The game was a success, but the game was a success.

Chapter 364 31-year-old Ronaldo, looking around, is his 21-year-old self!

In the 38th minute of the first half, Portugal unexpectedly broke the deadlock with Ronaldo’s super header.

You know, England has firmly occupied the initiative on the field so far in the first half.

Whether it is the number of passes, ball possession rate, or the number of shots, they are ahead of Portugal.

But they just don’t score!

Portugal has only played such a quick counterattack so far, but Ronaldo smashed the ball into the net.

Who can I go to for justice? !

But this is football!

You never know when the goal will come!

In football, there are many laws that people believe in.

One of them is that when a team has the upper hand and suppresses the opponent but fails to score, it will often be punished!

And this law has been verified again in England.

“Damn, it’s only half a meter away.”

As a background board, Ling Feng watched Ronaldo’s header goal from a close distance, and his heart couldn’t calm down for a long time.

Worthy of being Luo Ge!

This bounce, this air lingering, is too outrageous!

In his opinion, Ronaldo’s jumping attribute is at least 98 if not 99!

As far as he knows, there are almost no players in the entire football world who can jump higher than him.

In that header just now, Luo Ge even rode on Walker’s head!

Is he really dunking on your head? !

After scoring, Ronaldo rushed to the corner flag area with excitement, then jumped up, completed a 180-degree half turn in the air, and while landing and waving his arms, he roared in unison with tens of thousands of Portuguese fans:


As an opponent, Ling Feng felt excited and excited when he saw this iconic celebration of Luo Ge, and felt both amused and helpless.

Although the celebration was perfect, it sometimes felt a bit silly.

Of course, he didn’t want Luo Ge to siu too many times in this game.

Seeing Portugal score first, Hodgson on the sidelines had a serious expression on his face, and couldn’t help but sit back in the coaching seat and start to study countermeasures with the assistant coach next to him.

With a one-goal lead, Portugal, which mainly plays defensive counterattacks, will definitely continue to squat and park the bus, and will be more comfortable in defense.

In order to equalize the score, they must strengthen their offense and have to press on the offense!

In this way, although more scoring opportunities can be created, the risk of losing the ball will also increase.

Thinking of this, Hodgson couldn’t help but look at the extremely flamboyant Portuguese No. 7 on the field:

“Damn it.”

C Ronaldo’s header disrupted all their previous plans!

This is the role of a superstar!

All it takes is an opportunity that is not an opportunity to turn the situation around on his own!

At the same time, on the stands.

Mendes, who witnessed Ronaldo’s header, couldn’t help but smile and turned to look at Mourinho on the side:

“Chris’s state is still so explosive!”

As Portuguese, both of them went to the scene to support their country.

In addition, Mourinho, the new coach of the Red Devils, is also observing the international players who play for Manchester United, such as Smalling, Rooney, and Lingard.

Of course, there is also Ling Feng, the potential first signing target!

Hearing this, Mourinho, who was wearing a casual polo shirt, just said lightly:

“I never doubt his ability!”

“However, this Portugal team relies too much on Cristiano on the offensive end.”

“Besides, the days when I worked with him are over. Now, I am no longer in Madrid, but in Manchester.”

Nodding slightly, Mendes then looked at another important client on the field: “Ling’s performance in this game was quite satisfactory, and he didn’t seem very excited.”

“Hodgson’s tactics are too conservative!”

“Rooney is not suitable for playing as a winger at all, and he has no ability to play as a winger!”

“If I were the head coach of England, I would definitely replace Rooney with Lingard, who has better running ability, and then open up a larger space for Ling Feng to give full play to his ability to attack the goal!”

“In this way, England will definitely be able to open up the situation in a short time!”

Hearing this, Mendes on the side also smiled:

“Thank God, fortunately you are not the head coach of England.”

“But I am the head coach of Manchester United”

And this sentence, Mourinho

Neo didn’t say it.

At this time, he couldn’t help but think of Manchester United’s lineup and a very critical issue in the new season:

How to use Rooney, the captain and leader of the British team?

As early as March and April when he had private contact with Manchester United, Mourinho began to watch Manchester United’s game videos.

It can be clearly seen that Rooney’s competitive state and physical function have declined significantly.

