From University Lecturer to Chief Academician

Chapter 382 Academics are not politics, first-order green light, cosmological development theory: a

Jagland Berhard-Anderson is one of the most influential astrophysicists in the world and holds a pivotal position in the international physics community.

Such a person naturally has many titles, such as academician of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, vice president of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, and director of the Institute of Cosmic Physics of the Royal Academy of Sciences.

Last year, the Nobel Prize Committee held a rotation election, and Jagland added another title. He became the chairman of the Nobel Prize Committee for Physics.

As the chairman of the Nobel Prize in Physics Selection Committee, Jagland naturally has to consider the selection of the Nobel Prize in Physics. When he officially became the chairman of the committee, he already knew that there was a very important candidate for the selection of the Physics Prize. It cannot be avoided.

That is Wang Hao.

In the past three years, Wang Hao has been nominated for the Nobel Prize in Physics every year, but the highest one was only included in the 50-man list.

When he entered the candidate list for the first time, the international physics community was saying that Wang Hao would definitely win the Nobel Prize in Physics, but the one who won the Nobel Prize later was astrophysical research.

In the second and third years, the situation was similar, and the selection did not give any content related to the study of annihilation theory and superconductivity theory.

The Nobel Prize in Physics seems to have deliberately bypassed Wang Hao.

Many scholars in the physics community were very dissatisfied with this, but at the beginning, the reasons given by the Nobel Committee were also very legitimate. They believed that the annihilation theory was just a theory, and even if some phenomena were discovered, they were not sure that the annihilation force was true. exist.

This reason is still very sufficient. In the past selection of the Nobel Prize in Physics, many studies won the award only after they had great influence.

Because of this, awards are awarded to research that is several years or more than ten years old, but rarely to research that has just been completed, because even if the research that has just been completed receives more recognition, it is not sure that it is 100% correct Yes, for the Nobel Prize in Physics, the correctness of the research is very important.

The same was true for the next two years.

With the development of superconducting material technology and the public research on strong annihilation force, the international physics community has more and more calls for Wang Hao to win the award.

Not every scholar will be affected by 'politics', or in other words, the vast majority of top scholars will not be affected by political factors when they look at academic issues.

Nor can they become top academics if they are easily influenced by political factors.

In the eyes of the vast majority of top scholars, the selection of academic awards must not be mixed with political factors. On this basis, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Wang Hao as a matter of course. The effects of theory and technology are not at the same level at all.

Jagland also thinks so, but after taking up the job of selecting the Nobel Prize in Physics, he knows that the award selection will still be affected by political factors. other factors.

He heard many reasons why the Nobel Prize in Physics cannot be awarded to Wang Hao.

For example, Wang Hao himself will definitely not come to accept the award, which is a very embarrassing thing.

In addition, if the Nobel Prize in Physics is awarded to the research on annihilation theory or the basic theory of superconductivity, it is impossible for Wang Hao and his team to win only one Nobel Prize in Physics.

The Nobel Prize in Physics can be awarded more than once to a person or a team. Even for research in the same field, as long as the results are influential enough, it may be awarded twice or more.

There are precedents in history.

Up to now, a total of five scientists have won two Nobel Prizes in Physics. In chronological order, they are Marie Curie, Linus Karl Pauling, John Bardeen, Frederick Sanger, Karl - Barry Sharpless.

Among them, John Bardeen, the American Prize in Physics, won two Nobel Prizes in Physics, relying on the research on semiconductors, transistor effects, and the theory of low-temperature superconductivity.

Even with the current achievements, Wang Hao is of course far better than John Bardeen, and it is not an exaggeration to award ten Nobel Prizes in Physics to annihilate the exploration in the direction of physics.

If the Nobel Prize in Physics is awarded to the basic theory of superconductivity or the research on annihilation physics, will all the Nobel Prizes in Physics in the next few years be awarded to scholars in Wang Hao and his team?

At that time, the Nobel Prize in Physics may be renamed the 'Wang Hao Prize in Physics'.


Jagland sighed deeply.

This is where it gets annoying.

Jagland has even begun to regret accepting the job of the Nobel Prize Selection Committee for Physics. The Nobel Prize Committee rotates selections every three years, so his working time is only three years.

If all the physics prizes are awarded to Wang Hao and his team of scholars in three years, Jagland can imagine how the public opinion will evaluate him when he resigns...

