Game Across the World

Vol 3 Chapter 404: Sewage element

The sewer of Stormwind was probably built by the former king, and it was built in the days of Lion. A few concrete and huge orc bones can be seen in the dark and dirty masonry corridor.


   Shen Chen distinguished a lower position, and walked toward the wizard area in the southwest. Visible to the naked eye, the sewage here showed a mixture of purple and dark green colors, and had a pungent and dizzy smell.


   "It should be mentioned to King Wrynn that it is strictly forbidden to pour alchemy waste into the sewer system!" Shen Chen complained with a set of tricks to take away the contaminated ooze monster.


   "I remember, didn't your wastewater also be piped directly from the Jason camp and sent to the sea?" Liu Wei pulled another one, and then joked.


Shen Chen did not touch the corpse of the slime monster, and explained: "This is different. The area we discharge is an endless sea. With its size, we don't care about this waste water! But Stormwind City is different. The coastline is far away, drained into the sewers, and one day it will create a sticky pollution dust (from sticky radioactive dust, Mo Ruo Ruigen)-like monster!"


   "Then we were taken away by the two Frostbolts by our wizards?" I was dumb, and when I was speaking, I could not help interrupting the casting of the spell, and simply stopped, "Stormwind City is not afraid of these threats, and the wizards live in the sky!"


   "How do you say?" the wise mage asked curiously.


I first glanced at Shen Chen dazedly, and saw that he was also very interested, and didn't care about his strokes, and then interrupted Frostbolt again, "I went to study the inscriptions before, and I found these old master chicken thieves. It is said that They are learning Dalaran’s techniques. Although the city is not floating in the air, the second floor of their house is not touching the ground! If there is any danger, they can fly away with the magic shield at any time~~!"


   "It turns out that the mage still has these benefits. In the future, when we build a house, we don't need to buy land!" Wise Mage exclaimed.


Sister Luoluo brushed a shield for Liu Wei behind her, and suddenly said: "It turns out that the murloc mutations on the beach are all you do! You know, the mutant elites brushed over there have killed several regiments. I haven't dropped the equipment yet, and there are still people offering a reward for the truth of the incident!


   "It's not just us, most of the players and professional NPCs in the camp are responsible. We just charged a pipeline construction fee!" Wei Shimir smiled slightly aggrieved.


"No! Your output is stopped and Old Shen is there, so why are you talking about the treatment!" Liu Wei was entangled by the ooze monster. Due to the decrease in output and healing, he was instantly infected with six or seven strange things. Strange De (buff).


"Okay, everyone, get serious. There is a waste water tank in front of me. I have a bad feeling!" Shen Chen interrupted everyone's topic, and a wave broke out. He chopped off the ooze monster wrapped around Liu Wei. Half way down.


   But when everyone heard Shen Chen’s words, they felt bad and said: "Crow's mouth, please take advantage of the magical powers of the old man!"


   Shen Chen knows the world very well, so most of his guesses will come true in the end, and this is no exception. In the pool, a huge water element is staring at these intruding humans.


Nerez is a contaminated water element, of course it is not born like this; when the orcs attacked Stormwind, the soldiers who stood by and stopped the orc army, stayed behind in Stormwind and did not retreat, finally opened the sluice and stored it in the storm. The water from the highlands southwest of the city poured back into the city.


   completely separates the city from the pier, and while helping refugees board the ship, it also turns the entire main city of Stormwind into an ocean, preventing the orcs from completely occupying this great city!


Of course, the consequences were also disastrous. A city with a long history was completely destroyed in the flames of war. Later, the orcs marched north, and they abandoned the chicken ribs of Stormwind. Soon some creatures, including elemental creatures, came to this new born. Homeland", including Nerez!


   The water source here is pure and full of magic, which is exactly the type it likes, and it is a good place to avoid other water elements.


   But the good times did not last long. The orcs were defeated one after another in the north, and the invasion of corrupting forces caused the humans in the Kingdom of Stormwind to quickly return to Stormwind, and the reconstruction work began in full swing.


