Full-level Boss Starts from Douluo

Chapter 125: The crisis of Wuhun Temple

"Prince Qin He, this time I owe you a favor from Mengshenji. Next time I have a chance, I will definitely pay it back!"

The sun is setting.

The entrance of Qinhe Dormitory.

Mengshenji's face was ruddy, happy, and excited.

He looked grateful, holding Qin He's hand, almost kowtow to thank him.

Thanks to Young Master Qin He, who deliberately angered Qin Ming and made the other party behave at a loss, that's why Meng Shenji seized the opportunity and drove him out!

Otherwise, with Qin Ming, an undercover from Shrek Academy, it would be too uncomfortable for me to do things with Dream Machine!

"What did I do again?"

Qin He looked at the Dream Machine with a blank face and helplessly, as well as the pile of gifts from the other party, including precious gold soul coins, and he couldn't help but sighed.

"Deputy Dean Meng, don't thank you, I actually didn't do anything!"

Qin He spread his hands helplessly.

"I see······"

Mengshenji suddenly realized, showing knowing eyes.

Yes, Qin He is right!

This secret calculation, the expulsion of Qin Ming, really cannot be a big fan!

Otherwise, wouldn't this plan be wasted?

Young Master Qin He is still very good, not only has amazing plans, but he is also extremely cautious!

"Do you understand it again? You understand you big head!"

The corners of Qin He's mouth twitched.

I'm so hard!


In the Tiandou Empire, matters related to Qin He have never been trivial.

Qin He became the teacher of the Emperor Fighting Team, and such astonishing news began to circulate in the Heaven Dou Empire at a flying speed.

Almost all the major forces received this news at the first time, all of them were shocked and inexplicable!

Wuhun Hall.

"What are you talking about? Tiandou Royal Academy, that guy Mengshenji, dismissed Qin Ming and appointed Qin He as the teacher of Tiandou Royal Academy?"

Inside the magnificent palace, Salas frowned, with a very playful tone.

What kind of person is Qin Ming?

The intelligence organization of Wuhun Hall naturally knew the most.

According to the records of the Wuhun Hall, Qin Ming was the second youngest soul emperor in history, second only to another blessed genius.

Of course, maybe Qin He, who was born out of the sky, should be added now, but Qin He's strength is hidden too deeply, even the Spirit Hall does not know how strong this product is, so it can't be counted!

Qin Ming is such a super genius, Tiandou Royal Academy is willing to abandon it, and instead supports Qin He so attentively. This is indeed incredible!

"Xiao Sisi, it's actually not surprising!"

On the side, Chrysanthemum Douluo smiled charmingly and analyzed:

"Qin Ming is very close to Shrek Academy, and we all know the temper of the people in Shrek Academy!"

Shrek Academy is named after Shrek, and Shrek is a monster unique to Douluo Continent!

And Shrek is named after it, naturally because in this college, not only students are monsters, but even teachers are monsters!

For this powerful student, Wuhun Palace is not without the intention of recruiting students.


This Shrek Academy is indeed as its name suggests, and the teachers inside are also very strange!

Qin Ming was abandoned by the Tiandou Royal Academy, it doesn't seem to be a strange thing?

After all, compared with Qin He, this guy named Qin Ming is like Qin He's low-profile version. No, it should be the bankrupt version. Obviously it's a bit tasteless?

No, this guy Qin Ming is still useful. Although his IQ is not high, this kind of stunned Green Soul Master can be used as a chess piece to test Qin He. Isn't that good?

Salas squinted, thinking of the name Qin He, his heart became a little dignified!

"Elder Chrysanthemum, you said Qin Ming, can our Wuhun Palace start to recruit?"

On the side, Salas' eyes flashed with inexplicable light!

Wuhun Palace lacks talents. Although Qin Ming said it was the bankrupt version, this bankrupt version of Qin He could also play a certain role.

Moreover, with Qin Ming's temper, the opponent learned that his position as a teacher in the Emperor Fighting team was being slapped. If he doesn't find his place back, then how can he get involved?

"Xiao Sisi, forget it, this Qin Ming actually offended Qin He, and I heard that he was arrogantly saying that he was going to fight Qin He. Our Wuhun Palace is going to make a move, I'm afraid we will get a commotion!"

"Although our Wuhun Palace is not afraid to accept meat, don't accept it if your brain is flooded!"

"Your brain is flooded, maybe you can drain the water and make do with it?"

"That's impossible! With Qin Ming's performance, doesn't it mean that there is nothing left when the water is poured?"

"Well, this is reasonable! How easy is it for Qin He to deal with this! Qin Ming is so anxious to go up, no matter how talented, isn't it a cannon fodder?"


Wuhundian Academy.

"Qin He is really arrogant, even the famous genius soul master Qin Ming doesn't pay attention to it!"

Master Xieyue's eyes flashed with deep fear.

Qin Ming had a big fight at Tiandou Imperial Academy, and the matter of fighting Qin He had already been raged!

Qin Ming is an outstanding genius soul master with a great reputation, and Qin He is also a genius soul master, younger than Qin Ming!

too terrifying!

The golden generation students in our Wuhun Hall are still studying and cultivating soul power conscientiously, and Qin He, at the same age, can already compete with the previous generation of genius soul masters!

This Qin Ming, at the age of 34, became a Level 60 Soul Emperor. To be honest, even Xie Yue is confident of his talents, he is not sure if he can become a Level 60 Soul Emperor at the same age!

Such a strong man unexpectedly failed in the competition with Qin He, and was oppressed to such an extent by Qin He, which shows Qin He's strength and scheming!

"As expected to be the man I'm looking for, Young Master Qin He is really amazing! Qin Ming was kicked out of the position of teacher in the Royal Fighting Team. I think Young Master Qin He secretly calculated the results!"

Hu Liena also showed admiration in her eyes.

As a teacher of the Emperor Fighting Team, Wuhun Palace also wanted to bury a hidden child on it.

To tell the truth, Wuhundian did a lot of wooing to this Qin Ming, but this person didn't get in and had a weird temper, so he tried for a long time without success!

But as soon as Qin He took the shot, he directly seized the position of the teacher of the Huangdou team, which also made Wuhundian realize how big the gap between them is!

"Trouble, this is really troublesome!"

In the Wuhundian Academy, Young Master Xieyue also shook his head, hearing Qin He becoming the new teacher of the Emperor Fighting Team, he looked solemn at this time, as if he was facing an enemy.

"It's true! The Heaven Dou imperial family has fought countlessly with my Wuhun Palace, and the battle of the younger generation is the most intense with our Wuhun Palace team and Huangdou team!"

"If it were in the past, the Huangdou team was led by a small Qin Ming, we would not take it seriously! But if Qin He shot..."

Hu Liena became more jealous.

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