Although they could not understand the principle, even Fulilian did not understand it, they could still use the remaining control method to control it from the inside by personnel, so that residents could enter and exit normally.

This led to Ash's extremely deceptive appearance to directly invade the inner side of the barrier, and manipulate the barrier to let Aura follow in.

"Although it is not the first time to come to a human city, but.... this is the first time to come to a place like the capital with a barrier. You are quite capable~"

In the carriage, Aura quietly opened a gap, observing the surrounding streets from the inside out, and kicked him who was playing the role of a groom in front.

This made him grab her ankle impatiently, and he clamped it under his armpit, not wanting to say more.

He closed his eyes and rested all the way, and arrived at the entrance of the royal city in the royal capital...

"——Who is it!"

At the entrance of the royal city, a row of knights in heavy armor saw the strange carriage that arrived at the royal city but still did not stop, and drew their weapons in unison.

The "coachman" only glanced at them, but the invisible impact raised the dust and floor tiles all over the ground, and the next moment their legs were lifted off the ground, and they were all hit against the wall like fish being hit by the waves.

The closed gate of the royal city, the magic attached to it, had almost no effect, and it burst like paper in the purple light of the killing magic.

The carriage ignored the guards who gathered nervously and continued to move towards the castle as the royal palace.

The raid at other times might be difficult to succeed, but the over-reliance on the barrier thousands of years ago has led to the main force and elite of the kingdom now either fighting against the demons or fighting against the empire.

The high-level officials of the kingdom would never have thought that the ancient barrier they were proud of would be broken through.

This resulted in there being only two people in the royal capital who could show off, so... Ash did not intend to miss this opportunity and decided to replace the king and make this country his own, so as to lay an important chess piece for all future actions.


The royal palace, the audience hall.

The king and the nobles were in an emergency meeting, discussing the abnormal situation encountered on the front line during the magic communication, when the door was suddenly pushed open.

The soldier in heavy armor knelt on the ground after crawling and tumbling, and shouted anxiously:

"--No, it's bad! Your Majesty! Intruders! There are intruders!!"

"Intruders? What..."

Before the king on the throne finished speaking, he saw two "people" stepping into the audience hall. His pupils suddenly shrank: "Come here! Take these two..."

Before the king's voice fell, Ash raised his hand without warning.

Boom--! ! !

The strong repulsive force made the soldiers who had just surrounded them fly back at a faster speed, and the king's voice also stopped abruptly.

"Your Majesty...!" The noble had a pale face, looking like a king who was huddled up and shivering in the cold wind.

"Who are you, you...?"

Facing Ash, who looked only 18 years old, between a teenager and a young man, the king, who looked over 70 and had a bloated body, tried his best to suppress his trembling and not show his fear as much as possible, just wanting to delay time, but...

"Go with peace of mind. I will protect the kingdom on your behalf and protect the people from the threats of the empire and the demons." Ash looked at these upper-class people, but he didn't intend to talk to them at all. After announcing on his own, he stretched out his hand to signal them to look at Aura.

Just when everyone noticed her horn and took a breath of cold air, Aura showed no mercy and took out the scale directly.

Everyone thought of the weird and domineering magic that only existed in rumors at the first time, and wanted to escape from this place even if they rolled and crawled, but...everything was too late when the scale appeared.

"Obey the magic." Aura read out the characters that made people feel like falling into an ice cave with a malicious smile.

Everyone's body stiffened instantly, and everyone's magic power was put on the scale at once, but the ending was-despair.

At least it was hopeless for them.

The Buried Flyllian: Thousand Years to the Present: Chapter 49 Ash Also Wanted to Be a Hero

Under the influence of the magic, none of the pampered princes and nobles could put up any resistance.

The only exception was probably the bishop who was blessed by the goddess, who fell to the ground and died without any sign at the moment of being controlled.

"I really have no way to become a hero." Looking at the princes and nobles who knelt down in a short while, Ash couldn't help but think of Flyllian who was about to embark on a journey, and couldn't help but muttered:

".... Although I really can't envy Flyllian and those friends."

