The figure of the owl falls

"It's such a shame that you guys responded so quickly."

Xiao looked at the four Feitan people.

Feitan, Finks, Peeling Lev, and Kubi.

Four figures fell down next to Xiao.

Glasses, no hands, old man, blond hair.

Feitan looked at Xiao

"Are you the Yin Beast?"

"That's right. Feitan said calmly:"If I were you, I would try my best to escape at this time. Do you know that those people on the other side of you have already lost?""

"I had some expectations for you before, but I didn't expect that you were much weaker than I expected, and I couldn't even get interested."

"They can't even defeat those cripples in Mianying, let alone us?"

Xiao snorted coldly.

"Anyone can tell lies"

"Whether it's a lie or not, you'll know right away."

Suddenly, Feitan's figure moved.

The speed was very fast."Nine Five Three" is difficult for ordinary people to catch with the naked eye.

Even the Yin Beast's sight found it difficult to keep up with Feitan's speed.

"So fast!"

Xiao took the initiative to face Feitan, because it was impossible for anyone else to be Feitan's opponent.

Finks' eyes stopped on the blond.

Because the blond looked like an enhanced type.

Finks He likes to fight with enhanced opponents, fist-bumping and breaking the opponent's bones.

Peel-off Lev faced the glasses.

The remaining two people, neither Peel-off Lev nor Finks, looked down upon.

No hands and The old man had a very obvious physical disability.

He looked very much like someone who had been baptized by newcomers in the Sky Arena, similar to Ji Dou and Sha Da Suo.

Feitan glanced back.

"Kubi, you can just pick one, and I’ll take care of the rest."

Kubi nodded.

In terms of combat strength, Kubi is not very strong.

Among the brigade, Kubi's position is just a tool.

Even if the Yin Beast is unbearable, Kubi cannot fight one against two.

Fen. Kes rushed towards the blond.

The aura on his body was condensed.

The blond looked serious.

As both enhanced ability users, the blond could actually feel that his strength was actually not as good as the opposite Finks, but this time Fight, cannot retreat

"bring it on!"

There was a hint of ferocity on the corner of Finks' mouth.


The fists of the two people collided together.


The next moment, Blond's face suddenly changed.

Because Blond found that the bones of his arm were broken by the collision of this punch.

This was something Blond didn't expect.

Even though he knew that his strength was not as good as the opponent's, Blond didn't feel it. There is such a big gap between his own strength and his opponent's. With one punch, his arm will break.

How can he fight in this battle?

There is a trace of disappointment on Finks' face.


"Forget it, I didn’t expect you to make me happy, so let’s finish the battle quickly."

Finks' expression returned to calm.

"Back to the days!"

One lap, two laps, three laps...

The aura on Finks became more and more intense.

The blond's eyes widened and he even wanted to turn around and run away.

However, the blond held back forcibly, because if he ran away, the end would be even worse.


The blond man gathered a lot of energy in his chest.

Phinks approached step by step.

Finally, he raised his fist.


A huge impact sound erupted between the two of them.

The blond hair flew out and landed heavily.

Two days later, his arm was completely broken, and his chest was sunken.

His eyes widened, and his vitality disappeared rapidly.

After a few seconds, He died on the spot.

Xiao Xiao looked shocked.

"How could the gap be so big?"

Just as this was happening, Peeling Lev's battle came to an end.

Peeling Lev opened all the bandages in the entire province. There were dozens of holes on his arms and body. Following Peeling Lev's movements, some weird sounds were heard. issue

"Battle Waltz!"

This is the ability to peel off the inheritance of the Lev family.

A huge stone hit the glasses.

The glasses' eyes widened with a horrified expression.


It fell with a crash.

The glasses were smashed into a meat pie.

"KuBi, do you need help?"

Finks has already faced Feitan's other opponent besides Xiao.

Peeling Lev looked at Kubi


Kubi did not refuse.

His fighting ability is not good, and Kubi has nothing to admit. Xiao

's face became very ugly.

In the blink of an eye, two of his companions died, and, look at what happens next In this situation, the other two will be killed immediately, and then it will be his turn.

Xiao felt a trace of regret in his heart

"You should listen to earthworms"

"The Phantom Troupe is indeed stronger than our Yin Beasts"

"If we had followed Glass's idea and pursued him from all sides, the result would have been even worse. In an instant, all of us Yin Beast people would have died........."

"There is not even a detailed battle process."

This is the case in the original work.

Except for earthworms, sick dogs, leeches, and porcupines, the remaining six people did not even have details in the process of chasing the Phantom Troupe. They lost in one scene.

Finks shattered Wushou's chest with one punch.

Peeling Lev and Kubi teamed up to kill the old man. There were 5 Yin Beasts, and only one was left.

"Give you a chance. Feitan said:"You should know that my strength is far above yours. As long as I want to kill you, you will be dead long ago. Were you the ones who took away the things in the auction warehouse?""

"Hand over the things, I can make your death a little easier"

"Otherwise, I will show you what true cruelty is."

Xiao looked serious.

"I don't know where those things are"

"have no idea? Feitan sneered and said:"The situation we got, the things in the warehouse were taken away by you, which is consistent with your ability.""

"Or do you think you can escape from me?"

Finks, Peeling Lev, and Kubi all stopped and looked at Feitan, but they had no intention of supporting him because they knew that Feitan had an absolute advantage.

"I have no idea"

"If you don’t eat the toast, you’ll have to drink wine as a penalty!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Feitan's speed became faster.

He came behind Xiao Xiao and kicked out with a 5.8


Xiao staggered.

Immediately afterwards, Feitan came to the front of Xiao again.

Another kick

"boom! boom! boom!"

Serial attacks.

In an instant, Xiao Xiao withstood more than a dozen attacks.


A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Feitan held the sword, pointed at the owl's neck, and said:"How about it, do you still want to continue to resist? What I'm best at is not fighting, but torture"

"I don't think you want to experience that taste."

Xiao glanced at Feitan, feeling full of powerlessness and regret in his heart.

But at this moment.

Suddenly, the expressions of Feitan, Finks, Peeling Lev, and Kubi all became very... Seriously, staring in one direction.

Xiao Xiao couldn't help but turn his head and look over.

Two figures, one step at a time, came this way.

The momentum was majestic.

Like a mountain._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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