Help? don’t want to help

After seeing Qin Keqing’s elegant demeanor, everyone seemed to lose their composure, and returned to his courtyard under the leadership of Jia Baoyu.

After resting for a while, they greeted everyone to have dinner, but Yang Guang was called away by Jia Zheng during the period.

In Jia Zheng’s Rongxi Hall, Jia Lian and Jia Rong are both there, and there is also Jia Amnesty, who seems to be waiting for him specially.

Seeing their battle, Yang Guang thought that he must have something to ask himself, otherwise it wouldn’t be so formal.

“Yao Ting is here, come sit down and have a meal. I have something to talk to you about later.”

Jia Zheng warmly invited and said that Yang Guang knew it would happen, but he wasn’t bothered.

Listen to it. After listening, it depends on whether you want to help. If you really don’t want to, who can force yourself to fail?

Facing a group of old men, eating a meal is quite tasteless, but beauties are better-looking. Yang Guang vowed that he would never eat such a meal in the future.

“The meal is over, so let’s talk about Uncle Shi if you have anything to say.” Seeing that everyone was always talking about him, Yang Guang said straight to the point.

“Well, since you Yaoting have said that, I won’t beat around the bush.”

“The Ningguo Mansion belongs to my elder brother Jia Jing. Now he has gone up to the mountains to practice Taoism. His family is in financial difficulties. He wants to ask me for a business.”

“I don’t know these things either. It just so happens that you are the head of affairs in Shenjing City. Now, which one of the skewer stalls and supermarkets is not your work.”

“So I just wanted to see if I could ask you for help, and see if I could find a business.”

“The other thing is my elder brother. I heard that you bought shares in Baoyu and Huan’er, but now you are clamoring to buy shares in Lian’er.”

“I’m also embarrassed to tell you, but don’t worry, it doesn’t matter if you can or not.”

“Anyway, as long as I mentioned it, it’s up to you to make it happen.”

Jia Zheng was a little embarrassed. In fact, he didn’t want to get involved in these matters.

However, Jia Rong begged and came to the door with a letter from his grandfather. Jia Lian was also in the same situation.

Previously, Jia Zheng’s elder brother, Jia She, approached Jia Zheng and hoped that he would make peace with him. Apparently, Jia She’s one thousand taels didn’t cost much.

Now that I have no money, I just want to let my son have a steady stream of money like Jia Baoyu and the others.

In Jia Amnesty’s view, since Jia Zheng was able to give Yang Guang the words, the relationship must be unusual.

If you are not willing to help with this little help, then Jia Amnesty will make a fuss.

When Jia Zheng opened his mouth, it was also based on the idea that he could do the best, and if he couldn’t, he would not force Yang Guang.

For the sake of the other two, ruining the relationship he had finally established with Yang Guang was not what he wanted.

Yang Guang wiped his hands, and he knew something was wrong, but it’s okay to ask him to help Jia Lian.

After all, Jia Lian actually has some abilities.

Except for being too lecherous and not picky, which is worthy of criticism, everything else is okay.

To help Jia Jing’s family’s Ningguo Mansion? Yang Guang didn’t like that family, it would be better if they were dead.

Think about the Qin Keqing I saw today, what a flamboyant woman, she was ruined by Jia Zhenjia Rong and his son.”It stands to reason that Uncle Shi’s request is quite simple, and it’s a trivial matter to me, but there are some circumstances that make me reluctant to help.”

“It’s not for Uncle Chao Shi’s face, but I have helped every ordinary person, but these two, it’s hard to say.”

Yang Guang’s words were regarded as a refusal to help, but whether it was Jia Lian or Jia Rong, their anger soared.

The meaning behind the words clearly means that the two of them are not even as good as ordinary people, so they are not worth helping?

Jia Lian said angrily: “Yang Guang, I respect you three points, but it’s because of my second uncle’s face.”

“You are nothing more than a small office manager. To put it bluntly, you are just a merchant.”

