Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 112 This game is so damn fun!

Nanxing Game Exhibition——

The three auxiliary venues have gradually been filled with people. More than ten thousand people came to the Nanxing Game Exhibition to check in, which has proved that the game exhibition held by Nanxing this time is extremely popular.

And at the same time, as Tianyou who has held many festival exhibitions to help, the internal security measures are also very good. You can see security guards everywhere. Regardless of whether he is a college student working part-time, at least he is wearing that Wearing clothes, a small helmet and holding a small steel fork, it is indeed very impactful.

In addition to the safety inspection when entering the venue, it can be said that Nanxing's game exhibition this time is extremely safe and the fire protection is also done very well.

In addition, there are open venues and various facilities, as well as small local game circles created. For example, Hall 5 has four large venues that can be provided for the audience to play.

Pokémon store, Nanshan game store, Stardew Valley town, and Nanxing animation peripheral products.

Hall 5 is almost all commercial and is a place for visitors to spend money, while Hall 6 has a large number of cosplayers, taking photos, and visitors who treat the game exhibition as a cartoon exhibition to come to cosplay.

Anyway, Zhuge Run is immersed in it. He is now in the No. 5 venue. After all, the trial time of the game starts at two o'clock in the afternoon, so Li Lin asked them to attend the exhibition and have a look around in advance. , to avoid not having the opportunity to visit the venue again after the game trial starts in the afternoon.

Live broadcast from two o'clock to five o'clock, three hours of trial time. After playing at that time, these trial players will stay, and then they will leave the venue one after another.

For this reason, Zhuge Jun now came to the Pokémon offline store in Nanxing. If you look at it from a high place, you will find that this place is similar to a cube. Wandering in such a business district, Zhuge Jun looked at Pokémon with ardent eyes. Dream peripheral products.

Some sell Pokémon cards, some sell Pokémon masks, and some sell Pokémon toys.

how much is this?

Zhuge Jun arrived at a store that sold food, selling Pokémon-shaped cookies and snacks. The name was Togepi Dessert Shop.

Zhuge Jun, who hadn't had breakfast, was really hungry now, so he stepped forward to ask.

15 yuan, two boxes. The person in charge of the store is a young man who looks only a little older than him. He is wearing work clothes with the Nanxing logo engraved on it.

Could it be.

An employee of Nanxing?

Zhuge Jun looked at each other curiously.

Two portions. After scanning the QR code to pay, Zhuge Rong got two boxes of snacks with eggshells printed on them. Zhuge Rong knew what they were. They were not broken eggs, but Togepi— - Revealing a pair of cute eyes, you look very cute.

As someone who can compete with Skin God on the cuteness list, Togepi is naturally liked by many girls. Naturally, many people have gathered around this store.

If it weren't for the fact that I came in through a special channel, I really wouldn't be able to queue up first.

Among the two boxes he got, one contained biscuits and the other contained sandwich pastries. The price was 15 yuan. In fact, Zhuge Jun thought it was a bit expensive.

He had lunch at school. A few dishes and a chicken drumstick were only 11 yuan, and two boxes of biscuits were 15 yuan. Of course they were expensive.

But when Zhuge Jun opened the pastry and took a bite, he immediately felt that it was not expensive.

The biscuits are very thick, about ten pieces in size. They are cookie-like biscuits, soft and delicious, with chocolate beans in them. The pastries are four pieces, very thick, about the size of a child's fist, soft and beautiful, with matcha and minced meat floss. , bean paste, strawberry four flavors.

Zhuge Jun ate a strawberry, and you could actually eat strawberries inside.

Large freeze-dried strawberries, although not fresh strawberries, are still sweet and sour!

Everyone, in a big city like Shanghai, it’s enough to buy four of these pastries for 15 yuan, right? After all, this is a big city where prices are skyrocketing. A bowl of beef noodles in a Lanzhou ramen shop costs 18 yuan!

Not to mention that this is still in a stadium. It’s not too much to say that this kind of venue comes with its own travel buffs, right?

Therefore, Zhuge Chun really felt very conscientious, and the price was great. He took the snacks and ate them while walking, and then came to the small town of Stardew Valley.