"Look, it's him, Jagland, who is in charge of the three-year committee. He didn't do anything, he just awarded awards to Wang Hao in succession."

"This job is so easy, I can do the same."

"I can too……"

"My Chris is fine, as long as I tell him, he will know what to do. By the way, Chris is three years old."

"Yaglan? That guy is Wang Hao's spokesperson..."

It was enough for Jagland to think about it deeply. He understood why the previous committee always rejected Wang Hao for various reasons.

It's not just politics or other factors, but also the impact on individuals.

Jagland continued to think and was determined. Apart from his work as the chairman of the committee, he was also a top astrophysicist.

Simply put, he is a scholar.

The job of the chairman of the committee can only be done for three years, and it is still a part-time job, while the status of a scholar is indeed a lifetime.

In addition, as the vice president of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, he believes that he must be responsible for the world influence and development of the Nobel Prize.

Now there are already many top scholars in the international physics community who are dissatisfied with the selection of the Nobel Prize in Physics.

If you continue to drag...

"Peace Prize?" Jagland shook his head sarcastically.

Many people confuse various Nobel awards, but in fact, some awards are completely different.

This is mainly due to differences in the selection agencies.

Various Nobel prizes are not judged by one institution. For example, the prizes for physics and chemistry are judged by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Prizes in Physiology or Medicine are assessed by the Royal Karolinska Institute in Sweden.

The Nobel Prize in Literature is awarded by the Swedish Academy.

The Nobel Peace Prize is chosen by the Norwegian Parliament.

From the point of view of the selection agency, we also know that the selection of the Nobel Peace Prize will almost certainly be affected by political factors, because the award is originally selected by a group of politicians.

"Academics are not politics..."

"Even if it is just to ensure the fairness of the Nobel Prize in Physics and the influence of the academic community, we must support the annihilation theory award this year!"

Jagland has made a decision.


the other side.

Wang Hao did not expect that the establishment of the issue of "Annihilation Theory and Physics" would affect the Nobel Prize Committee in Physics.

He attaches great importance to the journal "Annihilation Theory and Physics".

The academic influence of research is very important, but once the research is done, it must be published. He hopes that the publication can have autonomy instead of being controlled by others.

Driven by this idea, Wang Haocai decided to establish a new academic journal.

Some domestic academic journals also have certain influence. For example, the journals of the Academy of Sciences and the academic journals of some top domestic universities also have some influence.

However, it must be admitted that there is indeed a lack of academic discourse power in China, and there are no journals with top influence in the direction of physics.

The influence of an academic journal is mainly reflected in how many top scholars and top research results will be published on it.

For example, some domestic academic journals mostly publish ordinary research, while top domestic scholars and top achievements will basically contribute to foreign journals.

This is mainly because domestic academic journals lack world influence.

If it is submitted to a journal that lacks influence, it will not be seen by more scholars, and it will be difficult to have much influence when published.

In terms of data indicators, both downloads and citation rates will be poor.

In fact, most domestic academic journals have little influence, mainly because of the small number of top talents in a single field.

For example, Princeton University.

The whole world knows that Princeton University is a palace of mathematics, which can be described as a gathering of mathematical geniuses. Many top mathematicians work at Princeton University.

Naturally, the "Journal of Mathematics" with the background of Princeton University has huge influence and is one of the four major publications in the mathematics world.

The same goes for other fields.

Now in the field of annihilation physics, the Antigravity Behavior Research Center is the most authoritative, while the Superconducting Material Research Center has the most advanced superconducting material technology and has gathered a large number of talents in related fields.

The combination of the two institutions, together with the Mason Number Science Laboratory that produces the theory, is enough to support the development of the journal "Annihilation Theory and Physics".

After the establishment of the editorial department of "Annihilation Theory and Physics", it has also received many domestic contributions, some of which are still headlines.

That's a good place to start.

The development of an academic journal does not happen overnight. Extending the time to ten years is only a small stage. For example, some top international journals have a history of more than 100 years.

Therefore, there is no rush to develop the influence of journals. As long as they publish all their achievements in "Annihilation Theory and Physics", relying on the support of cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements, it is enough to support its development.

During this week, Wang Hao received good news one after another.

