"I don't want it! Absolutely...absolutely not!"


For Philan, who always behaved like an adult, this was the first time he spoke so willfully, but he quickly understood in distress that words seemed to have no meaning.

Perhaps as most people say, the more rational and repressed a person is on weekdays, the harder it is to control them when they lose control.

Because this kind of person suppresses his emotions for a long time, once his emotions reach a certain critical point, he will suddenly burst out with a strong emotional reaction.

Unless you agree to her request, words alone are meaningless, because people in this state will not choose to negotiate at all.

There are two ways to communicate - either you succeed or you fail completely.

But he didn't want to cheat, nor did he want to face the risks of cheating.

In other words, he hopes to avoid as much as possible the secondary harm to Philon if the negotiation after the deception cannot be negotiated.

After all, after agreeing now, if he goes back on his word...he suspects that the child will hate him in the future.

So while watching the child holding his in tears due to losing control of his emotions, he simply reached out and took him into his arms.

Just so gently, he let the trembling body lean on his chest, and patted her back gently without saying a word, silently hoping that he could use actions to calm her down again - just like The night we first met.

It was also in this silent embrace that time seemed to have lost its meaning, and the crying sounds gradually subsided, leaving only each other's heartbeats and breathing.

Feilun's tears gradually stopped, but his small hands tightly hugged Ash's waist, as if he was afraid that if he let go, he would lose this warmth and support.

Ash also didn't let go of his hand, he just hugged her gently. This little girl was so fragile that it seemed like she would be accidentally broken if she applied too much force.



He left the room, but he didn't actually go far. Instead, he hid in Haita outside the window and quietly peeked at the two people's actions.

Even he felt at this moment that everything around him seemed to have lost its color. Intertwined with this moment of tranquility was the most sincere emotional bond, but...

"...It's impossible for Ash to accept it so easily, right?" Just like he knew Fulian, he also knew Ash well enough.

Although Ash didn't reveal who he was, Haita could tell that he was not a human being. At least a human being couldn't have been around for so long, and his body functions had not aged, and he was even getting stronger.

And for this kind of immortal species, it is indeed very difficult to accept a human child...

Because of this, he couldn't blame Ash, because this was indeed a method that would cause long-term pain rather than short-term pain, but...

"....That child really wants to be with you. He is so sensible, so sensible that it hurts."

Haita looked away from the window and couldn't help sighing.

If he had been ten years younger, or if Fei Lun had not met Ash, he would still reluctantly adopt the child even if he felt that he was very unsuitable.

But as long as there is a slightly reliable person, he can't take over.

Because his age does not allow it, he... is already over 100 years old.

At this age, he even needs to worry that he will not wake up after a sleep. If no one finds him, his body will rot on the bed.

Although this sounds bad, it is also the objective reality that he must face as an old man living alone.

Therefore, even if Ash is very irresponsible and runs away, he still has to find someone to take care of Fearon. Otherwise...how can this child survive alone?

Originally, he didn't plan to interfere more, but he really felt sorry for Fei Lun, so he intervened a little bit, and - he was ready to continue to stir things up.

After waiting for a long time, Feilun fell asleep after crying, and was carried to his bed by Ash, before he entered the room again.

Because Philan didn't let go of his hand even when he fell asleep, Ash was just staring at the opened drawer in the room from a distance, and quickly turned his attention to that, not even using crutches for fear of making a noise. , Haita, who walked softly, said suspiciously:

"Haita, was it you who opened that drawer?"

"....You suddenly doubted your friend? Did you forget to lock it yourself?" Haita looked surprised.

There was even a sense of grievance on that old face.

But Ash looked at him coldly, showing no sympathy for the old man. He even said coldly: "Stop pretending, don't I understand you?"

"Haha... I never expected that at the end of my life, my relatives and friends would turn against each other." Haita looked like life was not worth it, shaking his head repeatedly with his hands behind his back.

This level of pretense made Ash almost unable to hold back and rushed forward to punch him.

