One red face and one white face. This is the strategy V5 had discussed before.

Andre snorted coldly.

"The Dark Continent is not a good place to begin with. There are only disasters there. Once brought back, it will bring disaster to our entire human world."

Nasby glanced at Andri

"Only people without courage would think this way. The Dark Continent is so vast, much larger than the human world, and its resources are countless."

"Are you holding back because of the slightest danger?-"

"That's the act of a coward. Andri glared at Nasby

"Nasby, who are you calling a coward?"

"What's wrong with you?"

Nasby is very strong.

"Nasby, don't go too far."

"Is what I said wrong? Nasby said:"Okay, let's just tell you why you are here. Since you are all here, I think I also know your purpose.""

"You want to join my expedition, don't you?"

"I can agree.

Nasby said:"However, I also have my conditions.""

The other five people looked at each other.

"What conditions?"

"First, I need to join V5 and gain the same status as your countries in V5."

"Second, you are not allowed to interfere in the election of princes in the Cajun Empire."

Andre stood up

"Join V5? Don't even think about it"

"We have done so much for this world, and the Cajin Empire has made no contribution at all, so we just want to join V5?"

Nasby glanced at Andre lightly.

"You can choose to refuse, but you can't stop my expedition."

Another middle-aged man stood up to mediate.

"King Nasby, we need to discuss this."

Nasby nodded.

Not long after, everyone from V5 returned.

"King Nasby, the result of our discussion has come out. Kajin can be added to 5. After joining, V5 will be renamed V6."

"In addition, we can guarantee that our V5 will not interfere in the prince election of the Cajin Empire."

"However, we also have our requirements."

Nasby looked at this man

"you say"

"The first point is that all members of the expedition team must be registered"

"Second point, our V will send two teams"

"The third point is that the Hunter Association must be involved"

"The fourth point is that before returning to the human world, we must send people to observe the members of the expedition team to make sure they have no problems before they can return to the human world."

Nasby thought for a moment, then nodded.


"Well, happy cooperation"

"A pleasure to work with."

At the end of the meeting, V5 will discuss ending the Hunter Association.

However, even without V's request, the Hunter Association will send a team to join this expedition. Nitro's last words contain something related to this aspect.

Biyong De, He was feared and suspected by the entire Hunter Association.

Renn looked at Brian, who was sitting alone on the beach.

Ever since losing to Kurapika, Brian had fallen into self-doubt.

He was depressed.

"team leader."

Seeing Renn coming, Brian stood up quickly.

Renn stood next to Bryan

"Brian, don't you think it's unfair?"

Brian hesitated and shook his head.

"I'm not jealous of Kurapika, I just feel useless."

Ren smiled.

Brian said this very tactfully, but in the end he still felt it was unfair.

"This world is like this. There is never any fairness. Some people are just born and are already at the end point that we cannot touch."

"Brian, with your current strength, it’s really not enough to go to the Dark Continent."

"Moreover, the scavenger team needs someone to take charge of the overall situation after we leave."

Ryan said:"Sayaga can't do it, and Rooney can't do it either. Brian, I hope you can take on this responsibility. After all, you are their senior brother."

"This task is also very important."

Brian nodded.

"Captain, I know you haven't ignored me, and I know this task is very important, but I just feel like I'm not up to par. Captain, is there any way you can make me stronger?"

"There is a strong correlation between mind and spirit. If you want to become stronger, you must first improve your spirit."

Ren said:"You can do some willpower exercises."

"When President Nitro was young, he stood on the snow and practiced hard for many years. All he did was punch."

"Adjust your own energy and spirit to the best, and integrate it with the surrounding environment."

0········Asking for flowers

"The rest is left to time."

Brian nodded.

"Captain, I understand, thank you."

Ren patted Brian on the shoulder.

"The opportunity to go to the Dark Continent is not just this one, you are still young and there is still a chance."

In the scavenger team, after Ren and others left, only Brian, Sayaka, and Rooney were left. These three characters basically had no names in the original work.

I spent a lot of energy on this Ren didn't want to give up the base he built.

The Hunter Association faced a relatively big problem.

After Pariston withdrew from the Hunter Association, he chose to join Biyongde's team.

Jin Fulisi also quit at the same time and came to Biyong German team.......0Jin

Fulisi told the Hunter Association that he was going undercover to conduct surveillance.

But in this case, the twelve branches of the Hunter Association will lose two members.

"Do you have any suitable candidates?"

Yorkshire pushed up her glasses.

"Let Mo Laowu and Nobu join in.

Mildstone suggested:"Mo Laowu is a sea hunter. His abilities are very useful when sailing on the sea. When we go to the dark continent, we have to go through a long sailing time.""

"Nobu's spatial ability is also valuable."

Yorkshire nodded.

"That's fine."

In the original work, Mo Laowu and Nobu assisted Nitro in killing the ant king. Both of them are two-star hunters, not considered combatants, but their abilities are indeed of good value. The two cooperated in the investigation. It will be a good combination.

At this time, Nasby gathered all fourteen princes together. Even the fourteenth prince who was still in his infancy could not even speak. After that, I told you about going to the Dark Continent

"From now on, you can recruit your guards"

"I hope you don't disappoint me."

At the same time, Nasby recruited expedition members from all over the world and randomly selected names. Only those who are lucky enough will have their names selected.

However, this kind of randomness is just casual talk and cannot fool people..The real core members are all appointed by default.

For example, the team of the Cajin Empire.

The team of V5.

The team of the Hunter Association._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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