Game Across the World

Vol 3 Chapter 414: Rite of flame

Half a month ago.

While the college entrance examination is going on.

Blackrock Mountain, Blackrock Abyss, beside the flame furnace outside the Molten Heart.

"Your Majesty, are you ready for this sacrifice for the master?" Ambassador Flelas asked.

The Great Thaurissan, the king of the Dark Iron dwarves, glanced at Flailas with a complicated expression, and said respectfully: "This tribute will definitely not disappoint the master!"

"I hope so." Flairas raised his flaming fury and thumped it on the iron chain next to the furnace. A spark flashed out. Seeing Souris shaking his eyelids, he lowered his head.

Flailas looked at the posture of the Dark Iron Dwarf King with satisfaction. As long as they were more scared, the master could return to the main plane faster!

He warned: "Remember the last time, you also kept saying that it will satisfy the master...This time, the master will not let the lives of 300 dwarf slaves come to offset it!"


Thaurissan was extremely angry, but the lives of him and his people were all in the hands of the Balrog. He didn't dare to resist, and he had already lost all his glory and power as a king.

After a while, Thaurissan said flatly: "Not this time. This is a treasure dropped from a rift in the world. A flame spar has a huge elemental power different from this world!"

As he said, Thaurissan took out the gift of sacrifice, a black, but orange-red light from time to time, shaking out a bright ember stone.

Carefully handed it with iron tongs, did not dare to touch it, and said: "Its power is very violent, please don't touch it directly..."

Flairas could feel the flame energy pulsing in the inconspicuous stones in front of him, and the activity of this element was not even weaker than the plane of fire element!

He can even see a door door through this stone. Behind the door door is a new, flame-filled world!

Flairas was very pleased that this stone and the power contained in it could allow the master to reach this world faster, but his face showed sternness, and he chuckled, "Just this thing?"

Flailas stretched out his hand and picked up the black stone frivolously.


Sparks were overflowing, and the moment the stone touched the palm of Flailas, it suddenly burst out with a strong flame, and even though Flailas had been a Balrog, he felt that the stone was hot! Even melting his fire elemental body!


The stone fell to the ground, but Flairas released his hand until it fell on the ground and touched the metal ground cast by black iron ingots, and then eased down, but the orange-red light in the stone was still like Heart beating.

"Boom, boom, boom" slight beating!

Flairas’ eyes sparkled. The master would like this violent elemental power. He didn’t even blame Thaurisson for making him ugly, but wondered, “Will the master give him new Power? Perhaps, I also have the opportunity to control a world of flames like the manager Exotus?"

"This time the master will be satisfied. He will give you endless flames and open the forge!" Flailas said loudly.

"Yes, ambassador!" Thaurissan whispered, thinking in his heart: "As long as it is not my people who die, what kind of disasters will the outside world suffer, and what is the problem?"

He left the forge, and at the same time his opponent ordered: "Open the gate of Blackstone Mountain to the north and close the passage to the south. I want the Bronzebeard tribe to tremble under the magma!"

"Yes, my king, your will will be fulfilled, and those bronze beards will all die under the power of the Balrog King!" After hearing this, the minister was even more excited. Their dark iron dwarves finally have the opportunity to repay their original hatred. Yet?


One day later, the upper level of the Blackrock Tower.

"Your Majesty, the Blackstone clan has summoned that thing through sacrifice and handed it over to the Black Iron Dwarves. Your plan has been successful!"

"No, this is just the beginning. I will tell my father this news and let his subordinates cooperate with our next actions." Nefarian stood on the high platform at the summit of Blackrock Mountain, waiting for the good show to take place.

"Haha...presumably dwarves, orcs and even humans will have no time to take care of them because of the disasters that follow, so that we have more time to complete this great experiment!"

The black dragon turned around. Behind him, dozens of dragon corpses were hanging on the experimental platform. Not only that, there were also several "stones" of different colors placed aside.

It can be seen that the Black Dragon Legion has gained more power from another world through sacrifice!