   Nerez couldn't bear to give up here. Through its control over the water, it discovered the old Stormwind City sewer pipeline and hid here, continuing to enjoy the city's magical water source.


   This is how the tragedy happened. The old sewer line was submerged by water and was now hidden under the silt and foundation. So the masons re-drew the canal and built a new pipeline.


Most of the sewage discharged by the wizards can be smoothly discharged into the endless sea through the new pipeline, but there is still a large amount of waste water flowing from the new pipeline into the old pipeline with a lower terrain, and the blockage of some areas also causes this. Sewage settles and accumulates.


   When Nerez woke up, it found that its pure body had been completely polluted, and it had become a polluted water element!


   At this time, Nerez can no longer return to the sea, and its people no longer accept its existence!


Neriz looked at Shen Chen and his group. It was full of hatred for the humans who caused it to fall here, and at the same time a stronger grief burst out from the bottom of his heart, "I'm hiding here, don't you let me go? "


   Shen Chen didn't know, there was a pair of red eyes under the water, looking at them, but the closer he got to the pool, he became cautious.


   He keenly felt the danger, the surface of the water made his skin covered with holy light tremble strongly, apart from anything else, he threw a hammer containing strong holy light!


"It's you humans who polluted me like this, okay, it turned out to be to purify me!" If the water element has teeth, I'm afraid I can hear the creaking sound of friction. Neritz misunderstood that Shen Chen and his party were rushing. He came and immediately fought back!


   "Fuck, there really is a BOSS!" Liu Wei may be related to a hateful face. He was splashed with a mass of sewage on the face. This wave of water mixed with colors and odors beat him into a soup chicken.


   Shen Chen glanced at the debuff on Liu Wei's body and immediately reminded, "Be careful, this magic-polluted buff on your body has increased the elemental damage you receive by 50%, and you have no magical damage reduction. Be careful!"


   On the other hand, Shen Chen also noticed the sewage lord Nerez, who collapsed like mud in the sewage pond, carrying the sewage pond buff:


   When Nerez is in the water, it gains 50% physical resistance, and its magical damage is increased by 50%; at the same time, the damage it causes will also be increased by the same amount.


   Shen Chen immediately commanded: "Attention, everyone, Neriz is in the pool, try to attack with spells, don't eat skills, it will hurt...!"


   Before the words fell, a whirlpool formed in the pool, and then the water lased, and Neriz turned into a wave and hit Liu Wei!


   "Don't resist, run away!" Shen Chen shouted subconsciously.


Liu Wei was not aware of the Defending with a shield according to the standard posture for dealing with the enemy; the fully elemental Nerez, gliding over the shield like a stream of water, washed away with dirty water The armor on Liu Wei scorched and corroded.




   Two huge numbers, one red and one green, rose above Liu Wei's head, directly knocking out two-thirds of his health, and even scaring half of his life.


   "This outbreak is too high! Old Shen come here to help!" Liu Wei naturally did not dare to bear the next round of attacks from Nerez, but Shen Chen knew that Nerez's opening three tricks had ended.


  At this time, Neriz changed his appearance, and a prototype appeared behind Liu Wei, becoming a colorful water element, quite abstract art style~~


   "Wow! I can recruit a water element like this, the thief pulls the wind!" DaDa compared the short, monotonous, and dumb water element around him, then looked at Nerez and said with envy.


   Shen Chen hurriedly rushed to Neriz, the knight was not good at this point, he broke his leg, and he had to run by himself for whatever he was doing! Then he commented: "There is such a baby in water, it won't poison you!"


"You can't hold back milk!" Sister Luoluo and Xiaomaiao still tried their best to brush Liu Wei's life. He was contaminated and continued to lose blood and hurt Liu Wei's red blood line. Especially dangerous.


   Fortunately, Neriz was attracted by Shen Chen, which allowed Liu Wei to escape for a while. On the exposed skin, there were still bean-sized pustules that had exploded, making them very sick.

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