It's a pity that it's a replica. The hair, which was already too long, is also much longer than normal. The whole person even floats in the air.

Such a scene, if described in words, is inevitably absurd and ominous.

But the petrified face and posture of the replica of Zanze, in the dim light and shadow, inexplicably fits the image of the deep-sea giant octopus, especially those "tentacles" that seem to extend endlessly, adding a bit of palpitation.

From a distance, if you can't see the petite body clearly, this scene is enough to make people feel cold and their backs chilled.

However... Ash still has this feeling, but the three-person team facing Zanze, who is nervous and confronting him, is really completely terrified.

Their tension has almost reached its peak. Every slight movement seems to trigger a fatal crisis, and cold sweat keeps falling like drizzle.

Until Ash's figure came into view... The girl in the lead, wearing knee-length black stockings and a pink mushroom-haired hairstyle, couldn't help but shout: "Please! Save me!"

"...No, right? If I deal with Zanze's clone like this, the exam will become too easy, and Zanze will be angry, right?"

Facing the girl who spoke in an inexplicably old-fashioned tone, Ash spread his hands, looking completely helpless.

Zanze's clone originally planned to destroy the three people directly, but now he became wary of him because of his seemed to remember the previous joint attack against him.

This is also the girl - the second-level magician Etilu immediately proposed: "If I remember correctly, you have been collecting magic, right? I also got magic from the candidates in the last exam!"

"... I roughly understand what you want to say, but please don't look down on me;" Ash frowned slightly, shook his head sternly and said: "If you are in danger of life, I will still take action, but I will not break my principles for magic. After all, Zanze is my junior after all. If he accidentally messes up the exam, I can..."

"-Give me ten gold coins and help me deal with this guy, and I will teach you the family magic!" Born in a family that is proficient in spiritual magic, but living in poverty, Etilu has a great desire for money and becoming a first-level magician.

Although she was a little reluctant to hand over her family magic, under the temptation of the "privilege" of a first-level magician, she still gritted her teeth to give the limit of her ability in order to avoid being eliminated... and asked for a reward of 10 gold coins.

Although he wanted to say that she was insulting him and tried to stick to his principles....but although the other party was only a second-level magician and had no combat ability, his attainments in spiritual magic were better than any first-level magician in the mainland magic association.

Therefore, Ash opened his mouth, but he still couldn't say anything harsh, and he was firm in his position and principles. Instead, he nodded silently:

".....Okay, I'll give you 10 gold coins when you get out. Now you guys go quickly, I'll control her."

"Okay! Then we'll retreat first, I'll leave you here!"

The unexpected deal made Etilu feel a little complicated, but she still ran away with her two companions without saying a word, leaving Ash standing there and confronting the replica.

In this way, the two looked at each other for a long time....Feeling that the other party didn't have much intention to attack, he silently retreated.

The whole process was unexpectedly smooth, and there was no conflict. He completed his deal, and it was so simple that he was even worried about whether to give Etilu some extra money or something.


After separating from Etilo, Ash continued to wander around the dungeon.

This time, he also tried hard to implement the previous idea of ​​not interfering with the exam as much as possible, so as to avoid facing Zanze's accountability and possible casualties in the last round of exams.

But not long after, he saw...

The silver-haired girl, Rabinie, who was separated from Flillian and the others by the mechanism, was running away with injuries all over her body, and the person chasing behind her was Yubel's copy.

Although they were both third-level magicians, Yubel's strength was obviously stronger.

And Rabinie, who focused on manipulating matter, was obviously restrained by Yubel's cutting magic.

After a short resistance and running all the way, Rabinie, who was really lacking in physical strength, was forced into a hurry, and simply turned around again, starting from the tip of the magic wand, causing dozens of ice cones to emerge, causing the temperature of this narrow corridor to continue to drop.

Under her command, the ice cones floating in the air flew out in an interlaced manner, heading towards the replica that was chasing them not far away.

The sharp tip could easily penetrate a human body, but the replica twisted its body with a light movement to avoid these already chaotic ice cones.

This made Rabinie ruthless, and he tried his best to fight to the death. With a roar, he let the tip of the wand instantly raise a white storm.

The dense ice cones also poured out like a barrage of bullets, directly raising white mist, making it impossible for the replica to avoid in this narrow passage, but...

When faced with an attack that could not be avoided, the replica just calmly swung the magic wand.

Bang! ! Bang! ! Bang! ! Bang! ! Bang! ! Bang! ! Bang! ! Bang! !

The dense invisible slashes flew out like a sword dance in an instant, and the barrage of ice cones was cut off at the same time, turning into ice fragments in the air.

The scene looked spectacular... Unfortunately, Rabinie didn't have the leisure to appreciate it.