This is a larger venue than the one where Pokémon products are sold. It is built around a wall and has two-meter-high signs all around. It is covered with blue and green graffiti, and in the center of the venue. , is a house plate two meters wide and two and a half meters high, with the words Stardew Valley written on it, with a strong pixel graffiti style.

Zhuge Jun liked this style very much at first sight, and in front of the door was a person in charge sitting in the small hall.

You need to pay to enter Stardew Valley Town. A ticket costs 25 yuan, and then the person in charge will give you a card with eight grids on the card. In Stardew Valley Town, you can use the grids to exchange for food and Have fun in the venue facilities.

Zhuge Jun bought one and walked in.

As soon as he entered, Zhuge Jun started to scream.

It can be said that it is bigger inside. Two-fifths of the space in Hall 5 has been given to the small town of Stardew Valley. It really has the style of a small town, with artificial mountains and water, artificial trees and arranged trails. At this moment, this There were already hundreds of people inside, taking photos around the area or checking in in front of the store.

Zhuge Chun took his card and hurried to a store. He wanted to know whether the 25 yuan he spent was worth it.

Facing him was a balloon shop. When he saw Zhuge Jun, the staff wearing hats came up to him with a smile.

Want a shot? My friend.


One grid can be exchanged for ten bullets, and points can be obtained by breaking balloons. Points can be exchanged for prizes. Did you see that pony doll? That prize only requires 15 points.

Zhuge Chun looked over and saw a brown fluffy pony doll placed in the cabinet.

Isn't this my pearl in Stardew Valley?

That's right, Zhuge Jun named his horse Pearl in Stardew Valley.

Thinking of this, Zhuge Jun exchanged ten rounds of bullets and started to fight. After one round, he looked at the 4 balloons he had shot down and the 4 points he had gained, and fell into deep thought.

It doesn't seem too difficult?

There are eight grids, and one grid can be exchanged for ten rounds of bullets. So eight times is 80 opportunities. If you think about it, you can still get this pony, right?

If you buy this horse outside, it will cost tens of dollars no matter what. Even due to copyright reasons, it is possible to spend more than a hundred dollars, right?

But here, only 25 is needed?

What Zhuge Jun didn't know was that the face of the staff member on the side was a little green.

He is an employee of Tianyou, and now he is also half an employee of Nanxing.

As for this little game, he has tried it before. The gun is specially made. From a distance of three meters, it is considered a success if three out of ten bullets can hit it. Moreover, the balloon may not burst if it hits it, so This guy is very talented!

Is it luck or strength?

Doing business is not charity. If it weren't for Nanxing's boss Feng Shuyun's strong request not to allow small tricks, otherwise it wouldn't open, and if it did, don't be stingy. They would have thickened the balloon here.

After all, the prizes are not cheap!

As for the pony doll, after cooperating with Nanxing, the toy dealer obtained the copyright. The official selling price was 288 yuan in the name of Nanxing, but it cost 25 yuan and was taken away.

No, he doesn’t need to pay for it!

What is he worried about?

After that, Zhuge Chun did not exchange bullets, but used four points to exchange for a small price, which was a keychain doll with twin ponytails and a pixel-style keychain of the protagonist of Stardew Valley.

After Zhuge Jun left, the staff picked up the gun and fired twice.

The glue bullet hit the balloon, the bullet bounced away, but the balloon did not touch

Hey, am I just unlucky?

Awesome, awesome!

This is much better than the several comic conventions we have been to before! It's a pity that you didn't ask for leave, otherwise we would have fun together, I don't know how much fun it would be!

Zhuge Chun was walking in the town of Stardew Valley, videotaping with his roommates, taking pictures of the scenery in the town of Stardew Valley, while praising the organizer Nan Xing for being so conscientious.

And until Zhuge Jun arrived at the food block, he could smell the strong aroma of food when he entered here.

There was a seller selling molecular ice cream balls. Zhuge Jun walked up to him and saw a title written on the sign.

Two grids can be exchanged for three ice cream balls, with the flavor of your choice. Looking at the steaming ice cream balls, Zhuge Jun curiously exchanged them for three.

