"Let’s play guessing!"

In a split second, the two of them punched dozens of times.

Guessing, there are many things that are tested, such as observation, speed, reaction ability, etc.

"I won, me first. Nobunaga showed a smile.

Wojin shrugged and said:"Then I will be the last one.""

Nobunaga sat on the chair.

As before, Renn used his own energy to extract the power of the flaming eyes and send it into Nobunaga's eyes. Only Renn in the team could do this.

Cool. Not even Rapika.

Followed by Xiaodi, Pengsi, and Xiao.

Wojin was the last one.

Renn looked at Maggie and others and said:"In the past few days, you first get familiar with the power of the flaming eyes. Ku and I Rapica was outside observing the situation."

The BW stopped.

The Cajin Empire had already sent fuel here before.

Tyson fell softly in front of Camilla.

Camilla didn't even use the ability of the million reincarnation cats, but directly relied on With his own strength, he killed Tyson, because the energy of Cibepa and Mumuze were plundered by Camilla.

At this time, the number of princes who died completely became four.

Saresare, Mumuze Ze, Cibepa, Tyson.

Nasby frowned after listening to the report of the person in front of him.

"Okay, I get it, let's go down"

"Yes, Your Majesty the King."

Nasby looked forward.

Faintly, he could already see the existence of land.

The Gatekeeper Continent.

The two continents in Lake Mobius.

One is the human continent and the other is the Gatekeeper Continent.

From some kind of In a sense, it cannot actually be called a continent, but should be called an island.

"It's almost time to start the real planning."

Nasby walked towards the direction of the secret room.

He opened the door and entered the secret room.

Then, he came to the pot in the middle.

He stretched out his hands and placed them on both sides of the pot.

A strong burst of energy burst out from the pot. At this moment, the prince who had performed the egg-in-a-pot ceremony had a strange aura, and a look of madness appeared in his eyes. After refueling, the BW was launched again.

The third prince and the seventh prince went off in person to fight to the death..The eldest prince looked towards the direction of the fourteenth prince, ten

"In this war, no matter whether I win or lose, I cannot let these guys take advantage."

Benjamin directly led his subordinates to the fourteenth area.

Izanabi could not stop him at all.

The fourteenth prince and his mother were directly killed by the eldest prince.

Immediately afterwards, the third prince was also killed. Kill.

No one can stop it.

Death is shrouded like an abyss.

And just after the death of the Fourteenth Prince and the Thirteenth Prince, the moment the reincarnations appeared, Camilla found them, with a powerful momentum, Run over it directly

"My dear brothers and sisters, you will thank me."

The entire BW was filled with a desolate atmosphere.

The strong smell of blood spread throughout the space.

Kadro glanced in Nasby's direction and sighed.

"It seems that the father has already taken action."

Fugez was a little confused.

"Kiss, what happened?"

"nothing. Kadro showed a smile, then stretched out his hand and grabbed Fuguez's neck.


Fugez's neck was crushed.

A burst of power surged towards Kadro

"Card dear, why?"

Kazhuo's expression turned cold.

"Because there was only one person who could survive, my father thought that his plan was airtight, but in fact, that adult knew about it."

"This is the adult's order. Except for me, everyone else must die. Kadro turned around and headed to the third floor.

Camilla looked at Kadro opposite and narrowed her eyes.

".It's you?"

"I didn’t expect you to hide it so deeply"

"I really didn't expect it"

"Kadro, what do you know? Kadro looked at Camilla calmly.

"I know a lot of things. For example, my father did not really want to choose a successor in this prince succession war. Instead, he wanted fourteen of me to kill each other."

"After that, the only winner will be devoured by the father, and the father will use this to gain greater power and break the bottleneck. We are all just nourishment for the father."

Camilla looked at Kadrojan

"Since you all know this, you should understand that our father is our common enemy, so do you still want to antagonize me now (for the money)?"

"My father is far more powerful than you and me. Only by gathering the strength of fourteen of us can we possibly fight against my father. Not only do I want to kill you, you also want to kill me, right?"

Camilla's eyes flickered.

"That was before, now I have changed my mind"

"Sorry, I haven't changed."

Kazhuo stepped forward.

"And, you know, it's just the tip of the iceberg."

"You have no idea what my father’s real plan is, nor who is standing behind me. The terrifying thing about that lord is something that all humans need to look up to."

"My father actually dares to covet the authority of that adult. It is simply wishful thinking!"

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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