Full level ruthless person

Chapter 13 Wilderness

In the morning, it was cloudy and rainy.


There was lightning and thunder, and the rain was pouring. It has been raining from the second half of the night to now, and it can't stop.

Fang Zhixing, who got up early, looked at the heavy rain outside, and his mood couldn't be clear.

He originally planned to go hunting in the mountains today, but unexpectedly, something unexpected happened.

"There is nothing to eat at home, so I have to go out even if it rains."

Fang Zhixing sighed softly.

He regretted a little and should have found a way to store some food to deal with this situation.

But there is nothing we can do about it.

Every time he went to the river to fish, he would eat as much as he caught, so that he would have the strength to practice archery and sword-drawing skills.

There was no possibility of preserving food.

Xigou hesitated and said: "If you don't have a raincoat, you will get wet when you go out. What should you do if you get sick?"

In this backward ancient mountain village, if you get sick, you can only fight hard. If you can't fight it, you will die.

Fang Zhixing naturally knew this, but he was not sure how long the rain would last, and he could not wait for it to stop.

What's more, even if the rain stops, it will still rain when he is out, and there is always no way to avoid it.

One person and one dog went out in the rain.

The rain was quite heavy, and Fang Zhixing got soaked quickly, and the dog's hair was wet and sticky.

The roads in and outside the village are all dirt roads, and they become muddy after the rain.

Fang Zhixing walked out of the village with one foot deep and one foot shallow, and went to the river to fish.

Take a look when you get to the river!

The water in the river obviously swelled, the current was very fast, the waves were rolling, and it was very fast.

"What the hell!"

Fang Zhixing stood on the shore, his hair stuck to his face, and his face was covered with rainwater.

We can't go into the river, it's too dangerous.

Xigou was also dumbfounded and said through a message: "It's over now. I may not be able to go down to the river for a few days."

Fang Zhixing gritted his teeth, turned back to the woods, picked some wild vegetables, and then went home.

When he got home, he quickly lit a fire, dried his wet clothes, cooked wild vegetables, and barely fed himself.

In the afternoon, the rain still didn't stop, but got heavier and heavier.

There is stagnant water everywhere in the village, like a vast ocean.

Fang Zhixing realized that the problem was serious. This rain was unusual and a natural disaster.

In the blink of an eye, it was evening and it was still raining non-stop.

Fang Zhixing and Xigou were hungry again.

"Tomorrow, no matter how heavy the rain is, we have to go into the mountains to hunt." Fang Zhixing sighed.

The thin dog was listless and only snorted twice.

The night passed quickly.

On the next day, Fang Zhixing woke up from hunger and saw that the sky was still gloomy, but the rain had stopped.

The temperature dropped a lot and it was a bit chilly.

But he was overjoyed to have one person and one dog. He quickly packed up his hunting tools and went out into the mountains.

Not far away, it started to drizzle again, making people feel chilly.

Xigou glanced at the direction Fang Zhixing was heading and asked in surprise: "Are you going to the hunting area occupied by Zhao Dahu and the others?"

Fang Zhixing nodded.

Xigou hesitated and said, "Aren't you afraid of something happening? Once a conflict breaks out between you and the old village chief's family, their Zhao family will have more arrows than you."

Fang Zhixing replied: "These days, the old village chief and his family should be busy occupying the Song family's money and food, and will not go out hunting."

Xigou thought for a while and said hesitantly: "I hope so."

One person and one dog went deep into the mountains and walked a long way, estimated to be eleven or two miles.

When he was tired from walking, he sat under a big tree to rest.

"Ouch, the dog is so tired." The thin dog was also tired from the walk. He lay on the ground with his tongue hanging out and panting non-stop.


Unfortunately, the rain suddenly became heavy.

Fang Zhixing looked up at the sky, seeing dark clouds and thick lightning tearing the sky apart, like an angry dragon.

"Let's go, we can't stay under the tree." Fang Zhixing stood up and had to move in the rain.

They found a rock with an angle and hid in a narrow place, just enough to avoid the rain.

"Look, is that a piece of wild strawberry?" The thin dog saw something and stretched his neck.

Fang Zhixing followed his line of sight, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he ran over in three steps at a time.

I saw a slope covered with upright shrubs, which were wild strawberries. The branches were covered with red fruits, each one as big as a peanut.

Fang Zhixing quickly picked a wild strawberry and was about to put it into his mouth when he suddenly stopped.

"Slender dog, come here quickly." He called.

Xigou didn't want to get wet in the rain, so he shouted: "Hurry up and pick, I can't help you."

Fang Zhixing curled his lips, spread out his tattered linen clothes and picked them quickly.

After a while, there were more and more wild strawberries in his arms, and he couldn't hold them anymore. At first glance, he saw that more than half of the wild strawberries were still unpicked.

Fang Zhixing turned back and sat down.

The thin dog immediately jumped on his lap and smelled the wild strawberries. The sweet smell hit his forehead and made his mouth water.

When Fang Zhixing saw this, he said: "Eat quickly."

Xigou raised his head and bared his teeth and said, "What do you mean? You always eat first and I eat the rest?"

Fang Zhixing smiled and said, "You discovered the wild strawberries, so you should be rewarded!"


The thin dog whined and bared his teeth, "You are so damn afraid that wild strawberries are poisonous, so you can use me as an experiment."

Fang Zhixing said without changing his expression: "You dog, you just don't know the heart of a good person, and you always judge the heart of a gentleman with a villain's heart! Okay, okay, even if I want to use you for experiments, so what? What the hell do you have? Two lives, afraid of a hairball!"

Xigou sneered and said, "Fang Zhixing, I will remember you this time."

After that, he opened his mouth, bit into a few wild strawberries, and ate them into his stomach.

"Hey, it's quite delicious, sour and sweet!" Xigou cheered up and went all out, eating like crazy.

As Fang Zhixing watched, his stomach growled and he kept swallowing, but he forced himself to hold it back.

“Oh, it’s so delicious!”

"Aren't you going to eat?"

"Are you really not going to eat?"

The thin dog was eating and teasing Fang Zhixing and never tired of it.

Fang Zhixing turned a deaf ear and waited for a long time to make sure there was nothing serious before he started eating.

The wild strawberry tastes really good.

In other words, this is the first time Fang Zhixing has eaten fruit since he traveled to this world. It is simply a luxurious enjoyment.

He ate it in one go, which relieved his hunger, and then went to pick it a second time. He swept up a large piece of wild strawberries and ate them all until he was six or seven times full.

The rain is getting heavier.

Fang Zhixing mused: "After this rain, I'm afraid the disaster will be more serious and the world will become more chaotic."

Xigou pondered: "Remember that human trafficker Boss Qian? Look at how well he managed! I think we have to find a way out and we can't be trapped in Funiu Village."

Fang Zhixing shook his head and said: "We know nothing about the outside world. If we go out and run around, the situation may be even more difficult."

Xigou said seriously: "I have to go to a big city. All the powerful people live in the city. Let me tell you, if I were reincarnated as a human being, I would definitely be as handsome as ever. I could seduce a rich woman and I wouldn't have to worry about anything."

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