Game Across the World

Vol 3 Chapter 619: Mason's request

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Invisibly, it was the first wave of popularity for the territory. Although everyone in the Hall of Fame smiled motherly as they watched the refugees gradually settled down, Shen Chen knew that just being satisfied with this was not enough.

The refugees have shelter from the wind and rain, but the food and daily necessities still rely on the accumulation of the Hall of Fame and the supply of the cooperative guild. With the support of Jialia and Jaina, they are enough.

However, the cycle of resources cannot be formed quickly, and the territory cannot be self-sufficient in a short period of time. This will not only become a burden on the Hall of Fame, but also reduce the confidence of allies in him.

The people regard food as their heaven, and it is the truth in every world!

In the past, Shen Chen was an adventurer. If he and his players wanted to collect enough food, they only needed to go out to fight monsters. But in the face of these refugees, only the meat dropped by the monsters was obviously not enough. !

"What can help the refugees quickly and get enough food for food?"

Shen Chen first thought of the druids, these children of nature who dance with nature all the year round and wander in the emerald dream, they can easily grow plants and make them more prosperous.

There is an elf mission in the wetland, and their blood potion comes from their help.

But Shen Chen also understood that they would not come to the territory to help, and even if a few elves were willing, it was far from enough to give birth to a land that could survive for tens of thousands of people.


From the corner of Shen Chen's eyes, he suddenly saw that several goblins who had arrived with the Hall of Fame and were inspecting replacement parts in the territory town, their technical enemy dwarf, had also arrived at the same time.

He seems to have a new idea!

Shen Chen, who has just merged wasteland engineering, is still a long way away from the real master craftsman, but he has a strange idea. He has the confidence to compete with the master craftsman!

The warfare engineering of the world of gods and demons, such as steam tanks, existed during the orc wars and is now considered more mature. However, production and civilian use are hindered by the development of magical knowledge and technology, coupled with the destruction of Morrorigan , Almost few people have mechanical knowledge, it seems particularly backward.

As a result, the technology tree of Azeroth has the Sky Mothership (Skyfire) in the later war, the machine Gundam (the vehicle of the goblin and the dwarf leader), the weapon workshop of the Blackstone Foundry, and the Ogg Mechanical automatic production line under Rema.

But it seems that the only life-type mechanical logging machine is still a machine that serves war; Blington, who can work, is still a gadget that only fights every day, making garbage and waste icons~~

Of course, there are druids in farming, shamans in weather, goblins in explosions, trolls in bloodlines, dwarves’ skillful hands and machines can’t make them. There is no magic skill that cannot be done...

Coupled with continuous war and countless invading foreign enemies!

Azeroth is of course not interested in the civilian aspects of machinery.

They also don’t have time to dig out the technology that can promote development; it’s impossible to use limited resources for support. They like to invent things like amplifiers, wormhole generators, and ground-synchronized world rotators. They have nothing to do with war. Help, but also the constant dwarf inventor of all kinds of errors.

Shen Chen was very interested, and compared with the alliance that didn't know the future of science and technology, he knew very well how to avoid the wrong path and pointed directly to the most valuable part of the machinery industry.

It just so happens that Minerva is also very interested in this, and is willing to provide some computing power to help Shen Chen design.

At the beginning, in the Western Wilderness, Shen Chen had preliminary contact with steam tanks, but he only had a general understanding. Without the detailed internal structure, he still couldn't build the corresponding equipment.

Regarding this question, Shen Chen immediately took the medal of the original stonemason covenant. After walking around the Nanhai Town engineering professional trainer and manufacturing shop, there was a human and a dwarf, two top craftsmen holding covenant medals. .

Faced with Shen Chen's request, because he saved the Brotherhood in the Western Wilderness, and got the affirmation of Master Jal in Stormwind City, these craftsmen have a good impression of Shen Chen.

They quickly agreed to Shen Chen, promising to hand over the drawings and manufacturing processes of steam tanks and even more powerful war machinery to Shen Chen, and at the same time, they were willing to help him design and manufacture these heavy equipment.

