Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 123: Official debut, then failed

Feng Shuyun felt satisfied after seeing Lin Yuan's Weibo and maliciously cute QAQ.

She smiled and liked Lin Yuan's Weibo and left a message below: Shock, players, I'm super strong!

This message was captured immediately.

【Pokeball! 】

【Master Ball! 】

[Hug the little mascot in the front row~ The CP I ate has come true! 】

[I have watched yjj’s live broadcast screen recording. Comments: It’s easy to use, easy to eat, and the ingredients are pure. My child has been hiding in the cupboard for a day. 】

[What kind of husband and wife team? 】

[I am a closed beta player, and the little mascot is really strong. He was one of the few top big players during the closed beta. 】

[Lin Ce is in the C position and is forced to play with her breasts! 】

Feng Shuyun liked a few satisfied posts, put down his phone and said:

Lin Yuan~ You go find Teacher Candy and Xu Xiao and tell them about joining the team. I'll contact Shu Shu.

When did you have such a good relationship with my sister?

Humph~ As a sister-in-law, why don't you give your sister something so that the relationship between you and her is not natural? Feng Shuyun said proudly.

Lin Yuan nodded.

But before he could go out, he saw Feng Shuyun and Lin Shushu chatting, and they were talking openly.

Shu Shu, have you seen my Weibo?

I looked at it, but sister-in-law, I, my friend in the game also wants to drag me into his team.

You're not allowed to go! You are definitely going to join my and your brother's team. We just need a powerful sniper. Your Lily is one of the few who are worthy. We will definitely not be able to do it without you. Lin Yuan looked at Feng Shuyun. His face turned red visibly. Well, he turned into a steam girl in a hurry.

This is reality. If it were to be in the second dimension, Feng Shuyun would probably become a Q-version image now, with his face becoming bulging, and white air puffing out from his head.

Shu Shu, Shu Shu!

Lin Yuan stopped hearing about Feng Shuyun's invitation to Lin Shushu. He also wanted to go find Teacher Candy and the others.

When Lin Yuan found Teacher Candy, she was voicing the new episode of Pokémon in White Object Sound. Well, the voice was recorded in advance, and then Fang Qingchan was responsible for the audio recording.

Since signing with Nanxing and becoming one of the few artists of Nanxing, Teacher Candy's career has been booming. Several of the characters she has played have become popular one after another, making her career a huge success.

In just over half a year, three years of hard work were completely wiped out!

However, it is not right to say this. Without five years of study and three years of work, Candy would not have such strong dubbing ability, so everything is destined!

Speaking of popular characters, of course we have to talk about the dubbing of the female V. The role of the female V directly caused Candy’s Weibo followers to increase by 300,000. You must know that these 300,000 are living people. Everyone, Weibo Can some of the entertainment stars on the Internet have a real following of 300,000?


Looking at millions, over ten million, the number of replies to a Weibo post is really not as good as that of Candy. Now that Candy posts a Weibo post, there will be hundreds of replies in half an hour, and thousands in two hours. This is really popular. A third-tier kid.

But, one of her voiceover teachers behind the scenes did it!

Coupled with Nanxing's relaxed working environment, Candy feels even more comfortable.

And this time, she played the role of dva in Overwatch.

Lin Yuan found her and asked her what she wanted, and she agreed without saying a word.

Then, Lin Yuan found Xu Xiao again.

Hearing that Xu Xiao was going to join Feng Shuyun's team, Luo Yuan's hand almost chewed to bits.

Envy. Jealousy!

But, he’s not good at it!

He is just a prime-level scumbag!

Since then, the five members of the Southern Star Boss Team have been officially established!

The next day————

Boss and Lin Ce are really going to participate in the Overwatch Cup?

Yeah, the news has spread among the people in the programming department next door. I heard from a buddy in the art department that Mr. Feng thought that Minister Li was too good, so he didn't plan to let Minister Li join. Minister Luoyang also failed to join. Now Mr. Feng is looking for the sixth director. There’s a team member here.”

Hey, do you think it's possible for us? We in Overwatch are also doing pretty well.

What rank do you think you are good at?

I am silver.


You Baiyin, you have the final say, you Baiyin, you are awesome.

In the entertainment space on the sixth floor of Nanxing, several young people sat around and talked about the gossip in the company with a smile.

Regarding the fact that the company's biggest boss, Feng Shuyun, is preparing to participate in the Overwatch Cup, the whole company is elated, and even the staff in the service department are full of curiosity.

The list of Mr. Feng's team members was also circulated within the company - Feng Shuyun, Lin Yuan, Xu Xiao, Teacher Candy, Lin Ce's sister, and a master he was looking for.

According to President Feng, she wants to lead the team into the top 64 in the country!

It's difficult. Speaking of which, Mr. Feng's team really has the potential to break into the top 64 in the country.

