Full-level Boss Starts from Douluo

Chapter 119: Shrek Academy is too difficult

Notting College.

In the dean's office, the breeze blew away the last trace of heat in the air, and the atmosphere at this time was very embarrassing.

"Brother Qin Zhan, I want to criticize you, your current act of pretending to be compared with your son Qin He is really getting worse and worse!"

Dean Zhao Chong's complexion was as usual, but his fists were clenched in his sleeves, and there were faint blue veins.

"City Lord Qin Zhan, when you say this now, I don't have any fluctuations in my heart, and I even want to laugh.

Master Yu Xiaogang looked serious, and Gu Jing's waveless eyes stared at Qin Zhan's face coldly.

What a **** guy!

When he was young, Yu Xiaogang had a good relationship with many people, and his relationship with Qin Zhan was relatively close.

This Qin Zhan was obviously stupid and didn't understand anything. At that time, Yu Xiaogang doubted whether this guy could find his wife!

After all, I was Yu Xiaogang back then, it was really Yushu Linfeng, I found a few girlfriends at random, one is the Pope Bibi Dong of Wuhundian, the other is the proud daughter of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family, and now it is Landian Liu Erlong, Dean of Overlord College!

However, more than twenty years have passed!

I, Yu Xiaogang, is still alone, not even a child!

And this stupid Qin Zhan just gave birth to a good son, pretending to be here every time, so annoying!

Qin Zhan chuckled, with a rather silly smile: "Master Jade, we have known each other for many years. If you can speak, just talk more and analyze it for me. What is going on with my son Qin He? This mutant spirit ability, yes. What's so amazing!"

Dean Zhao Chong: "······"

Out of anger!

Why this Qin Zhan doesn't understand anything, looks stupid, obviously I should have the superiority in IQ, why now I feel that I have been shown off!

"Brother Qin Zhan, your son Qin He, this mutant spirit skill board grilled goose developed is not as simple as it seems!"

At this time, Yu Xiaogang also sighed depressed, and said:

"The grilled goose on the surface is one of the air-type spirit skills invented by Qin He. It can pass through the air and cause the enemy soul master to fall into a state of loss, but in fact, this grilled goose has another magical effect!"

"I, Yu Xiaogang, researched carefully during this period of time, and I found that this grilled goose can be used as food. After eating it, it can increase the attack power and spiritual attributes of the soul master. Do you know what this means?"

Master Yu Xiaogang pushed his gold-rimmed spectacle frame, a light of excitement flashed!

"This is an unprecedented change in the Douluo mainland spirit master world!"

"As we all know, martial spirits are born. Everyone has only one or two fixed martial spirits. Martial spirits determine your direction of cultivation!"

"In Douluo Continent, there are various types of spirit masters such as Agility, Attack, Food, Auxiliary, Control, etc. These are all determined by the innate spirit and cannot be changed!"

"But Qin He changed everything!"

"Avalanche's white swan martial soul is obviously an offensive martial soul, but it can use food-type soul skills. This situation is simply unprecedented. This is simply challenging the rules of Douluo Continent!"

"Qin He deserves to be an unprecedented research genius of martial arts theory. If he puts his energy on the research of martial arts theory, the soul master world in the future will surely set off a storm because of him!"

When Yu Xiaogang spoke loudly and loudly and echoed in everyone's ears, Qin Zhan and Zhao Chong looked at each other, both staring at each other.

"It turns out that Qin He is so good?"

"It's Qin He's style if it doesn't show mountains or water!"


Shrek Academy.

"How can this fellow Qin He be so irritating! Why can he develop a mutant spirit ability with such an understatement?"

On the playground, Dai Mubai's double pupils were extremely red, sweat stuck to the messy blonde hair, and the whole person looked very mad!

Qin He's air-type spirit ability, once this theory was put forward, was strongly touted by the Wuhun theoretical research community, and some even said that this course is to be carried out in major colleges, and it is still a compulsory course!

Some people objected, saying that Qin He's theory is too wild and unreasonable.

However, there are two precedents for Xiao Chenyu and Xue Beng. The two new mutant spirit abilities they developed are incredibly powerful!

Countless colleges have invested a lot of research and want to overtake in a corner...

Shrek Academy is also one of them. Especially, Shrek Academy’s martial arts theory has been greatly influenced by Master Yu Xiaogang, and Master Yu Xiaogang is already a loyal Qin He!

This also makes the current Shrek Academy students have to learn Qin He theory every day, which can be described as miserable!

Dai Mubai was also deeply affected!

After pondering on the playground for seven days and seven nights, he felt that he hadn't researched anything except for his dry eyes and any mutant spirit skills!

This Qin He is simply a harm, because of this bastard, it is really difficult for us young soul masters to not only practice hard, but also learn this strange Qin He theory...

"Why? Why do we want to learn from Qin He? If we want to learn Qin He, why should we come to Shrek Academy, why not go to Tiandou Royal Academy?"

Tang San was also very suffocated, his plain face also flashed a little irritability.

Tang San is not an irritable character, but it also depends on the situation.

This Qin He is my lifelong enemy of Tang San, and my opponent of Tang San!

I, Tang San ran to Shrek Academy just to hide from him, stay away from him, but I still didn't hide away!

Am I easy?

Thinking of this, Tang San felt a little bit cried without tears.

Dai Mubai, his comprehension is so good, he is almost driven mad now, he Tang San, don't mention any mutated spirit ability, he hasn't even understood a Mao!

I'm going to be bald...

"Dear students, good morning everyone!"

While talking, in a corner of Shrek Academy’s playground, an old man with a black beard came over, his body exuding a powerful aura!

78-level war soul saint, Shrek Academy Dean Flander!

Flender walked to the students with a smile, his expression was so gentle:

"Dear students, our Shrek Academy is the best college in Tiandou, and our students are also the best students!"

"More than savvy, we can't lose to other colleges!"

"Not long ago, I heard that Wuhundian Academy and Tiandou Royal Academy have people who have learned the mutated spirit ability through Qin He's teaching. Our Shrek Academy wants to fight with them, how can we lag behind them?

"Everyone has been studying for a week, and I must have a lot of feelings in my heart too! Hurry up and write a 5000-word research report and hand it in next Monday!"

Dai Mubai: "······"

Tang San:"······"

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