Full-level Boss Starts from Douluo

Chapter 128: Qin He's Confused Behavior Award

Qin He, 12 years old, has unfathomable strength and defeated the former teacher of the Emperor Fighting Team, the 60th-level soul emperor Qin Ming!

Qin Ming had taught the Huangdou Clan for a while, and many members of the Huangdou Clan also understood Qin Ming's strength.


That is really strong!

However, Qin Ming's strength is also relatively speaking. Compared with Qin He, the opponent did not even survive a move, which is a bit embarrassing.

As for the guidance of cultivation?

The soul master world obviously lacks an effective system for cultivation. In Douluo Continent, there is no cultivation technique. All soul masters use their own methods to absorb the soul power of air!

Even if Qin Ming came from Shrek Academy, their cultivation method is at most exercise, drink more herbs, and eat more tonic soup?

No wonder Tang San in the original work practiced so fast!

We all have to work hard, we all exercise together, but I am different, I can still practice Xuan Tian Gong, I will not tell you!

"Captain, Brother Yu, I think, let's not righteous with Teacher Qin He! The opponent's strength is unfathomable, not to mention, the other party's teaching method is unbelievable. It is said that even waste materials like avalanches can be turned into cocoons. butterfly······"

Aside, Dugu Goose's green eyes flashed with a gleam, and she persuaded.

Who doesn't expect a great teacher?

Who doesn't expect oneself to be able to comprehend the mutated spirit ability, and even quickly raise the spirit power level like an avalanche?

The Huangdou team had also followed countless teachers before, and they obviously couldn't do this!

But Qin He is different!

Qin He has successful cases, and the students who followed Qin He have never been mediocre!

Even if it was mediocre before, now it will become completely non- mediocre!

"Yes, Qin He, very strong!"

On the side, Ye Lingling's voice was cold, but her words were simple and concise.

Seeing that the other team members looked like they were expecting, Yu Tianheng also sighed helplessly: "Well, when the time comes, Teacher Qin He will come over, I will try it out first. If Teacher Qin He is really as good as the rumors, then It’s not too late to apprentice!



With a soft sound of the iron gate, Qin He's figure appeared in front of everyone in the Huangdou team.

The seven pairs of eyes of different colors were staring at Qin He's face, and the mood was very complicated.

By Qin He's side, Xiao Wu naturally followed.

Xiao Wu is also a student of Tiandou Royal Academy, but she has been following Qin He, and to a certain extent, she is also a disciple of Qin He.

"Hello teacher!"

The students of the Huangdou team had long heard of Qin He's name, and when Qin He appeared, they all stood up respectfully and said hello in unison.

Among them, Yu Tianheng's eyes were the hottest, his eyes swept behind Qin He, and he couldn't help showing a trace of disappointment!

"Teacher Qin He, Your Highness Xue Beng is also your disciple, why didn't you come to the classroom with you today!"

Yu Tianheng asked indifferently, as if talking about a normal thing.

Avalanche, Wuhun level 24, Wuhun roast goose, no no, white swan!

The opponent's strength is not strong, but under Qin He's teaching, it has been a while, and Yu Tianheng deliberately asked to see Xue Beng, naturally it is not a deep brotherhood!

His purpose is obvious, naturally he wants to compete with an avalanche!

Xue Beng's strength is not high, even if he gets Qin He's guidance, it will be improved, but he will definitely not exceed the strength of his Yu Tianheng, a 39th-level war spirit master!

Compared with Qin He, it was looking for abuse, but compared with Xue Beng, he was full of confidence in Yu Tianheng!

The original avalanche was in the Tiandou Royal Academy, but it was so famous, it was a real waste!

From the combat effectiveness of the avalanche, you can also infer Qin He’s teaching ability from the side, and then try it out.·····

"You are looking for Xue Beng?"

Qin He looked at Yu Tianheng with a surprised look.

"Teacher Qin He, in Xia Yu Tianheng, I admire the teacher's reputation very much. If you want to compare with the teacher's disciples, I also ask the teacher to agree!"

At this time, the expression on Yu Tianheng's face was extremely respectful, and even a picky person could not find the fault!


What Yu Tianheng said in his mouth was full of temptation, and even had a hint of provocation?

Will Qin He be angry?

How would he respond to this kind of provocation?

"Captain Jade, my apprentice is avalanche, and his strength is still too bad. You, a senior, want to guide him. Naturally, I can't ask for it, Qin He!"

At the same time, Qin He, who kept squinting his eyes and didn't speak, flashed an invisible light in his eyes!

"Team Huangdou wants to test me, Qin He, so I don't dare to make a direct shot, so I started with Xue Beng?"

This Yu Tianheng is an individual talent, very on the road, he actually caught the weakness that Qin He left me on purpose!

Qin He couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Becoming a teacher at Tiandou Royal Academy was not Qin He's original intention, but it was all about catching ducks on the shelves!

But I have to say that this identity still has certain benefits.

Only when you become a teacher can you be qualified to teach students. He is invincible, but students can teach them casually. If they don't perform well then, won't that become my weakness?

As long as these students performed poorly in the various Tiandou Empire competitions, it would naturally make him Qin He's reputation plummet, and others would look down on him and play a low-key role!

"Avalanche, poor strength, low level, looks very weak, just right to be launched as a target!"

Qin He's eyes couldn't help but brighten!

Come and come, the avalanche is my Qin He's weakness. Those of you who want to trouble me Qin He, must work hard!

Sure enough, someone finally saw through the fragility of an avalanche, so do you want to deal with it?

"Perfect plan! This time, thanks to Yu Tianheng, a resourceful man, you must teach Avalanche well. Let me, Qin He, also taste the taste of failure!"


"Master Qin He, are you looking for me?"

Ten minutes later, His Highness Xue Beng happily came to the classroom of Tiandou Royal Academy, but the burly Yu Tianheng was greeted.

"Soul master battle? Against Yu Tianheng, a thirty-ninth level assault-type soul master?"

Seeing Yu Tianheng's unkind eyes, Xue Beng couldn't help but shudder, and almost didn't cry!

He Xue Beng, even though he was a disciple of Qin He and learned Qin He's mutant spirit ability, but in essence, he was nothing more than a twenty-fourth level great spirit master!

And Yu Tianheng, but the most powerful existence among the students of Tiandou Royal Academy, is it not **** difficulty to fight Yu Tianheng?

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