After eating it, he immediately covered his mouth, because when he opened his mouth, white mist would come out. What was funny was that when he closed his mouth, white mist would come out of his nose.

For a while, I couldn't stop it.

As for the taste, Zhuge Jun didn't taste anything, it was just ice cold, with a sweet taste?

This is just a novelty to eat.

And just when Zhuge Jun was in a hurry, he suddenly heard a familiar voice on the side.

Baby, there are not enough grids. You want to try everything? We have already spent three.

In front of Zhuge Run, a man said helplessly in front of a store.

Next to him, there was a woman holding his arm, wearing a yellow sweatshirt, long hair and a hat. If it's not enough, change it. I haven't tried this yet!

Hey, you drank some pumpkin and carrot juice earlier, but you spit it out and gave it all to me. Did you forget? The man was wearing a mask, but Zhuge Jun felt more and more familiar to him.

At this moment, the other party was walking towards them.

That one doesn't count. I thought it would at least taste sweet, but it's bitter. But this one will definitely be delicious! Look, it's smoking white!

Isn't molecular ice cream just liquid nitrogen ice cream? The man held his forehead. Although he was wearing a mask, his helplessness was clearly visible.

Zhuge Chun stood there and pondered for a moment. On the phone, his roommate couldn't help but ask him why he didn't move, but Zhuge Chun didn't pay attention, but frowned and thought.

It wasn't until the other person came in front of Zhuge Run and looked at the other person's brows that Zhuge Run recognized him.

Lin—— The word Lin almost came out of his mouth.

Shh! But the other party immediately put his fingers in front of the mask, then clasped his hands and made an apologetic gesture to Zhuge Jun. Looking at Zhuge Jun, he whispered again: Wait, you seem to be participating in the test. Are you a player? I remember you. Your name is very distinctive. Why is it called Zhuge? Forget it, Li Lin, did he forget to tell you? Don’t reveal my identity when you see me in the venue.

The girl on the side also looked over curiously, and Zhuge Chun looked at the other person's smooth black hair and a pair of bright, curious almond eyes, and immediately realized who this person was.

The one with these eyes is Nan Xing’s little mascot!

Boss Bao and I are visiting the exhibition. If you call out my name, I have to go back, so buddy, you know. Lin Yuan put his arms around Zhuge Ron and whispered.

Zhuge Jun nodded excitedly, I understand, I understand!

This is for you, a little gift for you.

Zhuge Run lowered his head and saw Lin Ce taking out a pass with his backhand, with four squares marked on it and four unmarked squares. Then, Lin Ce stuffed it into Zhuge Run's hand.

After doing this, Lin Ce and the little mascot went to the Molecular Ice Cream shop and started checking in.

Zhuge Chun froze on the spot, a little excited.

What did he find?


Baby? !

Baby? ! !

Damn it, Third Brother, have you met Lin Ce?

That was Lin Yuan just now?

Is the girl next to him Feng Shuyun? I like her so much!!! She is so cute!

Lin Yuan and Feng Shuyun are secretly visiting the exhibition. Are they dating?

On the mobile phone, the shouts of a group of animals in the dormitory came.

Zhuge Chun also reacted. He quickly raised his cell phone and said, Don't make a fuss, don't make a fuss. I'm sorting out my thoughts.

Oh, okay, I've finished sorting it out. Fourth brother, your goddess already has a master. Don't go crazy in the dormitory and shout that Feng Shuyun is your wife. Boss, the candies we ate are all real! Lin Ce and him You just called Feng Shuyun baby, I heard it!

After Zhuge Chun finished speaking, several hangers-on in the dormitory immediately laughed at the fourth child.

Then, what the fourth child said left everyone speechless.

What's the problem with this? Isn't this a matter of course? My mother and my father should be together! Lao Si said confidently.




You are cruel, Fourth Brother, you are really cruel. If you are cruel, you will even attack yourself!


At 1:30 in the afternoon, Weibo, Tieba and other places had already praised Nanxing Game Exhibition.

Even Xiaopozhan was attacked because of this. The reason is that Nanxing is holding a game exhibition this time. The ticket price is 68 yuan per ticket, which is not cheap. But the problem is that in the venue, as long as it is a store with the Nanxing logo, then You can boldly walk up and buy something.

