Full-time BOSS

Chapter 54 Breakfast Time

Xiao Yu's requirements for food are usually very low, as long as he can eat enough and taste good, he will be satisfied.

A bowl of beef noodles, a bowl of wontons, or a plate of chicken rice can be eaten very happily, but there is no pursuit of big fish, big meat, mountains and sea delicacies.

But this does not mean that Xiao Yu is a person who likes to be fooled. Food can be simple but not crude, the taste does not need to be exquisite but at least it can be eaten, and it must meet the daily nutritional needs.

After all, I usually exercise less, if I eat less, my body will not be able to recover.

However, he opened the refrigerator door and looked, but there was nothing inside. Xiao Yu thought, it seems that he still has to go out to eat.

Walking out of the house, the sky outside was just getting brighter. It was early autumn, and the air was very cool. Xiao Yu walked on the street, breathing the cool air in the morning, and his mind became much clearer.

He found a shop selling breakfast and ordered a few steamed buns and a bowl of porridge. This was his breakfast.

He frequents this steamed stuffed bun shop on weekdays, and he is considered a regular customer. The girl in charge of ordering food is called Liu Xiaoyu. chat with her.

Why did you come so early today? Why, did you stay up late again? Liu Xiaoyu asked casually while serving buns to Xiao Yu.

Yeah, the game just came out.

If you want me to say that you'd better take it easy, I heard that holographic games have radiation on the human brain, playing too much is not good for your health.

Xiao Yu stuffed the steamed stuffed bun into his mouth and said vaguely: You think I want to make a living, big sister, we rely on this for food, and when it comes to the critical moment, we don't care so much, besides, you don't get up early in the morning to give it to others. Steamed buns?

Okay, I'm just talking casually, you don't mind if you don't listen. Liu Xiaoyu sat down at the side, because it was too early and there were no guests, she leaned on her cheek and watched Xiao Yu eating breakfast.

After a while, he seemed to come over curiously, But speaking of it, do you make a lot of money as professional gamers? I heard that you professional gamers make a lot of money. You drive luxury cars to pick up beautiful women when you go out. I see you It's not like that either.

Xiao Yu rolled his eyes when he heard this, The one you're talking about is an e-sports player, or the boss who runs a studio. For a professional player like us who works alone, it's not bad if he can earn 10,000 to 20,000 a month.

That's not a lot. I steamed buns here for a month and it only cost more than 3,000 yuan. Alas, it's better for you to play games and earn money at the same time. Hey, that's right, why don't I hang out with you? Come on, it doesn’t take much a month, as long as I can earn five or six thousand, I’ll be satisfied.”

Xiao Yuxin said it was true, these years wages have risen and prices have also risen, although ten thousand to twenty thousand a month is not much, at least it is more than enough.

He did plan to find a few helpers to play with. After all, it is inconvenient to do many things by himself, but he has no idea about Liu Xiaoyu. It is true that female players play well, but there are too few of them. Some female players are more casual, and it is rare for them to work hard every day.

Moreover, he is used to being undisciplined, so he really doesn't like managing people. After thinking about it, he said perfunctorily, If you want to play, it's fine. I'll teach you how to buy a game warehouse, but I'll let you know if I can make money. It’s hard to say, playing games is also a matter of talent, some people are not suitable for playing games at all, if you can’t learn it by life and death, I’m fine, so I suggest you just play in your spare time, don’t take this Be the main business.

Hmph, as smart as I am, what is a mere game! It sounds like it's so difficult, isn't it just fighting monsters and leveling up. Liu Xiaoyu looked unconvinced.

Xiao Yu couldn't help being amused, since it's okay to be idle anyway, he simply started talking, This game is different from previous games, players can not only be adventurers, but also monsters, heroes, mercenaries, merchants, etc. For such a character, I play a monster template, it’s a small monster when you come up, the kind that can be hacked to death by someone with a knife, and then you have to complete various plot events to advance, it’s very difficult to play.”

While talking, he briefly described the experience of the past two days, how is it, is it frightening?

