From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 573 Worry and expectation. Twenty billion at a time? acceptable?

The research and development of the light pressure engine has entered a new stage - the first take-off and landing test is about to be carried out.

Zang Chunlai is the general manager of the Aerospace Industry Company. He is not a professional R\u0026D personnel, but he has been following the design and manufacturing. Now, when he is about to enter the take-off and landing test, he still feels that the speed is too fast.

Whether they are researchers or engineers, they all feel the same as Zang Chunlai.

The design of the light pressure engine was completed by the research team. When it entered the manufacturing stage, a large number of engineering personnel participated in the work. They assembled it step by step according to the design requirements, and completed the entire device in nine months.

The engine was built by themselves. They should have more confidence and expectations, but when they looked at the big guy with a diameter of more than 100 meters at close range, they felt a little unreal. Thinking of the upcoming take-off and landing test, they always felt uneasy. Generate worry.

The concerns are mainly reflected in three points.

Some researchers are worried about theoretical issues. The theory of light pressure engines was proposed in the 1960s.

So, is the theory necessarily correct?

If the theory of the light pressure engine is problematic, everything they have done so far will become meaningless.

The second is the design issue.

Even if there is a light pressure engine project led by Wang Hao, is the design really perfect enough to produce such a big man into the air?

Finally, there is the problem of malfunctions that may occur during the manufacturing process.

Even a small mechanical device will have faults after it is manufactured, let alone such a large one.

Although they have done a lot of testing and corrected many problems along the way, what kind of major failure will happen during the takeoff and landing test?

That's not a malfunction problem, it could very well turn into a major accident.

Many people are worried about this.

All they can do is to devote themselves seriously to their work and constantly test every part to prevent all possible accidents.

This worry is also normal.

In just nine months, a large amount of materials, funds and manpower have been invested in the light pressure engine project. If the test fails and the engine hits the ground from the air, it will be simply unimaginable and even unimaginable. .

"There is an oversized safety parachute on it, which will open instantly if a malfunction occurs...but I don't think it is of much use. I can only say that it can reduce the impact to the ground a little."

"When this happens, the concave reflector will be severely damaged."

"The core of the current engine is the concave reflector, which occupies most of the mass and space, and other equipment comes second..."

Many people privately discussed what might happen, and the more they discussed, the more nervous they became. "Who has any specific news? When will the takeoff and landing tests start?"

"Based on what I know about Academician Wang, it should go according to plan."

"Isn't that the end of this round of testing?"


"So soon? I think it's better to be safe and wait a few more months..."

"It feels like for a large-scale project like this, it should be tested for a few years before risky tests are carried out. The current speed is too fast."

"Yeah, I think so too."

Their opinions are of course meaningless, and Wang Hao has the final say.

After Wang Hao made his decision, he immediately finalized the test time, and then wrote a report and submitted it to the superior department.

This test is no ordinary experiment.

The light pressure engine has attracted international attention and is also the largest project in China. The first lifting test is very important, and there will definitely be a leadership team coming to watch.

Of course, every subsequent experiment is important.

The first time is always different. Being able to successfully lift off the light pressure engine shows that there is no problem with their theory and design direction, and it can also break some doubts in public opinion.

Just like the ideas of people within the project team, there are many voices of doubt in public opinion. For example, some people think that the theory of light pressure engine is wrong, and some people think that the light pressure engine is impossible to complete and is just a hypothesis. technology.

In public opinion, more people question theoretical and design issues.

The light pressure engine theory believes that a high temperature of more than 50,000 degrees Celsius must be created to ensure that strong enough light pressure can be created.

If the temperature is below 50,000 degrees Celsius, the light pressure produced will decrease exponentially, and the thrust acting on the spacecraft will not even be able to keep up with the effect of the thruster. Not to mention that the light pressure engine is so huge. Most likely it won't even be able to push itself.

Of course, there are worries and doubts, but also trust and expectations.

