Let me show you something nice, but you have to fix the house

Hearing this, Luo Heihu was surprised and said, “Why do you think it’s me deliberately showing my good side?”

“Also, what do you rely on to make you think you can destroy my Black Tiger Gang? You must know that you are now on my territory.”

The corners of Yang Guang’s mouth curled up, and a contemptuous smile appeared on his face.

“You can try it, won’t everything become clear?”

Even Luo Heihu’s temperament has been sharpened in the past ten years of career.

But being looked down upon like this, and it was still at his helm, still made him feel humiliated, and then the cup in his hand was thrown to the ground.


After a sound, the broken porcelain fellIn an instant, a group of swordsmen sprang out from the surroundings.

Throwing a cup as a sign, although a bit old, does work.

Luo Heihu was confident that even if the Heavenly King Laozi came here, he would have to be chopped into meat paste by his subordinates.

Of course, his original intention was to frighten Yang Guang.

Although he received the order from the Xiuguo family, the order was not to kill Yang Guang, but to find out the bottom line. It would be best to get all the profitable business.

He was waiting, waiting for the moment when Yang Guang knelt down and begged for mercy. It didn’t make any difference whether he begged for mercy himself or was forced to beg for mercy after being beaten.

As long as he can get what he wants.

In fact, this plan is intended to be completed later, for example, after gradually eating away at the other party’s channels.

See if there is anyone who can give him a head start. If so, then look at the background of the other party.

If you can’t afford it, let it go, if you’re not afraid, then keep going.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that the other party was also a reckless person, and directly rushed into his main helm.

If God refuses to accept the blame instead, then he can only laugh…

Luo Heihu was about to smile to see Yang Guang’s reaction, but realized something was wrong. Why was it his men who fell down?

What just happened? Shouldn’t it be his subordinates who beat Yang Guang down?

Only Yang Guang who was still standing was standing unsteadily and said: “Fighting is a movement aimed at making the enemy lose the ability to fight and resist at the fastest speed and at the lowest cost.”

Well, he just wanted to pretend to be a P. The strengthening of his body allowed him to have speed and strength beyond the limit of ordinary people. Seventy-two punches per second, what a trifle.

Knocking down all the enemies to the ground in an instant, this scene frightened Luo Heihu.

Now he finally knows why the other party dared to come to his territory alone, because he has absolute certainty.

If he has this skill, he must be a master of arts and courageous.

“Give me a chance?” Luo Heihu looked at his subordinates on the ground and said with a helpless smile on his face.

Yang Guang said coldly: “How can I give you a chance?”

Luo Heihu said: “I also know that if you kill all the members of the Black Tiger Gang, you will be wronged, and if you kill every other one, you will definitely slip through the net, but can you not set fire when you go out, the people around here are all poor people ,Innocent.”

Yang Guang raised his eyebrows: “I have to say, the layout of the door is still very effective. You should know that I only came here for one purpose, to tell me who ordered it.”

The implication is naturally to tell him who ordered it, and he will not kill the Black Tiger Gang.

Luo Heihu smiled wryly and said, “If I don’t tell you, I can still die happily. If I tell you, I think it’s hard to die.”

“Oh, why bother, Xiaohu’s child is quite cute, and I actually quite like children.” Yang Guang said with a sigh.

Luo Heihu’s expression changed instantly. The expression of begging for mercy with a wry smile before was gone, replaced by a look of killing intent.

Luo Heihu looked at Yang Guang, and slowly said with a soft expression, “How did you find out?”

Yang Guang: “Which poor family’s children grow up to be as white and fat as a radish?”

“Besides, children from ordinary families don’t have such a generous temperament. Children are well-bred, but I don’t like using children as eyeliner.”

“Xiaohu, Xiaohu, your name is Luo Heihu. I think that the word tiger will be taboo on the streets where you exist.”

“Except for yourself, who is so courageous enough to name his son Xiaohu, so he won’t be afraid of being misunderstood and taking advantage of it and killing his whole family?”

Luo Heihu didn’t expect that it was because Xiaohu’s name and appearance were exposed. This person’s thoughts are quite meticulous.

“Since I dare to burn Zhuangzi, I also dare to burn your home. I just want to know who is behind the scenes, and don’t force me to blackmail you with my children.”

Yang Guang wasn’t joking. If Luo Heihu insisted on not saying anything, he would really threaten Luo Xiaohu’s life.

Luo Heihu also knew that he had no choice. After a moment of silence, he said, “If I were you, I would choose to give up and take out the vegetables or simply disclose them all.”

“The other party not only has the family background of the Duke, but also a first-class viscount himself, and even the first-class guard in the palace. Even if you know who he is, you can’t do anything to him.”

Luo Heihu admitted that Yang Guang’s martial arts were very powerful. A dozen or so double-flowered red sticks lost their combat effectiveness in just one face-to-face effort.

But the opponent he has to face is not a thug composed of gangsters.

What is his status? He is a first-class viscount, and he is also a first-class guard in the palace. He is a person close to the emperor.

Killing an official is tantamount to rebellion, not to mention that Xungui is someone close to the emperor.

Once the incident happened and he really wanted to fight against the army, no matter how powerful he was ten times, he would still be a mortal body, and he would be exhausted to death even if he was tired.

At least relying on skill alone, Luo Heihu didn’t intend to tell Yang Guang the truth.

That’s not my family. I’m afraid that the whole Black Tiger Gang and even the relatives above will be implicated.

Rebellion is a serious crime to punish the nine clans, so I ask you if you are afraid.

Yang Guang didn’t continue to ask, but took out a small melon and said, “I’ll show you something nice, but you may have to repair the house later.”

As he spoke, he threw the little melon into the right ear room.

There was only a loud bang, and the ear chamber was collapsed.

Looking at the big hole in the wall, and the ear room where the entire roof was overturned and only a shelf remained.

Luo Heihu’s face turned pale instantly.

There are many ways to kill people. He has done things like white knives in and red knives out.

punishment in prisonIt’s not unheard of to punish him, but he has never seen such an easy way to open mountains and crack rocks.

“You know, there are hundreds of steel balls and iron nails inside. With just one click, the denser the people, the more people will die. If you don’t tell me, I won’t be polite when your people come.”

Seeing that Yang Guang actually took out a few more, Luo Heihu finally couldn’t hold back anymore.

“Hou Xiaokang, the first-class viscount of the Xiuguo family, known as the Young Lord Hou, is the one who asked me to test you. Your business is also what he wants. In addition, he has already planted your seeds elsewhere. That’s all I know. many.”

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