Liu Xiaoyu looked at Xiao Yu suspiciously: It doesn't sound difficult, isn't it just playing a monster or an NPC, I don't think it's a problem.

Hey, don't believe me, why don't we make a bet, if you can upgrade a monster template to a boss template within a month, I will take you into the industry and guarantee that you will earn at least 5,000 a month, but If you can't get promoted, then treat me to buns for a month.

Gamble, bet, whoever is afraid of whom. Liu Xiaoyu stretched out his hand, and the gentleman said.

Hurry up! The two of them clapped their palms vigorously, as if it was a deal.

Okay, then I'm going to buy the game warehouse tonight, but now, it seems that some customers have come to the door, so please forgive me. As he said, he curtsied gracefully, turned around and held a plate to People went to the buns.

Xiao Yu shook his head amusedly. This Liu Xiaoyu is really an interesting girl. She is pretty and has a good personality. Ten years ago, many people would have chased her. Unfortunately, the virtual world has developed too much these days. Hurry up, the virtual beauties in various adult games are more beautiful than the other, and they play no different from real people, and you don’t have to worry about kidney failure at all, you can play as much as you want, play as many as you want, it’s realistic Beautiful women in the world are worthless (of course handsome guys are also worthless).

Just like just now, even though Xiao Yu was an otaku who had never had a girlfriend before, he didn't even blush in the face of a beautiful woman, let alone a blush, but that's fine, and if she doesn't play well at the time, she doesn't have to feel bad when she refuses. Embarrassed.

He also didn't take Liu Xiaoyu's bet too seriously. In his opinion, it's probably impossible for Liu Xiaoyu to make a name for himself, so he just took it as a way to bring newcomers to make some money.

While eating food casually, the strange voice he heard before appeared in Xiao Yu's mind from time to time. Generally speaking, it is inevitable to encounter some strange things in the game. After all, ghosts really exist in the game. Yes, but if you really meet him, you will still feel a little uneasy.

However, the uneasiness only existed for a short time, and his brain quickly put it on the Shadow Brotherhood. He had heard the name of the Shadow Brotherhood before, but at first he thought it was just an ordinary monster force, but he didn't expect this The monster forces have been completely controlled by the Shadow Dynasty Guild, so I couldn't help being a little more curious.

Taking out his handheld computer, Xiao Yu opened the Chronicle of the Firmament. This Chronicle of the Firmament records all the plot events that happened in the game in detail. It can be regarded as the most detailed database.

He first browsed the forum, searched for keywords, Yeyu Village, there was a post about Yeyu Village being massacred by monsters on the forum, but not many people paid attention to this post, after all, it was just a novice village, like This kind of Novice Village has eight hundred if not one thousand games, and what happened is just a small wave on the Internet.

Then he checked the Chronicle of the Sky, which contained more detailed records about the incident in Yeyu Village.

Sky Chronicle: Volume of Azeroth—Alliance Chapter—History of Night Elves—Chapter 963—The Beginning and End of the Monster Riot in Nightwhisper Village.

In the year 1375 of the Era of the Firmament, the goblin leader Eric, the wolf leader Derek, the human bandit Black Rhodes, and the kobold leader Gold Tooth secretly formed an evil alliance and launched a despicable campaign against Night Whisper Village together. Sneak attack.

Due to the lack of defense, the evil coalition easily broke through Yeyu Village and defeated the guards of Yeyu Village.

In this battle, Nightwhisper Village suffered a devastating blow, Archdruimast Moonwalker was killed, and the residents of Nightwhisper Village were killed.

After tormenting for a while, the evil army didn't stop the slaughter until the reinforcements from the Cenarius Council arrived.

With the assistance of some adventurers, the reinforcement commander Ruslan Sharpclaw led a small number of Cenarius guards to launch a brave attack on the evil alliance. Recaptured the Night Whisper Village, and killed the kobold Big Gold Tooth, Gnoll Derek, human bandit Blake Rhodes and other leaders in the battle. Only the goblin leader Eric escaped in the chaos and disappeared. .

Ruslan Razorclaw also became a new hero of the Alliance because of his heroic performance in this battle. . . . . . . . .

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