On the streets of Soto City, Qin Zhan and Yu Xiaogang looked at each other.

what's the situation?

My son Qin He, what's the big deal?

What Qin Heguan thought, why don't I know anything?

I saw Qin Zhan holding a passerby, and finally couldn't help but speak:

"Hey, Xiongtai, you said my son Qin He, what has he done?"

Qin Zhan, who was questioning, was really a little flustered at this time.

The original Qin He, when he was at Notting College, he often made some big things!

Had it not been for him that Qin Zhan was the lord of Notting City, he would still have some ability in Notting City, his own son would have been robbed by someone breaking the threshold long ago!

Right now, Qin He was admitted to the Tiandou Imperial Academy, and the Emperor Tian was far away. It stands to reason that Qin Zhan could finally settle down.

But not!

This Qin He was able to make some big things every three to five, and he was able to pass on such big things as Notting College, which made Qin Zhan also frightened!

When Qin Zhan questioned, the face of the passerby who was being held was a little unhappy.

Turning his head, I saw the passerby's face darkened, and he cursed impatiently: "Brother, can you please nod?"

"Why am I shameless?"

Qin Zhan was confused and pointed at his dark face.

The passerby snorted and said unhappily: "On my way, I have already met dozens of guys who claim to be Qin He's father! But they are self-aware. Although they don’t look like Qin He, at least there is Qin He. One in ten thousand handsome!"

"What about you? If you look ugly, just stay at home, take a **** and take a picture of yourself. Just as ugly as you, can you give birth to a handsome and perfect son like Qin He?"

Qin Zhan: "······"

Qin Zhan's face was already dark at this time!

I stayed in Notting City for a while, and I will be unilaterally expelled from my father soon!

This little **** Qin He is simply too much!

Yu Xiaogang's beard trembled: "Hahahahaha!"

The hearty laughter made Qin Zhan's face darker.

"Master, what are you laughing at?"

Qin Zhan’s words made Yu Xiaogang's face flushed instantly, holding back his smile, and said: "Brother Qin Zhan, sorry, I didn’t hold it back just now. I swear, no matter what funny things happen to me, I won’t I will laugh, this time exception, this time exception..."

The exchanges between Yu Xiaogang and Qin Zhan made the passers-by even more upset.

Just listen to the passer-by: "Yes, you laugh a shit! If you say that the man who asked just now, he is less than one ten thousandth of the handsome Qin He, then this man who laughed, you are completely ugly. I can't watch it!"

"Middle-aged people have no choice, soak wolfberries in a thermos, learn to keep healthy, don't mess around and scare people!"

Yu Xiaogang: "······"

I can't kill you with a slap!

My Yu Xiaogang is handsome and handsome, my ex-girlfriend Liu Erlong, and my ex-girlfriend, the Pope Bibi Dong of the Martial Soul Palace, you are ugly!

I'm ugly of your uncle!

Qin Zhan: "Hahahahaha!"

"Brother Qin, don't stop me, I want to fight him!"

Qin Zhan smiled: "Master, I didn't stop you, but the one I asked for the way just now has a majestic aura, he should also be a strong soul king, you see..."

The passer-by also looked eagerly, as if saying, unhappy, unhappy come to fight!

In Douluo Continent, the soul master fights thousands of times a year, even if I am a passerby, I have dignity!

Yu Xiaogang's face is half black again: "Well! When I go to Shrek Academy, I find Xiao San and the others, and then I'll care about it!"


After half an hour.

Shrek Academy, inside the office.

Flander, Dean of Shrek Academy, welcomed the arrival of Yu Xiaogang and Qin Zhan.

Yu Xiaogang has a great friendship, Shrek Academy Dean Flander, when he was young, formed the Golden Triangle with Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong, and made a famous name in the Douluo Continent.

With the passing of time, the friendship between the three people has not faded due to time, but has become more mellow.

After greeting for a while, Flander finally mentioned the topic.

"Xiao Gang, when you come to Soto City this time, apart from seeing Tang San, do you still want to ask Qin Heguan what he thinks?"

Aside, Flender's eyes flashed with a deep admiration.

"Brother Qin Zhan, I have to say, you really gave birth to a good son!"

Flander's eyes flashed with deep emotion:

"Qin He views his ideas, ignores his qualifications, and his cultivation is simple. As long as he visualizes Qin He and maintains his devotion to Qin He, he can easily break through his soul power level!"

"This kind of cultivation method can be said to be the simplest and most universal cultivation method, but it can cultivate how many spirit masters for Douluo Continent!"

As an eight-ringed Contra powerhouse and Dean of Shrek Academy, Flender's eyes are naturally sharp.

This Qin Heguan idea seems simple, but if Qin He keeps it secret and uses it to cultivate his own soul master army, within ten years, Qin He will have an invincible soul master army!

But Qin He selflessly spread this cultivation method, which can only say that Qin He is really great!

Of course, Flander didn't agree with this kind of greatness. In his opinion, this Young Master Qin He, wouldn't he be a silly cultivator?

Give such a precious method to others for free. If the enemy cultivates this method and becomes stronger, wouldn't you, Qin He, suffer?

For example, Wuhun Temple...

Flander couldn't help frowning.

The Wuhun Temple is developing rapidly, and there are many arrogant and domineering people, and Flanders does not have a good impression of this force!

No matter how many civilian spirit masters are, where is there a spirit hall that has been operating for so long, and how many spirit masters have been gathered?

Someone in the Martial Soul Palace has the resources and has obtained such a powerful cultivation technique. If things go on like this, this can completely crush the entire Douluo Continent!

"Flander, you are afraid that you have only seen this most obvious layer, but you have not seen the deep meaning!"


Flender's face was naturally seen by Yu Xiaogang.

On the side, Yu Xiaogang looked serious:

"Qin He has always had a purpose in doing things. It is absolutely impossible for him to just spread a precious cultivation method casually without doing anything!"

"On the surface, Qin He is helping the Spirit Hall, but in fact it is not like that at all!"

"As soon as Qin Heguan's thoughts came out, he was afraid that the fundamental interests of the Spirit Hall would be affected! The commoner soul masters could awaken the spirits without going through the Spirit Hall, and practice by themselves. Then, how can the Spirit Hall develop?"

"Young Master Qin He's ambition, he wants to fight against Wuhun Hall, Brother Qin Zhan, your Qin He is really terrible!"

In a word, Qin Zhan and Flanders were also shaking.

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