Among the gatekeepers lining up behind, several figures quickly ran out.

However, this was already expected by Renne.

"boom! boom! boom!"

Ren pulled the trigger.

All these figures fell down.

However, Renn did not take their lives, but wanted to get some information from their mouths.

With several waves of monster factions invading the valley , When the gatekeepers all failed, the gatekeepers of the surrounding monster factions became more cautious and did not act rashly.

In this case, Ren decided to take the initiative to come to the door.

The four gatekeepers, including Maggie who had been killed before All the captured jackals were taken to the cave by Ren."530" and Maggie's test continued.

"Tell me, who sent you?"

"Where is your base?"

"Among the four of you, whoever says first, whose life I can spare?"

"I will only kill one of the four of you. Whoever is the slowest will be killed."

These gatekeepers are very stubborn and hate humans.

Because many of them had miserable experiences in the human world before, and then they hate the entire human group, but after all, they were once humans. The majority of their humanity is.Afraid of death.

Especially afraid of his own death, but his companions are not dead. Of the four people, three can live, only one will die.

This will cause great tension to the four people.

They will subconsciously think, In addition to themselves, there must be two others who can meet the conditions for three people to live, and none of them wants to be the fourth.

Compared with individual torture, this kind of effect will be much better

"I said."

The jackal was the first to shout.

The remaining three people glared at the jackal.

But the jackal didn't look at them at all.

"We are from the Meteor Tribe, and we settled next to a lake two hundred kilometers away. There are more than 30,000 gatekeepers in our tribe, and our leader is named Xiji."

Ren frowned.

"Meteor tribe?"

"Yes, because our leader comes from Meteor Street, and most of us come from Meteor Street. When we were in the human world, we were abandoned by the entire world."

"Therefore, we have no respect for human beings."

Renn recalled the name Xiji.

He had killed a person named Xiji in Meteor Street, but this person had been decomposed by Renn using a decomposer. Impossible to be reincarnated

"I don’t know what this Xiji has to do with me killing Xiji"

"Maybe it's just the same name."

Ren looked at the remaining three people.

He raised his pistol.

"boom! boom! boom!"

Three telekinesis bullets flew out.

Suddenly, all three of them died.

A blood hole appeared between the eyebrows.

"You said, let us live for three people."

A gatekeeper does not dare to fall.

But the jackal is full of joy, secretly thinking that he said it quickly

"Sir, can I continue to live?"


Ren nodded and said:"Since you have the information I want to know, then you have the conditions to live, but I need you to take me to that tribe."

"My lord, what do you want to do?"

"Don't worry about what I want to do. You just need to do what I say."

"But, sir, if our leader knew that I took you there, he would definitely kill me."

"If you don't take me there, I can kill you right now."

Ren glanced at the jackal and said:"And you are wrong about one thing. Now that you are no longer from that tribe, Xiji is naturally not your leader....."

Ren's momentum weighed heavily on Jackal's body.

"I see……"

The jackal nodded.

Ren walks out of the cave

"Maggie, how's it going?"

"All the persistence has been completed, there are no other undercovers."

Sangji breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Lane, I have caused you trouble again. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Ren waved his hand and looked at Xiaodi

"Xiaodi, go out with me."

After that, Ren turned to Maggie

"Maggie, Xiaodi and I will leave the valley for a while. During this period, you will be responsible for the affairs of the valley. If you encounter any force majeure danger, you will return to the human continent immediately."

"Wren, where are you going?"

"Go and see the tribes where these undercover agents are located."

"Is it just you and Xiaodi? Do you want to bring more people?"

"Need not."

Ren shook his head and said:"We just went to investigate the situation. 0.9 There are too many people, which is not good."

"Okay, then you guys, be careful"

"We will."

Ren walked towards the exit of the valley.

Xiaodi and Jackal were on both sides of Renn.

"Jackal, how strong is the Meteor Tribe?"

"There were many people above me, nearly a hundred. Jackal said:"And there are many people at the same level as me, reaching thousands, and the rest are relatively weak.""

Ren raised his eyebrows in anticipation.

Jackal is the master, and above the master, he is the grandmaster.

"One hundred grandmasters can definitely provide me with a lot of energy and improve my progress a lot."

Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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