Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 395 Hardy can only be Hardy

The breeze blew through the trees, making a rustling sound.

Hardice drove his horse to the field, less than five meters away from the red unicorn knight.

Hardy looked at it and chuckled: "Let's talk?"

Through the tight helmet, a pair of gentle eyes can still be seen.

It seemed to hesitate for a while, and after a few seconds, it nodded slightly.

Hardy was relieved in his heart: "Then what should I call you, Monica?"

There was no reaction from the other party.

Hardy asked again: "Or...mother?"

As soon as he said these words, the other party's eyes immediately became murderous, and even his magic power was stirring.

It stared hard at Hardy, as if it was about to rush up and take action.

Sophie came to Hardy's side without leaving a trace, in order to protect the former.

But soon, the unicorn knight restrained his anger and said: "Lead the way."

Surprisingly, her voice was crisp and even sweet.

That kind of anger and coldness mixed in it will give people a feeling of 'ice cream'.

Hardy smiled, turned around, and headed towards the manor.

He could feel that he really couldn't defeat this unicorn knight in his human form, but if he was in nightmare form, the situation would be reversed.

The red unicorn knight followed Hardy five meters behind, while Sophie was always protecting Hardy's back.

Several people quickly returned to the front of the manor.

Hardy dismounted, and several servants came up to help him take the horse away.

The red unicorn dismounted, and the same maids came over.

Suddenly an old maid looked at the red unicorn and suddenly covered her mouth with an expression of disbelief: "Oh my god, madam, is it you?"

The red unicorn looked at the old maid, stunned for a moment, then took off his helmet with both hands, revealing a girlish face.

Hardy raised his eyebrows slightly.

The other party is really too young, the immortal is really unreasonable.

Then Hardy also found it funny, and he had half a foot in the realm of immortality.

Especially after absorbing two arms with blue dragon blood, Hardy's body becomes closer to the immortal species.

"You are so madam." The old maid looked at the girl in front of her with tears in her eyes: "You haven't changed at all after so many years."

"Jenny, you are getting older." Monica's gray-black eyes swept across the maids in front: "And Susan, Jessica, Anne... you are all old."

A group of maids came running over, crying excitedly around Monica.

After a while, they dispersed.

Monica turned to look at Hardy: "I didn't expect you to still keep them."

"You've done a good job, why should you resign?" Hardy shrugged.

At this time, the old maid Jenny cried and said: "Madam, Master, missing."

Monica's eyes finally turned red, she pursed her lips and said, "I already know."

"If the young master hadn't made a decisive decision, the Hardy family would have..."

Monica sighed softly, her face full of guilt.

After a while, she said: "Go to the study and talk alone, my dear son."

She pronounced the word 'son' very strongly.

Sophie stood next to Hardy, frowning anxiously.

Hardy shook his head at Sophie and said, "Don't worry, she is also a cavalryman. She got off the Unicorn, and her combat effectiveness is even worse than mine."

Sophie thought it was reasonable and nodded.

And Monica looked at Hadi with a sarcastic expression on her face: "It's so interesting that a son and his mother have to be wary of each other when they meet."

"After all, you are very murderous." Hardy sighed softly.

Monica looked at Hardy with a cold face and said nothing.

Her eyes occasionally contained murderous intent, and occasionally looked very gentle.

The two entered the study, and Sophie took a dozen Silver Moon Witches to protect the entire manor.

In the study, Monica placed her helmet on the table, her armored hands gently stroking the edge of the desk, her eyes full of nostalgia.

"Have you checked how Lawrence died?" Monica asked gently.

Her eyes were full of blame, like a sharp knife.

Lawrence was Old Hardy's first name.

Hardy walked to the wall, crossed his arms, leaned against the wall arm, and looked at each other.

His face was calm and calm. After sizing up Monica, he said, "The murderer is dead. I killed him with my own hands."

Monica had an incredible look on her face. She looked hard into Hardy's eyes, as if trying to find signs of lying.

Hardy looked at each other openly, and the atmosphere was intact.

"Really?" Her eyes became even redder. She raised her head slightly for a while, as if she wanted to let the tears fall back into her throat. After a while, she asked, "Who is the murderer?"

"Royal blood, the little princess of the Double Dragon Head Family, Princess!"

"There is no reason why she would kill Old Hardy." Monica looked in disbelief.

"Because of the Nightmare Saddle." Hardy explained softly: "Princess needed strength. She had read the history books of the royal family and knew that there was one here, so she sent people to arrest her father and wanted to force him to find out, but he refused. , and was killed.”

"Where is his grave?" Monica swayed slightly.

Hardy shook his head: "Because he was killed in other counties and provinces, he can't be found. I sent people to look for him for more than a year, but he couldn't be found."

This is the truth. Hardy has been sending Little Tompson to investigate and find the body of Old Hardy, hoping to bring it back and bury it properly.

Nothing was found.

Because the body was dumped in the wild, it is estimated that even the bones were taken away and eaten by wild beasts.

After all, there are many beasts with strong bites that can easily break bones and lick the marrow inside.

Human bone marrow is one of the richest parts in nutrition.

Monica's face turned pale as she listened, and she staggered. She held her hands on the table to steady herself.

She was breathing heavily and seemed very uncomfortable.

Hardy waited for a while and said, "Why don't you take a rest first? I haven't touched the master bedroom between you and your father. It's still the same and it's cleaned every day. You can move in right away."

Monica waved her hands gently. Although her face was pale, surprisingly she did not shed tears.

"So, what's your name?" Monica turned to look at Hardy.

The mother asked her son what his name was?

This sounds weird.

But the essence is not weird at all, it is very normal.

Hardy raised the corner of his mouth slightly: "Father didn't give me a name. I asked him before, and he said that when you come back, you can give me a name."

So, Hardy is just Hardy.

Even if Ryan is so close to Karina, he can only call him Hardy.

When she heard this, she finally couldn't help it anymore. She closed her eyes and tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

Hardy shook his head helplessly and walked out of the study.

Waiting for the woman to rest alone for some time, it seems that we can no longer continue the conversation for the time being.

Sophie was waiting outside and asked, "How is it?"

"Go and prepare dinner. I guess she won't come out until very late." (End of Chapter)

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