From the prototype, immortal

Chapter 1226: Slaughtering the Gods, destroying the ship alone


Asura was furious, but he could do nothing.

But Misra stood up.

She looked at the indiscriminate artillery bombardment of the Kingdom of God fleet in the sky, and looked at the innocent humans who were involved.

Presumably, the gods will not care about the life and death of these humans. They even think that this is purifying and allowing humans to be saved.

Anyway, after a human dies, the soul will be collected by the special instruments of the Kingdom of God, and then transformed into the power of mantra.

Mishra's hands were clenched into fists, and her nails were dug into her palms, as if she wanted to concentrate all the anger in her heart here.

She whispered to herself: "Human beings don't need such a god!"

This sentence is not only an accusation against the gods, but also an insistence on one's own beliefs.

It seems to be able to penetrate the sky and reach the ears of the gods high above.

Her words were filled with indictments of the gods' indifference.

As the words fell, the power of the mantra in Mishra's body began to boil, like a ignited volcano, releasing a dazzling light.

The power of the mantra gathered in the air into a beam of radiant light, soaring straight into the sky, as if to compete with the boundless artillery fire.

However, just when everyone thought that this power would collide with the god's artillery fire, triggering a duel that changed the color of the sky and the earth, the light pillar suddenly shrank. Instead, it seemed to be attracted by an invisible black hole, and instantly shrank back to Mishra's body. Inside her body, it gathered on her fist.

At that moment, Mishra seemed to resonate with heaven and earth, and her body was surrounded by a faint golden aura, which was a symbol of the power of the mantra and a proof of her determination and courage.

"Lightning Speed ​​Punch!!!"

With Mishra's roar, she swung the blow towards the sky.

This power condensed on her fist, like a golden star about to explode, releasing dazzling light and amazing energy.

When she waved her fist into the sky, the golden light seemed to be given life, blooming in the air like fireworks, turning into countless gorgeous lights, splashing out from the center of her fist.

These rays of light quickly expanded in the air and turned into thousands of fist shadows.

Each fist shadow seemed to be an independent entity. They intertwined and collided in the air, making crisp metal collision sounds, forming shocking pictures.

These fist shadows are not only astonishing in number, but also extremely fast, exceeding the speed limit of human understanding.

They shuttled through the air, seeming to tear the entire space apart, leaving cracks that were difficult to detect with the naked eye.

Tens of thousands of huge cannonballs like mountain peaks were surrounded by this dense fist shadow the moment they were about to touch the ground.

They became vulnerable to the shadow of Mishra's fist. Each punch hit the cannonball accurately, triggering a series of explosions.

The shock waves generated by these explosions spread around like tsunamis, tearing the surrounding air into countless tiny fragments, forming cracks visible to the naked eye.

In one second, she punched exactly 100 million times at the speed of light.

This speed has exceeded the limit of human imagination and far exceeds the constraints of the laws of physics.

Every punch is accompanied by the release of the power of the mantra. The combination of this power and physical effects produces unprecedented terrifying power.

With the continuous bombardment of the fist shadow, those huge mountain shells were exploded one after another, turning into fragments all over the sky.

The high-speed rotation and collision of these fragments generated huge heat energy, making the entire battlefield seem to be surrounded by flames.

At the same time, due to the huge impact generated by the light-speed boxing, the surrounding air was sharply compressed, forming a strong sonic boom effect.

These sonic booms resounded through the sky like thunder, causing everyone present to feel severe eardrum pain, as if the whole world collapsed at this moment.

What's even more shocking is that due to the huge impact generated by the light-speed punch, the surrounding air is sharply compressed, forming a strong sound barrier.

These sound barriers are like invisible walls, firmly sealing the shock wave and heat generated by the explosion within the battlefield.

Beyond the sound barrier, there was silence, as if the entire world was cut off from this battlefield.

Mishra's shadow did not diminish.

On the contrary, they seemed to be driven by some mysterious force and continued to rush forward at a speed exceeding the speed of light.

These fist shadows even rushed out of the earth and penetrated the atmosphere and space.

In space, without the obstruction of the atmosphere, Fist Shadow's power is more completely released.

They are like bright meteors, cutting through the dark curtain of the universe, leaving behind brilliant light trails.

These light tracks are not only visually shocking, but also contain huge energy. They collide with dust, particles and tiny celestial bodies in the universe. Each collision bursts out with dazzling light, like stars blooming in the night sky. It embellishes the originally silent universe with vitality.

The Kingdom of God's fleet, those steel behemoths that were once considered invincible, seemed so small and fragile in front of Mishra's fist.

The soldiers on the fleet were originally confident and thought that their armor was enough to withstand any form of attack. However, reality gave them a heavy slap in the face.

Mishra's fist shadow is like a precise scalpel. Each hit cuts through the fleet's defense just right. The perfect combination of the power of the mantra and the physical effect makes these seemingly indestructible warships torn apart like fragile paper shells. Cracked.

Explosions continued, and the flames illuminated the dark space. The wreckage of the fleet was scattered in space, like a cruel fireworks show.

Those warships that once represented the glory and power of the Kingdom of God are now only lonely fragments, slowly drifting in the endless universe, telling a story of failure.

The soldiers of the Kingdom of God witnessed all this, and their hearts were filled with unprecedented fear and despair.

They had never experienced such a tragic defeat, and they had never imagined that their fleet would be completely destroyed in such a short time.

In despair, they began to question their beliefs and doubted whether the power of the Kingdom of God was really as indestructible as the legend said.

Misra's fist shadow not only destroyed the fleet of the Kingdom of God, but also triggered a chain reaction in the universe.

The huge energy fluctuations generated by the light speed boxing spread in space like ripples, disrupting the originally stable magnetic field and gravitational field.

This interference caused subtle changes in the orbits of some asteroids and comets, and they began to deviate from their original orbits and fly in unknown directions.

Some celestial bodies even directly collided with planets or stars, causing new disasters.

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