It's not that they can't eat sour grapes, but according to what Frank once revealed, the team just met the king of a country, and because of the impolite language, the king was unhappy. The brave and the dwarf were tied and knelt on the ground, and they were only one step away from being beheaded.

They clearly have the ability to break through by force, but they don't resist the king's power and capriciousness at all... If he wants to be a hero, he must be forced to accept the shackles and constraints imposed by the king who represents the law. He would rather not be a hero.

Rather than obeying the rules, he prefers to make the rules when he has the ability.

So he really doesn't envy him, he just feels like... it might be fun to play the brave sometimes.

So he decided to settle the matter here and went to find Fulilian and her happy little friends to play for a while, because...

"When I was young, I also wanted to be a brave man." Looking at the kneeling king, he sighed unconsciously.

Because it was supposed to be a brave man kneeling to the king, but now it's the other way around... even though he's not a brave man either.

But this soliloquy was heard by Aura, who was playing with the crown on the side, and she turned her head suddenly as if she had heard some fantasy.

At this moment, she looked at Ya Xiu's expression, as if he was looking at some strange object. After hesitating for a long time, she couldn't help but said dumbfounded:

"I said, your head really okay?"

"....Don't look at me like I'm an idiot."

"No, we are demons, and now we are completely doing villain things. In the storybook you forced me to read before, aren't we now the kind of villains who will be eradicated sooner or later?"

"Please... don't set strange flags." He unconsciously covered his face and shook his head: "That's all I said. After all, everyone wants to be a partner of justice, right? For example, you... ....”

"No." Aura replied without thinking.

"Well, I guess so, but let's talk about something happy now."

"What to do next?"

"....We already said we wanted to talk about happy things, why are we talking about work again so soon..."

Faced with this guy who didn't understand anything about the world, Ash couldn't help but let out a long sigh and was forced to accept his fate.

There was no other way. Although he wanted to be lazy, he still had to do the work... At least after controlling the king and the nobles, he had to continue to perfect his plan.

At least now, it's not the time to be lazy.


Although when Ash invaded the royal city, the city's defenders quickly came to support and wanted to protect the king, but...

Before they even entered the castle, the king had already walked out and told them that the invaders had retreated on their own initiative and no reinforcements were needed to retreat.

The external story is that the kingdom was humiliated and forced to agree to the invaders' conditions, and it would no longer force orphans to be used as cannon fodder.

Obviously, this is a country's compromise to the powerful, although the actual situation is slightly... slightly different.

In the castle that was cleaning up the mess and repairing the damaged area, at the end of the audience hall, between the thrones on the stairs.

Aura, just like Ash before, sat on the armrest of the throne and looked at it. The princes and nobles who were kneeling on the ground sighed for no reason:

"It's really unbelievable. Many human generals and brave men can obviously resist a little from time to time when being manipulated, but... why can't the top brass resist at all? Those guys on the front line Why obey such a weakling?"

"The social structure is different."

"I can't understand it at all~ This guy is mediocre and incompetent. He only thinks about having women every day...Why don't his subordinates get rid of him? Wouldn't it be better to just replace him?"

Aura glanced at the king who was kneeling under the throne before confessing his situation, but his face was full of confusion.

"Actually, this is a very standard noble. When everyone is similar, no one can laugh at anyone. In addition, we have to consider legitimacy and the support of others. It is not that easy to succeed in a coup."

"Hmm... I really don't understand!" Although she asked the question herself, she quickly didn't care about it. She walked freely between the thrones and laughed like a child who got a new toy. :

"But if you continue to reproduce this way, rule humans, and then use humans to become demon kings, it must only be a matter of time sooner or later~?"

"...It's not that simple. You just saw that the bishop is dead. It must be the goddess's protection that prevents you from controlling these guys." Facing this demon girl who will let herself go if she is not careful. , Ya Xiu also had a headache, and reminded:

"In addition, the belief in the goddess in the human world is very strong. I am afraid that a new bishop will come soon to investigate the cause of the predecessor's death."

"Isn't it enough to just kill them? One kills one, two kills a pair. What's so difficult about that?"

"... Killing the church's top leaders randomly like this will cause a lot of trouble and the country will be in turmoil. It is better to lock him up first and then think of a good reason to deal with it. It is more appropriate to perfunctory and control this bishop."

