From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 515 The Cause of the Accident: Neutron Explosion? Wang Hao: I'm just guessing.

Wang Hao was not joking when he mentioned the explosion in the replica experiment to study the cause of the accident.

He was very serious, very serious, and his voice was even a little excited.

For the F-ray team of the American military, the equipment explosion accident was a major scientific research disaster, but what Wang Hao saw was that American could not find the cause of the accident, and the information disclosed was not convincing. Don't know why.

"This is likely to contain deep-seated physical laws."

Wang Hao talked about the explosion accident, and said seriously to He Yi, "It was not a nuclear explosion, and the equipment itself could not have such a violent explosion. The explosion happened in the center, and it has nothing to do with the pipeline of high-pressure mixed materials."

"So how exactly did the explosion happen?"

"Their investigation showed that the explosion was probably generated in a thin layer of an annihilation field, which is very interesting."

"It may contain physical laws that we have not discovered!"

He said a little excitedly.

For a physicist, there is nothing more fascinating than discovering new laws of physics.

"It's like the former Marie Curie family. They completed the research on radioactive elements. At that time, they didn't know the harm of radioactive elements to the human body."

"It's probably the same with the explosion now."

"There was an explosion in their research, and we are lucky to start researching from the explosion accident..."

He Yi digested the information with thinking, and then said, "You mean, if we reproduce the experiment, we may discover new physical laws?"

"Maybe so."

Wang Hao didn't dare to be 100% sure.

"American seems to be saying that we hope we can help find the cause of the explosion, and repeat the experiment. If no physical laws are found, can we still find the cause?"

What He Yi means is that the re-enactment experiment does not necessarily find new physical laws, so it may not be possible to find the cause of the explosion.

Wang Hao said indifferently, "Actually, don't worry about the cause of the explosion. The reason why I want to carry out the replica experiment is mainly to study the physical laws, not to find the cause."

"It's easy to find the reason..."



"That is……"

Wang Hao smiled confidently, "We'll know when they come and provide more detailed information."


The American delegation has arrived.

After the delegation came to the Flower Planter, it was first of all the contact between the officials. After everything was discussed, the academic team headed by Kubo came by plane in the name of the "Groom Lake Project Team". west sea.

As for Xihai University, He Yi was sent to make contact.

He Yi is the person in charge of the Antigravity Behavior Research Center. In terms of position, he is equal to Empoli Cooper, so he is very suitable to be responsible for related work.

The gate of Xihai University.

Paul Phil-Jones stood far away, looking at the representative team across the flower bed, which was a bit 'sneaky'.

He was looking at Corott James.

James seemed to feel the gaze looking at him, glanced in the direction of the flower bed, and immediately saw Paul who turned around and pretended nothing happened.

He shook his head amusedly, "It seems that Paul is still the same. This is really good news, but it's a pity that I came a little early."

"It would be great if it was after the age of 60. It's almost time to retire by then. You can use Paul's money to find a few babysitters, and you can also travel around the world..."

James was a little emotional in his thoughts.

Even if he came to the florist ahead of time and met Paul Phil Jones, James felt that he couldn't come in vain. His immediate goal was...

borrow money!

Be sure to borrow money!

"I'm one of Paul's few friends, and he certainly wouldn't mind lending me hundreds of thousands of dollars..." James was thinking about borrowing money all the way.

As for paying back?

Do not make jokes.

Ever since he met Paul Phil-Jones, there was no such word as "repaying Paul's money" in his life dictionary.

He Yi's reception for the delegation was to take them to Xihai University, and after a tour around noon, they went to the cafeteria to eat together.

During lunch, Corot James sat next to He Yi and said to him, "You know Paul, right? Paul Phil Jones."

"Of course, we are familiar."

"That's really great." James laughed. "Can you help me? I hope I can apologize to him in person. It was many years ago. I hurt him. Now I have realized my mistake."

"This time is a great opportunity."

"I hope I can apologize to him to make up for the guilt in my heart..."

He kept sighing as he spoke.

He Yi asked curiously, "What did you do? And... hurt him?" He couldn't help thinking of some unsuitable scenes in his mind, and suddenly felt that he couldn't eat any good food.

Driven by curiosity, He Yi sent a message to Paul Phil Jones, stating that Corot James wanted to apologize to him in person.

Ten minutes later, Paul Phil Jones rushed to the scene.

