Fang Zhixing walked into a mountain.

There were trees and rocks all around, and he occasionally heard the chirping of birds, but when he looked around the forest, he couldn't see a ghost.

Fang Zhixing looked up from time to time to look at the direction of the sun.

The terrain in the mountains is complex, and the canopy of trees blocks out the sun. As you walk, you may lose your way and not be able to find your way back.

After walking for a while, he made a mark and said through the message: "Small dog, it's easy for dogs to remember the path they've taken, right?"

"of course!"

The thin dog suddenly became proud and said proudly: "Cats remember thousands, dogs remember ten thousand! Unlike you, I don't need to deliberately memorize routes. Both cats and dogs rely on smell to distinguish routes, not on the routes in memory. "

"That's good!"

Fang Zhixing suddenly felt that the thin dog was more important, "If I get lost, I have to rely on you to lead the way out."

Xigou said boldly: "Put it on me."

As he spoke, he ran ahead, sometimes walking under a tree, sometimes running to a stone and peeing on it.

Before I knew it, more than an hour had passed.

Fang Zhixing climbed up and down, walked through the forest and crossed the stream. His legs were sore from walking, but he didn't find any prey. He couldn't help but feel a little depressed. He complained to the dog: "Is your dog's nose good? At least you can catch a mouse." Okay!"

"Chuang, who are you calling a dog and a rat?"

Xigou was also a little unhappy, "You chose this hill yourself, why don't you blame me if you can't find prey? I'm just a poor and innocent puppy!"

Fang Zhixing complained: "What's the point of raising you? It's better to raise a pig!"

While they were arguing, a whistle suddenly came from the distance.



It's very rhythmic, not like the chirping of a bird.

Fang Zhixing and Xigou looked at each other, immediately shut up and hid behind a big tree.

Not long after, Fang Zhixing saw four figures approaching and recognized them at a glance as Uncle Song, his two sons, and a grandson who was twelve or thirteen years old.

The four strong men of the Song family all went out to hunt.

They were walking in the same direction as Fang Zhi and accidentally bumped into each other.

But Fang Zhixing didn't know if it was an accident. He suspected that the Song family was following him, so he hid carefully and was ready to draw his bow.


Suddenly, a big black dog jumped out and barked at the location where Fang Zhixing and Xigou were.

"Heizi, what's wrong?"

Uncle Song stood in shock and doubt, quickly drew out his hunting knife, and looked forward with squinted eyes.

The big black dog kept roaring and looked fierce.

Fang Zhixing put away his bow and arrow helplessly and said, "Whose dog is called?"

Then he pretended to pull up his pants and walked out from behind the tree, seemingly peeing.

The thin dog drooped its ears, tucked its tail, and lay in the grass. It didn't dare to show its head and didn't dare to fart. It seemed that it was very afraid of the black dog.

"Hey, you are the boss!"

Uncle Song put away the hunting knife and said in surprise: "Why are you here? Hunting?"

Seeing this, Fang Zhixing smiled with a smile on his face, rubbed his stomach, and said honestly: "I'm hungry, come out and try my luck."

Uncle Song understood and responded: "There is no luck for you here. The prey has been killed long ago. You have to go forward, at least fifteen miles away from the village, to have a chance of catching the prey."

Fang Zhixing exclaimed: "Fifteen miles away, so far?"

Uncle Song nodded and sighed: "These days, everyone has nothing to eat. They all go out to hunt. They catch everything they see. Even the toads are eaten up. There is nothing within ten miles nearby."

Another person interjected: "Besides, the area with more prey is over there and is occupied by the village chief's family. If we want to catch prey, we have to go further."

Uncle Song's eldest son raised his finger and pointed with a look of resentment on his face. That direction was exactly where Uncle Zhao and others were going.

Fang Zhixing understood and sighed in frustration: "Hunting is too difficult."

Uncle Song was silent for a moment and suggested: "In this case, you can come with us. No matter what prey you catch, no matter who catches it, you will get a share."

Fang Zhixing said evenly: "Forget it, I'd better not worry about it. I'll go back and dig some wild vegetables and make do with it for the day."

Hearing this, Uncle Song did not insist, he just nodded and said: "Okay, let's go first."

A group of four people left with the big black dog.

Seeing this, the thin dog got up timidly.

Fang Zhixing said contemptuously: "As for you, you are so cowardly!"

The thin dog barked: "You know nothing."

Fang Zhixing asked curiously: "You are also a dog. Can dogs communicate with each other?"

"Communication sucks!"