Facing the flying slashes, the defensive magic formed by instinctively raising her hands easily blocked the slashes, but the statues on both sides were cut off and smashed towards her from top to bottom.

She subconsciously widened her eyes and turned around to escape again, but she didn't notice that the ground also had a gap caused by the slashes. She stumbled and lost her balance in an instant.

Oops, this time I'm really going to die! ? ——When her body fell to the ground, her cheek rubbed against the cold and hard ground, and she felt the sudden pain, she was reluctant but clearly realized that she was falling to the ground helplessly.

The clones following behind her were still approaching slowly.

The fear of death made her whole body seem to be bound by invisible shackles, and even the slightest movement seemed extremely difficult. Her fingers lost their former sharpness and could not touch the escape bottle hanging on her waist.

All that was left was scars all over her body, which were like cuts by sharp blades, and the pain from the scratches on her face, which were wantonly eroding her senses.

Her blue eyes were shaken by grief, and her straight face was also covered with a shadow of despair.

"Damn it!" At the last moment, she gritted her teeth and cursed, but she almost closed her eyes and waited for death... but suddenly another new footsteps came from behind her.

Without waiting to look back, the blade swept across the horizon like lightning, leaving a dazzling silver-white track, accurately and accurately splitting Yubel's body from the left shoulder to the right side, neatly splitting it in two.

The neat movement was like the perfect line drawn by an artist on the canvas.

The extraordinary slashing technique was so sharp that the "flesh" that was cut lost its perception instantly.

It was as if time had also frozen in this slash, until a few seconds later... when reality finally caught up with this amazing speed, the dark "blood" just woke up from the wound that had already realized its pain.

The body of the replica also tilted, broke, collapsed and fell, turning into a little black debris in the air, and disappeared just like that.

The buried Fulilian·The official start of the journey: Chapter 37 The skirt-lifting with disgust·The exam turned into a transaction·It was all Celia's fault?

The threat disappeared in a fleeting... minimalist but extremely beautiful slash, leaving Rabinie staring at the place where the replica disappeared on the floor like a wooden chicken.

After a long pause, she looked at the strangely familiar figure beside her: "Why... why are you here?"

Compared to her astonishment, Ash looked at the girl who changed back into the blue Gothic Lolita outfit, sighed, sheathed his knife, and squatted beside her, saying helplessly:

"Rabinie, you... actually said this to your savior?"

"... I didn't ask you to save me..." Rabinie turned his face away, but still felt that it was not good, and whispered in an almost imperceptible voice: "... But thank you..."

"You're welcome, but to be honest, I don't really want to help you."

"——Ha, huh?!" The unconcealed attitude made the silver-haired girl instantly explode and pounce on him: "You What kind of attitude is this! You saved me on purpose and then humiliated me? ! "

"Didn't you just say that you didn't ask me to save you? And I didn't want to save you either. Isn't this a two-way fight to some extent? Why are you angry?"

"I don't want to go with you! If you don't want to save me, then don't save me!"

"...Although what you said makes sense, you actually misunderstood me." He stretched out his hand expressionlessly, pressed the face of the girl who was grabbing his collar, and forcibly pushed her away: "I said I didn't want to help you, because I'm still taking the exam... But when there is a real danger of death, I can't just sit there and watch, right? So there is no choice but to intervene."


This sudden change of tone made Rabinie's anger stop abruptly, and he just stared at him blankly.

Feeling that her mood change was really interesting, Ash couldn't help but continue teasing: "But when others ask me to help, they use the family magic in exchange, shouldn't you also show some appreciation?"

"My family doesn't have any family magic, only very ordinary magic."

"You misunderstood, what I want to say is...shouldn't you show your gratitude? I'm not saying that you should repay a favor, but I still hope that you can at least be the same as Connie."

Compared to cold words, he actually hoped that when this child came to his house, he could be a little better and gentler in his attitude.

This way, the atmosphere at home would be better, and reading books would be more comfortable, but...

".....the same as Connie?" Rabinie's expression froze for a moment after hearing this.

"Isn't this a high request??"

"——What's not high?? Can I be the same as that guy who always wears belly-baring clothes?!"

Although he thought that the suggestion he made was a very common and even generous one, it should be enough for most people to accept it.

However, Rabine's reaction was like that of an offended lioness, her chest rising and falling violently with anger, and every deep breath caused her towering chest to tremble, coupled with her flushed face and sharp eyes full of anger... .

No matter how you look at this expression, it reveals a sign of extreme restraint, as if anger and reason are engaged in a silent battle in the heart, making Ashi look confused:

"No...what's wrong with Kang Ni? I think she is a good child. Why are you so angry?"

"...Abnormal!" Rabine said these two words almost through gritted teeth.

"Kang Nie is not a pervert."

