On New Year's Eve, early in the morning, Lin Yuan was awakened by the movement outside the door.

Sitting on the bed, Lin Yuan could vaguely hear the sound of Xu Minqing directing Lin Chunzhi to hang Spring Festival couplets and place things outside the door.

After getting up, he lowered his head and glanced at Feng Shuyun beside him. Lin Yuan breathed into his hands. The water mist wetted his hands. Lin Yuan shivered unconsciously. It was very cold today, even if a small sun was turned on in the room. It doesn’t quite work either.

There is no way, who makes my hometown in Huaibei have no heating?

In the winter, it’s really freezing hands and feet.

There are always people who differentiate between where it is colder in the north and the south. Some people say it is cold in the magical city of Yangcheng because there is no heating here, it is humid and windy near the sea, and if it happens to be cloudy in winter, it will be cold to the core. Wearing No amount of clothing is of any use.

As for the cold in the north, for example, when winter comes in the three northeastern provinces, the negative temperature is greater than the positive numbers in the south. The most typical saying is that some people in the north are really frozen to death, so how can people in the south be frozen? Dead?

As for Lin Yuan, have these people ever considered the provincial capital located in the middle?

Regarding the question of whether it's cold or not, the north is naturally colder than the south, but the problem is that the north has heating. In the north, you take off your clothes when you enter the house in winter. What does it matter if it's minus 30 degrees outside the house? Are there fewer northerners wearing half-sleeves and eating popsicles at home in winter?

And what about the South? In winter, it's colder inside the house than outside, especially at night. It's not normal for your feet to feel cold if you don't turn on the electric blanket.

This is especially true for Mengcheng. It is easy for Mengcheng to catch up with the rainy season in winter. The humidity is comparable to that of the south. The temperature is not as cold as the north, but the humidity is a deadly weapon. The most terrible thing is that the temperature is low and there is no heating!

Therefore, Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun were both dressed neatly. Yesterday, Xu Minqing prepared pajamas and warm clothes, all in bright red, which made them look particularly festive.

Feng Shuyun didn't care so much about the appearance of her clothes. Compared to her style, this girl, like Lin Yuan, obviously paid more attention to temperature, so she covered herself with three layers inside and three outside to look like a big red doll.

At the moment, Hongwawa rested his head next to Lin Yuan, still sleeping motionless with his hair covering his face.

Lin Yuan reached out and patted Feng Shuyun's face.

What came back was a vague: Have you had breakfast?

Well, get up. There are a lot of things to do today. Lin Yuan rubbed Feng Shuyun's head and said.

Last night, we had hot pot at home. After eating, Lin Yuan returned to the room to catch up on work.

There are not many employees in the Nanxing Building in Los Angeles now. Except for Li Lin's team, all employees have gone back for the holidays. The operation work can be done at home. Therefore, the operation department has also gone back to celebrate the New Year, so Lin Yuan was I had a video call with Li Lin and talked about Zelda’s temple.

One of the reasons why Zelda is so playable is the temple. Its existence enriches the gameplay of The Legend of Zelda. The decryption gameplay is also one of Lao Ren’s strengths. Therefore, despite the detailed information provided by Lin Yuan, But Li Lin also encountered some minor troubles when he made it.

You must know that the number of temples is very scary. With more than a hundred temples, Li Lin will naturally feel confused while doing it.

For this reason, when Lin Yuan moved the small table to the bed last night and used his notebook to tell Li Lin's video, Feng Shuyun leaned upright on the mattress and watched TV series on the tablet.

Li Lin saw the two of them sleeping on the same bed, and the quilt was still a festive red, and he subconsciously asked: Married?

Why didn't you ask me to go?

In exchange, Feng Shuyun said: Let's get married!


Although the current status of the two is no different from getting married.

Love period?

One is approaching 30, and the other is 26, and is no longer a young man. Coupled with his personality, the two of them really can't be in love.

The way they get along is natural and casual. Fortunately, their personalities are extremely complementary and they work well together.

Now Lin Yuan has also met Feng Shuyun's father. Old Feng also has a very good sense of him. When he was at Lin Yuan's house, he felt like handing Feng Shuyun over to Lin Yuan. Now Feng Shuyun came directly to Lin Yuan. At home, the old couple of the Lin family are also extremely optimistic about Feng Shuyun.

She is completely treated as a daughter-in-law.

Do you understand the value of being cute, cute, big-breasted and a billionaire?

Because of this, the way the two get along now is no different from getting married.

After putting on a down jacket and going out, dad Lin Chunzhi was busy in the living room, renovating the house.

Xu Minqing was busy in the kitchen, making breakfast.

The family had a simple but hearty breakfast. In the afternoon, Feng Shuyun accompanied Xu Minqing and Lin Chunzhi to continue shopping, while Lin Yuan continued working at home.

