get 18% of the share. .

Luo Feng, that should be the name. He said that if Legend of Sword and Fairy wants to be promoted, it needs to increase the sales share by 3 points. After signing the contract, Tianyou will provide promotion spots worth tens of millions.

Don't tell me you didn't agree? Lin Yuan looked at Feng Shuyun like a fool.

If you look at me like this again, I'll dig out your eyes! Feng Shuyun was so angry at Lin Yuan's eyes that he glared, and then said loudly: Of course I know this is Tianyou's kindness, 3 o'clock share , This is not a high request. To put it bluntly, Tianyou believes in us and is showing goodwill to us, but hasn’t it been communicated to you yet?”

I'm the boss and you're the boss? You just decide. Lin Yuan said naturally.

After Feng Shuyun heard this, he bit his lower lip tightly, looking at Lin Yuan's almond-shaped eyes full of anger, his grandma clenched her fists!

Knowing that I am the boss, you still arrange tasks for me every day? !

You, Lin Yuan, cover your heart and ask yourself, have you really ever regarded me, Feng Shuyun, as your boss?

I, Feng Shuyun, am not a fool!

When I need to do something, I am Boss Feng, and when I don’t need to do anything, I am Miss Feng!

Serving tea, pouring water, buying and delivering meals, no one is left behind!

Damn it. Lin Yuan, that bastard!

Seeing Feng Shuyun's bulging chest rise and fall with anger, Lin Yuan withdrew his eyes from his boss's chest, turned back to the laptop screen, and then started typing the code, saying while typing: Sign a contract with Tianyou , 3-point share for promotion worth tens of millions. Tianyou is very calculating. They will definitely make a profit without losing money, but we won’t lose either. The 3-point share will gain access to tens of millions of information channels. This is a win-win situation.

How are you so sure that Legend of Sword and Fairy will be a big hit? Feng Shuyun felt that Lin Yuan was such a stinker.

Boss, you have already tried it, what do you think? Lin Yuan looked directly at the screen and said with a smile.

Feng Shuyun snorted twice, raised his fist and waved it twice in Lin Yuan's direction, making a hitting motion, but he did not refute what Lin Yuan said.

Yes, Legend of Sword and Fairy, as long as the promotion is done well, there is no reason why the game should not be popular!

At this moment, there was a knock on the office door, Boss, Lin Ce, the trailer has been produced!

Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun stood up at the same time, and then Lin Yuan sat down.

Feng Shuyun clicked his tongue and said, Please come in!

The head artist entered the room with excitement on his face, and the employees of Nanxing unanimously agreed that it was the most mysterious room in Nanxing.


At 5:50 p.m., Nanxing official account on Weibo made a temporary surprise attack and posted a video. However, this time, Nanxing official account did not act cute and posted a long string of words, but simply five words - Fairy Sword and Fairy. Legend of Xia.

Half an hour after the video was released, the Weibo list was updated and it immediately hit the hot search list on Weibo.

Because the album from Legend of Sword and Fairy has just become a hit!

And at eight o'clock that night, when PDD woke up and turned on the live broadcast, what he saw was a screen full of barrage asking him to watch the trailer.

This made PDD a little confused. First he lit a cigarette, then turned on Q Village music and played Edge of Swords. Then PDD said: What trailer? Movie? Animation?

[Animation Your Mom is a game trailer! 】

[The trailer for Legend of Sword and Fairy, Mr. Prostitute, go watch it, it’s fucking amazing! 】

[The light of domestic games, Nanxing! The quality of this trailer is better than some online games! 】

[Liu Mengli’s modeling in the game is really so beautiful! 】

[The music matches the picture, wow wow wow, I cry to death, Nan Xing is so rich! 】

PDD was shocked when he saw the barrage. He slammed the table and opened the website. Then he started searching for videos and found the latest trailer video of Legend of Sword and Fairy released by Nanxing.

Ya'er, the number of views has reached 2 million? When was it released? Two hours ago? How come you guys are so fast!

PDD said loudly.

The next moment, he also clicked on the video to watch.

High energy warning!

High Energy Ahead, I've watched it thirteen times!

Han Lingsha is the best in the world! Damn, the dubbing is too strong!

The dubbing is incomparable, Teacher Jiang Yu's Ziying is great!

As soon as the video opened, dense barrage flew past. pdd quickly closed the barrage and started watching the video.

As soon as the video opened, the music Return to Dreams was played, and then, under a burst of extremely realistic cloud and mist special effects, an icon emerged from the clouds and mist. It was the logo of Nanxing Company, and then there was an extremely slender green... The sword penetrated the clouds above, and five characters emerged - Legend of Sword and Fairy.

Immediately afterwards, accompanied by background music, the first character to appear was a smiling man with short brown-black hair and a hairstyle like a hedgehog. He was wearing an animal skin shawl, holding a bow in his left hand and a sword in his right hand. Yun Tianhe, the protagonist of Legend of Sword and Fairy!

The cyan font also appeared——


The box is shallow and it is difficult to hold the edge of the sword, but the jade is also exquisite in the stone.

For the first time, the clear cry breaks through the sky, and the cloud light condenses into the distant blue sky.

The poem accompanying the character appeared, and pdd's fat body trembled. Although he couldn't understand it, he felt that the poem was so high-end!

Then, there is the actual scene of Yuntianhe's character in the game. The scene is among the mountains, mountains, rivers, trees, fallen leaves, animals, and streams.

pdd drooled at the sight: This is so blue, the clouds are so white, the trees are so green, the water is so clear, and this rabbit is so cute!!!

Will the graphics of this game really be that great? Is this a real picture?

I’m so excited for pdd!

