Nobunaga cried with joy, but he held back.

“Waste, it’s really a waste, even such a weak person can’t deal with it, and they were captured alive, they can’t even run, I have such a waste disciple as you, it’s really a shame.”

Brian’s face darkened.

“Master, I’m sorry.”

However, immediately after, Brian noticed the words in Nobunaga’s words and was pleasantly surprised.

“Master, have you agreed to accept me as a disciple?”


“By the way, Master, I have completed the task you gave me.”

Wojin looked at Nobunaga and couldn’t help laughing, happy for Nobunaga, as someone who had been friends with Nobunaga a long time ago, Wojin understood Nobunaga’s mood changes in the past year.

The main thing is that there is too much pressure.

It was Nobunaga himself who put pressure on himself.

Because in terms of strength, he was surpassed by Wo Jin, and he was quickly caught up by Maggie.

During this hunter exam, Nobunaga also saw the strength of Jin Fulix.

And now, watching the interaction between Nobunaga and Brian, Wokin is very happy.

“That familiar Nobunaga, is back.”

Wren took a set of clothes from the parcel compartment and threw it to Nobunaga.

“Nobunaga, let’s go out and wait first, let Brian change his clothes, then come out and go back to Shadi Town.”


The three of Wren came out of the cave and waited at the entrance of the cave.

Not long after, Nobunaga came out with Brian.

Brian’s face was very pale, and his steps were stumbling, and it could be seen how cruelly Brian was treated after being caught by these people, and those people vented their anger at failing the exam on Brian.

Wren pointed to the man on the ground, one of these avengers who had been shot in the thigh by Wren before.

“Brian, kill him.”

Brian nodded and came to the man.

“Spare your life, spare me.”

The man burst into tears and looked pitiful.

Brian seemed a little unbearable.

Wren glanced at it and said, “Just now, these people, using you, threatened Nobunaga and made Nobunaga kneel in front of them. ”

Brian’s pupils shrank sharply and looked at Nobunaga.


Nobunaga waved his hand, his expression a little embarrassed, and said, “It’s all gone.” ”

Brian’s eyes turned red as soon as they rose.

Looking at the person on the ground, there was no sympathy in his eyes.

One punch.


Directly shattered the man’s throat.

Brian walked over to Nobunaga.


Get on your knees.

“Master, I’m sorry.”

Nobunaga kicked Brian to the ground.

“Get up, my disciple, don’t kneel without moving.”

“Also, don’t lose my face next time.”

Brian nodded heavily.

“Master, I promise that I will never let you down in the future.”

A group of 5 people returned to Shadi Town.

“Master, how many people did you kill just now.”

Nobunaga frowned.

“5, what’s wrong?”

Brian’s face changed.

“That’s not good, there are eight of them, counting the one who died in my hands, and two more.”

“Master, have you found Shayega?”

Wren said: “I found Shayega and have been sent back to the yard. ”

“Then Shayaka may be in danger.”

“Probably not, there is still one of ours in the yard.”

Rooney is indeed a silver gun wax head, but his ability to bluff people is definitely a first-class person.

These Avengers, all eliminated halfway, have not seen Rooney at all.

Moreover, Rooney’s appearance has also changed.

When the four of Wren were not far from the courtyard, they saw two figures standing at the gate of the courtyard.

“It’s these two people.”

And across from the two, it was Rooney.

At this time, Rooney was sitting on the chair, and his body exuded the momentum of a high-ranking person.

Shayaka was right behind Rooney.

The two Avengers wanted to step forward, but were a little jealous.

Brian saw Rooney, relieved, and looked at Nobunaga.

“Master, who is this person? It looks so strong. ”

Nobunaga’s face was a little strange.

“Rooney, a supernumerary member of our scavenger squad.”

Brian’s eyes widened slightly.

“Even the non-staff personnel are so powerful, then I want to join the scavenger team, isn’t it going to be long?”

“You want to join the scavenger squad?”

“Of course, this is Master’s team.”

Nobunaga glanced at Brian and said, “It’s really not so easy for you to join the scavenger team, but this Rooney’s situation, forget it, don’t talk about it, you’ll know later.” ”

But the more Nobunaga said this, the more curious Brian became.

Rooney also saw the Rennes 5 people here, and his face was happy.

“Captain, you’re back.”

The two avengers’ faces changed, and they quickly rushed towards Rooney.

At this time, they have no choice.

Wren raised the gun.

“Bang! Bang! ”

The two Avengers fell to the ground in an instant.

Rooney wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, looked at the two people on the ground, and then trotted to greet the 5 people in Wren.

“Captain, you came back too timely, if it was a little later, I guess I might not be able to hold on.”

Rooney’s disguise is good, but the downside is time, and over time, the opponent will definitely realize that something is wrong and make a tentative attack.

And once he tried, Rooney would show flaws.

Brian said puzzled: “Mr. Rooney, you are obviously much stronger than those two people, why are you afraid of them?” ”

Wren explained: “What Rooney is good at is not fighting, but computer technology, the appearance of a strong man, just disguised, really fighting, Rooney is not the opponent of those two people.” ”

After speaking, Wren looked at Rooney.

“However, Rooney, your combat strength still needs to be improved, and enemies of this level cannot be dealt with, and it is inevitable that you will encounter more dangerous situations in the future.”

“No matter how bad it is, you also need to improve your defense ability and escape ability.”

Rooney nodded.


The bodies of eight people were all thrown into the decomposition machine by Wren, and all traces were destroyed, and these eight people were as if they had never been to this world.

“It’s almost time to get out of here.”

“Pack up and leave tomorrow.”

The destination of Rennes’ next stop has been decided.

Sky Arena.

Talk about a business.

Take over the business of corpse disposal in the Sky Arena.

In this way, improve your progress in swords, firearms, and fighting.

In addition to swords, firearms and fighting, Wren is still close to the master level.

In addition, the Sky Arena, for those who read ability, is a good place to improve their strength.

Wren’s strength has improved, compared to plug-ins, relying on the decomposition machine.

But the other members of the scavenger squad can’t do this and must be promoted in a normal way.

Meteor Street.

“Regiment Commander, I got news of the scavenger squad.”

“Show it to me.” Kulolo’s eyes lit up.

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