With his head held high, he walked slowly step by step, looked at Corot James with absolute contempt, and then said, "What do you want to say, you can say it now."

James stood up and said sincerely, "Paul, I'm sorry, about that incident...I regret it now when I think about it, it was my fault."

"You've finally realized."

"Actually, I realized it a long time ago, but I never had a chance. You are here, and we are half a world away."

"But I don't want to forgive you."

"It's all my fault. Whether you forgive or not, I just hope that I can apologize to you in person."

Seeing James' sincere attitude, Paul Phil-Jones couldn't help but smiled, and he said seriously, "Okay, I forgive you."


James expressed his gratitude very seriously, and some excitedly shook Paul's hand.

The few people around were stunned.

He Yi endured it for a long time, but still couldn't help asking, "Mr. James, I want to know, what did you do to Paul?"

James sighed, "That was a mistake, a huge mistake."

"Ten years ago, that night..."

"There are two women staying in my room." James pointed to himself and said, "You know, women like me look very attractive, but they are too conservative, only one is willing to stay, and the other actually said they like it Tall, thin man, I think she must have seen Paul."

"Then she walked away and went to Paul's room."

"This greatly affected Paul's sleep. He kicked the woman out and left with her friends. Later, we had a big fight because of this incident."

"Every time I think about it, I regret it very much..."

James said with regret on his face.

Paul Phil-Jones looked smug, "You know it's wrong now, right? At that time, I said it was your problem. How could you let a strange woman go to sleep in my room?"



All the people in a circle beside them opened their mouths half-open in shock and did not close them for a long time.

They looked at the smug Paul Phil Jones, and at the remorseful Corot James, they all felt that the atmosphere was very weird.

Admit it?


Is James serious?

They can only gossip on the sidelines, there is no way to intervene in the topic of the two of them.

After the apology session was over, the atmosphere finally returned to normal. James and Paul were good friends who hadn’t seen each other for a long time, and they talked about their research and work together.

After that, James whispered to Paul Phil-Jones, "Paul, you know my life, I have been spending a lot of money, and I have been in financial difficulties recently, hey..."

"So, can you support me with some money."

Paul nodded immediately, "No problem, it's a small matter, we're friends." After he finished speaking, he took out his phone and took out a red note from the back of the phone case.

"for you."


James fiddled with the note for a long time, "I'm not so poor that I'm going to starve to death. Paul, I said more money."

"How many?"

"It will be many years since we separated this time, and I don't know what will happen to me in the next few years, so I want to borrow more... 100,000 US dollars."

"One hundred thousand dollars?"

Paul immediately shook his head and said, "I don't have that many."


"It's really not."

"That's absolutely impossible. You won the Nobel Prize, and the bonus is enough. Moreover, I believe the florist will also give you a bonus, as well as your salary. You are the kind of person who is good at saving money."

"However, Jin Cui manages the money in my family."

"Jin Cui?"

"Yes." Paul Phil-Jones introduced, "Jin Cui is my wife. By the way, Corot, I never told you that I'm married."

He Yi added beside him, "Jiang Jincui is also in the university."

"So, Paul? You? Married?"

James opened his mouth in surprise after hearing this, and he froze on the spot, not recovering for a long time, "God, how is this possible!"

Paul wondered, "Why are you so excited?"

"Of course, you are married!" James took a deep breath and said quickly, "I have to see what kind of magical species you are marrying, it is a doll, right? Or a robot, or A pet? No, you don't have pets!"

"Are you insulting me? Jin Cui and I are the happiest couple."

"This is impossible!"

James was a little hysterical, "This is absolutely impossible. But I was not so surprised to hear that you won the Nobel Prize."

He suddenly realized, "No, I have to take back my apology just now. It's completely unnecessary, why should I apologize to you?"

"That incident was your fault!"

"Paul, ask other people, did I do anything wrong? You ask Professor He, Empoli, or others, they wish they had a good roommate like me."

He Yi and Kubo looked at each other, feeling that James had entered their hearts.

James continued, "So, there is no need for me to apologize. From now on, we are not friends anymore."


"I have to meet your wife, I want to see her face to face, and see what kind of magical species it is, so that I can be a perfect couple with you..."


"This is definitely the big news of the century!"


In James' hysterical shouts, his friendship with Paul hit the end button again.

Paul Phil Jones left with anger. He felt that he was being played, but he had no idea why James did it.

He couldn't understand.