"——I'm talking about you!" Rabine's voice suddenly rose, pointing the finger directly at Ash, causing him to lower his eyes involuntarily and touch his chin in worry: "...I saved the white-eyed wolf. ”

"....Forget it, forget it!!"

Faced with this behavior that was not enough to repay a favor, but even stood at the peak of morality, Rabine glared at him with cold eyes, looking at him like a bug, the disgust and shame in his eyes were intertwined, and even It's about to overflow.

Then she clenched the hem of the skirt tightly with both hands, her fingertips turning white from the exertion. She gritted her teeth and endured the shame, and slowly lifted it up, revealing the breathtaking scenery:

"You are the worst kind of person...! I will never forgive you!"


Rabine's words were full of determination, and every word seemed to be squeezed out from between her teeth, but Ash looked at the girl in front of him in astonishment.

Because he knew that he had no idea what he had done wrong to make Rabine so angry that he even did not hesitate to reveal this private side in his anger.



In the dungeon, the dark corridors were lit only by candlelight and magic stone lamps.

I don’t know why, but the silver-haired girl dressed as a gothic lolita lifted up her skirt with a look of disgust on her face, not only revealing the light blue fabric, but also revealing her well-defined, white and flawless lower abdomen, with her waistcoat line clearly visible. .

This made him even wonder if Rabine wanted him to see what was good and then kill him... Would it be better to be understanding?

He just stared blankly for a long time, worried for a long time... Then he faced the girl's cold gaze that seemed to be murderous, and finally made a puzzled voice:

"What are you doing? Why are you doing this? Do you have a crush on me? So you are trying to seduce me in this way? But I don't have any strange interests. At least your eyes shouldn't be so cold, right? I'm not really a bug... "

"——Why are you pretending to be a gentleman?! Don't you want to touch my belly?!"

"....When did I ever say that?"

"Same as Connet...! That's what you say!" Rabine was so ashamed and angry that she almost broke her teeth now.

"I'm sorry, you may have misunderstood. What I mean is... your attitude towards me has always been very bad, so I hope your attitude is the same as Kangye's, slightly better."

While observing the girl in front of him, he carefully considered his words and explained: "In the final analysis, it was Kangye who didn't let me talk about those things with others, so I didn't hear who she told this time at all. I don’t know if I know about this..."

"In other words...?" The sudden truth made the girl's shoulders and hands holding the hem of her skirt tremble. Her face was so red that it almost bled, and tears of humiliation gradually appeared in her eyes. He said in disbelief: "These... all, all... are my misunderstandings? They are all my own..."

"Ah, don't say that. At least I fully agree with your intention to repay your kindness, but you'd better put your skirt down first. It won't be good if you catch a cold."

He pressed down the hem of the skirt with one hand, and patted the girl's smooth belly with the other hand...

At this moment, Rabine jumped back like an electric shock, covering her stomach with her hands and tears in her eyes:

"——Didn't you say it was all a misunderstanding?! It was really a lie??"

"How come, I just feel that since you have already lifted up your skirt, you can't waste it, right? You will be angry in the end anyway? And... well, it doesn't feel bad." He looked at the palm of his hand. He nodded to himself.

"I'm not allowed to recall the feeling of my hand, I'll kill you...!"

With the sound of Rabine gritting his teeth and the sudden appearance of ice beside him, the temperature of the surrounding air suddenly dropped.

But Ash didn't care. He just patted her on the head and finally showed an adult attitude: "It's better to go back and do that kind of thing. Now...are you going to continue the exam or go back?"

"....Of course continue."

"Can you still walk? Are your thighs hurt?"

"——Look, have you seen it?!" Rabine, who originally wanted to open his hand, reflexively covered the hem of her skirt that she had just put down, and stared at him with a murderous look: "...Pervert! "

"You showed it to me, right? It's not what I wanted." Although there is nothing against it, after all, who hates welfare? ——Ya Xiu, who considers himself very normal, cannot speak his true feelings due to his reputation, but he is also unwilling to be misunderstood too much.

Rabini retorted with shame and anger: "——Didn't you say you are a gentleman, a kind and gentle uncle?! Then why do you look at it?"

"I can't help it. If I don't look at it, won't you feel inferior?"

"No way!!" The strange care made Rabini almost unable to control himself and went crazy: "——You touched... touched it!"

"You exposed yourself to let me touch it, and you will be sad if I don't touch it, right? In the end, it's just your belly. Don't say it too strangely, it will be misunderstood."

"So, so... No! I won't be sad or inferior!!"

"No..." Compared to Rabini who was so excited that he couldn't control himself and died with him on the spot, he just nodded slightly, and looked up and down at the girl in front of him, who had many scratches and knife wounds: "Can you still walk? I carry you? Or just throw the bottle and give up the exam??"

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