"Is Ash so gentle?"

"While it's true that I don't like senseless killing, it's not a matter of tenderness."

He rested his chin on the throne with one hand and let out a big sigh, fearing that she might accidentally start to popularize science about some of the internal conditions of human beings, as well as some more critical issues.

After all, it's really that simple. The Demon King has already asked Aura to take action... and he also wants to go and play with Fulilian. Now he can only tell Aura various precautions first.

The Burial of Fulian·Thousand Years to Present: Temporarily extended monthly ticket reward

To sum up, this is a rather troublesome type of bounty.

Because it will not be released until this Friday, I can only wait until it is released to start adding more chapters... Of course, if there are monthly tickets, even if it is not released, it will increase appropriately. However, in the case of dual opening, the increase is actually limited. However, under the original base 4K, it is still guaranteed to increase to 6 or 7k. Compared with the general update volume of Hedgehog Cat, it should be considered a large increase, right? Probably.....

In addition, since I am not fully present, I only ask for monthly tickets and rewards... Forget about Blade this month, and don't vote~!

The last rule is the same as what I said before, starting from this month and the beginning of the month, that is, all the monthly tickets and rewards for this book are calculated.

The minimum update is 4K every day; 100 monthly tickets and 12,000 rewards will increase one chapter. After a chapter is released, it may be replaced with (2k) words.

It's the end of the month, and I'm asking for monthly tickets and rewards~~! It would be a waste if I don't use monthly tickets!

....Although I don't know if I can keep the monthly tickets for the lottery next month, I can't vote for them all anyway. After all, this book can only vote for 20 monthly tickets. The key is that I have drawn 300 before, and I can't use up more than 200 monthly tickets. In addition, gambling is really not advisable, because I didn't draw anything real! The monthly tickets are not used up...

The Buried Fulilian·Thousand Years to the Present: Chapter 50 The big account (Aura) is useless, let's practice the small account (Line)

A thousand years ago, it was like the Middle Ages, and there is no progress in the world now. The top leaders of the Goddess Church have occupied a seat at the top of each country from beginning to end.

In this case, if the bishop cannot control it, it will definitely be a big problem.

After all, Aura's magic has a big flaw-people with strong wills will occasionally get out of control.

That's why she cut off the heads of those who were controlled.

Fortunately, there are no strong-willed top leaders in this country, and most of the nobles in the country should be the same.

But after two or three countries, maybe a rare strong-willed noble will will emerge.

As long as they accidentally contact the domestic bishop, it will be troublesome. Even if they can keep killing new bishops or detain bishops of newly occupied countries, they will definitely attract the attention of the Goddess Church.

Even if the Goddess Church can't figure out why they have been targeting the church's top leaders, as time goes by and there are more cases, the Holy City may organize a crusade.

This runs counter to his original purpose. After all, he didn't come here to cause a larger-scale civil war among humans.

Even if there is no large-scale civil war, if Aura's existence is discovered, humans will definitely get an elite force and launch an attack against the two of them.

Therefore, it is better to stabilize the country first and develop it well, which can avoid risks to the greatest extent. As for the problem of time... they have nothing else but more time.

——This is what Ash taught. After planting this chess piece, he planned to play it safe.

On the contrary, Aura seemed a little reluctant, but he lost to him before and couldn't object, so he prepared to rest and recuperate in the castle for a while.

And soon, he even brought the weakest young girl among his demons, Linie, to prevent her from accidentally dying outside... The others went to guard the castle with the Undead Army. After all, bringing too many demons here would increase the risk of exposure.


Half a month passed in the blink of an eye after the occupation of the kingdom.

A child who always likes to hide in dark corners, Linie has been secretly observing Ash since she came to this castle.

This made Ash unconsciously stop his work while handling political affairs on behalf of the king who was previously obsessed with women and was very reckless in all aspects. He just squatted in front of Linie and looked at the young girl carefully.

Linie was not unhappy about this, but just bit the fresh apple and looked back expressionlessly.

After a long time, she gradually stopped eating the apple and asked puzzledly:

"What's wrong? Master Ash? What did I do wrong?"

"... Not really."


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