At 11 o'clock in the morning on August 22, Zhou He woke up. The first thing he did after getting up was to open Station B to check the number of his followers.

Seeing that more than 20,000 followers had been added overnight, Zhou He nodded with satisfaction.

Because of the video explaining the secrets of the full moon night, Zhou He became famous all of a sudden. His nearly two months of hard work were not in vain. He gained a huge number of fans, and now he has 300,000 fans. Up master.

This made Zhou He very happy during this period, but apart from being happy, Zhou He also had a headache on how to keep these fans.

These fans all followed him because of the full moon night analysis video. If Zhou He cannot release a video with related content in the future, then these people will probably unplug Zhou He directly.

Because of this, Zhou He started biting his nails early in the morning.

Happy and sad at the same time.

After breakfast (lunch), Zhou He sat in front of the computer. The first thing he did when he turned on the computer was to log on to Weibo as usual, intending to see if Nanxing Company had published any information.

After all, my analysis video now has more than 3 million views, but the problem is that it has caused such a big sensation on the Internet, but the official side has done nothing.

This made Zhou He a little worried. Could his analysis be wrong?

After going to Weibo and finding Nanxing Company, Zhou He's eyes suddenly lit up. The next moment he saw the content posted by Nanxing clearly, he immediately burst into laughter.

Without saying anything, Zhou He started the live broadcast and then informed the fans in his fan group.

After a while, hundreds of people poured into his live broadcast room.

Zhou He also happily turned on the camera, pointed at the screen and laughed loudly: See! There is no problem with my analysis, and Nanxing also came forward to prove it! And in order to thank me for my discovery, Nanxing also prepared something for me There’s a gift!”

I didn't listen to the song in advance because I want you to know that I'm not just imagining it! What did you guys say about me during this period? Look, look at this! This is my most powerful counterattack!

Zhou He was like a successful villain, his nose almost turned up with pride.

When the barrages in the live broadcast room saw this, they all clicked their tongues.

[Damn, I really let this kid pretend. 】

[Why did Guanbo Niang lie? Keep silent! 】

[Listen to the song quickly, I have finished listening to it, warning in advance, Super Blood Horse is great! 】

[The video is also very interesting, so I won’t spoil it. You can watch it yourself. Anyway, long live Nanxing! 】

[The little carpenter has a happy ending for his family, and my worried heart finally goes away! 】

Zhou He also saw the barrage and grunted twice. He didn't continue to face off against the friend in a shameless manner. Instead, he opened the video and watched it in full screen.

The first thing that caught my eye was a monologue on a black screen, with a slightly disappointed female voice murmuring inside.

Next, there was a picture. On the picture, Little Red Riding Hood appeared as a child, wearing a red cloak and calfskin shoes, with a playful smile on her face, emerging from her grandma's arms. She looked so cute.

The next picture shows the back of Little Red Riding Hood.

“When I was young, my best friend in the village was my uncle’s son, who was a carpenter.”

The female narrator said softly.

Then, there was a crisp sound, like the sound of water droplets hitting the ground,

Tactful and clear.

Although I have never asked him, I have never understood why the little carpenter always leaves the village on full moon nights, and why he keeps away from me even though I helped him.

The scene switched. This time, a young carpenter appeared, grabbing his own arm. He lowered his head and ran away from the crowd with a look of fear. Behind him, there was Little Red Riding Hood, who opened his arms and blocked a group of children.

now I understand

The scene that switches again shows the grown-up Little Red Riding Hood holding a book. After winter and spring, Little Red Riding Hood often stays alone under a big tree, looking up at the shade of the tree in a daze.

Zhou He watched this scene move. No, would it be more appropriate to use comics to describe it?

Because this cutscene is not exciting at all, but the painting is excellent. The quiet and cute appearance of Little Red Riding Hood when she grows up is vivid, and the way she is in a daze under the tree also has a strong sense of loneliness.

If he hadn't read the barrage in advance and said that the little carpenter had a happy ending, just looking at this, Zhou He would have thought that Nan Xing was going to start issuing knives again.

After calming down, Zhou He watched the video silently.

But here, accompanied by the pianist, the voice of the narration dispersed, and what emerged was a male voice that sounded very familiar to Zhou He.

Love yourself well, and someone will love you. This is an optimistic statement.


Zhou He sat up straight, sounds good!

When I listen to it now, the intro is actually very catchy. But before, I was so focused on watching the scene and listening to the narration, so I subconsciously ignored the music. But now that I listen to it, it sounds really good!

Who sang this song?

【Sung by Lin Jie! 】

[It’s a pity that Q Village music has not been released yet, otherwise I would listen to it repeatedly. 】

[It was made by people from Nanxing and sung by Lin Jie! 】

Zhou He actually just asked, but he didn't even look at the barrage.

As the song sounds, the cutscenes are constantly changing.

The position of fallen leaves composes a poem.

In the video, autumn has arrived, and as the fallen leaves are withering, Little Red Riding Hood stands under the tree, closes her eyes and lets out a long sigh.

