What Li Zhi didn’t know was that when Guan Zhilin saw her, she also had a strong inferiority!

Guan Zhilin has been exaggerated since she was a child, and she has been as beautiful as a porcelain doll since she was a child

All the uncles and aunts in the circle praised her when they saw her, and they all wanted her to enter the circle to act as a child star.

So she has long been a beautiful and self-aware beauty, and there are few girls in the circle of life who are more beautiful than her, almost none!

But after she saw Lizhi, she suddenly realized that even if she had a beautiful face, she was very unconfident in one aspect!

His own figure is not as good as his family!

It is said that this girl is Li Changsheng’s assistant.

Li Changsheng kept this girl as an assistant, could it be that he fancy this girl’s plump and enchanting body!

Does it mean that Li Changsheng likes girls with such a figure, then isn’t he hopeless!

Guan Zhilin always gave people the feeling of worshipping a gold girl in that time and space

But let her choose a man outside of money, she will still give priority to handsome guys!

She is a member of a senior appearance association!

So when she saw Li Changsheng’s first glance, her love for Chu Liuxiang was transformed into love for the actor in reality

She fell in love with this handsome guy who had never appeared in Xiangjiang!

However, she also inevitably noticed the female assistant next to this handsome guy who was dressed simply but had an extraordinary figure!

This female assistant looks gorgeous, her appearance is only slightly worse than herself, but her figure is much stronger than herself!

There may be many men who like this type of woman, and Li Changsheng may also like it!

However, Guan Zhilin is an extremely confident woman who is a beautiful murderer.

She believes that even if her figure is not as strong as this female assistant

You can still make Li Changsheng fall in love with himself through his beautiful face and elegant temperament.

Guan Zhilin blinked at her surprisingly beautiful eyes and looked at Li Changsheng.

“Brother Changsheng, I especially like your role as Chu Liuxiang, Yushu Linfeng, personable, dashing!

I feel like Chu Liuxiang came out of the book, your acting skills are amazing, I adore you so much! ”

Facing this Guan Zhilin, who was known as the first beauty in Xiangjiang, Li Changsheng’s expression was very flat.

He just said lightly: “Thank you.” ”

Guan Zhilin was not discouraged by his indifference and asked directly.

“Brother Changsheng, do you have a girlfriend now?”

Li Changsheng did not expect Guan Zhilin to be so direct.

In fact, Li Changsheng originally had a particularly bad impression of Guan Zhilin.

Because Guan Zhilin gives everyone the impression that one is a gold worship girl, and the other knows three when three.

She publicly said on the show that she has tried all men, those who have a girlfriend and a wife, which is a standard murderer.

However, this woman is just too beautiful!

When Li Changsheng looked at her closely, he found that this woman was no wonder she was called the first beauty of Xiangjiang

The delicate degree of the face is more delicate than that of a national goddess in the mainland, and the skin is as fair as jade.

No wonder she cooperated with Li Lianjie to Huang Feihong’s thirteenth aunt, only wiped lipstick, no makeup at all, and her face was already thrillingly beautiful.

I have to admire Li Lianjie’s determination, and in the face of such a big beauty, he was indifferent.

It must be reiterated that everyone should not be frightened by Guan Zhilin’s state in 2022, the peak of her appearance is still relatively long

From when she was a child until she was 40 years old, the overall state was very good, all big beauties. Just

It was a little unthinkable later, I wanted to delay my youth, I guess I did plastic surgery, and I made myself ugly

If she had done it naturally, maybe she would still be in good shape.

Now, Li Zhi is on the left, Guan Zhilin is on the right, two stunning girls who are also 18 years old, Li Changsheng does not know how to choose.

Of course, for a traverser with a system like him, why choose one of the two, you can’t choose both!

Men don’t do multiple-choice questions, I want them all.

As for the two fatal problems that appeared in Guan Zhilin’s original time and space, it was not a problem to meet Li Changsheng.

Isn’t she worshipping money, Li Changsheng is very good at making money, isn’t she worshiping gold to worship him!

Doesn’t she like to meddle in other people’s feelings, Li Changsheng now has a girlfriend!

Because Li Changsheng knows what kind of personality Guan Zhilin is, Li Changsheng will not lick the dog.

Because she is such an arrogant girl, she will not like to lick the dog, she tends to like men who are not so interested in her.

The more she shows little interest in her, the more she wants to show her charm by conquering you.

It is precisely because she sees through Guan Zhilin at a glance that she is such a beautiful and proud woman who knows that she is a murderer

Li Changsheng now said lightly: “That’s right, I have a girlfriend. ”

(For flowers over 70,000 plus more, ask for flowers, ask for flowers, flowers rise more and more slowly is swollen.) )

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