“I am the grandson of the head of the Rongguo Mansion, why do you look down on me?”

“It’s hard to say, but tell me. If you can’t say anything today, I think you have to lie down and leave the Jia Mansion!”

Jia Rong also pointed at Yang Guang and said proudly: “That’s right, I’m the majestic Ningguo Mansion, and my ancestors are also the country’s heroes.”

“How dare you despise me so much. If you can’t tell me, you will file a lawsuit tomorrow.”

Jia Lian and Jia Rong were so furious that they basically lost all politeness in their words.

Jia Zheng on the side also looked unhappy at this time, and he didn’t think there was anything wrong with what the two nephews said.

He felt that Yang Guang’s words were indeed a little too much. If you said that you would not help if you didn’t help, it would be over if everyone talked about it. Why did you say that?

Yang Guang looked at a few people, and said relaxedly: “You really want me to tell you? The matter of your Ningguo Mansion is really impressive, are you sure?”

“And you, I won’t say what scandalous things you have done yourself, but if you just talk about what your wife did, it would be a first-class crime if you tell it. Do you really want me to say it?”

Although there was no real content, they couldn’t help but they had ghosts in their hearts, so they kept silent.

In this situation, Jia Zheng didn’t know that there might be some nasty things going on between these two families.

But wouldn’t it be more dangerous not to know? If this matter is found out by hostile people, wouldn’t it be a disaster for the Jia family?

“Yao Ting, tell me everything you know, I want to know too.”

Jia Zheng spoke at this time, and both Jia Lian and Jia Rong looked at Yang Guang worriedly.

I hope he is talking casually, but he doesn’t know anything, and I’m afraid that he will say what he really knows.

“Okay, then I’ll talk about it, so as not to say that I’m not a man of the world at all.”

“As far as the matter of Ningguo Mansion is concerned, if you inquire about it casually, you will know that there are all kinds of dirty and smelly things inside, and the stone lion at the door is clean.”

“Ask your old man, when will he attack your wife? Let’s talk about yourself, are you still having fun with your father and those two aunts?”

“These are just private matters. Although it will hurt your reputation, as long as no one is killed, there will be no accidents.”

“But your family corrupted the law, intervened in lawsuits, took money to cover up criminals, etc. What do you think will happen after these evil deeds are exposed?”

Jia Rong, who was pointed at by Yang Guang and said one by one, was so frightened that he collapsed to the ground at this moment.

These things really happened in his family, but why did Yang Guang, an outsider, know so clearly?

Could it be said that his identity as the chief secretary means that he is doing business on the surface, but secretly he is doing the work of embroidery and guarding?

If this is the case, then there is no future for him in the Ningguo Mansion, and they will be executed at any time!

Looking at Jia Rong’s ugliness, Jia Zheng understood that there was indeed something wrong, and sighed in his heart, he really wanted to throw his hands away, but he couldn’t shake it cleanly.

“As for you, Jia Lian, you are not a good person. Tell me, as long as you can get your hands on a woman in the mansion, which one do you want?”

“Actually, it’s nothing, but your wife Wang Xifeng is extraordinary.”

“Not to mention being involved in lawsuits, but also loan sharks. The most important thing is that several families were forced to ruin their families.”

“Although they are all suppressed by your family’s power relations, what happens is what happens. You don’t think these things are left alone, do you?”

“Now I’m watching the Jia family cooking oil, but do you know how many eyes are staring at the Jia family?”

“How many people wait for the Jia family to fall. Then tear a piece of meat from the Jia family to fill their stomachs.”

“In the future, these things will become sharp swords that kill the Jia family, and you and your wife are the culprits!”

Jia Lian’s brain roared continuously, and he collapsed to the ground just like Jia Rong.

Jia Zheng also felt as if he had been struck by lightning. What he heard just now, the loan sharks cost lives. Is this going to destroy Jia’s family and Rongguo Mansion?

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