The latter account for a very small proportion.

Paul Phil-Jones is one of them. After he learned that the take-off and landing test was about to take place, he became much more enthusiastic about his work. He talked about his expectations for the take-off and landing test when he met everyone, "The experiment is finally about to start. I have been waiting for it." It’s been a long time.”

"The first step is about to be tested, which is very critical."

"Although the light pressure measurement experiment has been completed and the measured light pressure has reached the predetermined value, it is only a small experiment after all."

"Now is the engine test. As long as this step is completed, it will not be far from being able to fly into space..."

Zang Chunlai didn't understand Paul Phil Jones's mood. He couldn't help but ask, "Paul, aren't you worried?"

"worry about what?"

"Of course I'm worried that there will be problems in the upcoming test. This behemoth is going to fly..." Zang Chun finished and added, "It's a bit unimaginable."

He shook his head.

Paul Phil-Jones also shook his head and said, "Why worry?"

He said seriously, "This project is led by Wang Hao. He is not worried. Why should I worry? Whether the experiment can be successful is not something I should consider. I want to make sure there is no problem with the design. What you want to make sure is that the equipment has no major problems." failure."

"We just have to do our jobs."

Zang Chunlai was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt that what Paul said made sense. Instead of worrying here all the time, it was better to do his job well.

Although things were like this, he still couldn't keep calm.

Think about it…

Still very worried!

At the same time, the world is still focusing on the nuclear organization's powerful annihilation field equipment.

After the preliminary testing of the strong annihilation force field equipment was completed, the Nuclear Organization launched a series of measurement work around the equipment.

These basic measurement work will release a lot of data, and they will always occupy the focus of public opinion. The limelight has changed from the anti-gravity center, which has not heard any news for a long time.

Bill Bryan was depressed about this.

In terms of research on the direction of strong annihilation force fields, there are only three institutions in the world, including the Antigravity Center, the Groom Lake Project and the Annihilation Organization.

In this cooperation with the science and technology department, including the Nuclear Organization and the Annihilation Organization, the strong annihilation force field equipment is provided to the Nuclear Organization, but the related work is the responsibility of the Annihilation Organization.

Now the nuclear organization has taken advantage of the opportunity of testing equipment to release so many basic experimental results. It feels like it has left the annihilation organization aside. However, they themselves are doing particle collision experiments and research on the standard model of particles, and they are not involved in the annihilation force field. within a field.

Yunir Novotny said consolingly, "Anyway, the experiments and data they released are not brand new content, they are just verification."

"Those have already been released by the Anti-Gravity Center."

Brian shook his head and sighed, "Verification is also very important..."

Verification is indeed important.

The experiments and data released by the nuclear organization have attracted attention because they have done the work of 'verifying the results'.

The Anti-Gravity Center has already released a lot of results, but the problem is that it cannot obtain any verification, because no other team has mastered the regional strong annihilation field technology, and the successful content they released can only be seen by others. I don’t know whether it’s true or not.

Now that the nuclear organization has completed the verification, it is equivalent to affirming the experimental results.

Brian said, "If we had known earlier, we would have fought harder during the negotiations. We should have transported the equipment to the experimental base first and conducted experiments separately from them."

Novotny shook his head and said, "According to plan, it will take another month."

"Besides, you can't win it. The science and technology department wants to cooperate with nuclear organizations, not us. We must admit that we are just incidental..."

"All right."

Bill Bryan knew this too, and in the end he could only sigh.

Another depressed organization is the Groom Lake Project Team. They can only watch the nuclear organization release results one after another without even having the opportunity to participate.

At the same time, their funding was cut off.

The new No. 1 decision-maker temporarily allocated US$3 billion to the project team, but the US$3 billion was allocated in three batches. They originally thought they would no longer have to worry about funding. As a result, the second batch of funds was delayed, resulting in some high-investment projects. Research had to be temporarily suspended.