Judging from the tactical formation and playing style of the Three Lions, Hodgson obviously put Rooney in the right winger position after careful consideration.

Thinking of this, Mourinho can also understand Hodgson’s approach.

Even if it will affect the team’s breakthrough and speed on the wing, even if it will affect the team’s offensive rate, Rooney, who is in a declining state, must be placed in the starting lineup.

Because he is the top player of the British team and the leader of the locker room!

And in the Manchester United club, he will face the same problem.

If Rooney must start, what position is best for him?

In Mourinho’s vision, this Manchester United will definitely play the 4231 formation in the new season.

Then, Rooney can only play in the six positions in the frontcourt.

The first is the most undisputed attacking midfielder and center forward position.

With the joining of Ibrahimovic, Da Fengxian will definitely become the first choice for the center forward.

Otherwise, he would not have to persuade Ibrahimovic to come to Manchester United to play football and give him a weekly salary of up to 200,000 pounds.

Anyway, Rooney’s ability to play as a center forward has seriously deteriorated. Whether it is speed or confrontation, it is not enough for him to play as a starting center forward in Manchester United.

And the attacking midfielder position is left for Ling Feng.

Mata in the team can play a substitute role.

The remaining positions are two defensive midfielders and four positions for left and right wingers.

With Kante’s joining almost completed, this “new Makelele” will definitely occupy a starting defensive midfielder position.

But there are too many midfielders in Manchester United.

Herrera, Fellaini, Carrick, Schneiderlin, and Schweinsteiger compete for a starting position.

What’s more, Rooney’s ability to organize the ball in the midfield is not as good as Carrick’s, his running and defensive abilities are not as good as Herrera’s, and his height and hardness are not as good as Fellaini’s. He has no advantage at all.

As for the left winger position, Martial and Rashford are enough.

Therefore, copying Hodgson’s homework, put Rooney in the right winger position, sacrificing the team’s ability to tear the defense line on the wing and the speed of the wing during counterattacks, to “place” Rooney, the captain and locker room leader of the team.

Perhaps it is the option with the least impact on the team among all the options.

Just as Mourinho had just pulled his thoughts back to the court, he noticed that Hodgson and the assistant coach on the coaching bench suddenly stood up.

Then he came to the sidelines and waved to the disciples on the field.

The next second, Ling Feng, the commander of the England field, also ran to the sidelines.

Seeing this, Mourinho raised his eyebrows and said to himself:

“It seems that Hodgson is not old and confused yet.”

“Why do you say that?”

“He plans to let Ling Feng play on the side!”

After seeing Hodgson give instructions to his beloved apprentice, Ling Feng quickly returned to the field and went straight to the captain Rooney.

The two whispered a few words and reached an agreement.

After the kick-off again, Portugal retreated to the half court as expected and continued to park the bus.

At the same time, they also found that England’s formation had changed.

First, their entire attack was more forward and the passing rhythm was faster;

Secondly, the front court pressing force was more fierce!

Finally, Ling Feng and Rooney completed the position change, and Ling Feng became the right winger again!

Seeing this, the bitter face of Portugal coach Santos on the sidelines became even more sad.

He knew very well that this was a signal that England was going to take real action!

In the last match against Belgium, it was Ling Feng who came to the right and completed a pass and a shot in just 20 minutes, helping England to defeat Belgium in a short time!

Mourinho and Mendes in the stands naturally saw England’s position changes on the field.

Mendes couldn’t help but joked: “Did you call Hodgson just now?”

But Mourinho had a serious expression:

“This is not surprising.”

“Although I admire Ling Feng. But, Portugal is in trouble.”

“Guerrero, no, to be more precise, no one in this Portuguese defense line can stop Ling Feng’s breakthrough!”

Hearing this, Mendes also restrained the smile on his face and nodded in agreement:

“Yes, that kid is too good.”

As Portuguese, they certainly hope that their country can win this game and enter the final.

However, the Three Lions led by Ling Feng will definitely not let them succeed!

And just as Hodgson and Mourinho expected, the position swap between Ling Feng and Rooney had an immediate effect!

Just like the scene against Belgium in the previous game, Ling Feng, who came to the right side, was like a wild horse that could not be restricted at all.