James was depressed and surprised. What he was depressed about was that there was a major problem with his pension plan, and he couldn't implement it at all.


Will Paul Phil Jones get married?

Speaking to anyone who knew Paul, they must have felt the same shock.

In addition, the casual officials of the delegation were also very dissatisfied. They hoped that James would talk more about basic topics by virtue of his personal friendship with Paul.

What if some key technical information is revealed in the topic?

Even if you can't get the key information directly, if you can get the friendship of Paul Phil Jones, maybe you can know some information in the future?


Paul Phil-Jones left in a rage.

Just by looking at his expression, you can tell that he will never contact James again, and the friendship between them has completely come to an end.

James doesn't care.

In fact, he knew very well what the accompanying officials thought, but he still cared about Paul from the bottom of his heart. After all, they were once good friends.

He won't let Paul have the problem of leaking technical information.

In addition, he didn't want to 'set up information' either.

It's not doing him any good personally.

As a scholar engaged in research work, one must be aboveboard when doing research. He even refused the position of head of the military experiment, so naturally he would not intervene in similar work.

After the lunch drama ended, James became very moody. He just followed the line and didn't even know where he was going.

They have arrived at the Antigravity Behavior Research Center.

Inside the Antigravity Behavior Research Center, there are only some "outdated" antigravity equipment that are open to the public, and some materials and equipment that involve confidentiality are placed in the storage area.

When the delegation entered the research center and visited the test area, they felt that the equipment inside was similar to theirs.

Cooper whispered to James, "It seems that their technology is not much better than ours, is it just an update of equipment?"

"you are too naive."

James rolled his eyes, "How could it be possible to create a 20-fold annihilation force field with these? I bet this is definitely not an experimental base."

The delegation soon met Wang Hao.

Wang Hao was waiting in the meeting room, and Liao Jianguo and Yan Jing were sitting with him. The delegation was seated after entering the meeting room.

The scene is a bit like a negotiation scene.

Wang Hao sat on the left side of the long table, including officials from the science and technology department, as well as He Yi, Liao Jianguo, Xiao Xinyu and others.

On the other side are the officials of the delegation, Kubo, James and others.

Among them is another heavyweight, Jill Lockyer, who is the director of the Magnetization Accelerator Laboratory at Fermilab and the main leader of the accident investigation team.

After Jere Lockyer sat down, he asked someone to provide Wang Hao with the contents of the experiment, investigation documents, and photos of the scene after the explosion.

He introduced the details of the accident, "The strong annihilation force field we created has a magnetic field interference device on the outer layer, and a nuclear reactor with 20% uranium material inside."

"Nuclear reactor energy intensity is..."

"During the experiment, we found that the heat source escaped, and then the magnetic field equipment failed, and then the explosion occurred."

"We investigated the scene and determined it was not a nuclear explosion."

"The center of the explosion seems to be a strong annihilation force field, not the center, and its strength is equivalent to more than 500 kilograms of TNT."


Jere Lockyer details the experiment and the accident.

On the other hand, Wang Hao was looking at the photos and documents carefully. There were a lot of detailed data on them. The representative team can be said to be very frank.

After a long time, Wang Hao raised his head.

He said, "This document is more detailed than we know, but it is still difficult to judge based on the content of the document. I think it may be a special way of explosion."

"Everyone think about it, what kind of explosion will appear in the thin layer of the strong annihilation force field? Or, what can touch the strong annihilation force field?"

A group of people immediately thought about it.

Corot-James' thinking logic is very clear. He thought carefully about the matter that would come into contact with the thin layer of strong annihilation force field, including the photons and other particles emitted from the interior, as well as the neutrons produced by nuclear fission...


Wang Hao's eyes suddenly brightened, and he said, "Someone may have thought that the particles produced by the internal nuclear reaction will come into contact with a strong annihilation force field."

"So it may be a kind of particle explosion. We have to continue to study what kind of particle it is..."

The meeting room suddenly boiled.

"Particle explosion? What particle can cause a big bang?"

"If it's a particle without mass, definitely not. Could it be an electron? A neutron? It can't be a neutron, right?"

"Neutrons encounter a strong annihilation force field and explode? What is the principle?"

"How is it impossible? Annihilation physics is brand new, and there are still many directions to explore. We don't know everything."

"But, it doesn't make sense!"

Wang Hao reached out and pressed down, and said, "I'm just guessing. How about the specific situation, unless another experiment is done and the same explosion occurs..."

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