Full-time BOSS

Chapter 83 Mutation completed

Asari (water demon): Good job Your Highness, you have absorbed enough elemental power, now, let me teach you how to condense your body.

Saying that, Asari lifted Xiao Yu up again, and led him along the way to a valley surrounded by rocks.

This valley is clearly divided into three parts.

A puddle of cold ice with floating ice and snow, a mica pit filled with clear pool water, and a huge sandpit filled with azure sea water.

Asari (water demon): The core of our water elemental family is composed of elemental water, which is filled with elemental power. It is the source of our strength and the seat of our soul, but this precious Naturally, power cannot be lost at will, so we have learned the ability to control water substances. By controlling water-like substances, we can build our own bodies to facilitate our actions or fights. Now, please choose the body you want to build Bar.

To absorb the water of ice and snow, you can choose advanced ice-forming elements and ice puppets.

Absorb pure water, you can choose to advance into water element, water demon.

To absorb the water of the ocean, you can choose to advance to become a sea element or a siren.

Xiao Yu moved into the clear and pure pool without hesitation. Although several other elemental creatures have some useful special abilities, which are better than water elementals in the early stage, water is still the only thing in terms of pure bloodlines. Elements are none other than water elements. Water elements are the purest water element organisms (or how can they be called water elements?). Gen Hongmiao is talking about it. Its plasticity and growth are also the strongest. If you want to become the strongest BOSS, Undoubtedly the water element is the best choice.

Standing (lying down) in the pool, Xiao Yu followed Asari's guidance and began to try to control the surrounding pool water with his consciousness.

Strictly speaking, element control is not a skill, but a basic operation mechanism just like human walking and eating, but this does not mean that it can be used easily and easily, because it is a brand new operation mode, You must rely on your own experience to comprehend.

Use consciousness to touch the surrounding water flow and control them to gather together, just like the beast template needs to learn to land on all fours, and the bird template needs to learn to fly with wings, the elemental control of water elements is also a completely different experience, because Xiao Yu has It's an experience, so it's quick to learn.

Under the control of his mind, the surrounding pool water began to condense towards his body, completely enveloping him, and then under the control of his consciousness, he transformed into an irregular humanoid figure more than two meters high, Xiao Yu Constantly adjusting the shape of this huge water column, allowing it to grow two arms and a head, finally, the shape gradually stabilized, and a standard-sized water element was born.

In fact, if he wants, he can completely adjust his appearance into other bizarre shapes, but the specific attributes and skills will not change. Considering the cheapness of operation, this half-human form is the most suitable.

Now Xiao Yu can control this body like an arm and a finger. Xiao Yu can feel that this body is not its real body. His entity is still the same thing as the water ball at the core of the water element, but he can control this body. Every move of the water element feels a bit like a human operating a mech, but it is controlled by consciousness, which is very convenient as an arm and a finger.

[System prompt: After completing the advancement ceremony, you have successfully advanced to become a water element and comprehended the skill - Frost Arrow. 】

Frost Arrow: Condenses the elemental power in the body into an elemental arrow composed of frost power, shoots at the enemy, causing cold damage to the enemy and slowing down the target. This is the most commonly used attack skill of elemental creatures. Frost Arrow's The specific damage is related to the power of the element.

Now the elemental seed can finally be used, Xiao Yu thought, and took out the elemental seed.

[System prompt: In the novice area, the system warehouse cannot be used]

Halo, it seems that I have to leave here.

Azathoth (Prince of Water Element): Then Asari, should I continue to absorb the essence of water?

Asari (water demon): No, Your Royal Highness, the essence of water is prepared for newborn water spirits. For elemental creatures like you who already have their own body, it's time to go to those more dangerous places to grow. , please follow me.

Asari took Xiao Yu to the other side of the rocky valley, and three bottomless water holes appeared in front of Xiao Yu's eyes. The water in these three water holes was constantly rotating like a whirlpool, like a nucleus. The power flush toilet is average.

Asari (water demon): This is the road of the vortex, it will lead you to other places in the elemental plane of water, it is time to leave here, the elemental plane of water is mainly composed of the land of frost, the realm of flow, and the Endless Sea are composed of three areas, now please choose where you want to go.”

According to the scene seen in the previous CG animation, the water element should go to the Realm of Ten Thousand Flows, right? Xiao Yu thought about it and dived into the vortex leading to the Realm of Ten Thousand Flows.

As soon as he fell into the water, his body immediately merged into the vortex, spinning and moving forward rapidly with the current. In the underground tunnel made of mica rock, he moved forward like a cannonball, spinning in the current. Fortunately, he is now The water element will not lose its health due to the violent impact of the water flow, but it will be quite exciting because of the super fast speed. However, with the continuous rotation of the viewing angle, Xiao Yu began to feel a little dizzy.

This journey lasted for more than ten minutes. With a splash, the current hit him and sent him to the surface. Xiao Yu climbed onto the shore with difficulty, and fell to the ground like a piece of jelly.

It took a long time to stand up, and Xiao Yu looked around, thinking that this mode of transportation is really convenient.

You can see a lot of water elements around, most of which are sprayed out from the water hole behind you. After the dizziness is relieved, some of them are searching for elemental minerals, and the smarter ones are walking towards the distance. After all, this is the exit of the Vortex Road. There are so many elemental creatures nearby, how could there be elemental minerals left behind? Xiao Yu didn't stay long, and started moving in a direction with few people.

This plain was so huge that it couldn't be seen at a glance. Xiao Yu walked forward all the way until there were no other water elements, and then stopped in a pit made of mica rock.

Well, we can use the elemental seeds now, Xiao Yu thought to himself, took out the elemental seeds from the system warehouse, and Xiao Yu directly integrated the elemental seeds into his body.

System prompt: The seed of the element has been absorbed, and this item will generate an additional source of elemental energy in your body. Please select your source of elemental energy type.

There are four elements of wind, fire, water and earth to choose from, and there are matching advanced shapes later.

Choose wind - the system prompts, you will mutate into an unstable water element. Its appearance is a fairly normal-looking water element, but its body is flickering with electric light from time to time, and it looks very unstable. (It's a bit cool, but it feels very unstable.)

Choose fire - the system prompts, you will mutate into a boiling water element. The shape is a red water element, exuding scorching steam, which looks a little scary. (Is this steam powered?)

Choose water—the system prompts that this power will allow you to advance to a level and become a water elemental lord. Appearance is a miniature version of Neptulon. (The fifth-level water element lord is drunk just thinking about it)

Choose soil - the system prompts, you will mutate into a dirty water element. The shape is a brown-black water element, and the body seems to be made of mud. (Isn’t it too embarrassing? It’s almost a fight with the mud monster)

Undoubtedly, the third one was directly passed, and there is no need to think about advancing to a template level. There must be a lot of people who are boss templates. Even if you advance and become a big boss, so what, you can't reflect your own advantages at all.

The fourth one was also passed. It looked too ugly, as if crawling out of a sewage pit. Let alone an adventurer, I couldn't accept this look.

I hesitated for a long time between the unstable water element and the boiling water element, and finally chose the boiling water element. After all, the prefix unstable always feels unreliable, and the boiling water element looks Great.

After the selection, immediately, a scorching power appeared in the elemental power in the body, and that power fused with the original elemental nucleus full of ice power, fighting and gradually becoming one, the original azure blue water polo, At this time, it had turned into a crimson color, and even the appearance of the water element was also glowing red against the crimson red. It quickly became scorching hot, and even began to emit scorching steam.

System prompt: Successfully mutated into a boiling water element, your skills have mutated, please reset your skills.

PS: Two updates are here, please collect and recommend.

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