Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 350 As long as you have enough money, troublesome things will become beneficial to you

To be honest, Hardy also finds matters related to divine authority very troublesome.

If the followers of the evil god cause trouble, Hardy can just lead them to run them over.

But here’s the thing…the god of marriage is a good god.

How could a god who protects marriage and children not be a good god?

Although the nuns in these temples do things that are a bit outrageous, they are not actually very malicious.

Mainly, the Marriage Cult really has no money.

One of the teachings of this temple is that it is forbidden to solicit donations from believers.

The money can only be earned by the priests and nuns themselves.

But few priests and nuns know how to make money.

Therefore, in fact, most of the priests of the God of Marriage are dependent on others.

They don't dare to mess around with large religious groups like the Guangming Cult, but Hades is different... Hades doesn't pay much attention to preaching, and he only likes cats. Therefore, in the earthly world, only the cat people believe in Hades.

Therefore... after learning that Hades had a large temple here, the priests of the God of Marriage came to occupy the territory.

After Hardy understood the ins and outs of the matter, he said helplessly: "Invite the bishop of the God of Marriage to me and talk to him if you have anything to do."

Tiana nodded and went out.

Not long after, an old man in gray robe knocked on the door and then walked in.

His expression was a little worried, and he looked a little timid when looking into Hardy's eyes.

"May I ask your surname?"

Hardy's tone became slightly better when he saw an old man coming in.

If a young or middle-aged man came in, Hardy would not have such a good tone.

"Hello, Your Excellency Lord. I am Murray, a believer in the God of Marriage." The old man's face looked a little embarrassed.

Hardy looked at the other party and asked: "I heard that the things at the temple were caused by the priests of your God of Marriage."

The old man's face was solemn and he nodded slightly.

"Don't you have your own temple?" Hadi said helplessly: "Even if you are not good at business, you can always make some money and build a small temple by yourself."

"It's too small for us to live in." The old man Murray's expression became gloomy: "Recently, more and more pastors have fled back from the north, and more and more people have gathered in the south. Our supplies are already stretched thin. ”

Ha subconsciously looked at the old man and found that there were indeed several patches on his robe.

“Then what about your gods, they don’t care about you?”

"They...were quarreling."

Well... Tiana and Petola seemed to have talked about this just now.

God of Marriage The couple is quarreling.

The reason is not surprising. The male god said that in the life of a couple, sex is more important than love and is the basis for maintaining an intimate relationship.

The female god said that love is more important than sex life, so spiritual integration is the right way.

The two started to quarrel.

Eventually they were ‘separated’.

The two of them had a quarrel, which made the pastors and believers below suffer.

God’s power comes from faith and from the affirmation of one’s own path.

Now that there are cracks in their views on marriage, it will naturally lead to a significant decline in their shared divine power.

Even the magical effects of the believers were greatly reduced.

Without the support of believers, it will naturally be impossible to carry out effective preaching. Then not only the divine power will be affected, but also the industry of the marriage religion will be affected.

Money is getting worse and worse. Hundreds of years have passed, and the Marriage Cult is getting poorer and poorer.

Hardy felt a little distressed at this time. These people were indeed pitiful.

Rubbing his eyebrows helplessly, he said: "It's wrong for you to be like this. I gave that temple to Hades."

Murray smiled awkwardly, but said nothing about withdrawing from the Temple of Hades.

"And your way of cheating is not very good."

The vision of more than five hundred soldiers was affected, which is no small matter.

The old man bent even lower, but still didn't say anything about moving away from the temple.

Hardy sighed and said, "Let's make a deal."

Murray raised his head and said with some surprise: "Your Excellency, please tell me."

"As believers of the God of Marriage, your number is not as large as that of the God of Light, but it is actually not that small." Hardy thought for a moment and said, "If you can provide me with information that I am interested in every month in the future, even before I Under your command, take the initiative to collect some information, then I can build a medium-sized temple for you here and provide you with a certain monthly subsidy."

Murray's eyes widened, he felt extremely incredible.

Driven by this emotion, Murray quietly pinched the flesh of his hind legs with his fingers. After confirming that it was painful, he asked in surprise: "Your Excellency, are you telling the truth?"

"Is it fun to lie to you?" Hardy said with a smile.

The old man took a deep breath: "Your Excellency, please tell me, what kind of information do you need?"

"Some information that is not good for us, France, and not good for me needs to be paid attention to at all times." Hardy thought for a while, and then continued: "What kind of information I need in the future, I will tell you in advance. you."

There was a persistent light in the eyes of the old man Murray. He looked at Hardy: "Your Excellency, how much subsidy can you provide."

"Ten gold coins every month!"

This number is not much.

To be honest, it's even a little less for a temple.

But... Old Man Murray is really satisfied.

These gold coins were enough for him to buy a lot of food, and then feed the nuns in the temple until they were white and fat.

Do you think they like to take off their clothes?

Because of her status as a nun, even if she takes off her clothes, ordinary people can't see her.

Without this method, they would not even have a place to live.

"If you agree, I will have someone advance this month's subsidy to you now." Hardy smiled.

"Thank you, Lord." Murray bowed and said, "We need this salary now."

Half an hour later, Murray left, holding something on his waist tightly, which contained ten gold coins.

This is the food for the children in the temple.

After sending Murray away, Hardy invited someone to invite him into the study.

I haven't seen him for more than half a month, and life is short and he seems even more haggard.

He has a long beard, greasy hair, and a gloomy expression.

"You look...a little ugly." Hardy said helplessly.

Life is Short smiled dryly and asked: "Is there anything wrong with Mr. Hardy?"

"I need to build another small temple. It belongs to the God of Marriage. It needs to be built quickly." Hardy thought for a moment and said, "And there are many beautiful nuns there. Maybe you will be interested?"

Life is Short nodded: "Leave this to me, what is the budget, Mr. Hardy?"

"One hundred and fifty gold coins."

“What about the floor space?”

"About six hundred square meters." Hardy pointed to the map on the table: "The open space numbered 155 on the west side of the city is left to you to deal with."

"Okay." Life is Short nodded. When he walked to the door, he suddenly asked: "Gui Wenir, is she okay?"

"It's not bad, I've been learning a lot lately."

Life is short and he smiled happily: "It seems that my life is very fulfilling, that's good!" (End of Chapter)

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