"Captain, there's an island ahead. "

A young man ran into the captain's room in a panic.

"Dick, how many times have I told you, we are people who do big things, what kind of system are we so rough?"

"There's an island here, I don't know?"

"It's not like we've never been here. "

"It's just a desert island where birds don't, what are you panicking about?"

Dick swallowed hard.

"Captain Bert, no, it's not a desert island anymore. "

"I saw people, a lot of people. "

Bert frowned.

"Really, you're not drunk?"

"Absolutely not. "

Bert didn't seem to believe it, but he walked out of the captain's quarters, went to the deck, took out his binoculars, and looked in the direction of the island.

At this time, the ship was directly south of the island.

"There really are people. "

"There is a port built on the beach, and there is a village. "

"It looks like a manor. "

Bert licked his lips.

"Yes, has someone settled here, the construction is good, there must be a lot of money. "

"It's done!"

Bert's expression became serious, and he said: "Pass the order, prepare for battle immediately, and today we will contribute this island." "

"Landing from the east, where I remember is a reef area, there must be no one to guard against. "

"Yes. "

The boat turned around and headed east of the island.

Rooney looked at the ship on the screen and frowned.

"For more than a year, no one has come, and now the captain has just left, and someone has come. "

"And it's a pirate, menacing. "

"I don't know if I can stop it. "

"I hope that there are no people who have great telepathy. "

Rooney was not confident in his own strength, and at Rennes' request, Rooney trained in martial arts, but it was only too late to learn Xi, and he had no talent, and he made little progress.

Not even as far as Sayaka's progress.

"But they seem to have gone east. "

Rooney thought of what Wren had set up in the reef area and smiled mysteriously.

"Little door, get off the boat!"

The pirates are imposing.

However, the moment they entered the reef area, suddenly, some creatures under the water moved.

The NPCs in the reef area are monsters.

And it's a monster of great strength.

In the Valley of Monsters near Andokibha, there are monsters that even those with telekinesis can defeat.

The same is true of what Wren makes.

Moreover, it is more tolerant of the environment.

Water snake, giant crab......

The pirates had just jumped off the ship when the attack of the monster NPC arrived.

The pirates didn't expect it at all.

Immediately, several people fell into the seawater, and the blood flowed into the seawater, and they lost their lives.

Bert's face changed.

"What's going on?"


One of the pirates screamed.

I saw that a huge figure appeared in front of the pirate, and the bloody mouth opened, and in one fell swoop, the head of the pirate was bitten off and swallowed into the abdomen.


The pirates were scared.



Bert's eyes immediately turned red.

These pirates, but what Bert managed to gather together was Bert's family business.

Now, in just a few minutes, half of it has been lost.

Bert felt himself dripping blood.

"Kill you!"

Bert fell into a frenzy and rushed towards a water snake.

However, when he was slapped by the water snake, he flew upside down.

The whole body falls into the sea.

The cold temperature calmed Potter down a bit.

"I'm no match for these monsters, gotta run!"

Bert quickly came to the side of the boat and got on board.

Turn the bow of the ship and head off into the distance.

Among the many pirates below, Bert didn't care at all, letting their shouts resound.

Rooney breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's just this level of strength, it scares me to death. "

"But it's not that easy to escape. "

Rooney pulled out a card.

Bert gasped for air, and the deck was empty.

"Captain. "


"It's me"


Bert saw the comer and suddenly became angry.

"Why are you on the boat?"

"I just had a stomachache and went to the bathroom. "

"Going to the bathroom?"

Bert was furious and said, "Do you know what you did? Go to the toilet! Everyone is dead, you go to the toilet? If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have suffered this great disaster." "

"It's all your fault!"

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have gone to this island, and they wouldn't have died!"

"You ruined my pirates!"

"You've ruined my career. "

"I'm going to kill you!"

Bert's eyes were red and he rushed towards Dick.

He drew his knife and stabbed it down.

Dick's eyes widened and he died, not understanding what was happening.

Rooney looked at the card in his hand.

"Use the card, expel it!"

A bullet appeared in front of Rooney, and then flew straight in the direction of the pirate ship.


Sudden explosion.

The whole ship was reduced to pieces.

Bert also died in the explosion.

Those crew members, all of whom died in the mouths of monster NPCs, became food for monsters.

The next day, the smell of blood disappeared, and the blood in the sea water faded as if nothing had happened.

Wren glanced at the email Rooney.

"Wren, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, after we left yesterday, a shipload of pirates went to our island base, and it's all right, all the pirates have been killed. "

"Rooney and Sayaka are all right, and there is no damage anywhere. "

Wren thinks it's a bit of Murphy's theorem, and when the pirates don't come, they come when all the main combatants of the scavenger squad leave.

If it weren't for Wren's preparations, there might have been a lot of trouble.

Just then, the airship landed.

Wren 5 people walked out of the airport.

"According to the information Rooney has gathered, that cult is here. "

Meteor Street.

"Pak Notan, is there still no news from the scavenger squad?"

"Nope. "

Pak Notan hesitated for a moment and said, "Commander, I don't understand a little. "


"I don't understand, why are you so obsessed with the scavenger team, they have nothing to do with us, and Meteor Street, and now we have control of Meteor Street, right?"

"Indeed, Meteor Street is already under our control. "

"Our main focus now is to make Meteor Street better, but the Scavenger Squad means something different to me. "

"I used to look up to them as role models. "

"But they betrayed Meteor Street. "

"You know the feeling that the person you adore is doing something that you can't stand at all. "

"I can't forgive them. "

Pak Notan was silent for a moment.

"Commander, with all due respect, we are no match for them. "

"I know, so, I just want their information, I didn't say anything, I'm going to show hostility to them right now. "

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