They are even considering dismantling the original anti-gravity equipment and using the underlying materials to support regional strong annihilation force field research.

As a result, it was stopped.

On the one hand, the original equipment is still useful.

On the other hand, the decision-makers are considering obtaining the equipment technology from cooperation between the science and technology department and the nuclear organization, so that they can directly conduct reverse engineering for research.

This made Kubo even more depressed.

"I went to the Department of Energy last week, and they wanted to get the technology first, and then conduct theoretical research."


"What does that have to do with us? We're not good at this!"

Kolot James said nonchalantly, "I told you a long time ago, don't overthink the situation. Our comparison object is the anti-gravity center, but it is impossible to catch up. They only take some edge ones." Technology is enough to make us despair.”

"But it doesn't matter. I will definitely stay. I am just an experimental physicist. As for you..."

He shook his head as he spoke, showing a disapproving look.

Kubo was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He gritted his teeth and said, "You can't even think about it!"

James said, "It's because you didn't think about me. Do you remember a year ago? We had enough funds at that time. I had already told you to use part of it to give me a personal bonus, even if it was only 100 million US dollars." , when the time comes, it won’t matter what research you do or not.”

"You did it then, so you don't have to worry at all now."

"If you lose your job, I will definitely use part of it to allow you to retire in peace. You can go to Indonesia and Thailand. These countries are very good, and the local young girls will like to be with you... Think about it, what else is there? Better than this life?”

"……I have a family!"

"I know."

"Then you're still talking about this?"

"But do you dare to say that you are not moved?"


Cooper found that he had nothing to say. What James said about retirement life would make a normal man excited.

He sighed and said, "Okay, you're right."

"It's useless for you to think that I'm right now. The Department of Energy has become more and more strict on our funding review, and the opportunity is gone. I only want 100 million US dollars..."

James kept lamenting missed opportunities.

Cooper kind of wanted to punch someone.

$100 million? That's it? What an international joke!

If he does this, James will indeed live a comfortable life, and he will probably live a wonderful retirement life in advance, but he will have to bear major legal risks. As for retirement...

In jail?

International Focus on Nuclear Organization, a week has passed without realizing it, and the light pressure engine project has ushered in its scheduled test.

The leadership team has arrived.

Two days before the takeoff and landing test, the top decision-maker appeared at the experimental base and encouraged all those involved in the experimental project.

After that, the next level leadership team arrives.

Teacher Zhao, Teacher Xu, and Teacher Zhu appeared at the experimental base together, and the leaders of the three decision-making levels came to the base together, which also represented the high-level emphasis on the light pressure engine project.

Teacher Zhu is the head of the space agency, and his mood is the most complicated.

The space agency's 'spacecraft' research and development project is on the right track. They have cooperated with the military's air-ship team and obtained the lateral annihilation force field technology and superconducting battery technology, and combined it with aerospace technology to develop spacecraft.

In just one year, the spacecraft project has almost completed the design demonstration.

Compared with aerospace flying saucers that use brand-new technology, it can digest the technical foundation and complete the design demonstration of the flying saucer in one year, which is already very fast.

However, what is often most feared is comparison.

It has only been a little over a year since the launch of the light pressure engine project, including the design application stage. But now it has been manufactured and is even about to undergo its first take-off and landing test.

Teacher Zhu even wanted to say a national curse.

He would definitely not do this, so he could only smile and shake hands with Wang Hao, wishing in advance that the take-off and landing test of the light pressure engine would be successful.

But I still couldn't help but ask, "After you have completed the take-off and landing tests, you still need a lot of tests in the next step, right? How long will it take until it goes into space, or builds a real spacecraft?"

Wang Hao was about to answer when he heard Teacher Zhu continue, "It certainly won't work in one year. It will take two or three years anyway, right?"


Wang Hao hesitated and said, "It shouldn't be used. I think we will continue to test it in the next few months and design the spacecraft at the same time."