Two years have passed, winter is coming again, and the full moon night is about to come again.

Every winter, Little Red Riding Hood becomes very sad.

But when the video reaches this point, the style suddenly changes.

Just like the cutscene at the beginning of the game on a full moon night, the screen was opened like a page. Lin Jie's voice was gentle and clear. Under the singing, the screen became dark.

Where am I?

Little Red Riding Hood, are you there?

In the darkness, a male voice sounded.

Accompanied by a green fire, the little carpenter appeared on a boat, with a somewhat illusory dark river underneath.

Where is this?

Hey, are there new souls again? Welcome to the world of the dead, kid~ A playful voice appeared.

Zhou He spat out his saliva with a pop sound, and looked at the new page in the video with wide eyes. On it, he was wearing a black robe, with smooth black hair, sitting on a broom, at the end of the robe. The slit was opened, revealing a pair of fair thighs of a witch girl wearing black and white stockings.

She smiled like a flower and looked at the little carpenter in the boat cutely.

Zhou He pressed pause, looked hard at the screen. No, looked at the screen hard, and said loudly: Is this a fucking person? Is this a witch? Is it the witch I beat before?

No, how did she become so beautiful?

Zhou He clicked to play with doubts. The next moment, the little carpenter asked the same question as Zhou He: Are you Miss Witch?

Yes, it's me~ You are the child who once broke into the castle with Little Red Riding Hood, right? You have grown up so much, but why did you die?

The witch flew to the little carpenter and asked crisply.

The little carpenter also told the witch the reason for his death. After speaking, he lowered his head with a gloomy face.

But in the next scene, Miss Witch clapped her hands and said with a smile: Don't worry, your blood is flowing with werewolf blood, you will not die because of this, come on, follow me, let us find you together Home.”

The little carpenter picked up the oar and started rowing, following the witch.

The video is more than halfway through and the song has reached the chorus.

Time is passing and our story begins~

For the first time, I saw that love can be both generous and selfish.

You are my. Keyword.

Zhou He's ears twitched when he heard the three words keyword.

Keywords. Hehe, keywords.

Is this an official tribute to me?

Next, Zhou He saw the little carpenter find his own light with the help of the witch.

There were two extremely bright lamps. When he turned on one, the little carpenter saw his uncle, who had a calm face but was sitting at the table in a daze with a wine bottle in his left hand.

Congratulations, little werewolf, this is family affection.

But relying on this power alone is not enough for your soul to appear in this world.

The witch said slowly.

And the little carpenter lit the next lamp,

In the lamp, there is Little Red Riding Hood, wearing white pajamas, with white hair, holding her cheeks, showing her cute feet, looking at the moonlight outside the window in a daze.

Witch: Wow~ said.

Then he said with a smile.

Is this friendship? Or love?

I can't figure it out, but I have to congratulate you again, little werewolf, you may be able to return to the living world. I will teach you how to go back, but remember, ordinary people can't see you.

The little carpenter nodded vigorously.

But he asked again: What about you? Aren't you going out?

The witch replied: I can't get out because no one remembers me.

Then, with the help of the witch, the little carpenter stood on tiptoes, grabbed two bright lamps, and under the guidance of the lamps, took a boat out of the underground castle.

And on the page where he was paddling vigorously, behind him was the witch girl sitting on the broom with her face in one hand and yawning.

[Oops, I suddenly like the witch girl so much. 】

[Criticism of bad modeling, does it look so good here? Officially intentional? 】

[I have decided that since Little Red Riding Hood is still underage, I will not wait for Little Red Riding Hood. From now on, my wife will be a witch! 】

[Your wife is a pig bride! 】

【Your wife is a tryst girl! 】

Zhou He was a little excited. Under the singing, the little carpenter finally came to the world.

He turned into a white invisible light of dust, and what followed was the process of the little carpenter flying towards the village bit by bit.

This journey is very long.

It wasn't until autumn passed and winter came, until the full moon night was almost over and heavy snow covered the village, that the little carpenter wandered to the village.

At night, the dust light he turned into finally came to Little Red Riding Hood's window sill.

Little Red Riding Hood, it's time to go to bed.

Okay grandma, I'll go to sleep right away.

In the picture, grandma said cheerfully on the rocking chair, while Little Red Riding Hood quietly hugged a book and answered grandma calmly.

Then, during the second chorus of the song, Little Red Riding Hood put the book on the table, and then turned her head.

Then, under the bright moonlight, Little Red Riding Hood suddenly saw a little white light outside the window.

It was as pure as white snow, but it was very conspicuous in the falling snow.

You are mine~keyword.

As the singing stopped, the scene turned to darkness.

Then, a hand stretched out and closed the book. What finally appeared in front of Zhou He was a book on a full moon night with wolf claw marks on the table.

Then, the video ends.

Zhou He was so impressed by this book! Because he spent two months studying this book!


Damn it, let Little Red Riding Hood talk to the little carpenter!

Ah ah ah, Nan Xing, you are the master!

Why is this still an open ending?

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