Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 379 Tiao Tiao changed his mind

The big muscle tyrant nodded, thinking it was reasonable.

If it were me, I wouldn't give the already well-developed areas to others.

Moreover, the achievements of the two of them were not great enough to control a large city.

Hardy's willingness to provide them with town management in Zhongcheng is already very conscientious.

"I understand." The big muscle tyrant looked at Tiao Tiao beside him and said with a smile: "Ladies first, you choose Tiao Tiao first."

Tiao Tiao pursed her lips and looked at the city drawn in a circle, feeling very confused.

She is not good at management, and she doesn't understand what a city with "promising development prospects" is, so looking at this map and then looking at the data on the white paper is almost the same as reading a bible.

She had no choice but to look at the live broadcast room for help: "Why don't you guys give me a reference?"

Hardy feigned consternation.

Tiao Tiao smiled awkwardly: "Well, you also know that we immortals have a special way of contacting each other!"

"Can they directly see you across planes?" Hardy then asked in pretended surprise: "Can this ability be turned off?"

"Of course you can."

Hardy nodded: "That's okay, otherwise it would be inconvenient to do anything."

Then Hardy looked at the big muscle tyrant: "Then I guess you have similar abilities. Let's go back and discuss it with your friends first. Just give me a reply within two days."

Both of them breathed a sigh of relief and nodded at the same time.

After all, this is a very important matter. It is indeed a bit difficult for them to get the results immediately.

After the two left the study, Hardy smiled.

These two people seemed to have a choice, but in fact they had no choice.

Those seven cities each have their own problems, but Hardy doesn't have that much time to send people to manage them. Let's first decide which one they choose. If they manage it well, Hardy will benefit in the end.

If you don't manage it well, you won't lose anything.

With the player's character and moral bottom line, he won't make things worse.

He looked at the map and then put it aside.

With an army of players, Hardy has more tactics to use when fighting on the front lines.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the players are very powerful in combat.

For other troops, morale will collapse if the damage exceeds 25%, but players are different. As long as they pay enough money, they will have no problem beating the last person.

"The next step is to train the player's troops." Hardy wrote down his goal plan for the next six months on his notepad: "The next step is to learn the magic theory of space and soul."

Thanks to Hardy's previous forward-looking measures, Louisian County now has strong troops and sufficient food and grass.

Moreover, the time he spent fighting on the front line was a year later, which was enough time to continue accumulating.

Everything was as expected by Hardy.

It wasn't until half an hour later that Petola knocked on the door.

"Hardy, something really big happened this time."

Petola said as soon as she came in.

Hardy looked at Petola, waiting for her to explain the situation further.

"A lord of Harmans rebelled. In just over a month, he occupied the royal city. Viberto V was hanged and a large number of nobles were beheaded."

Hardy was stunned, this was indeed a big deal.

He asked: "What is the specific situation?"

Petola then described the situation collected by their intelligence organization.

It turns out that Viberto V, the eldest prince, went crazy and killed his mother, brothers and sisters, and declared himself king.

And the petals of the World Tree were distributed according to strength, which stabilized Harmans' national situation at an extremely fast speed. Although this was a bit cruel, it was obvious that Viberto V was indeed quite majestic.

I dare not explain you in the future, but at least you are a capable master.

But the problem is...the former queen's father, the grandfather of Viberto V, was so sad when he heard about his daughter's death that he directly sent troops to attack and attracted several good lords to rebel.

The rebels were unstoppable along the way, and it took only more than a month to capture the royal city.

Even before Viberto V's throne was warmed up, he was gone!

"The affairs of other countries have nothing to do with us." Hadi was a little confused: "Why is it a 'big thing and a bad thing'?"

Petola handed the white paper in his hand to Hadi: "See for yourself."

Hardy took it and after looking at it for a while, he also gasped.

"Is he crazy?"

It turned out that after the lord successfully rebelled, he proclaimed himself king and became Braunau I!

This is normal. Viberto V, as the only Viberto bloodline, has died, so it doesn't matter if the king of Hamans changes his surname.

But the problem is that after this king put on the crown, the first thing he did was to declare war on France.

And coincidentally, the lords of France's first wave of battles on the northern front had already led their troops.

In other words, France now lacks one-third of its troops.

The other party may have taken the initiative to attack just because they saw this opportunity.

"I don't know if he is crazy or not." Petola sneered: "But I know that this Braunau I does understand war very well."

Hardy put down the white paper in his hand and then said: "When is the date this intelligence was confirmed?"

"a week ago."

Hardy murmured to himself: "In other words, he started taking action at least nearly two weeks ago, and the situation is indeed not good."

The world lacks fast means of communication.

If the distance is further away, it is normal for the latest information to reach the rear after two to three weeks, or even two to three months.

Petola sat on Hadi's lap: "It seems you have to give me food in advance to prevent me from starving to death."

"There's no need to be so exaggerated." Hardy patted her fleshy butt and said, "You can come to me at night. We will meet in dreams."

"That's a bit illusory and not as happy as real people."

"Then I'll stay with you for the next two days." Hardy smiled.

Only then did Petola stand up with satisfaction: "I'll order all the food and grass. You can set off in two days."

After that, she twisted her waist and walked out.

I have to say that Petola is indeed a good helper for Hardy. During the past two days, she and Hardy did ridiculous things, but she was also able to take some time to arrange things properly.

Two days later, before leading the 'immortal' army to set off, Hardy summoned Tiao Tiao and Big Muscle Ba.

"I'm about to leave for the royal city. If not, I'll have to go west to fight the mad king Hamans." Hardy looked at the two of them: "The next time I come back, it may be a few months or even a year later. Things, please confirm the territory now."

The two nodded.

They heard the news too.

In fact, players’ information is also very fast.

After all, there are players almost everywhere.

As long as there is a big event, they only need to post a message on the forum or send a video to let most players know the latest trends in a certain place.

"Sir Hardy, I suddenly don't want the territory anymore. I want to lead an army of undead and go out with you."

Tiao Tiao suddenly pursed his lips and said.

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