Full-time: Incomprehensible understanding, stunning the Forbidden Mage

Chapter 224: Eight hours later, the Siren's general attack

"With such power, this kid is simply... a demon?"

The old wizard muttered to himself. As a super-class wizard of the older generation, no one knows better than him where the upper limit of the super-class wizard's strength is.

And the power displayed by Lu Yan has long exceeded the level of super-class wizards.

This kid... is a forbidden spell! !

Thinking of Lu Yan's appearance, this really made him a little unbelievable.

If he hadn't experienced it personally.

He even thought he had hallucinations just now.

After a brief silence, everyone present also set off an uproar.

"Killed the sea monster in one blow?"


"What kind of power is that? Such terrifying lightning!"

"Just now, the three super-class mentors used all their strength, but they couldn't break the monster's defense. So, the lightning is a more terrifying power than the super-class..."

"Fuck, is it... a forbidden spell? This is too outrageous!"

"Thunder forbidden spell mage, does anyone in our Xia country know about that big guy..."

The crowd was boiling.

Lu Yan's move instantly broke the stalemate.

"That's Teacher Lu Yan!"

Zhang Xiaohou excitedly explained to everyone, as if he was proud of it.

But when these words came out.

The scene was even more boiling.

Although some old men like the old mage of the sound department don't know how to surf the Internet and don't understand the identity represented by the name "Lu Yan\

,"But the name Lu Yan is still well-known among young people and college groups.

He is still quite familiar with his identity, strength and deeds.

Most people were excited. This was the first time they saw this rumored "big shot".

"Haha, some people were talking about the fact that Lu Yan, the instructor of Mingzhu Academy, would come to support us. I didn't expect that this rumor was true!"

"Academician Lu Yan is really worthy of his name. He solved our big trouble with just one move!"

But some people questioned it.

Because in the information they knew.

Lu Yan's major was the mind system, not a mage who was good at thunder system power.

If it was a minor... then this was too outrageous!

"Could it be a mistake? This lightning power looks like a powerful mage who specializes in thunder system."

"Hehe, what are you thinking about? This is a forbidden spell. Those who pretend will pay a price." Another person retorted.

"Indeed, who dares to joke about this level of existence?"

Just when everyone was still immersed in discussion and shock.

Suddenly, there was an exclamation.

"Look, there seems to be movement over there again!"




A strange cry came from under the boiling water.

A huge sea beast covered with a kind of magma magic scales.

It blew out a section of scorching steam, easily shattering the high-level protective barrier like a paper layer!

This was performed by hundreds of high-level mages together. The super water sky curtain, the super frozen coffin, and the super light falling Manzhang barrier were easily shattered by a breath!


The boiling sea monster monarch flew up. The appearance of this guy made the sea water in the entire strait boil continuously.

It broke through the water and was exposed to the air, but its size was far less than that of the vast sea monster.

"This is..."

The old sound system mage's pupils shrank, and he saw the origin of this guy and transmitted the sound to all the mages.

"These two guys are double disaster stars. The dead one is called Qiuchi. He can call for violent storms and rainstorms, and arouse ocean tides. He is the leader of countless sea monsters."

"This small one is called Qiuzi. It lives in an underwater volcano and is Qiuchi's younger brother. With its high body temperature, it can intensify tropical air currents and form a huge pressure difference."

"When the two of them are together, a super tropical storm can destroy any place!"

"Obviously, the sea monsters sent them to be the main generals and lead the attack on Xiamen!!"

All the magicians were stunned.

Unexpectedly, there is a second monarch sea monster hidden!

All of them are super monarchs!

This city may not be able to withstand the trampling of such a terrifying monarch.

The sea monster actually sent two more.

This is to completely destroy Xiamen without leaving any life! ! !

However, although the sea monsters sent two super monarchs.

But they also have forbidden spell magicians on their side! !

At this moment, everyone cast their eyes on the figure in the sky above the bay.


On the other side, the pointed head of the prisoner stood up at a right angle, emitting a strange sound wave towards the rain-drenched sky.

This sound wave cannot be heard by humans.

But I only felt a sharp "嘤" sound in my head, and I felt a splitting headache.

"This is..."

The old sound mage was surprised and sent a message.

"It is calling the sea monster!"

"It is going to launch a general attack!!"

Yes, the experienced old mage felt right.

The prisoner is indeed going to launch a general attack.

Originally, its mission was to attack the bridge while the eldest brother held the front battlefield.


My eldest brother died! !

The huge anger made it unable to sneak any further.

"These bastards, come on!"

The super-class mentor in blue clothes said angrily.

Now that there is a forbidden spell in place, as long as they are not the supreme monarch, their lives will not be harmed.

"Don't underestimate the enemy!" said the silver-clad super-class mentor.

The old sound mage nodded and said solemnly: "I have heard tens of thousands of sea monsters coming along this strait."

Everyone also looked into the distance.

Sure enough, they saw the terrible tumbling monster line between the sky and the sea!

"Master Lu Yan, you should be able to deal with the leader Prisoner, right? If there is no problem, the three of us will be responsible for the other sea monster generals, and the other super-class mages, high-level mages, and legion mages will protect the people of the bridge and deal with the sea monster army that is about to roll in!"

The silver-clad super-class mentor came to Lu Yan and asked very seriously.

"No problem!"

Lu Yan glanced at the time on the communicator and found that there was not much time left before the eight-hour ultimatum, so he nodded.

"Thank you!" The silver-clad super-class mage took a deep look.


"Mu Bai, the siren army is coming."

Zhang Xiaohou looked at the sea area with a serious expression.

Not long after, the siren army called by Prison Eye finally appeared.

The heavy rain continued to fall.

The depth of the entire Xiamen Island was enough for 60% of the siren races to move.

These siren are mainly composed of bone hunters, red ling monsters, and giant claw monsters.

Other strange siren races have never been seen, let alone what strange abilities they have.

However, the eight-hour time is about to expire, and the most terrifying touch armor monster is probably on the way.

These siren will step in from several places that are deeply submerged by the sea.

Start their hunting carnival.

However, fortunately for the human side, the siren never attacked the remaining two cross-sea bridges, and the lifeline of the people's evacuation was guaranteed.

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