angolan church

"Archbishop, the people outside have already built the defense line, and the monster area cannot be expanded further."

"It doesn't matter."

The archbishop stood on the balcony and looked into the distance calmly.

"This level is enough"

"The next thing is left to time."

"Time will bring us the results we want."

Kurapika looked at the people in the team carefully.

His eyes stayed on Ren for a while.

Because Wo Jin said that Ren is very strong.

And Kurapika needs strength to take revenge.

Brian took the initiative to leave Arrive next to Kurapika

"Kurapika, from today on, we are senior brothers. I am older than you, so you can call me senior. If you don’t understand anything or need help, you can come to me."

"Sayaka is also considered your senior sister, you can also ask her for help."

In a sense, Sayaka can be regarded as Maggie's disciple. Although Maggie did not confirm this identity, Sayaka's telekinesis ability was taught by Maggie.

Kurapika glanced at Sayaka and clicked nod

"What is our mission this time?"

"It's to clean up some monsters, but I don't know about you, because you haven't learned telekinesis yet, so it might be difficult to deal with those monsters."

"The ability to read?"

"Didn't Senior Wojin tell you? That's what I let slip. Senior Wojin probably doesn't want you to learn the ability to read yet. He may be worried that it will distract you."

"What is the ability to read?"

"It's an ability that can make people stronger. When the time is right, Senior Wojin will definitely teach you. You can just listen to Senior Wojin's training plan now."

Kurapika frowned.

"So can you tell me about the execution of the mission? I'm so mentally prepared."

Brian smiled bitterly.

"It's not that I didn't say it, but I didn't know either, because this was also my first time participating. Before, my strength was too weak, and the captain didn't allow me to participate in the battle."

Kurapika was silent for a while.

"Senior Brother Brian, can I ask you, how strong are you now?"

"Well, you have stumped me with this, I don’t know how to describe it.

Brian hesitated for a moment and said,"As far as the scavenger team is concerned, I should be the third from the bottom.""

"You are the last one, and Sayaka is the second last one."

Kurapika was a little unconvinced.

"Am I so weak?"

"uh, yes"

"So have you heard of the Phantom Troupe?"

"I heard that Master and the others seemed to have fought against the people of this Phantom Troupe."

Kurapika's eyes lit up.

"The results of it?"

"The results are obvious. Brian pointed at Nobunaga and the others and said,"Master and the others are still here, aren't they? The one who loses must be the Phantom Troupe, not Master and the others.""

"So, senior brother, who is stronger, you or the people in the Phantom Troupe?"

Brian thought for a while.

"I should not be their opponent now."

Kurapika immediately made a request.

"Brother Brian, can you accompany me to sparring? I want to become stronger"

"Sparring is possible, but not now. Brian said:"Kurapika, you haven't reached the stage of sparring yet. When you get there, you can come to me at any time.""

Wo Jin came over here.

"What are you two talking about?"

"Senior Wojin, I accidentally let it slip about my ability to read."

"Do you have the ability to read?……"Wojin patted Kurapika on the shoulder and said:"You can't rush this thing, but if you train according to my plan, Kurapika, you can reach the level of learning nen within a year."

"Until then, don't be impatient."

Kurapika nodded.

Ren looked at everyone.

"We can get to the defense line tomorrow"

"Today, let’s assign tasks first."

Ren looked at Nobunaga and Wojin

"Nobunaga, Wo Jin, Brian, Maggie, the four of you form a strike team, set off first, clear the road, not just monsters, there may be other things."

"The Church in Angola is not that simple"

"Sayaka, Ayrin, Xiaodi, Kurapika, the four of you, come with me and help me do something."

Kurapika raised his hand

"Captain, I also want to join the assault team"


Ren refused directly.

"Your current strength is too weak. If you go, you will be a hindrance. If you want to fight, you will have a chance to fight in the future. I have already decided, and this is the arrangement."

Kurapika is a little unwilling.

Ren understands Kurapika's actions.

After all, the blood feud of the Kuluta clan is there.

For revenge, Kurapika can do anything.

Therefore, Kurapika wants to do everything possible , Improve your strength as soon as possible.

Fighting is a good way.

However, when revenge is not involved, Kurapika calms down and can think seriously.

The characteristic of the materialization system is neurosis.

Many times, he can be very rational, but when it comes to the thing he is paranoid about, he will behave completely differently.

Wo Jin came to Kurapika's side


"Kurapika, take your time, you can definitely get revenge."


Kurapika nodded heavily.

"I believe I can definitely do it"

"The captain is a very powerful person, not only in terms of fighting ability. When you follow the captain, you can seriously see what the captain does."

"Learning from the captain will be very helpful to you."

Kurapika was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

"rest early."

The next day, finally, near noon, Renne and his party arrived at the defense area.

A member of the Hunter Association came over

"Ren, hello, I'm Milton."

A young man wearing a black and white horn hat, and his clothes are also black and white.

One of the twelve earthly branches is the cow.

In fact, Renn doesn't quite understand the behavior of the twelve earthly branches, and he forces his image to fit with the animal. According to rumors, this is because of Nitro's bad taste.

However, being able to influence the twelve branches to this extent proves that Nitro's personality charm is indeed very high.

Except for Jin Fulis and Paris Stone.

Paris Stone Not like a mouse, GoldFlex is not like a pig either.

Two exceptions


"There are already a certain number of monsters in the first execution base. Let me take you there first."


Not long after, Renn followed Milton to an execution base. A huge building.

In appearance, it looked like a chimney. It was surrounded by a circular wall and was concave in the middle, making it impossible for the creatures inside to use it. There is only one entrance in the sky when climbing. Those monsters are thrown directly into the chimney from the sky.

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