From the prototype, immortal

Chapter 37 Alien Infestation

The aliens launched a suicide attack, but they were all smashed into pieces and looked for flesh in the metal before they got close.

As for their corrosive liquid attack, there were also snipers who called out. The military was ruthless and arranged dozens of snipers with anti-material sniper rifles, requiring them to kill the aliens as soon as they appeared. After all, the corrosive liquid was so scary that it could melt steel instantly.

The scientific researchers who collected the samples found that this corrosive liquid could even corrode test tubes, and they tried dozens of materials to contain them but failed.

The military must be on guard against such dangerous things.

From the daytime battle to the night, the aliens who kept attacking like a tide invented a new tactic, which was to cripple a companion and throw it out.

One by one, the corrosive liquid alien bombs were captured and intercepted by the air defense system in mid-air, splashing the corrosive liquid, but no alien bomb could break through the firepower network and air defense interception.

However, their battle line has advanced a lot, mainly because of this tactic. The corrosive liquid cannot come over, but it will destroy their positions and weapons. In the absence of materials that can resist this corrosive liquid, the military can only keep retreating and shrinking the defense line.

It is difficult for the air force to support them. After all, it is a battlefield in an urban environment. A heavy bomb is likely to kill the aliens and their own people at the same time.

Now the army's elk can use tanks to fire artillery and howitzers to cover bombing. It is already the limit. The soldiers at the front have buzzing ears and can't understand what their own people are saying. Even if the US military spends millions of dollars on a single soldier's equipment and the quality of the noise-canceling headphones is the best, it is impossible to protect the ears under this bombing.

Of course, this number of aliens also makes the military plan to send the air force to the rear for bombing to reduce the pressure on the army.

They came to Antarctica, this ghost place, to get penguins because the elephants in Africa are about to become extinct and there is no way to get ivory. They have to be here all year round. There is no entertainment. Isn't it just to make a lot of money?

He couldn't help but regret why he left Africa and came to this ghost place.


But this also led to a sudden increase in the demand market, attracting many poachers who did not have the courage to sell ice and powder, or smuggle arms, and who were hardworking and did not care about the harsh environment of Antarctica.

Penguin oil products are very rare luxury goods. They have been popular for more than a hundred years, but now they have become illegal luxury goods in order to protect penguins.

Then the aliens pounced on him, and he knew nothing.

Not only did this group of poachers suffer, but also the whaling ships that came to Antarctica. A group of small... people who lived well drove the whaling ships. They had a good harvest this time, catching more than a hundred minke whales. However, before they could be too happy, a group of aliens climbed onto the ship.

Others also shouted loudly, wanting to let the person on the other end of the phone know their dissatisfaction.

"That's right. If you keep lowering the price, we'd rather dump the penguin fat!"

"This is the worst place with the worst climate. We Fakes risk being frozen into ice to come here to make money. Fakes make a lot of money! Not hard labor, you bitch!"



Several poachers are resting here and boiling penguin fat. In this secret base, the number of penguins they hunted is shocking. They are hanging upside down on the railings. Then their captain, a genuine African-American strongman, quarreled with the people on the opposite side with a satellite phone.

At this time, a poacher was hiding in a secret base in Antarctica.

No one else noticed anything wrong. They were expressing their dissatisfaction excitedly. It was just that with the entry of the aliens, it suddenly became more lively.

After all, market demand means more money.

In addition to the scientific research stations of major forces, there are also some illegal elements in Antarctica.

It seems that the blockade here is well done, but Chang Wei has seen that the aliens in Antarctica are rampant.

While they were talking, they didn't notice a shadow sneaking into their base, and then the poacher sitting closest to the entrance of the base was gone without even screaming.

"Fuck! Bitch! Shit! I tell you, this time there is absolutely no way we can get less money, otherwise we won't do it!"

In addition to penguins, there are such terrible monsters in Antarctica?

They hunt penguins and don't care whether the penguins are intact, so they naturally have weapons. However, the leader of the poaching team shot the monster with a rifle, but he collapsed after it was unscathed.

It's not that drug dealers ran here for safe transactions, but they came for the penguins, which are local specialties of Antarctica.

"Where are you fighting?"

"Our Ultraman and special effects heroes, come and save us!!!"

The Alien Queen boarded the largest ship of the whaling fleet and began to lay eggs again. Soon, dense alien eggs were all over the ship.

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