Good quality and low price is what Nanxing is about!

Whether it's food, games, or peripherals, the prices are 30% cheaper than those at ordinary comic exhibitions. This alone is enough for netizens who went to the game exhibition to praise it.

Not to mention there are plenty of places to try out Southern Star’s games!

The first time Nanxing held a game exhibition, it was greatly praised by gamers and fans. You must know that many netizens took the train and came to Shanghai specifically to participate in the one-day game exhibition. Originally, they wanted to support Nanxing. By the way, I took a look at the offline trial of 2077, but who would have thought that the game exhibition itself would be so good?

And this also made a lot of netizens who were unable to attend the game show start to go crazy.

【Damn it! Why should it be held in Shanghai and not here? 】

[Reported, Nanxing, you are right about everything, it was me who was wrong! 】

[Really good players, I'm in the small town of Stardew Valley now, and I can make my money back just by eating snacks for 25 yuan! 】

【Nanxing really doesn’t cheat fans! But be careful not to go to a store without a logo. 】

[Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooootttattatts, can you guys stop talking? I'm already jealous. 】

[I fucking ate, ate, ate, ate, from Pokémon to Stardew Valley, and then from Stardew Valley to Edgewalker, I ate, ate, ate, all the way! 】

[What ogre is in front]

[I saw a lot of anchors, my family! 】

[I made it with 66, happy~]

As the South Star Exhibition was praised by more and more people, and each project was revealed one by one, everyone seemed to have gradually forgotten what the point of coming to the game show today was.

Until, near two o'clock, a bell rang in the four venues in the game exhibition.

Then there is the broadcast sound:

All trial players, please come to the backstage ten minutes early, the roll call has already started!

Notice again, all players who participate in the trial are requested to advance ten minutes in advance.

At two o'clock in the afternoon,

The last main venue is also the largest venue.

Thousands of people crowded into the same venue, and they were in the same area, making it extremely crowded. In the center of the venue, in the isolation area held up by warning banners, 400 high-end cameras had been placed. Computers, the distance between computers is not large, the seats are fixed seats similar to those of a bar, tied to the iron frame, but the height can be adjusted.

And at 2:05 minutes.

A group of players also arrived in the quarantine area, and Zhuge Run was also among the crowd. Outside the banner, there were thousands of spectators watching.

According to the rules Li Lin reminded him before, Zhuge Run found his computer.

Each player's seat is fixed and distributed according to numbers, but how the numbers were obtained, Mr. Li Lin did not say.

After finding his computer, Zhuge Jun turned his head and found that there were two anchors next to him!

The one on the left is 66, and the one on the right is Pineapple Saidong.

This shocked Zhuge Run, but thinking of the situation in the morning, Zhuge Run reacted instantly.

The number is the time to enter the market.

Zhuge Jun looked next to Pineapple Saidong, and sure enough, Princess Pig, who was dressed like a princess, also rolled up her sleeves and sat on the stool.


Taking a deep breath, under the sound of speakers, everyone at the scene turned on their computers.

Come on, come on, let's begin!

Damn it, can it be filmed? It seems like it can be filmed, right?

It can be filmed. Didn't you see that the security guards over there took out their mobile phones and started filming?

It's a bit far away. The pixels of my phone are not good enough. Damn, I can't see the picture on the screen.

Damn it! Why don't you let us in? It doesn't look good three meters away.

It's understandable. If thousands of people squeeze through, the scene will definitely be chaotic.

After putting on the headphones, the surrounding noisy sounds disappear.

Zhuge Jun turned on the computer monitor. After the monitor was turned on, the 2077 game appeared directly.

The cool and handsome scene made Zhuge Rong sink in immediately.

There is no difficulty selection, no game start, no plot prompts, and four hundred players all appear in the same place.

And when Zhuge Chun pressed the keyboard and controlled the character to move forward, and after walking out, Zhuge Chun was stunned.

What does this look like?

Looking back, you see a square full of shadows. Turning forward, you see the night city under the scorching sun. There is a feeling of sudden enlightenment. People walking on the road come and go. The street scenes are real, and the light and shadow are also particularly real. The sun shines in front of V from the buildings, causing V to raise his hand to block the sun.

