Full-time Monster Hunter

Chapter 494: Out × whale body × edge

   Lu Li didn't know the specific reason for the slowing of the arm growth rate, but he knew that it was safer here than in the passage.

   So when he turned around, he cleared the remaining arms while calling Buhaspur and Menqi to come up.

   In the process, he slowly got a certain idea.

  Because he can clearly feel the temperature rise when he is near the place he entered, and as the temperature rises, the regeneration speed of the arm has also increased significantly.

   Maybe its regeneration speed is related to temperature!

   Lu Li, who came to this conclusion, poked his head toward the depths of the passage, which is the direction where Qiao Ze and Anna left. The temperature seemed to be getting higher and higher! It's just that those two have long since disappeared into the darkness!

   Lu Li saw Men Qi still wanted to call Qiao Ze and Anna loudly, but there was no echo in the dark passage.

   Lu lifted the corner of his mouth slightly, with a sneer, not to blame Men Qi.

   If those two followed up with interest, he wouldn't say much, after all, they were all from the same team.

   But in this situation, let them fend for themselves, anyway, they have long lost this concept in their minds!

   After Men Qi also entered the passage, the pink wall was slowly squirming and closed, as if it had never been cut through.

   As it was closed, the temperature in the passage became even lower, and the arm that was still slowly recovering seemed to be paused by someone suddenly.

   But everyone who entered the passage had no plans to rest and adjust. After all, this strange place didn't give people any sense of security.

   walked along the only passage, but slowly realized that it was still a passage with no end.

   Luli helplessly looked at the three people behind him, Men Qi and Buhasa also raised their heads speechlessly.

   Obviously, there is only one easiest way to leave the body of this giant whale, and that is to push it out from the beginning.

   And this job is the easiest to leave to Lu Li.

  Menqi tried with her own dagger. The pink wall is very tough. Although she can slowly break it open with all her strength, the speed at which it breaks open and the speed at which the wall itself recovers are not much different.

   "Do you feel that this giant whale is more like a sealed land." Lu Li easily pierced the wall with the sword in his hand, digging while communicating with the two.

   As for Yimi who had fallen into an unknown state, Lu Li didn't even think about her at all, at least for now.

   Buhaspur hesitated: "It is indeed a bit like, especially the state shown by those arms, like trying to pull people into the abyss."

"No, I'm not talking about the state of expression, but the contrast between the thoughts wrapped around the arms and the thoughts in the wall." Lu Li said earnestly: "Like two forces, the thoughts in the wall are I feel the same as we felt when we saw the giant whale outside, but the thought on that arm was desperate and depressed."

   "There is indeed a certain difference." Men Qi inserted her dagger into the wall and said seriously, "But what is going on, then we need to explore and discover."

   "Yeah." Lu Li nodded, and then stopped talking, but used a stronger force.

   As a wall was dug open, a dazzling light came in.

   Lu Li raised his hand and covered it in front of him: "It's the sun."

   "I, we came out?" Yimi raised her head in disbelief. She thought she would be trapped in that terrifying giant whale forever.

   "Yes!" Lu Li was also a little happy. He put away the sword and crawled out along the hole where he played, and handed Men Qi his hand.

   "Still on the giant whale?" Men Qi asked a rather idiotic question.

   "Of course." Lu Li forcefully pulled her up, "Let's see whoever comes up."

   He had already seen that the hole he dug out was beginning to heal at an extremely fast speed, so he quickly pulled the thorn out of the giant whale's body.

   sat on the back of the giant whale, everyone was relieved.

   And at this time, the hollow that was cut out on the giant whale was quickly healed. This small wound didn't seem to have disturbed the giant whale, it was still swimming in the air gracefully.

   Lu Li looked at the mist shrouded nearby, and didn't know where everyone was now, but one thing was certain, that was, he didn't want to enter the giant whale again.

   Although the method that came out seemed simple, it relied on the sharpness of the Xunlong Taitou. Without this Taitou, I don't know how much effort it would take to figure it out.

   Only if this is the case, how to leave the ruins becomes a problem again.

   Luli rubbed his eyebrows, always feeling that everything seemed to be back to the original point.

   Yimi, who came down from the back of Buha Spur, looked at the fog that couldn't be far away. He laughed suddenly and wandered toward the edge of the giant whale's body.

   Men Qi quickly got up and followed after seeing it, Lu Li thought about it and got up and walked over.

   It's just that he didn't want to persuade Yimi, he wanted to look at the edge of the giant whale's body to see if he could find the direction of the altar.

   Anyway, find the altar to rest and adjust, and think about how to leave the ruins.

  Since the giant whale can't work here, it's better to look at the corpse of the giant beast on both sides, maybe you can gain something.

  Buhaspur also followed: "Lu Li, here you are."

   reached out and took the compressed food handed by Buhaspur: "How much food is there?"

   "Enough for one or two meals, of course, I need to diet to a certain extent." Buhaspur said helplessly and sadly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He hasn't eaten enough for a long time since he came to this ruin.

   "I don't know if the meat of this giant whale can be eaten." Lu Li stomped his feet. The giant whale in the ruins was the only living creature they found.

   "Forget it." Buhaspur waved his hands: "I don't want to grow arms in my belly."

   Lu Li thought about the scene, and nodded in agreement: "By the way, do Qiao Ze and Anna have food?"

  Bhastab was slightly taken aback: "I don't know if they have brought them, but the rest of the team's food I brought is here."

   When Buhasab finished answering, they also walked to the edge of the whale's body.

   The howling gust of wind seemed to be cut off by some invisible gas mask, but when looking down from here, only thick white fog could be seen.

   Men Qi had already hugged Yimi, but Yimi had already passed out at this time.

   I think it should be the method that Men Qi took after feeling that persuasion was useless, and gave a thumbs up to her choice.

   Menqi gave him a helpless look, and then thrust Yimi directly to Buhaspur.

   "Go down?"

   "Wait, at least you have to vaguely see below before going down." Lu Li sat down cross-legged.


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