Because during the closed beta period, there were ranks in the game, and Mr. Feng and Lin Ce reached the diamond rank, and Teacher Candy was platinum, but in terms of strength, her Lucio was very strong, and those with diamonds Strength is just because sometimes you really look too much at your teammates to get points. After all, you can’t count on your teammates to kill people, right?

You want a gold medal for milk volume, a gold medal for milk output, and a gold medal for milk. So what are you DPS, tanks, and back-circling assassins for?

Don't be disgusting!

For this reason, Candy Teacher was only at the platinum level during the closed beta, but his real level was also a diamond. Xu Xiao’s 76 was at the platinum level, but he was considered powerful in the company. As for Lin Shushu.

Lin Ce's sister is a genius, and her IQ is definitely much better than ordinary people, so Lin Shushu's rank is Master.

During the closed beta period, even with the victory point bonus, one of the few master level players appeared.

Therefore, with a strong person like Lin Shushu leading the team, and even if the game is officially launched, the server opening time is not long enough. When the players take a month to get familiar with the game, they can only just catch up with the closed beta players. Just steps.

Another one is the environment during the closed beta. From then on, it was really a battle between masters and masters.

Mr. Feng’s team is really strong.

But in the afternoon, Minister Li came out of Mr. Feng's office and returned to his department happily.

Half an hour later, there was news in the company that Minister Li was looking for teammates. He also wanted to participate in the Overwatch Cup!

Are you kidding? Do you dislike me, Li Lincai?

This game was made by me, Li Lin!

It was Lin Ce's idea, but speaking of it, if Lin Ce was the biological father, he, Li Lin, would be the adoptive father! He built the game's mechanics and gameplay all by himself, and then, he was criticized for being a loser?

Oh, it doesn't exist!

Li Lin was not convinced, so he planned to form a team to snipe Feng Shuyun.

After all, the boss and Lin Ce are the superiors, and they stay in a small office every day. They don't know much about the company's situation. You must know that there are many big players in the company. As employees of Nanxing, they must have priority in internal testing when it comes to benefits, right? ?

So there are many Overwatch masters in Nanxing.

For this reason, Li Lin plans to invite those Southern Star employees who were good at overwatch during the closed beta to form the Southern Star Bald Team to snipe the Southern Star boss team!

Brother Li, I'm sorry, I promised Luoyang, go to his team.


Ten minutes before you came, Brother Luo called to invite me.

Li Lin: .


Why did that kid from Luoyang start?

At three o'clock in the afternoon, under the leadership of many ministers and executives of Nanxing, the company was in a bit of chaos.

Even the animation department came to join in the fun. After an employee under Fang Qingchan asked Fang Qingchan, he decisively formed a team to participate in the battle in the name of Nanxing Animation Department!

The Baiwuzhiyin department on the fourth floor has also grown from a dozen to thirty people. Mu Wan, the number one artist under Nanxing, who has almost all of Lin Yuan's songs sung for her, is now known as the singer of Nanxing. , Mu Wan, who is popular as a second-tier star, also joined the battle, and formed a Nanxing music department with the director of Baiwu Zhiyin, a Sakura girl, and three audio employees.

Nanshan Games on the fifth floor has also joined the Holy War. The Purcell and Moore Manor are running very well and are already one of the best in the circle of primary school students. Children actually prefer playing with the Purcell than Pokémon. Because they prefer the feeling of being online and being able to show off to others.

Because of this, Jiang Qi had very few things to do, so he also joined the war. Although he was just a silver man, he couldn't help but have an old man under him. Jiang Qi had an old friend under him who had made FPS games before. Not only has he participated in many FPS productions, he is also a master of FPS.

During Overwatch, Jiang Qi got a closed beta account, but he also reached the master level, and his score was no worse than Lin Shushu.

Later, Feng Shuyun and Lin Yuan also found out about this.

How about asking if any of our employees want to participate?

Lin Yuan couldn't laugh or cry when he learned the news.

As expected of a gaming company, everyone in the company wants to play games!

Platinum and diamonds are just here to join in the fun, no, why are silver and gold like you, Luoyang Li Lin, here to join in the fun? Is participation the main focus?

Even if there is a Diamond Master leading the team, but as we get to the later stages of the tournament, it becomes more and more important to see which team has fewer shortcomings. If the captain has silver, gold, etc., can he go far?

I'll send an email. Since everyone wants to play, let's play together and treat it as a team building. Feng Shuyun smiled and nodded.

Will it affect the quality of work?

It should be possible. Looking at it now, the total number of members of Nanxing Company is about 500, but more than ten teams have been formed to compete. Oh, one-fifth of the employees have come to compete!

And half of the members are senior executives of Nanxing

Backbone and core employees take the lead in fishing! ! !

Feng Shuyun's email was sent to all employees' computers. After getting the boss's consent, there was no backbone of ministers to lead the team, and interested employees spontaneously formed teams. As a result, at five o'clock in the afternoon, Nanxing formed six more teams. .

