Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 389 An unexpected surprise

Umberto's castle is huge and towering.

On the mottled blue bricks, clusters of ivy embellish the castle poetically.

Hardy walked across the drawbridge, crossed the moat, and entered the interior of the castle.

The vestibule is a very common lawn area, but unlike ordinary castles, the main entrance gate of this castle is very large.

Very big.

An old man with gray hair and a young man were waiting at the door.

When they saw Hadi, they all came up.

When he was still two meters away from Hardy, the old man came over first and gave Hardy a grand salute solemnly: "Thank you Hardy Pavilion for saving our George family and the entire Amber City."

After Hardy returned the gift, he said with a smile: "As you should, we, Lord France, help each other. This is a tradition."

"Tradition?" The old man nodded and said with apparent approval, "Yes, this is tradition and we should keep it."

But in his heart, he was a little sad.

Now Francie, the only one who dares to openly talk about tradition and is willing to truly help others is Hardy.

After the Britta incident, Lloyd George felt that Hardy was quite stupid.

But on the other hand, he admired Hardy very much and wanted to be friends with such a person.

At least you won't have to worry about him stabbing you in the back.

It’s such a contradictory mentality.

The young man also came over and gave Hardy a gentleman's salute.

He looked at Hardy's expression with even more admiration.

They Amberdo couldn't defeat the enemy no matter what, Hardy only needed about 5,000 people to push the enemy back.

"Sir Hardy, please come in." Lloyd George spoke and led the way: "We have done our best to prepare some delicious food, and we have also prepared one of the most beautiful girls to serve you."

After that, the three of them entered the main hall.

The first thing you see is a long dining table.

There are several pots of delicacies placed on the main seat, side seats and guest seats.

And in the guest seat, there was indeed a beautiful girl standing.

The clothes were so revealing that Hardy even suspected that the other party would show up in all his glory just by walking around a few times.

Hardy sat on the dressing table. Originally, the girl had a faint look of sadness on her face.

As a result, now that she found out that the person she was going to serve was Hardy, she immediately blushed.

The sadness disappeared, leaving only a touch of joy.

There is no way, after all Hardy is too handsome.

After the three of them took their seats, they began to eat and chat.

The atmosphere is quite good.

After finishing the food, Old George clapped his hands, and a mercenary next to him held up a box.

"Sir Hardy, this is a thank you gift from our George family. Thank you again for saving our whole family and saving us Umberto."

Hardy held the box and subconsciously shook it, and found that the things in the box were quite heavy.

He asked, "Do you mind if I take a look?"

"Of course I don't mind."

Rather, the etiquette here favors opening gifts in front of the host.

The wooden box was opened, and there was a hand inside. The bones of the hand were very long, and the fingers had long nails. They were blue and looked extremely evil.

At first glance, it doesn’t look like human hands.

"This is?" Hardy was a little curious.

He had never seen this thing in his previous life.

"The arm of a humanoid blue dragon."

Hardy was stunned for a moment, then a little surprised: "Huh?"

Generally speaking, things related to dragons are relatively valuable.

Even the most worthless kobold in Dragon Blood can be easily sold for two or three silver coins as long as a prisoner is captured.

It's much more valuable than the gray orcs.

As for this humanoid blue dragon, it refers to the kind of old dragon that can transform into human form.

In human form, a severed arm.

Who is so fierce that he can cut off the old dragon's arm?

Even Hardy didn't have full confidence when he turned into the Nightmare Knight.

"We are weak and this thing is just useless to us, but you are very strong and may be able to use it."

Hardy thought for a moment, put this thing away, and said, "Thank you, Mr. George."

"You are too polite." Old George said with some fear: "We should thank you, otherwise we..."

Afterwards, the two chatted for a while.

Hardy left.

And Old George did not say that he would send troops to assist Hardy in resisting the enemy.

Because almost all of the soldiers and effective combat effectiveness of the George family were dead.

This is also the reason why he is willing to give away such a precious thing. The George family really has no choice but to fight again.

We can only hope that Hardy will use his strength and death to drive away the enemy.

Otherwise, the George family will never have peace.

Hardy took the blue dragon arm and returned to the newly stationed camp.

He didn't take the 'girl' with him, which made the girl extremely resentful.

In fact, that girl is the daughter of the George family.

Hardy returned to the camp and found that the players were looking at him with interest.

Almost all players know that Hardy has many beautiful women around him and he is very playful.

I thought he would bring a beautiful woman back this time, but...he brought a gift box.


Seeing that there was no chance, a group of players made noise and dispersed.

Hardy shook his head helplessly, returned to his handsome tent, and took out the blue dragon arm.

If his guess is not wrong, as long as this thing has enough magic power, it can turn itself into a dragon bloodline.

Of course, it's a mixed bloodline... it can't be a purebred.

But that's enough.

Hardy's biggest problem now is that his body is that of an ordinary human being without any special bloodline. No matter how pure his soul is, he cannot run away with his weak body.

But if the dragon bloodline is integrated, the situation may be different.

After all, the physical toughness of the Dragon Clan ranks second among all races, and no one dares to rank first.

It's just that this kind of integration is very uncertain.

I don't know what kind of negative effects it will have.

If you are still a player with the system, this negative effect can be suppressed under the 'care' of the system.

But now he is just an ordinary human being.

"Do you want to fuse this thing? Do you want to take a gamble?"

After thinking for a while, Hardy decided to use it.

If the goddess of light hadn't appeared and said something like that, he wouldn't have used it for the time being.

But he must prepare for a future that even the gods sense is not right.

And individual strength is the best investment.

Hardy no longer hesitated and picked up the severed hand.

Dark magic was released from his body, wrapping the severed hand.

Dark magic itself has the quality of 'absorption'.

Soon, the severed hand turned into countless debris, and finally turned into pure energy, turning into a bit of red blood.

In the black magic cloud, it looks particularly eye-catching.

Hardy dissipated the magic power, and this red drop of blood fell into his palm.

He looked at it for a while, then pressed it into his mouth, then raised his head and swallowed it.

When this drop of blood entered his stomach, his body reacted immediately.

He felt hot all over his body and his blood was boiling.

His heart became faster, squeezing his own blood pump after pump, flowing through his veins.

You can also hear the sound of blood flowing rapidly.

If an ordinary person inhaled this dragon essence and blood, they might explode and die in such a state.

But Hardy has master-level strength no matter how you say it. Although the blood flows extremely fast, it is completely within his tolerance.

Even the magic power in the body is still helping the body purify this little bit of blood essence.

About half an hour later, Hardy stood up and wiped the hot sweat from his forehead.

The dragon essence and blood had been completely absorbed by him, and it indeed had a good amplifying effect on his body.

More energetic and stronger.

Although the effect of this essence and blood is not particularly obvious at this time, as his strength increases, the dragon's 'talent' will slowly become apparent.

"I got lucky this time." Hardy chuckled.

This fusion does not seem to have any negative effects, or the negative effects are not obvious.

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