But touching the hair of Fei Lun, who was sleeping soundly with tears in his eyes and pillowed on his lap, he still tried hard and took a long breath as if to spit out all his emotions into the air before he allowed himself to force himself. Calm down:

"...If you simply forgot to lock it, the child would definitely not open it and look at it. Someone must have opened it before and revealed his name..."

"You really know Faylan."

"...Whether I like it or not, I have known her for more than a year, so I can probably understand her."

"Really?" Haita nodded with a smile.

Seeing this attitude, Ash couldn't help but want to find something and throw it over: "You can cause trouble for me if you have nothing to do, and you have this attitude now??"

"Oh~ I'm so sorry, haha~haha~"

Before this conversation, Haita had already made his plans clear. Now he was smiling and convinced of his goal again. He turned around and left the room, and closed the door for him.

What happened to this guy all of a sudden? ? ——Axiu stared blankly at the door for a while, then lowered his head depressedly, looked at the little girl lying on his lap, unconsciously touched her hair and sighed loudly:

"Bringing up children is more troublesome than I thought. Sure enough, I shouldn't have come into contact with humans in the first place..."

But now he regrets it, it seems too late, and he even accidentally forgot that he was once a human being, but... he spent far more time as a demon than as a human being.


The next day.

As soon as Fearon woke up, she discovered that Ash was lying next to her, but when she took a closer look, she realized... that she was sleeping in his room.

The memory of last night also came to her mind at this time, making her feel a soreness in her nose, and she could barely hold back the rising emotions again.

But she still arranged the clothes that she had not changed last night, carefully got up from the bed, and skillfully went to the courtyard to draw water from the well.

In the yard without fences, the gentle morning sun gently brushes against the skin, bringing a touch of delicate warmth. Birds are chirping on the surrounding trees, as if they are being embraced by nature... Everything is so peaceful. , peaceful.

Just thinking about what happened last night, Feilun's face looked a little gloomy, because Ash didn't agree to his request in the end.

It was as if everything was already doomed, and just thinking about having to talk about it again made her heart become extremely heavy.

She accidentally loaded too many barrel handles, which made her fingers hurt. However, she did not move back as usual, but gritted her teeth and staggered forward, thinking that she would just go there as usual. Help Ash prepare water for the morning.

.....In fact, it was not just Fei Lun who was feeling heavy, but also Ash, who had already woken up when she got up.

Ash's stomach ached just thinking about it, and he still had to talk about it once.

Before that, he had never thought about why he was in such a dilemma when he was only temporarily helping to take care of a child.

But when he noticed through the gap in the window that the girl's small body was swaying from side to side with the water in the bucket, and the water splashed her feet and skirt, he couldn't help but sigh and tidy up. He took off his clothes and walked out of the room.

The Buried Fulian·Thousand Years to Present: Chapter 74 Little Philan’s “Confession”·The old guy plotted against me? ! (3K)

Gritting his teeth and resisting the discomfort in his fingertips, Fearon walked toward the house when he heard footsteps. He subconsciously raised his head and noticed him. He seemed particularly lively. He subconsciously lowered his head again to avoid eye contact.

But even so, this polite child still greeted softly: "Good morning, Lord Ash..." with a voice that was hoarse from crying last night.

"Morning...but I'll get this."

Ash sighed softly and took the bucket.

But before he even took two steps, Fearon's voice came from behind again: "That, that - Lord Ash!"

"....What's wrong?"

"Yesterday... I'm really sorry!" Fearon lowered his head so sharply that his body almost turned 90 degrees.

This was really a bit respectful, which made him quite distressed: "It's okay, it's normal. After all, you are still a child."

"Thank you...that..."

"Is there anything else?" He looked back; Feilun, with obvious nervousness, raised his head and asked carefully:

"As expected...did I do something bad?"

"No, it's my fault."

"What... does this mean?"

"You unexpectedly did some digging today." He put down the bucket and sat on the wooden steps. He looked at the child who was staring at him, standing there bewildered, and couldn't help but lower his eyes. , sighed softly:

"As I said at the beginning, you have no problem and no reason to apologize. It's just my fault."