How long has it been, how long has it been since there was no outstanding stand-alone work produced in China?

The domestic games on the market now are not to say that there are no good stand-alone games, but they are all stand-alone games produced at a low cost! They are all single-player games produced with great effort by small studios. But stand-alone games like this, which cost tens of millions, are almost extinct in China!

And Nanxing, after making several popular mini-games, actually chose to make a large-scale domestic stand-alone game! This is something that many people can’t understand!

You must know that domestic stand-alone games have been overcrowded by online games. As long as a good stand-alone game theme sells a little better, countless companies will immediately come to make online games with the same theme. In this environment, domestic stand-alone games have no basis at all. I can't survive!

Therefore, whether to build a single machine or a large single machine is an irrational thing in itself!

Players don’t buy it, and the market doesn’t allow it, but Nanxing dares to do it, and they do it very well!

Just this scene and the character’s movement effects already prove the quality of this game!

Hey, but I heard that this game is turn-based? Is the turn-based scene and walking so good? pdd asked his doubts.

And this is also the doubt of many people who have watched the trailer of Legend of Sword and Fairy.

Lin Yuan, the chief planner of Nanxing, said in the live broadcast room that Legend of Sword and Fairy is a turn-based stand-alone game, but the current scene modeling and the way the characters move around, including running and jumping, are not at all turn-based. What's the taste of the game?

Turn-based or something, shouldn't it be Q-print style, pixel modeling?

You guys from Nanxing, take a closer look. Do you seem to have something to do with the turn-based system? !

PDD was surprised.

And when the second character appeared, she was also accompanied by poetry. She had a flowery smile and held a dagger in both hands. She looked cute and cute, and her smile was full of cunning and cleverness.

Next to it, the cyan font is——

Holding hands while listening to music and knocking on golden hairpins,

Laughing words fall into the eyes with bright eyes.

Suddenly the spring breeze filled with butterflies,

Yan Jiao's cold mirror makes her slim and beautiful

【Give the painter a meal! This character painting is no less than that of the big studios! 】

[I didn’t believe that Nanxing did the animal party before to make money for Legend of Sword and Fairy, but now I believe it! 】

[Hehe, Lingsha, hehe, my wife, hehe! 】

[The last person who called Mengli’s wife was beaten to death by me! 】

[These poems should also be what Lin Yuan thought about, right? 】

The four characters appeared in front of pdd one after another. Heavyweight player Liu Mengli was stunned by pdd.

Liu Mengli appeared in a sea of ​​purple flowers. Her appearance was like a noble purple peony. The flowers failed to attract her attention, but instead enhanced Liu Mengli's beauty.

And her plain face was full of sadness. She played the piano with her bare hands and lowered her head.

Paired with the BGM from the last episode of Sleepwalker, this scene directly made pdd feel a little sore in his nose.

Pictures and music can express emotions, and Nan Xing has always done a good job at this point.

Although I don’t know the plot of the story, just this one picture and one piece of music are enough to make people feel the sad atmosphere.

Especially Liu Mengli, who looked at that holy face, showing a sad but patient expression, oh. Not to mention how lethal this is!

Finally, at the end of the video, the long sword that appeared at the beginning appeared again, but this time, the place where the long sword appeared made pdd confused.

Tombstone? Damn, what do you want to do with this tombstone? Whose tombstone is this? Is it Tianhe's tombstone? That Gou B Nanxing really wants to use a knife again!

pdd cursed loudly!

Everyone can see this scene!

Tianhe's personal long sword was placed next to a tombstone, but the tombstone was not shown in front. What the hell is this not a knife?

But is Nanxing now so upright and honest?

And there are not a few live broadcasters who have watched the trailer like pdd.

The words Nan Xing and Praise for Courage gradually appeared in the hearts of every player who watched the trailer.

After the most romantic game company.

Is Nanxing the most courageous game company now?

The spread speed and popularity of the first video of Sword and Fairy is absolutely huge, including the popularity of Animal Party and the popularity of Legend of Sword and Fairy. When superimposed together, Legend of Sword and Fairy has not yet been released. , it has become a popular game among players as soon as a trailer was released.

# The light of domestic games, Southern Star!

# The most romantic thing requires the greatest courage!

# Stop the cauldron, can Legend of Sword and Fairy become a hit game?

# pdd live broadcast called Nan Xing an unworthy son!

# The tombstone must be Tianhe’s.

Content related to Legend of Sword and Fairy has also appeared in various channels in the gaming industry.

Lin Yuan, who returned home, squinted his eyes and watched a group of guys in the Nanxing Game Forum discussing the tombstone. He said that the tombstone must belong to Yuntianhe. Some people also said that the tombstone belonged to Murong Ziying. Otherwise, Liu Mengli wouldn't be like that. Sad, but Tianhe sacrificed the sword to his good brother.


If he didn't know the real situation, Lin Yuan also thought that the bar friend was right.

But who said there is only one tombstone?

Although it is true that only one of the three protagonists died, there are two tombstones.

The four protagonists of Sword and Sword 4 can be summed up in one word, that is - birth, old age, illness and death.

Moreover, who said that Mengli likes Ziying?

Who says that the second male lead has to be with the second female lead?

Another thing is that the person Murong Ziying likes is not Liu Mengli.

This is a restrained and reserved love story.

Lin Yuan crossed his arms and thought.

Then, he suddenly laughed.

I'm really bad. After the release of Fairy Sword, I have to find a place to hide for a while. I wouldn't believe it if fans didn't send me blades.

But why do I feel so good?

Vaguely, Lin Yuan, who had broken through the defense with the fairy sword, had begun to imagine the scene of fans breaking through the defense.


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