Full-time: Incomprehensible understanding, stunning the Forbidden Mage

Chapter 220 When did I say I was a high-level mage?

Chapter 220 When did I say I was a high-level mage?


After being discovered, the underwater figures jumped out of the lake one after another.

They rushed into the water one by one. They were dark and thin, and their bodies were comparable to those of humans, but their heads and torsos were all made of bones.

They had a bone sac on their backs.

Under the hazy rain, at first glance, it looked like a skinny backpacker carrying a heavy backpack!

"Dirty Hunter!!"

As a local in a coastal city, Zhang Xin recognized this strange creature at a glance.

This is a marine creature that is more cruel, vicious and cunning than the Red Ling Monster!

Although this kind of dirty hunter mainly lives in the ocean sewers, they are a group of people who like to go ashore very much, and they are notorious.

"It feels like the bodies of these guys are made up of the bones of dead fish in the ocean." Ai Tutu looked at these dirty hunters and complained.

"They are sea monsters, and also ghosts. To put it bluntly, they are water ghosts. They have no other hobbies and do not need to eat. They just like to torture their opponents alive, and collect the internal organs of living things and humans." Zhang Xin explained with some fear. There are many sea monsters in the ocean that are so powerful that people feel afraid. Although the hunters are not a very strong demon group. But almost no hunter or ocean magician is willing to meet them. Because of one carelessness. Being attacked by such ghosts and dragged into the deep trench, they will be dissected alive in the end! In addition to Zhang Xin, there are more than a dozen other mid-level magicians who had previously dealt with the red ling monster together. They also looked horrified. Looking at the hundreds of hunters jumping out of the lake bay, they had no courage to fight. "We... Let's ask for reinforcements." Zhang Xin's legs were already trembling. With so many hunters, if they can hold on, the spleen, stomach, and heart in his stomach are not enough for these monsters! Lu Yan looked at the skeleton monsters standing on the lake, with black lines floating around them.

He understood the nature of these guys at a glance.

These water ghosts are absorbing fear.

The more fear and uneasiness Zhang Xin and the mages show, the more powerful these guys will gain.

The reason why they continue to spread fear and use extremely cruel means to kill their opponents alive is to absorb the resentment of living things to nourish themselves!

In essence, this belongs to the category of undead power.

At this moment, the hunter stared at everyone with a crazy expression, and kept absorbing the smell and emotions from people across hundreds of meters, just like a gourmet tasting one by one.

The strong power of fear emitted by Zhang Xin and others made their originally white bones turn red and black little by little, becoming as strong and sharp as iron and steel!

"Did I let you eat it?"

Lu Yan snorted coldly.

The devil's domain was suddenly released, and all negative forces, including those absorbed by the hunter, were completely drawn out.

"Squeak, squeak--"

The hunters made sharp bone friction sounds, staring at Lu Yan.

This guy...

Dare to steal their food.

He must be eradicated! !

"Is it uncomfortable?"

Lu Yan smiled, and could feel their anger from the weird expressions of these hunters.

"It's right to be uncomfortable, and after the discomfort, the pain will start immediately!"

For this kind of semi-undead creature, Lu Yan has a set of special restraint methods.

Since they like to torture their opponents and absorb fear.

Then, the air waves of the underworld will tell them what true annihilation of body and soul is! !

"Corpse gas!!!"

A dragon-shaped black air wave coiled around Lu Yan's arms.


The power from the soul and space hit the surface of the lake, and the black gas was like a dragon, producing a destructive whirlwind that covered half of Wuyuan Bay! !

Those hunters were already relatively flexible water ghosts in the lake.

But when they felt the threat from Lu Yan, it was too late to escape.

The impact range of this black air wave was very fast and very wide.

All the hunters walking on the water on the lake were swallowed up by the dragon-shaped airflow, and their souls were torn alive and swallowed up.

Watching this scene.

Zhang Xin and a group of mages were stunned and couldn't close their mouths for a long time.

What kind of magic is this? ?

When did a high-level mage kill a group of head hunters in one move? ?

The hunters who appeared on the lake were wiped out.

But there were many water shadows flashing quickly under the water.

Lu Yan decisively commanded the dragon-shaped air wave to rush underwater, and the cyclone surged, rolling up a water tornado, surrounded by countless black air.


A storm rose, the souls dissipated, the hunters in the sky were crushed, the broken bones flew dozens of meters high, and then fell down piece by piece.

A bone rain fell all over the sky.

The scene was spectacular!

"This... this is..."

"Are you really just a high-level mage?"

Zhang Xin, who was shocked, couldn't help but ask.

Lu Yan raised an arc at the corner of his mouth and smiled: "When did I say that I was a high-level mage?"

Not high-level?

So, this kid, is he... a super-level mage? ! !

Such a young super-class mage? ?

Zhang Xin was dumbfounded.

Suddenly, a sharp-eyed mage saw a figure rising on the water surface outside the bay in the distance and exclaimed: "Where, it seems that something is coming out!"

As soon as the voice fell.

Just when the rising water shadow appeared.

Lu Yan sensed that all the hunters hiding under Wuyuan Bay no longer chose to attack the opposite shore, but swam quickly towards the outside of the bay.

There were more than one big water shadows wandering around the edge of Wuyuan Bay.

But next to each of these big water shadows, nearly a hundred hunters appeared, as if they were guarding their master.

"Teacher Lu, the purpose of these things does not seem to be to attack residents, they seem to be escorting the guys behind them!?"

Ai Tutu frowned and asked in confusion.

Zhang Xin finally saw the huge silhouettes in the water, and said with a grim face: "That is a sea spirit beast, a very special marine creature. Many coastal areas will worship the water spirit beast to ensure good weather and protection when going out to sea, but how could it be... even it appeared?"

Aitutu frowned and said: "They have joined forces with the hunters and invaded our city together."

Lu Yan's eyes fell calmly on the so-called "spiritual beasts": "Maybe you have received a lot of care from it because of the worship in the past, but as long as you choose to invade, there is only one result, that is death!"

Zhang Xin took a deep breath and nodded: "Well, we must find a way to kill them, otherwise once the sea spirit beast plays the life tide conch, it will definitely cause huge tidal changes."

Aitutu seemed to have figured something out, his face was pale, and he swallowed his saliva and said: "You mean, these guys can control the tide... If the tide is going to rise, we want to complete the relocation plan in eight hours, it will definitely be impossible to complete it!"

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