At this time, the earth trembled suddenly.

I can vaguely hear the sound coming from under the Black Rock Mountain: "You are doing well, and I will give you a new flame. Now, let the world tremble under the power of lava!"


Nefarian whispered: "It's started, father! Can you see it, I made a good start for your plan!"

Then, a hot stream of lava gushed out from under the forge, and quickly filled the entire belly of Blackstone Mountain. This hot stream even caused heavy losses to the well-prepared Blackstone clan!

The Dark Iron Dwarf opened the gate of Heishi Mountain to the north. This turbulent magma immediately had a breakthrough, sprayed out from the crater of Heishi Mountain to the north!


The huge elemental pressure that had originally accumulated violently burst open, and the magma was sprayed out like a water gun, spraying hundreds of meters away, and spilled on the scorching canyon valley to the north.

The dark iron dwarves have already evacuated here, and the lava continues to erupt, and with a strong, rising, rioting flame element, along the scorching canyon, it becomes a flame transport and swept northward!

"what is that?"

The snow-covered Dun Morogh mountain outpost, the mountain patrolman of the Bronzebeard tribe, wrapped in a thick leather shawl, with his baby grizzly, patrolling the foothills.

The sky was not bright yet, in the endless darkness, he saw a touch of redness in the south, and the mountain patrol was running. He rushed to the watchtower on the top of the outpost. As the glare from the east fell, he clearly saw that the south was rolling up. The black smoke screen, and the red orange-black clouds spreading thousands of miles.

"Woo-!" The horn sounded anxiously.

The mountain patrol at the outpost lit a bonfire, a red emergency arrow flew into the sky, and a griffon flew towards Ironforge.

The dwarves slept on both sides of the large forge, drinking and drooling all over the floor. Many dwarves have not awakened from the drunkenness, and the bad news has fallen from the sky!

The ashes with residual temperature are scattered from the sky, dyeing the white snowy mountain slopes into gray and black. After the residual temperature hits, this permafrost glacier also melts day by day with the high temperature of the flame element.

"Abandon all the strongholds outside, retreat, retreat to Ironforge!" Magni Bronzebeard ordered.

"Go to Ironforge to take refuge, as for Gnomeregan... I can only give up her temporarily!" Great craftsman Gelbin Mekkatork glanced reluctantly at dwarf The greatest achievement ever.

They used to be able to withstand the invasion of flame elements, but now, the dwarf who has no home can only choose to take refuge with their allies!

Seeing that the dwarves and gnomes are not doing well, they hid in the fortress and fortified city they had dug in the middle of the mountain—Ironforge, and sealed the inside and outside with the thick thorium ingot gate, and the engineering and enchanting institutions!

The temperature in Dun Morogh is increasing day after day, and the snow and ice mountains in spring are not visible. At a speed visible to the naked eye, it crosses spring and goes straight to summer!

Countless old snow accumulated in the evaporation of the fire element, melted into a stream or a large swath of thick smoke going northward, approaching the bay.

The dwarves hide in the ground, just like the orcs invaded. It was humans who were hit by the disaster, but this time...

Passing through the mountains in the north of Dun Morogh, the elemental power is gradually exhausted. With the melting snow and accumulated water vapor, it turns into continuous rain and turbulent water, from the southern mountains and the western sea, rushing to the former rice Nayhir Port.

Since the orcs were placed in the wetland, here in the bay, the climate is humid and the rain is plentiful. Even if they are not human farmers who are good at planting, they can guarantee the harvest and sufficient food supply.

They guard the Saldor Bridge further north to guard against thieves and humans in the north; and guard the entrance to the Twilight Highlands to prevent the erosion of the Twilight Hammer.

As for the dwarves in the south, they have not shown aggressiveness in the previous orc wars. The orcs never worry, danger will come from the south!

The orcs never thought that the power of the fire element would stretch for thousands of miles, and an elemental natural disaster was sweeping in from their defenseless area!

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