The thin dog said gloomily: "Dogs can't talk. Dogs judge whether another dog is friend or foe by smell, bark, ear and tail movements. That big black dog is a hound, not a pet dog. It's so fierce that it might break my neck with one bite."

Fang Zhixing said disdainfully: "After all, he is a cheating dog, but he is still such a waste."

Xigou said angrily: "Don't talk about me, you are not much better. You are a cheating man after all. Why do you look like a mouse meeting a cat when meeting everyone?"

Fang Zhixing snorted: "You know nothing, this is called stability!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the eyes of the man and the dog suddenly widened, and they saw a gray rabbit appearing on the grass not far away, eating grass as if no one was around.

"There is a rabbit, a big one!" Xigou said excitedly.

Fang Zhixing held his breath, and all the expressions on his face quickly changed to absolute calmness.

Draw the bow and shoot the arrow!


More than 20 meters away, the gray rabbit's body flipped violently, and then it was firmly nailed to the ground. Its limbs struggled wildly, but it quickly stopped moving.

The thin dog ran over and took a look.

An arrow shot into the gray rabbit's left eye, passed through the skull, and stuck it diagonally on the ground.

Accurate and ruthless!

Very deadly!

Fang Zhixing licked his tongue and was very satisfied with his arrow. The strength of a full-level apprentice was not an exaggeration.

He stepped forward, first recovered the arrow, then lifted the gray rabbit and tested the weight.

It's quite fat, weighing almost five pounds.

"Hey, breakfast is finally here." Fang Zhixing felt extremely happy instantly.

The thin dog jumped up happily and laughed: "Hurry up, I want to eat rabbit meat."


Suddenly, there was a barking from somewhere.

Fang Zhixing was startled, and immediately turned his head and saw a big black dog suddenly running out and rushing towards him.

"Whole grass!" The thin dog was so frightened that he immediately lay down on the ground and remained silent, not daring to move.

He knew that he must not run. The more he ran, the more ferocious the hunting dog would become.

Ten meters, eight meters, five meters!

The big black dog is approaching quickly, too fast!

Only then did Zhixing have quick eyesight and quick hands. In a very short time, he dropped the gray rabbit, drew his bow and shot an arrow, and it shot out.

"Ah woo~"

The big black dog suddenly fell forward and slid on the ground, all the way to Fang Zhixing's feet.

Fang Zhixing's arrow accurately hit the big black dog between the eyebrows.

The next moment, the four uncles from Song also ran back, looked at the big black dog, and then at Fang Zhixing.

For a moment, the atmosphere was extremely depressing.

Fang Zhixing's heartbeat quickened, and he slowly lowered the hand that raised the bow and arrow, and said with a smile, "Uncle Song, you can't blame me. Your dog suddenly pounced on you, and I had no choice but to take action out of desperation."

Uncle Song looked gloomy and said nothing.

But his eldest son flew into a rage and yelled: "Da Niu, you are so brave that you dare to kill my dog!"

He suddenly rushed over, drew his hunting knife, raised it, and shouted: "I'll kill you."

Fang Zhixing took in the cold air, took up his bow and shot an arrow.


The eldest son of the Song family froze and looked down at his chest. An arrow pierced his chest, and the blood quickly turned red.

The expression on his face changed from anger to horror, and he fell to his knees.

"Da Ming, my son!"


Uncle Song was stunned and ran over to help his eldest son. His grandson was so frightened that he froze in place.

The second son hurriedly raised his bow, pulled out an arrow, and was about to place it on the arrow string.


A bit of cold light suddenly shot out, accurately penetrating his throat, and then he clutched his neck and fell straight down.

Blood flowed out happily through the fingers.

"Er Ming!"

Uncle Song screamed, looked back at his second son who fell, and let out a miserable scream.

Then he turned his head and tightened his grip on the hunting knife.

But before he could stand up, he saw Fang Zhixing completing drawing the bow and shooting the arrow with extremely smooth and silky movements.

The arrow shot with a slight arc and sank into his chest.

He fell on his back.


A mouthful of old blood spurted out.

"Grandpa!" His grandson was completely frightened and at a loss.

"Quick, run!" Uncle Song said anxiously with a distorted expression.

Only then did his grandson react, stood up, and started to run.

But just as he turned around, a cold arrow flew towards him, hit his back, and shot out from his chest.

Then he slumped to the ground.

Fang Zhixing's expression was cold, and a layer of beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. After a moment, he lowered his raised arms and walked to Uncle Song.

Uncle Song was lying on his back, his eyes were gray and he was no longer breathing.

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