"When the test of the light pressure engine is completed, the spacecraft can be built."

Teacher Zhu tugged at the corner of his mouth, and after a long time he said depressedly, "I wish you a smooth journey..."

Teacher Zhao and Teacher Xu both laughed.

They still understand Teacher Zhu's mood. Teacher Zhu is the direct person in charge of the space agency. Of course, he hopes that the space agency will master the most advanced space technology during his term, otherwise the situation will be a bit embarrassing for the space agency.

In addition, Mr. Zhu will retire in more than a year. He probably hopes that the spacecraft project will proceed slower.


The project is progressing incredibly fast.

Teacher Xu asked, "Academician Wang, are you confident in this test?"

Wang Hao shook his head and said, "There must be confidence. But this is not a matter to be considered. We value experiments and results more."

"If problems are discovered during the take-off and landing test phase, they must be found and corrected."

In fact, Wang Hao was not 100% sure. What he did was to personally lead a team to test each department.

He has been busy at work for the past three months.

What Wang Hao needs to ensure is that there will be no problems with key devices, the light pressure engine will not have major failures, and the takeoff and landing tests will not be high-risk.

Of course, some safety precautions must be taken even when there is no 100% certainty.

One of the emergency safety measures for the light pressure engine is a large-scale safe landing point, which is to fill an area with a diameter of more than three kilometers with fine sand more than ten meters thick.

If a problem occurs after the engine takes off, but the control system is not completely damaged, the engine can be controlled to land at a safe landing point to ensure the safety of the engine to the greatest extent possible.

The second is the hundreds of large parachutes carried by the engine.

The ground can control all parachutes on the engine to open instantly. When a serious failure occurs midway, the parachutes bring upward force, which can reduce the intensity of the engine hitting the ground as much as possible, and to a certain extent, protect the engine.

The day before the takeoff and landing test, Wang Hao also organized a safety response meeting and talked about the effect of only turning on parachutes for protection. "Hundreds of parachutes can provide a certain amount of force, but when falling from the highest point, the engine will still hit." ground."

"From a calculation point of view, six main brackets on the concave surface will be damaged anyway. At the same time, more than one-sixth of the material plate, the laser port lowered and surrounding the center, and the excitation balance thruster will also be damaged."

After he finished speaking, he added, "This level of damage is still acceptable."

After saying this, the teachers in the three leadership groups couldn't help but twitch at the corners of their mouths. They also knew about the project.

So far, more than 100 billion have been invested in the light pressure engine project.

According to the data given by Wang Hao, the damage would be one-fifth, that is, a loss of 20 billion would be caused by just one drop.

The result is...acceptable?

Wang Hao didn't have so many ideas. It was normal for the engine to suffer major failures and losses. After three consecutive months of inspection work, he was still confident in the operation of the main devices and did not think there would be any major problems.

This is just a safety meeting and of course there will be an explanation of the safety gear.

After the safety meeting ended, Wang Hao led the team to check out the main equipment, including two strong annihilation field equipment, stimulation propulsion devices, etc., and did not go to rest until twelve o'clock in the evening.

At six o'clock the next morning, he got up early and went inside the engine again, and asked about the operation of the nuclear reactor.

At eight o'clock, the leadership team arrived.

At nine o'clock, the engineering staff began to dismantle the fixtures under the engine and carefully cleaned the site to ensure that no combustible materials would appear underneath.

At twelve o'clock, the light pressure engine was preheated inside, which meant turning on two strong annihilation force fields, turning on the heat source device, and releasing a small amount of neutrons to create heat.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the excitation propulsion device performed its final opening test.

At two o'clock, everyone left the light pressure engine base.

Some researchers went to the control center ten kilometers away; others went to the hillside 20 kilometers away from the project base, which has a passageway to enter the air raid shelter inside the mountain.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

The experiment is about to begin.

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