Full-level Boss Starts from Douluo

Chapter 108: Qin He must be strange

"Sure enough, Jiang Ziya is fishing. Will those who wish take the bait?"

Xiao Wu had a clear look, her beautiful eyes looked at Qin He, and her admiration grew stronger.

Although I knew that Brother Qin He was fishing, I never expected that this fish that came to apprentice would be so big!

Xue Beng, the second prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, without mentioning his strength, his identity was a huge shock!

If Qin He becomes the teacher of the other party, then in the future Prince Xue Beng becomes the emperor, and Qin He is the legendary emperor teacher?

No, Prince Xue Beng was originally a fan of Qin He, and he tried every means to join Qin He before, but at that time he was rejected by Qin He!

It seems that Brother Qin He is very strict in accepting disciples. With an identity like Xue Beng, most people rush to be his teacher, but Brother Qin He dismisses him...

"His Royal Highness Xue Beng, shouldn't you have a brain crash, amnesia!"

Seeing the avalanche sincerely bowing in front of him, Qin He's face suddenly turned green!

Xue Beng, this is a troublesome figure, it will affect Qin He's sleep plan!

Xue Beng, the other party in the original work worshipped the protagonist Tang San as his teacher. This guy is a dude on the surface, but in fact he is scheming. In the final original book, after the death of Xue Ye, the other party became the new emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire. !

To be honest, the other party's ability to be the emperor has little to do with his teacher Tang San. This avalanche, at best, wants to use Tang San's strength to deal with the Spirit Hall!

Tang San guessed that it was a big name, in fact, Tang San really didn't teach this snow avalanche.

Emperor's heart? Soul master cultivation?

Compared with Tang San's inexplicable protagonist's halo, there are powerful elders to help you wherever you go. Anyone who encounters a senior soul master who is a famous mainland China, has no regrets and no regrets helping Tang San block the enemy!

This avalanche is a real talent. He has nothing but the identity of a prince, but in the end he held the right thigh and successfully counterattacked as an emperor. It was really inspirational!

Such a powerful apprentice, Qin He really doesn't want it!

"Boss Qin He, you...you can see it!"

The corners of Xue Beng's eyes trembled slightly, and his voice stuttered.

He felt his heart, as if being grasped by a big hand, jumped fiercely!

Young Master Qin He, I really are the same kind of people!

He deliberately mentioned the word amnesia, did he know that I was secretly spending money to find Su Longtao to trouble him?

I am not having memory loss and not mentioning it, but I am afraid to say it!

I heard that the Wuhun Temple had also approached Su Longtao, but Master Qin He saw through him and sent a large amount of property to apologize!

It is unreasonable that Young Master Qin He could discover the actions of the Wuhun Hall, but he didn't know his avalanche's small calculations!

Young Master Qin He deliberately slept at the door of the dormitory during this period. He should have been waiting for me here long ago!

"What did I see?"

Qin He looked at Xue Beng with a blank face, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

This avalanche is a deep-minded guy, and it is absolutely arrogant to be the emperor in the future!

How much trouble will be caused by accepting such an apprentice in the future!

Moreover, I don't understand why this avalanche speaks!

"Boss Qin He, I was wrong! Please forgive me! Please accept me as a disciple!"

At this time of the avalanche, the cold sweat on the back had already wetted his clothes, and the whole person bowed down in front of Qin He, without a trace of luck again!

Sure enough, my father, the famous Xueye in the eyes of outsiders, only admires Master Qinhe, that is definitely not aimless!

His Majesty Xue Ye knows countless people throughout his life. He asked me to learn from Qin He. It is definitely not just talking, it is definitely meaningful!

He Xue Beng was not convinced, but originally thought of calculating Qin He and causing Qin He a little trouble!

Now it seems that Young Master Qin He is looking at me as if he is watching a kid playing around. He has already noticed the details, but he deliberately didn't say it!

Looking at Qin He's indifferent face and Xue Beng's eyes, there are enthusiasm, excitement, and anxiety!

This is the teacher I want to worship!

I must not miss him!

Whether it's soul power cultivation, wisdom, means, or emperor's learning, there are so many things I can learn from Teacher Qin He!

The boss of Qin He has far-reaching wisdom, and there are a lot of adults. He should forgive me for my rude behavior to him before!

"What did I do? Why did you kneel?"

Qin He's face was also inexplicably complicated as if he had knocked over a bottle of five flavors.

I'm obviously rejecting you, why are you still entangled?

Besides, you admire me even more, you avalanche, are you acting me?

His Royal Highness Xue Beng, the emperor of the future Heaven Dou Empire, such characters, are all men with a powerful posture!

In the original book, even the protagonist Tang San may not be able to convince him, Qin He, except for his strength, he has no confidence to control him!

The atmosphere was exceptionally quiet for a while, and in the quiet, there seemed to be a trace of embarrassment?

"His Royal Highness Xuebeng, our brother Qin He has already felt your sincerity! Haven't you seen it yet? Brother Qin He has promised you!"

"Hey, your wisdom is not high, it's so much worse than your big brother Xiao Chenyu, you haven't noticed it yet!"

At this moment, Xiao Wu sighed, a somewhat disappointed tone, but broke the deadlock.

"You have too much to learn, Your Highness Xue Beng!"

"You have to study hard in the future, and you can't be lazy, you know?"

Xiao Wu looked like an elder sister scolding her little brother, and she seemed very comfortable.

"I see, sister-in-law!"

Xue Beng was overjoyed, and the smile on his face became brighter.

Qin He: "······"

What did I do?

who am I?

Where am I?


One wave is not flat, another wave rises!

The matter of His Royal Highness Xue Beng's apprenticeship to Qin He caused an earthquake-like storm at Tiandou Royal Academy!

Qin He, 12 years old, is superb. Even a senior teacher like Su Longtao can easily defeat him without summoning his martial soul. With unfathomable strength and talent, he will be a giant in the Douluo continent in the future!

This kind of character, others are all admiring, in the eyes of others, Qin He will definitely not accept disciples easily!

But this time, Qin He made a move!


What he took was not a genius, but the second prince of Xue Beng!

What kind of person is the Second Prince Xue Beng?

Seems to be a waste material?

No, you should be more confident and remove the seemingly, he is a waste!

Compared with the cultivation of soul power, this Highness Xue Beng is unremarkable, and in the academy, he is still a dude, relying on himself as the second prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, fighting and fighting all day long, playing eagles, teasing birds, and misbehaving, it is a snowy night Your Majesty is a headache guy!

The other party is fighting at the Tiandou Royal Academy, and no teacher is willing to accept him as a disciple. It is really rotten wood and cannot be carved.······

"This guy Qin He is crazy! The first time I became a teacher, I challenged the difficulty of hell?"

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