"I said, it's useless."

Thunderbird Children said:"I don't know what kind of plan you have, who sent you here, but it is a mistake for you to come here, a complete mistake."

"Now, hit the road."

There was thunder and lightning on the children of Thunderbird.

Ren stared at the stone above the ground, frowning.

"Powers below the Lord of Sequence cannot be damaged.-"

"No matter it is the Destroyer, the Apocalypse, the Queen of the Moon, the Poison King, or the Sword God, they can't cause harm to it."

"Neither does the flaming red eye ability."

Ren frowned.

"Wait, I have one more thing."

Ren thought about the decomposition machine.

The decomposition machine is not my telekinesis ability, but it followed me through time and space into this world.

No matter what it was before, the decomposition machine could be decomposed.

The mystery and power of the decomposition machine, I now We don’t fully understand it.

This stone, the decomposer, can probably decompose it.

"Treasurer Qiu, help me buy time!"


Siku Qiu didn't know what Ren was going to do, but under the current situation, Si Ku Qiu himself had no choice, so Si Ku Qiu could only believe in Ren.

A powerful momentum burst out from Si Ku Qiu's body.

After that, Treasurer Qiu rushed towards the son of Thunderbird, using all his strength.

But Ren fell on the stone.

Then he took out his sword.

"Sacrifice, Poison King!"

Suddenly, the DNF panel crashed, and Ren's Poison King character disappeared.

A burst of extremely strong power condensed on Ren's sword.

Treasurer Qiu and the Thunderbird children couldn't help but look over.

Such a strong power, let They all changed their faces

"He was also in Disaster Sequence 2, how could he burst out with such strong power?"

This is something that Treasurer Qiu has never seen before.

The descendants of Thunderbird quickly recovered.

"This power is indeed very strong, but it is still useless against the power of the Lord of Sequence!"

However, Ren's target was not the stone enveloped by the power of the Sequence Lord.

It was the stone next to it. He jumped up and stabbed down with a sword.

Suddenly, it was as if the entire space was suppressed.


A huge explosion sounded.

The sound of countless stones breaking was heard.

The whole ground was broken.

The stone in the middle stood up alone.


Ren took out the decomposition machine, then pointed the entrance of the decomposition machine in the direction of the stone and approached.

Immediately, the power of decomposition acted on the stone.


Ren saw some stone chips floating out from the stone.

"It really works."

Ren's eyes lit up.

Thunderbird looked at the decomposer and frowned, but was not too worried.

Treasurer Qiu was still trying his best to entangle Toriko.

But at this moment, the decomposition speed of the decomposer, Got it


A crack appeared on the stone.

The Children of Thunderbird heard the sound and looked over sharply.

"This is impossible!"

The scion of Thunderbird showed a horrified expression on his face.

"That is the power of the Lord of Sequence, how could you destroy it."

Siku Qiu was also surprised, but this time, it was a surprise because he was on the same side as Ren. The

Thunderbird children wanted to come to Ren's side, but they were entangled by Si Ku Qiu.


Broken into pieces

"Decomposition successful!"

The stone disappeared completely.

The Children of Thunderbird fell into a daze, and a strong fear enveloped the Children of Thunderbird.

Ren took back the decomposition machine

"Breaking the Army and Rising Dragon Strike!"

A dragon slammed into the children of Thunderbird.

At the same time, Treasurer Qiu's attack also reached.

Without the stone pillar of the Lord of Sequence, the children of Thunderbird simply could not withstand the attacks of the two.


The lives of Thunderbird's descendants were completely extinguished.

Treasurer Qiu took a deep breath.


Ren doesn't want to waste any more time.


Secretary Qiu closed his eyes.

After a while, he opened his eyes

"This way!"

Ren took out his sword and slashed directly.

···Asking for flowers, a passage appears.

Nothing stands in the way anymore.

Until, in a wide space.

In the middle area, a huge bird is standing like a hill.

"Is this the Thunderbird?"

Sikuqiu nodded.

"Yes, this is the Thunderbird. The fragments of the Gate to Another World are inside this Thunderbird. Now it is forced into a deep sleep. No matter what we do, it will not wake up."

"this is our chance"

"Break open its body and take out the fragment of the gate to another world."

Ren nodded.

He raised his sword.


It's incredibly hard.

Just like the rock before.......0

However, it is still a little worse after all.

The sleeping Sequence Lord has no instinctive protection for his body, and there are certain weaknesses in his body.

The two of them combined their strength to break open the Thunderbird.

A fragment appeared in the sight of the two of them.

Both of them were a little jealous.

Treasurer Qiu showed a smile and said:"Ren, now that you have obtained the fragments of the gate to another world, it is time for me to return to the sleeping place of the macaw."

"Do you need help?"

"No, there is no such protection over there, I understand."

Ren nodded.

Treasurer Qiu's figure disappeared.

Ren's figure also disappeared.

A deep cave that no one knew about.

Renn took out the fragments of the gate to the other world.

Now Renn has two A plan.

The first one is to stuff the fragments into the body like the Sequence Master.

The second one is to use the decomposition machine to decompose it.

Renn hesitated.

"The former seems to have side effects"

"The latter may undergo some changes after being processed by the decomposer."

"Even if the effect is gone, I can still snatch the fragments of other world gates from other sequence masters."

Ren made the decision


The fragments of the gate to another world were thrown into the decomposition machine by Ren.

"Decomposition successful."

A burst of light enveloped Ren Ba._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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