From the first perspective, Zhuge Jun could see the printed pattern on the clothes on V's arm, and could also feel the clear changes in the sunlight.

This alone shocked Zhuge Run.

Is this a domestic game?

Too cool, right?

This technology!

And Zhuge Jun took two more steps forward. In his earphones, a buzzing sound suddenly came from behind. The next moment, above V's head, an armed aircraft flew over from a low altitude, accompanied by the sound of wind and the sounds of people around him. Whistling and chattering.

Where did the crime happen again? The Terrorist Mobile Team was dispatched again.

These dogs only serve the rich! Damn it!

Zhuge Chun saw the two people standing next to him in front of the shop swearing, and a woman among them spat on the ground with disdain.

Then, Zhuge Chun heard a beep sound.

V, what the hell are you doing? Why don't you act?

Zhuge Jun was stunned and didn't understand what was going on.

Then, the system gives a prompt.

Later, Zhuge Run understood that it was the middleman who was contacting him, so now he needed to complete the task?

Zhuge Jun immediately followed the mission instructions and opened the map. On the foggy map, only half of the area was bright, with numerous indicators on it.

Shops, mission objectives, and some things Zhuge Jun doesn't understand yet.

Following the prompts, Zhuge Jun first found his car, a retro old car, got in the car, Zhuge Jun started the engine, and the next moment, music came from the radio.

Then, a new prompt appeared, telling Zhuge Chun that he could cut songs or switch the driving perspective.

Zhuge Jun immediately started singing, and then he was shocked.

Damn it

There are so many songs on this radio station? !

And the Widow’s Ditty of Night City!

Do you still need to think about it?

Listening to the widow's ditty, Zhuge Jun drove to the mission location.

It was a bit difficult to control, but the first-person driving perspective made Zhuge Jun feel sour.

Real, too real!


Hey, where are Lin Ce and the boss? Aren't they here?

Xu Xiao and Luoyang entered the infield and found Li Lin. Seeing that Li Lin was alone, they asked curiously.

Li Lin rolled his eyes and said, Ask me? Where can I find someone for you?

You've been playing all morning and you haven't come back yet? Luoyang asked.

Go look among the crowd outside and see if there is a man or woman wearing a baseball cap and a mask. Li Lin said.

How is the situation now?

It's not bad. Players got started quickly. I took a walk around and several players have already begun to think about joining the genre.

Li Lin said.

He walked around briefly and found that after more than ten minutes of trial play, after passing the first mission and launching the combat style, several players were the fastest to get started.

Among the more than a dozen anchors who passed the task, there was a very powerful one named Zhuangzhuang. He had already decided to join the hacker genre, and among the 100 players selected by Tianyou lottery, a few also started to think about the hacker genre.

What surprised Li Lin was that there was a player named Zhuge Run who followed the time-stopping assassination style. This surprised Li Lin.

As the main person in charge of 2077, Li Lin is very aware of the several mainstream sects that can appear in this game.

Flesh, swords, hackers, firearms, and there are many small sects to choose from. The Stop Sword is definitely one of the mainstream, but the gameplay of Stop Assassination is a surprise.

Li Lin thought that this kind of offbeat gameplay would be developed after players explored it after the official version was released, but he didn't expect that there would be people playing it?

As for why you can follow the genre after coming up, it is naturally because of the trial version. Players must not be required to develop and upgrade. After all, 2077 is a big sandbox game, and it will take a lot of time to reach full level, so Li Lin came up here. It roughly provides players with the core gameplay of the game.

A large number of attribute points, weapons and prosthetics provided for free on the black market allow them to freely match genres and experience the game's combat mechanism.

Therefore, the scope of this trial of 2077 is very simple, which is to match the genre yourself, then fight four bosses, complete the tasks, and while appreciating the style of Night City, learn a little bit about the plot.

Xu Xiao nodded, and next to him, a player suddenly shouted loudly.

It feels so good! It feels so damn good!

Damn it, Si'an Westan is too powerful! The time-stop effect is really great!