But they also have two requirements:

In the territory, I hope to have an engineering workshop and an engineering and forging shop belonging to stonemasons. These stonemasons use this method to lay their foundations in various countries and races.

Of course, this was also necessary for Shen Chen to produce machinery, so he easily agreed to their request.

But the other, it seems a little difficult, this is the beginning of a serial mission line.

[Mason reappears]:

First Ring: [Abandoned Person]

When the undead natural disasters swept through Lordaeron, the war craftsmen of the kingdom were attacked by the undead natural disasters. Because of the ability of the masons in the war, they also became the main target of Xiaoke. The entire Lordaeron masons ten survived. Different!

Now that New Lordaeron is established, the masons have a stable environment again. They hope to re-establish their own guild and try their best to protect their lives in the future tide.

But first, they must gather the masons who are still alive, and retrieve the drawings, knowledge and craftsmanship lost in the war!

Task branch:

Undercity is the former capital of Lordaeron. This area used to gather no less than human stonemasons from the Kingdom of Stormwind. Most of them died in the war, and even the corpses could not be reassembled, but there were a few who awakened their self-consciousness and became forgotten The master of war

The masons want you to contact them and persuade them to rejoin the masons covenant.

During the war, in addition to the masons who fled to the south, there were more obtained by the fanatical crusaders. They either joined them or were imprisoned. The Scarlet Priest was trying to "persuade" them.

Go to Scarlet Monastery, Hearthglen, and Tyr's Hand, find the masons, and bring them back!

The Barov family attaches great importance to the knowledge left by stonemasons, even if they become undead, they become an important member of natural disasters; their psychics and shadow mages collected a lot of war engineering technology and information during the battle of Lordaeron. Store them in the library of the psychic college.

If you are lucky enough to bring these materials from the ghost place of the psychic academy, the masons will teach you their core skills!

There are more mason secrets in Lordaeron and the Eastern Kingdoms. Whenever you can dig them out and bring the news back, the masons will express gratitude!

Note: The above quests are plot power quests. Each time you complete a part, you can get corresponding prestige, favor and reward points according to the difficulty and value of the task.

Reward points can be exchanged for rare props and drawings in the power of masons, and each time you increase your reputation and goodwill, you can win the corresponding stage task rewards!

Only the first task can see the huge task chain. The three branches of a task combine the three core areas of Lordaeron: Tirisfal Glades, Eastern Plague and Most areas and forces of the Western Plague are included, and it must be extremely difficult to penetrate these areas that are already copies!

But the rewards are also very generous. First of all, they come from the engineering knowledge of stonemasons. They are not dwarfs. Most of them invented different (xi) often (qi) used (gu) and used (guai), and they had to endure those in use. accident.

The profession of the Mason Covenant corresponds to the war mason, which itself serves the war machinery, such as steam tanks, dwarf muskets, helicopters, machine gundams...These are all directly or indirectly related to masons.

As the distance with the stonemason is getting closer, and with Vanessa’s relationship, it is easier for Shen Chen to obtain the effect of the stonemason. In the future, he wants to build a mechanical army or even Gundam Riding Face. Without the help of the stonemason, it’s not so. Easy to achieve!

With this goal, Shen Chen also had more motivation for the next Undercity and his party; leaving the engineering shop, Shen Chen did not immediately return to the territory or the guild residence, but found the noble again.

Edwellin's face was a little haggard recently. After that night, a Kul Tiras elite team stationed and entered the jasper mine originally controlled by the nobles.

Although the influence and control of the nobles are still there, everything in the Jasper Mine has been exposed to Jialia's eyes. Most nobles dare not act rashly for fear of being accused of cursing or painful church comrades.

In the past two days, Edwelling has been walking between the little nobles and the royal family, trying to regain some control and regain the support of these little nobles.

Judging from his eyes and state, Shen Chen knew that Edwelling had not made any progress.

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