If the outside world knows.

Hey, I don’t know what outside players and colleagues will think.

The number of internal contestants has exceeded 100. What on earth does Nanxing want to do?

Are you really not afraid of outsiders saying that Nan Xing is a shady person?

But, this is Nanxing!

The next day, the Overwatch Cup is officially played. In the first round, players are selected from the game, teams are formed and divided into regions to compete. If you win, you will gain points, if you lose, you will lose points. This is the first round of screening.

More and more information about Nanxing's participation was leaked online. Later, netizens also learned that nearly twenty teams from Nanxing were participating.

【? ? ? 】

[What is Nanxing doing? Come to the Overwatch Cup for team building? 】

[Are you sure there is no shady story behind this? Originally, one team participating in the competition was influential enough, but now there are twenty teams. 】

[Nan Xing will definitely not do anything shady. 】

[Eight million is a lot, but I believe Nanxing will definitely not smash himself in the foot. 】

Regarding the internal competition of Nanxing, it will naturally cause some netizens to have bad conjectures, thinking that Nanxing will create shady stories from it. Even some players who like Nanxing very much are gradually being led by the trend, thinking that Nanxing may do this.

However, at 7 o'clock in the evening, the first round of competition started, and Nanxing lost seven teams.

In the second round, twelve Southern Star teams lost.

In the three rounds of competitive competition on the first night, only 4 teams from Nanxing won three times, and the rest of the teams either won or lost.

Overwatch players who played against Nan Xing also posted the games online.

The video with the Southern Star Boss Team received a very high click-through rate, but after watching the video, some of the voices that were still shouting about the shady story in the morning disappeared immediately.


too strong!

[No, who is this sniper? It's too strong, damn! He stunned me the first time! 】

[This Lily is so powerful. Apart from yjj, this Lily is the first passerby I have seen who can use a hook lock to take off and shoot a headshot at high altitude! 】

[Lin Ce’s Tracer is so powerful. Damn it, is Lin Ce really that good at gaming? 】

[To be honest, if Lin Ce was not good at games, how could he have made so many great games? 】

[Lin Ce’s Tracer is indeed very powerful. He controls the distance so much. When I look at his first-person perspective, he’s doing crazy headshots. It’s so cool. 】

[This DJ is so awesome. His first view never touched the wall, and he was sliding back and forth the whole time. 】

[Feng Shuyun is also very good at playing with a sledgehammer. I heard during the closed beta that she was very powerful with the sledgehammer, but I didn’t expect it to be so powerful. 】

[It would be great if my team had a main T like this.]

With the release of the video, the trend immediately changed again.

Because the Nanxing boss team is really fierce!

Especially Lily in their team, who is always on fire when she comes down. In the best shot, headshots are as easy as drinking water, and her sniping shots are fast and accurate!

Unlike some hanging lilies, the sniper is quick and fast, but how useful is the light speed? It's useless if you don't kill someone quickly!

And this is not only Lily, but McCree is also very fierce, shooting one head at a time, and his shooting skills are ridiculously accurate.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Nanxing posted on Weibo and announced all participating teams under its company.

This is what Feng Shuyun means. Of course she has noticed the recent trend on the Internet, so she has disclosed the company's participating teams for players to watch.

All the participating teams from Nanxing Company have the name of Nanxing in their team names, and have the logo certification of Nanxing Company, so they cannot be faked. This attitude immediately made many netizens feel ashamed for slandering Nanxing that morning.

And this list also revealed who Lily was in the boss team.

Southern Star boss team:

Feng Shuyun (main t)

Lin Yuan (free agent)

Jiang Yiyi/candy (main milk)

Lin Shushu (main sniper, main C)

Xu Xiao (Deputy C)

Ha Won (secondary milk)

【Lin Shushu? ah! The voice actor of Pokémon! 】

[Remember, this is Lin Ce’s sister! 】

[I have her photo! ! ! 】

[Brother-in-law, I love your sister! 】

【true and false? Shu Shu is my schoolmate. 】

[Are you the one in front of me who is also a top student in Mizuki? 】

The limelight was quickly taken away again.

Under Lin Yuan's Weibo, a group of people also came to call him brother-in-law.

On the first day of screening, Nanxing sent out twenty teams.

On the second day, three teams from South Star were eliminated.

On the third day, two more teams were eliminated.

On the fourth day, half of the Southern Star team was eliminated.

On the fifth day, the southern star collapsed, leaving only a few seeds.

Rest on the sixth day.

And in the second round

In Nanxing, only three teams were left.

Since then, no one will think that Nanxing will produce shady stories.

Because the remaining three teams are the Nanxing Boss Team, the White Material Sound Team, and the Nanshan Game Team.

The videos of the three teams were also watched by many netizens.

Yes. It’s so fierce!

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