Full level ruthless person

Chapter 69 A sure win

Fifteen heads hang above the city gate.

It's been two days.

The head swayed slightly in the wind.

Maggots multiply at an alarming rate, crawling around people's heads, crawling in and out of eye sockets, nostrils, mouths and ears.

Everyone who enters or leaves the city can see the fifteen heads when they look up. The scene is so horrifying that no one can ignore it.

Many people in the city came after hearing the news and followed to watch the excitement.

"This group of water pirates wanted to assassinate the county magistrate, but they never thought, hey, before they could take action, they encountered a tough problem and were eliminated by the master in three strokes."

"You are so brave, you dare to assassinate the county magistrate. Don't they know that the county magistrate comes from the powerful Luo family?"

"Who was the master who killed the water pirate?"

"I heard that the man's name was Fang Zhixing. He made great achievements and was given a high official position by the county magistrate."

"I know him! Fang Zhixing and Dong Xianrong, the son of the Dong family, are betting against each other for the position of archery instructor!"

"Oh, how about betting?"

"Hey, you don't know about such a big thing! Hall Master Lu of Tieshanmen Zhubing Hall personally opened the bet. I bet on whether Fang Zhixing will win or Dong Xianrong will win. I have already placed the bet."

"There is such a handicap! Okay, okay, I'm going to place a bet too. By the way, who will win your bet?"

"You still need to ask? Of course I won the bet on Dong Xianrong. The Dong family is the in-laws of the county magistrate. Fang Zhixing is just a grassroots. He is nothing. How can he fight with Dong Xianrong?"

"Not necessarily. I heard that Fang Zhixing is highly regarded by the county magistrate and has a high chance of winning. Anyway, I am overpowering Fang Zhixing."

"Everything you said makes sense. Oops, I'm so confused about who to bet on!"

The Dong family's residence.

"Dad, did you hear that?"

Dong Xianrong quickly came to Dong Mingxuan and said angrily: "Lu Anfu has gone too far. He even made a big deal out of me and Fang Zhixing. Humph, that guy is really good at causing trouble."

Dong Mingxuan was pruning his potted plants with scissors. He laughed and said: "In the past two days, the news that the water thieves attempted to assassinate the county magistrate spread like wildfire, spreading throughout the streets and alleys, and Fang Zhixing's name also followed. It spread.

The competition between him and you is well known to everyone, so naturally some people will take this opportunity to make a fuss about it. "

Dong Xianrong thought about it, who wouldn't want to join in such a big fuss.

"The problem is that once many people get involved, many variables may arise." Dong Xianrong worried.

Dong Mingxuan didn't take it seriously and said with a smile: "What are you worried about? We have already taken care of all the ten archers selected by Fang Zhixing. He will definitely lose, and the position of the archer instructor will definitely belong to you."

Dong Xianrong asked: "We have bribed all ten people?"

Dong Mingxuan laughed and said: "In this year of famine, life is difficult for everyone. Those archers are all short of money. Whoever gives them money is their biological father."

Dong Xianrong had no doubts about this. Among the officials in the imperial court, big and small, and even the petty officials in the yamen, who was not greedy for ink?

He responded: "Dad, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm worried that someone will interfere with it. For example, if someone bets on Zhixing to win, they may do various tricks to bribe those archers like us. Wouldn't it be bad? Our big plan!”

Hearing this, Dong Mingxuan's hand couldn't help but pause. He was silent for a while, took a deep breath and nodded: "I have to guard against this. Someone is coming!"

Not long after, the butler pushed open the door and walked in. He lowered his head and said, "Master, what are your orders?"

Dong Mingxuan ordered: "Send some men to keep an eye on the twenty archers participating in the competition. Keep an eye on them all. If anyone comes into contact with them, report them immediately."


The butler turned and left.

Dong Mingxuan turned around and said to his personal maid: "Change my clothes and prepare the carriage. I'm going to visit Lu Anfu."

Dong Xianrong continued: "Dad, your relationship with Lu Anfu is not bad, right? Go and test his tone and see if the two parties can join forces to manipulate the market."


Dong Mingxuan nodded and said: "Lu Anfu just wants to make a fortune when he opens the market. If I join forces with him, we can ensure a win-win situation. He has no reason not to cooperate with me."

Yamen·Tongpan Yamen.

At three o'clock in the morning, Ding Zhigang came to the government office unhurriedly.

As soon as he entered the door, four arresters and a group of government officials immediately surrounded him.

"Boss, Lu Anfu has opened the market, have you placed your bet?"

A government official asked anxiously.

Ding Zhigang's mouth twitched slightly, he looked around at everyone and asked, "Have you all placed bets?"

The officer replied: "We really want to place a bet, but we don't have much money in our pockets."

Ding Zhigang sneered: "Isn't it a good thing to have no money? With your shitty luck, you will lose every time you bet."

The officer continued: "It's different this time. As long as you bet on Mr. Dong, you will definitely win!"

Ding Zhigang was stunned for a moment, glared and shouted: "That's nonsense, the competition hasn't even started yet, how can you dare to say that Mr. Dong must win?"

The yamen servant smiled and turned his head to look at the other person.

That person was none other than Dong Xianhe, one of the four arrestees. He was the nephew of Dong Mingxuan and the son of Uncle Dong Xianrong.

Dong Xianhe smiled and said: "Last night, my brother, I, and Mr. Luo Kezhao, we played together in Hanxiang Tower. From them, I got some inside information. In this competition, I know that I will definitely lose!"

Ding Zhigang frowned, lowered his voice and asked, "What inside information?"

Dong Xianhe whispered in his ear.

After hearing this, Ding Zhigang took a deep breath, his eyes widened slightly, and he grinned: "If this is the case, we will have to increase our bets and win a windfall."

The yamen servant spread his hands and said, "That's it, but we don't have much money left in our hands!"

Ding Zhigang snorted coldly: "Isn't it easy to get money? Listen carefully. In view of the water thieves sneaking into the city, in order to ensure the safety of the people, our office immediately launched a city-wide search. You must give me a sleepless search, understand. ?"

As soon as these words came out, all the government officials understood it instantly.

Another meaning of the so-called "search" is to extract money from merchants, vendors, and ordinary people under various names.

This is not the first time they have done this kind of job of making money, and they are already familiar with it.

After giving the order, the mood of all the government officials was as high as ever and they started working enthusiastically.

Soon, all the government officials were sweeping the streets, causing the whole city to panic.

The days passed.

Fang Zhixing gets up early every day, goes to the shooting range in the morning to guide Huang Dashun and others in practicing archery, goes again in the afternoon, and stays in a separate courtyard to rest in the evening.

Do this every day, step by step.

Ten days passed in the blink of an eye, and the important day finally arrived.

This morning, a high platform was built on the school field.

County magistrates Luo Peiyun, Luo Kezhao, Ding Zhigang, Lu Anfu and others all came to the scene.

In addition, Dong Mingxuan and some of the richest people in the city, more than fifty people, came in droves to watch the game together.

Fang Zhixing and Dong Xianrong stood on the left and right, with ten shooters behind them.

On the field in front of them, there was a fence with a diameter of more than a hundred meters.

There are rabbits on the sand in the fence.

everything's ready.

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