"No, that's not the case! I think Master Ash is...a very good person!"

"Really? Tell the truth."

"...There are some, some weird things, no, but! I just want Ash-sama! I don't want anyone else! Absolutely--no!"

The girl, who was holding the hem of her skirt with both hands and shouting these words with all her strength, unconsciously closed her eyes nervously, as if she was afraid of seeing a scene that would make her despair.

But in fact, Ash was just standing on the steps, resting his chin on his thighs with his elbows, sighing in a funny tone:

"...What kind of statement are you making? If you were seven years old...No, you are only seven and a half years old now, right? If you were eight or nine years old, you might be quite moved by me. of."

"Ken, I will definitely say it! Even if it happens in eight or nine years, I will definitely say it!"

Why do you have to be eight or nine years older to be moved? - Feilun was a little confused, but he still put his hand on his chest and made a promise to him very seriously.

But such a serious but ignorant promise made him laugh and shake his head: "You may not understand it well when you are young, but this sentence is just like a confession."


"It is to express the feelings, admiration or liking in one's heart."

"...Am I expressing my feelings for Lord Ash?" Feilun tilted his head in confusion, thought for a moment and then said nervously:

"I, I understand...Does Master Ash actually hate children? Because children are too annoying? Or am I too disobedient?"

"No, no, no, that's not it... Well, this is my fault. Let's not talk about this anymore. If we continue, people will think that I am some outrageous pervert."

It was supposed to be a serious science popularization, but he got such a strange interpretation. The other person was still an innocent child, which made him hold his forehead with one hand and find it difficult to look straight ahead.

But Feilun was confused when he heard this statement. Although he had already said this, he still couldn't help but say:

"Master Ash, if you don't like me, I will seriously change it!"

"No, you are really nice. There is nothing I don't like about you. I also like you very much. But, just because of this, I can't be with you like this."


"....Oh, what should I say about this?"

Looking at the girl who felt aggressive towards him for the first time, he rubbed his painful temples and sighed: "You think, I'm very busy, right?"

"So?" The girl's eyes were firm and she didn't flinch at all.

"So I can't take good care of you. If you change to a better one..."

"——I'm fine!" Feilun interrupted him without thinking, causing his words to come to an abrupt end: "I don't want anyone other than Mr. Ash!"

"...Sure enough, would you answer like this? But why? What is the reason why you are obsessed with me?"

"Because if it weren't for Lord Ash, I might have died on the roadside! It was Lord Ash who gave me steaming food and a clean bed! He gave me a home! You were the one who held me close when I was uneasy. Hold me! In the middle of the night when I was scared, you held my hand tenderly! Even though you were bruised and bruised, the first thing you thought about was that I was hungry - so... so me! The most...I like this Mr. Ash the most!”

At the end of this almost hoarse "confession", Feilun was already out of breath, and his excited chest was still rising and falling. He was just too exhausted and couldn't breathe, so he was forced to try hard to adjust at the end. own confused breathing

It was these words that made Ash look at Feilun blankly, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of complicated emotions in his heart.

He hesitated for a while, wanting to say something, but he didn't know how to say it.

To be honest, her emotions were actually shaken to such an extent... Ashi was a little surprised, but it was not incomprehensible.

So is this my fault? Well, it's obviously my fault, right? But I also have difficulties. Separation is obviously a real win-win situation. Why do children always not understand the worries of adults? No, you shouldn't shirk responsibility at this time, because Philan really doesn't know anything - in the world of children, parents are the world, and he has replaced the role of his parents. Being abandoned is basically the same as having the sky fall. , he can still understand this for the time being.

So in the end, he couldn't say anything. He just patted the steps beside him and signaled Fearon to come over.

When she approached cautiously and sat on the edge obediently, Ash just touched Feilun's hair and sighed softly as if he was forced to make a compromise:

"Anyway... let's put this matter on hold for now."

"Why...not give up?"

"This..." He glanced at Haita, who was peeping here not far away, and immediately had an idea: "By the way, why do you think I know Haita?"

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