Xu Xiao tilted his head and saw that the player's screen had entered the time pause that he and Luoyang were drawing together. In this mechanism, time-stop, which is called time-stop, is actually time-suspension, is the most suitable mechanism for the melee genre.

And this player is a throwing knife style player, that is, he throws small knives, and his progress is very fast.

Yes, after all, there is not much plot in the trial content. You just come up and receive the mission roughly, and then rush to the place to fight the boss.

Xu Xiao and Luoyang simply stood behind the player and watched him fight the boss with relish.

In the time-stop skill, he moved the mouse and enjoyed the exciting thrill of launching an attack during cardiac arrest. The attributes were increased. This player added the right thing. To stop flying the knife, you have to use reaction and technique.

Technology is a crucial attribute in the game 2077. Most genres require the use of technology. After all, it runs through the core mechanism of 2077. In the age of prosthetics, how can we do it without technology?

Ten minutes later, while constantly dodging and stopping, the player used an abstract fighting method to kill the boss, and then began to relax his body and relieve his tense nerves.

When he turned around, he saw Luoyang and Xu Xiao looking at him, which shocked him.

Luoyang and Xu Xiao hurriedly said: You go on and play with yourself, we just have a look.

Uh, uh-huh! The player nodded, and then started playing seriously again.

Xu Xiao and Luoyang, like Li Lin, began to walk around the field to watch the players immersed in the world they created up close.

In the venue, there are players who are playing the game seriously and making sounds from time to time.

Fuck, my attributes are wrong!!!

Let me see, your reaction is less, your reaction is higher.

This pistol is so powerful! It does so much damage!

Haha, I'm laughing so hard. There are so many Chinese quintessences. Can this really pass the review?

Boss, please teach me how to play this game.

Ahhh! I'm so angry. I'll go back and wash some and change my weapons!

Outside the venue, there were spectators who were looking forward to it, zooming in on their mobile phones, and then looking at the pictures on their computers with envy in their eyes.

Even though the picture is blurry and even reflective, they still look at it very seriously.

“Damn, he’s so handsome!!!”

Damn it, why didn't I get a spot?

I'm so angry. The more I watch, the angrier I get. He's such a loser! It would definitely not be like this for me!

Zhuangzhuang is so fierce, and the hacker flow is so handsome.

There are too many ways to play this game. It feels like an online game.

66 is so stupid! Still driving, still driving!

I feel like body flow can also be played, right?

In the crowd, a man and a woman wearing hats and masks were holding hands. Listening to the comments around them, the two looked at each other, and then narrowed their eyes at the same time.

It seems that the response is very good. There are more and more people. The woman said, shaking her shoulders.

Yes, it's now the number one hot search on Weibo, the man said.

Is it No. 1 in games or game shows?

Of course it's a game.

Dear players, this is the end of the trial. Dear players, this is the end of the trial!

At 4:55, Li Lin came forward and spoke loudly on the radio.

Hearing his voice, the players in the venue wailed at the same time.

Zhuge Jun was also wailing.

He was just about to fight the boss for the second time!

The last female boss is very oppressive, but it's actually not difficult to defeat. As long as you master the style, check the equipment conditions, and try a few times, you can pass the level. He was about to use a pistol to defeat it, but the result was... it's over!

Time, how come it passes so fast!

Three hours have passed?

There are five more minutes, give me another five minutes to play with!

No, just play for a while, just play for a while!

I'm so angry that I couldn't defeat the female boss in the end! There's too little time, and I haven't even understood the equipment yet!

Outside the venue, the audience also left one after another.

These thousands of game lovers really stood here for three hours, silently watching and paying attention.

Are your legs sore?


Are you physically tired?



But very excited!

The more they looked, the more they knew that the first 3A in China had really appeared!

It’s so damn fun to watch here from three meters away, and this is a trial version of the castrated version. The trial version is so fun, what about the official version?

They don't even dare to think about it!

This combat mechanism.

So awesome, Lin Ce is so awesome!

Finally, the lights were turned off and DBS South officially came to an end.

And as the audience all left the venue one by one,

Everyone’s voices turned into one sentence——

This game.

So damn fun!

A little late, but I wrote it anyway.

8000 words updated,

I watched today’s game

Alas, nothing to say.

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