Full-level Boss Starts from Douluo

Chapter 360: Broken heart for Qin He

"What's the situation? Huo Wu finally refused Feng Xiaotian's proposal. Hasn't Feng Xiaotian defeated Qin He?"

Shrek Academy, Dean Flender couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Qin He pretended to admit defeat, in order to subdue the Shenfeng Academy, there was already a lot of rumors in Douluo Continent.

Although Feng Xiaotian seemed to have won, it was clear that Feng Xiaotian didn't get much respect.

Everyone in Douluo mainland knows how Qin He released the water for your victory. You were beaten into a dog by Qin He. Did Qin He really lose if he confessed his defeat?

"This guy Qin He is really terrifying! When an ordinary soul master is still struggling with the outcome of a game, Qin He has already stood at a higher place and has a higher realm. !"

Zao Wou-ki couldn't help but sigh:

"If you admit defeat verbally, you will be able to get more benefits. Then it doesn't seem to be a big deal to admit defeat. Is this Qin He's calculation?"

Zao Wou-ki has mixed feelings.

In the original work, Tang San defeated Feng Xiaotian and looked very powerful, but he used the Clear Sky Hammer spirit to put himself in danger, and finally got nothing!

But Qin He conceded defeat on the surface, but in fact, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Qin He was standing on a higher level, completely crushing Feng Xiaotian!

This kind of treatment has made many aspiring soul masters of the Douluo mainland choose to join Qin He’s team, making Qin He more powerful...

"Prince Qin He, he is indeed very flexible in his mind. This is something I can't compare to a disciple..."

Yu Xiaogang also sighed aside!

People are more dead than people, and they have to be thrown away!

Young Master Qin He is already standing on such a high level, and his disciple Tang San is still thinking about defeating Qin He in a Tiehan Han...

Young Master Qin He, can you easily defeat it?

Can't you accept reality?


Qin He's father Qin Zhan couldn't help but sighed.

This scene caused the rest of Shrek Academy to turn their eyes on Qin Zhan.

"Brother Qin Zhan, are you going to pretend to be forced again..."

Flander looked wary.

Whenever Qin Zhan showed such an expression, he had to be careful. This guy, even more pretending than Qin He, really had to guard!

"My son, Qin He, got another girl, but if you make so many girls, don't you just make a bubble and not eat it?"

Qin Zhan was really bitter.

He is still waiting to hold his grandson, Qin He, who is so strong, can't he take a break and solve his life problems?

I really broke my heart!

Yu Xiaogang: "······"

Flanders: "······"

Zao Wou-ki: "·······"

You guy, too much!


Three months later.

The Elite Soul Master Competition of the Mainland Advanced Soul Master Academy ended successfully.


This vigorous competition that was originally held has already lost the enthusiasm before. Because of Qin He's birth, everyone's attention has been transferred to Qin He at this time!

Heaven Dou Palace.

The golden roof of the palace, with golden glazed tiles shining dazzlingly in the sun, the corners of the palace are raised high, graceful like four swallows spreading their wings.

In the hall, Qin He was dozing, propped his head with his hands, and sat sleepily on the main seat.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside the palace.

"As expected to be the boss of Qin He, even if he is sleeping and still working **** national affairs, it is really great!"

Xiao Chenyu's voice broke Qin He's sleep, causing Qin He to open his sleepy eyes, and the muscles of his mouth twitched.

"Xiao Chenyu, what's wrong?"

Qin He was helpless.

He didn't want to be an emperor, nor did he want to develop any influence, but the five element academies all took refuge in the Heaven Dou Empire, which caused the Heaven Dou Empire's power to expand rapidly.

During this period of time, Xiao Chenyu led the Heaven Dou Empire's soul master army to fight everywhere, and the ghost knew how many forces it had conquered.·····

This Xiao Chenyu is a full-fledged fighting madman, and the kind of fighting madman who likes to lead people to bully fewer people with more people. In the previous original works, it was not discovered that the other party had this kind of talent!

Now Qin He doesn’t know what the Heaven Dou Empire has expanded into under the development of Xiao Chenyu, anyway, let it happen...

Of course, the Tiandou Empire is rapidly expanding, and it will take time to digest its own gains, so in the following time, Douluo Continent also fell into a relatively stable situation.

"Boss Qin He, thanks to your policy, the territory of our Heaven Dou Empire has expanded dramatically..."

What Xiao Chenyu said made Qin He's mouth twitch even more.

After Qin He became the Emperor of the Tiandou Empire, he did not promulgate any more reliable laws and regulations.

The only thing that is more reliable is that private fights are forbidden in the Heaven Dou Empire. Offenders will either go to jail or be fined, which greatly reduces the spirit of Douluo mainland spirit masters who fight at every turn.

However, my original intention, Qin He, was that he didn't want to be the Emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire. How come the current territory has expanded?

The original Heaven Dou Empire, although it showed that they were the only two empires on the Douluo Continent, and the Star Luo Empire side by side.

But to be honest, the Tiandou Empire was also in the process of rapid decline. The huge empire was divided into several small duchies. These duchies are all independent and independent. Except for surrendering to the Tiandou Empire on the face of it, in fact it is not a bird. Fight the empire! Of course, the Heaven Dou Empire was dissatisfied with such treatment, and once sent people to attack these principalities. It's a pity that although the strength of these principalities is a bit weaker than the Heaven Dou Empire, together, they are also an extremely terrifying force!

What's more, above these principalities, there are also major colleges and major sects. One or two sects may not be a big deal to the Tiandou Empire, but together, the Tiandou Empire can't beat it!

"As expected to be the boss of Qin He, he is indeed a born emperor. As soon as he took office, he conquered the five element academies, which made the principality where the five element academies are located, but also had to choose to surrender. ····"

Xiao Chenyu showed an expression of approval.

Qin He: "·······"

NO, I have not!

I really don't want to subdue these element academies. Do you believe that they came to hug their thighs?

I'm too difficult...

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