The Chinese New Year does not mean that Nan Xing is no longer busy. On the contrary, Nan Xing has a lot of business now.

Not counting branch offices, just talking about the headquarters, there are many projects in progress right now.

Overwatch's national competition, Pokémon Go's regional competition, the new DLC for Night of the Full Moon, the winter update of Stardew Valley, etc. A series of things are pressing on me. It's not difficult to ask for leave in South Star. One thing is that the annual leave is completely sufficient, you can take it if you want, and the vacation time during the holidays is also enough, but for programmers, it seems that it is not strange to suddenly do some work during the holidays?

Lin Ce, when I'm in my fourth year of junior high school, I'm going to go abroad. Bangzi's tournaments are almost done. Needless to say, their country is really good at e-sports, so I may not be in the company when work starts.

Lin Yuan replied: Okay, I understand. By the way, Xu Xiao, you try to arrange for our people to serve as referees in their competition area. You can recruit local Chinese people.

It is necessary to ensure that Overwatch’s overseas competition rights are in the hands of South Star, which is why South Star will help build overseas competition venues.

The carnival is almost done. Lin Ce, are you and your boss coming to Shanghai to participate in the carnival in the next few days?

I shouldn't be able to go. My boss and I are going to pick up relatives then. My house is very busy this year. All the eight aunts and seven aunts are here. Lin Yuan said helplessly.

Wealth has distant relatives. Fortunately, there are no weird relatives in Lao Lin's family. He loves wealth but does not dislike poverty. Therefore, for the relatives in the family, Lin Yuan tries to help as much as he can. In fact, in the final analysis , that is, looking for jobs for his children, and if he needs to find a job or something, with Lin Yuan's current connections, it is not difficult to go to Kainanxing to find a job for them.

But if they want to get into Nanxing, Lin Yuan still hopes that they have some skills. After all, Nanxing seems to be indifferent on the surface, but in fact, all the employees of Nanxing have special skills, and they are really bad at it in private.

If you come here as a service provider, your relatives will inevitably talk about it, but Nanxing is a game company, what can you do if you don't have the skills?

Lin Ce, I talked with you about the content of the temple last night. I thought a lot about it and basically understood what I should do. Zelda's demo will be released soon, but the integration with the PC version still needs some time. Time. Li Lin said.

Well, go ahead and do it boldly, even if it's different from my plan. Our game has never appeared in the current game market. No matter what we do, this game will be the best.

After chatting with this group of people all afternoon, it wasn't until Feng Shuyun and his mother returned home that Lin Yuan closed his notebook with unsatisfied thoughts.

Not to mention the feeling of leaving things to the people under you and giving guidance to the country, it's really refreshing.

How's it going? What did you buy?

Mutton, beef, and some braised vegetables. Feng Shuyun walked to the kitchen with a bag in each hand.

When she arrived in the kitchen, she took off her scarf and hat, and handed the things on hand to Lin Yuan who was following. Feng Shuyun also asked, Where are you? How is the company?

Everything is going on in an orderly manner, but Luoyang asked us if we would like to attend the Nanxing Carnival on the ninth day of the Lunar New Year.

Aren't we going to meet relatives in those days? And isn't Shu Shu coming back today? And I don't really want to go, so I ran there to attend and then came back again. It's been two days since the weather was so cold. Feng Shuyun sniffed after hearing this and said.

After going out, her nose was red from the cold, but she looked even cuter.

Xu Minqing originally wanted to strike up a conversation, but when he heard that his son and daughter-in-law were chatting about the company, he didn't ask any questions, but he listened curiously with his ears pricked up.

Then I won't go. I didn't want to go. Now the company doesn't need the two of us to come forward when the company holds activities. It's different from before.

Haha, the players may not want to see me, but they will definitely want to see you. Feng Shuyun said in a funny way, and then she said mischievously: How about you go to the Magic City to participate in the event alone? I'll wait for you to come back at home.

If I want to go, don't even think about running away. Lin Yuan glared at Feng Shuyun.

Walking out of the kitchen with Feng Shuyun's scarf and hat, Lin Yuan saw Xu Minqing suddenly turn his head, with an expression on his face that said he had done nothing just now.

Mom, where is my dad?

I'm chatting with Uncle Wang downstairs. I'll be up in a minute. Xu Minqing said.

But when Lin Chunzhi came back, it was already evening, and Xu Minqing would not come back later as he said.

But when Lin Chunzhi came back, there was a big girl with a big smile behind him.

Wearing a high ponytail, showing a smooth forehead, wearing a sports coat and carrying a small bag, Lin Chunzhi was pushing a suitcase in front of him.

Mom, sister-in-law, brother! I'm fat!