The first good news comes from the strong annihilation force experiment. Shen Huiming and the Antigravity Behavior Research Center cooperated to discover the beam of light that will not be annihilated.

In simple terms, the whole experimental process is to use means to excite the first-order iron material, and produce radiation light waves, let the radiation light waves pass through the strong annihilation force field, most of the light waves will be annihilated naturally, leaving only a bunch of light waves that cannot be annihilated.

Of course, the actual situation is not so simple. The intensity of the emitted radiation light is very low. It is necessary to use advanced equipment to collect signals and analyze a large amount of data to determine the existence of light waves.

After the experiment was successful, Shen Huiming and He Yi returned to Xihai University together, and they talked to Wang Hao excitedly.

Shen Huiming said, "We have already confirmed that the wavelength range of that beam of light is between 509 and 560. We analyzed the data with a computer and simulated that beam of light..."

He Yi handed over the materials in a timely manner.

There is a computer simulated picture of light waves penetrating a strong annihilation force field in the file.

Wang Hao took the picture and glanced at it, thought carefully and said, "Is it green light?"


Shen Huiming nodded seriously, "The intensity of the emitted light wave is so low that it is invisible to the naked eye, but if the intensity is increased by a hundred times, you can see a beam of pure green light."

"Green light..."

Wang Hao asked himself and answered, "The wavelength of green light, in visible light, should be in the middle range, right? Yes, it should be right."

He Yi listened and asked, "This shouldn't be a coincidence, right? It happens to be in the middle range..."

Wang Hao shook his head and said, "It's just a coincidence. Don't think too deeply about it. It should be related to the properties of the first-order iron element. If we find other first-order elements, the first-order energy wave excited may be different. "

Liu Huiming agreed, "That's true. Professor He, if you think about it carefully, in visible light, the wavelength of green light is in the middle range, but in fact, visible light is only divided by the ability of human eyes. Visible light also covers a very narrow range."

"If you add infrared, X-rays, and even gamma rays, the wavelength of green light has no character at all."

Wang Hao nodded and said, "This discovery is very important. How about it? The first issue of "Annihilation Theory and Physics" will be published soon, so let's publish it on it. I think it will have a lot of influence."

Another piece of good news comes from the Mason Number Science Lab.

Wang Hao's research team completed the research content of "Theory of Cosmic Inflation" relying on the assumption of the existence of "first-order energy waves" and the experimental discovery that first-order iron elements will not be affected by ordinary strong annihilation force fields to produce magnetization reactions.

The previous "Inflation of the Universe" mainly described the content of energy annihilation and conduction, and added the analysis of the acceleration of the expansion of the universe, but the acceleration of the expansion of the universe is only the derivation part, mainly the exposition of the first two.

The main content of their research this time is 'universe development'.

In the content of the development of the universe, it is fundamental that the properties of matter and particles are constantly changing due to the continuous improvement of annihilation force. First-order iron materials will not be affected by ordinary annihilation force fields to produce magnetization reactions, and will produce weak reactions under the action of stronger annihilation force fields, that is direct evidence from the research.

This confirms the last "theoretical derivation part".

On this basis, the theoretical derivation was continued and the 'future of the universe' was studied.

"There are first-order iron elements, and there may also be N-order iron elements. All kinds of elemental substances will be affected by the gradually increasing annihilation force."

"There may be second-order or higher matter in the universe, but it has not been discovered so far."

keep exploring...

The follow-up content is all imagination. The research team believes that the expansion speed of the universe will not continue to accelerate, and will eventually produce a special N-order substance that will absorb space energy autonomously, causing the universe to begin to shrink and continue to accelerate.

Because the space energy is continuously absorbed, the annihilation force will continue to weaken, and if it weakens to a certain extent, it cannot be absorbed by the special N-order matter, and the universe will re-enter the expansion stage.

Expand, shrink, expand, shrink again... This is the cycle.

The difference from the theory of explosive force is that the research team does not believe that the universe explodes from a singularity, nor will it shrink back to a singularity as some theories say.


"Some celestial bodies in the universe may be left over from the last cycle, or a few cycles ago, such as black holes."

"The existence and observed properties of black holes conflict with many existing physics, and there may be special N-order energy matter..."

"This kind of matter that can absorb space energy may exist forever, or may disintegrate under certain conditions, and their impact on space can reasonably explain some special phenomena observed in astronomy..."

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