Facing Guerrero, who was once a “defeater” in the European Youth Championship, and the double defense of left winger Adrian Silva, Ling Feng did not care at all.

Directly using his amazing speed and burst, he tore a bloody path from the side with a left shake and right rush!

In just five minutes, Ling Feng successfully broke through the right side three times and sent three very high-quality crosses.

When the game came to the 43rd minute, the Portuguese players including C Ronaldo and tens of thousands of Portuguese fans in the stands witnessed Ling Feng passing Guerrero again on the right.

Then he calmly passed the ball to Vardy who was in position in the middle, and completed the connection and scored for the Blue Fox!

The whole process was smooth.

No one in the entire Portuguese defense line did not touch the ball, and Vardy knocked it into the net!

Watching Vardy rushing towards Ling Feng after the goal and jumping on him, C Ronaldo, who was standing near the midfield, put his hands on his hips, and a trace of helplessness appeared in his expression and eyes.

“This kid is really strong!”

Although he had heard of Ling Feng’s ability a long time ago.

However, when he really competed with him, he realized that he still underestimated this master of feeding the ball that he had once favored.

Compared with his hard work to finally score a goal, the opponent just made a simple pass, and then combined the side and the middle to tie the score.

The difficulty of scoring goals for both sides is completely unequal!

Not only that, Ronaldo also saw the shadow of himself when he just debuted in Manchester United in Ling Feng!

When he just transferred to Manchester United, he was arranged by Ferguson to play the role of a right winger.

At that time, his task was to rush to the opponent’s full-back on the right side, and then send one pass after another to help his forward teammates score goals!

At this time, Ling Feng is as young and vigorous as he was back then, and as fast as he was!

Thinking that Ling Feng is only 21 years old and he is already 31 years old, he can’t help but sigh:

Time is really unforgiving!

However, after his thoughts were distracted for a short time, Ronaldo’s tired eyes regained their determination again.

Even if he envied Ling Feng’s teammates for having a big cake delivered to his mouth;

Even if his teammates around him are not as strong as Ling Feng, he will do his best to find ways to help the team win!

. . .

At the last moment of the first half, with Ling Feng’s fatal cross after tearing through the defense on the wing, Vardy made a flanking move and equalized the score!

Soon, with the referee’s whistle, the first half of the game ended.

The mentality of returning to the locker room with a one-goal deficit and a tie is definitely different.

Back in the locker room, while the players were hydrating and massaging, Hodgson came to the tactical board and began to emphasize again:

“In the second half, we must continue to attack! Keep scoring goals!”

“At the same time, once you see the opponent holding the ball in the midfield area and preparing to counterattack, you must immediately take a foul!”

“Before scoring the second and third goals, we can’t relax!”

Facing Portugal, the old enemy, Hodgson also gave a rare order!

And the Three Lions players also felt the unquestionable tone of the old coach, and couldn’t help but cheer up.

At this time, Rooney, the team captain, also stood up and applauded:

“Guys, let’s take down this damn Portugal!”

“Get to the finals!”

As Rooney raised his right arm, the Three Lions players also stood up in unison and roared in unison:

“Get to the finals!!!”

In the second half, England’s offense became more aggressive, suppressing Portugal in the half court and launching waves of offensives.

However, the most impressive thing about Portugal in this tournament was not their tenacious defense or the magical goals at critical moments.

But their toughness in defense!

No matter which English player got the ball, the Portuguese players beside him would immediately come forward to harass like hyenas staring at their prey.

Especially Ling Feng, who was the focus of attention.

Facing Portugal’s regional joint defense of at least two people and at most three people, Ling Feng was also

He cleverly chose to avoid the opponent’s attack, attracted the defense, and sent the ball to his teammates in the open space.

One outside foot diagonal pass to the back post, and one inside foot straight pass, both made the commentator sigh, and also interpreted the four words “fatal pass” vividly.

However, Sterling and Vardy’s handling in front of the goal made the English fans and Ling Feng very disappointed.

Either slip out of the goal or fly into the sky!

Seeing that the two of them had the same annoyed look with their hands on their heads after missing the shot, Ling Feng immediately cursed in his heart:

“Hou Lixie! Is the happy football virus contagious?!”

(End of this chapter)

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