Lin Shushu came home full of energy and gave everyone a big hug.

The moment Xu Minqing was hugged by her daughter, she could hardly close her mouth. She felt that this new year was really great.

The son he hadn't seen for a long time came home with his daughter-in-law, and Lin Shushu, who was admitted to Shuimu, also came back to celebrate the New Year.

This is a rare day for all members of the Lao Lin family to be at home after many years.

In the evening, Xu Minqing washed a lot of vegetables, and the Lin family had another comfortable hot pot meal.

At around nine o'clock in the evening, there were activities held on New Year's Eve in Mengcheng, so at Xu Minqing's request, Lin Yuan took Feng Shuyun and Lin Shushu out.

Walking on the side of the road, Lin Yuan thought for a while and planned to take Feng Shuyun to the square. At this time, there should be many adults and children playing in the square.

When we arrived at the square, sure enough, even though it was New Year's Eve, there were a lot of people, including couples in pairs and families in groups. Lin Yuan, a young man with two beautiful girls, naturally attracted a lot of attention. .

Lin Yuan, Lin Yuan, I want to play with this. Feng Shuyun pointed at a child playing with a cannon and said loudly.

Shu Shu, buy it for your sister-in-law. Lin Yuan snapped his fingers.

Okay. Lin Shushu carried the small bag to a nearby store without saying a word.

Mengcheng is a fifth-tier small city, and the control over fireworks and firecrackers is not strict. Therefore, Lin Shushu came back with a bag from time to time.

Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun went up to take a look and saw that Lin Shushu bought throwing cannons, fairy sticks, spider cannons, and small fireworks one by one.

Finding an open space, the three of them started playing with fireworks.

It was Feng Shuyun and Lin Shushufang, with Lin Yuan watching from behind.

Lin Yuan felt something warm in his chest as he watched the two women, whose combined age was almost 50, laughing and playing with throwing cannons and fireworks.

Looking back on the past three years, it seems that he has never gone out to play much. He has always been playing games, publishing games, and making games.

In fact, you make enough money now, right?

The number in the account, given Lin Yuan's spending habits, would not be spent for hundreds of years. He does not play with luxury watches, does not drive luxury cars, and has no need for a place to live. When it comes to food, he used to be very casual and only wanted to spend money. Eat delicious food, but after living with Feng Shuyun, Lin Yuan basically cooked by himself.

I don’t say how good it tastes, but at least it must be healthy.

Because of this, it seems that there is nothing left to pursue?

No, I'm only in my twenties, why am I already thinking about retirement?

Lin Yuan raised his hand to touch himself, and then rubbed his cheek.

Retiring early is not advisable. At least at the moment, Nanxing has not officially surpassed the Pig and Goose Factory. My and Feng Shuyun's worth is high, but it is not too high. Compared with those truly rich people, they are still a little behind. Big cut.

So. Set a new goal for yourself?

Lin Yuan thought as he sat on the edge of the stage with his chin propped up.

In front of him were two women having a great time.

Lin Yuan also slowly set his goal. He was looking forward to the direction Nanxing would take next.

With three golds and four silvers, Nanxing will be recruiting like crazy in the talent market this year!

What, will Nanxing be listed in the future?


There's no need for that at all.

Nan Xing is a one-man company, and Feng Shuyun and Lin Yuan hold 100% of the shares. If there is no shortage of money, why should they decentralize power?

As far as IP is concerned, as long as Nanxing does not do anything illegal in the future, it will never be short of money. Nanxing does not need external financing help at all.

The IP value of Pokémon is enough for Nanxing to open dozens of branches to continue operating.

So listing on the stock market is not among Nanxing's goals at all.

Isn't it just like Feng Shuyun who made a fortune in silence?

Lin Yuan was thinking about what big moves Nanxing would make next year, and what the next game of Nanxing would be after the release of The Legend of Zelda.

As a result, a shaking fairy wand appeared in front of me.

It was Feng Shuyun. She bent down in front of Lin Yuan and shook a fairy wand.

What are you thinking about?

I'm thinking, next year I'm going to be all fired up. Lin Yuan took the fairy stick and said seriously.

Feng Shuyun: ???

What's going on that's so powerful?


Have you never done anything seriously until now?

Lin Yuan, is your grandma serious? ? !

Nan Xing would be like this if he didn't take it seriously. What would it be like if he took it seriously?

Feng Shuyun stood stupidly and thought.

Then, she was stunned when she felt something pecked the corner of her mouth.

Feng Shuyun wiped it, but Lin Yuan had already walked to Shu Shu's side and was playing with a mouse firework.

Feng Shuyun quickly ran up.

I’ll write about my daily life these two days, and then I’ll start playing The Legend of Zelda right away.

After some time, I will update it and speed up the progress. This book should not be too long.

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