Chapter 124 Doflamingo [Requested]!!

If you want to learn to fight between people with abilities, you must fight against all kinds of opponents.

One of the most important combat skills is the ability to think instantaneously. The first is to get used to thinking.

Not only that, but also put it into a counterattack.

Many of the many monsters designed in this game itself are designed to train this ability.

Like the cyclops at the beginning.

No matter where you hit it, you can’t hurt it.

Only by finding its weaknesses and hitting its eyeballs can you truly defeat it. And the most difficult to catch among these monsters is the bubble horse.

A bubble horse is a horse similar in appearance to a normal horse with a mouth shaped like a cannon barrel, and can spit out a large number of red and white bubbles and fan the bubbles around the enemy with its furry tail to trap the enemy.

As long as the white bubble touches [Nian], it will burst open, forming an air explosion, although it will not cause much damage, and the band will also produce a certain pain.

That is to say, if you want to contact the white bubble, the body must maintain [absolute] so that the whole body can be condensed.

The red bubble, on the other hand, is the complete opposite, and will burst whenever it touches an object without a thought.

In other words, if you want to perfectly catch the bubble horse, you must be extremely skilled in switching back and forth between [entanglement] and [absolute].


Madge switched back and forth between [Entanglement] and [Absolute] extremely quickly, and after popping open one bubble after another, the silver light flashed, and the chanting thread on her hand passed through the neck of the bubble horse.

Cut off his head directly.

Compared to Xiaojie, they just grabbed the bubble horse, and March’s method was undoubtedly much more brutal.

“Bloated ———!”

The bubble horse whose head had been cut off turned into a cloud of white smoke and exploded, then turned into a card.

“Very good, this is all the monsters here, then we can start the next stage of cultivation.”

Seeing that March successfully killed the bubble horse without injury, Lin Mo jumped down from the small hillside on the side and said to Madge.

It has now been a month and a half since they first entered the Island of Greed.

Lin Mo had already collected all the props he was interested in half a month ago.

After collecting it, Lin Mo directly returned to the rocky area where Maqi and they were located.

In the previous month, Lin Mo entrusted Nion to March and asked her to supervise on her behalf.

At the same time, before leaving, they were also left with a simple station.

In the half month since Lin Mo returned, Lin Mo has not been idle, he has been tackling a difficult problem.

That is, his [Material Manifestation] cannot be realized, similar to the [Archangel’s Breath] and [Golden Dust Girl] bio-type props!

The cards that Lin Mo embodied are the same as the cards copied by Kubeep using [God’s Left Hand Demon’s Right Hand] in the original work, and cannot be used.

And [material embodiment] cannot manifest living things.

Therefore, it is also impossible to directly manifest props like other props. Even if other bio-type props can’t be realized, Lin Mo doesn’t care very much anyway.

But [Archangel’s Breath] is the ability he aspires to obtain, and he must find a way to try it.

Just when Lin Mo was at a loss, he recalled his conjecture when he first experimented with [Substance Manifestation].

[Material embodiment] itself is related to its own throbbing, and the throbbing is related to Lin Mo’s psychology.

Finally, Lin Mo’s inspiration flashed and finally found out what the problem was.

That is, he subconsciously did not think that bio-type props such as [Archangel’s Breath] belonged to [Matter] at all!

And the way to materialize it is also very simple, that is, Lin Mo must recognize from the bottom of his heart that these bio-type props, like other props, belong to [matter] After figuring out this node, Lin Mo once again did his old profession and self-hypnosis!

Thanks to my previous life, choosing psychology is simply too wise!

It’s just that this time self-hypnosis is not as simple as before, this is to change the subconscious self-perception!

Lin Mo spent half a month and kept self-hypnosis, and finally succeeded in embodying the [Archangel’s Breath].

And with the help of the [Mind Meter], Lin Mo barely completed this hypnosis.

[Mind Meter B-30: A clock that can measure your current mental state, and adjusting it to twelve o’clock will restore the mental state to calm, and you can control your mind with the time and place. 】

I have to say that this is simply one of the props that most matches Lin Mo.

With this prop, the [Complete Mimicry] development that was previously shelved can also be restarted.

The Island of Greed, this place is simply Lin Mo’s blessed land!

After jumping down the hillside, Lin Mo threw three bottles of drinks to March, Wokin and Nion respectively.

This is [Dr. Mad’s Muscle Enhancer] This kind of prop, Lin Mo Tool, there is no pressure at all when he appears.

[Dr. Madness’s Muscle Enhancer] is an item he obtained a month ago, and now he has been drinking it for a month, and his strength has increased from the original eight tons to sixteen tons.

Exactly doubled.

Although there is no specific improvement in his strength, it is still very fragrant to be able to lie down and make the physical body stronger.

When he first got [Dr. Mad’s Muscle Enhancer], Lin Mo also specially used [Communication] to ask Kim Fulix.

This thing will not affect the body shape, he does not want to end up drinking into a muscle man. At first, Kim Fulix didn’t want to tell him, saying that Lin Mo would know if he could try it himself.

Apparently, he still remembered the deflated food he ate from Lin Mo when they first met.

Later, Lin Mo only said three words, and immediately let Jin Fulix admit it, and directly told Lin Mo that [Dr. Mad’s muscle enhancer] will only strengthen muscles, not increase muscles.

So it doesn’t have any effect on body shape.

Therefore, Lin Mo was relieved to give March and Nion two drinks.

This thing is undoubtedly the best for Nion, and relatively bad for Wojin.

According to Lin Mo’s calculations, [Dr. Madness’s Muscle Enhancer] should have an upper limit of strength, and it is estimated that it can only strengthen its own strength to about one hundred tons at most, and no amount of potions will bring a slight improvement after that.

And the physical strength of Wo Jin itself is about sixty tons, so of course, the lifting effect is not as obvious as others.

Nion also thanks to [Dr. Madness’s Muscle Enhancer], and he doesn’t have to do his daily workouts.

It is possible to start the next stage, which is the cultivation of the four major lines of [Burning].

Respectively, [point] let the heart focus on one point, gaze at the self, and set goals.

【Tongue】Translate it into language.

[Refinement] prompts the will.

【Hair】Put it into action.

When he learned that he didn’t have to continue exercising, Nion was so excited that he jumped up and hugged Lin Mo “MUA-MUA” for two.

Just drink a bottle of drink every day and you don’t have to exercise, which is simply amazing!

Although [Dr. Madness’ Muscle Enhancer] didn’t taste great, Nion swore that this was her favorite drink from now on, not one!

Well, I feel sorry for Nobunaga who left the team, and it is estimated that the next time he meets with Wokin, he will sadly find himself completely crushed by Wokin………

Who let him not follow March, this is a real mistake. Wo Jin also dragged Marge’s blessing, and Lin Mo took him by the way.

Looking at Maqi, who had a little expectation in her eyes, Lin Mo smiled and said, “Now you can officially start developing your abilities in depth.” ”

This is what Lin Mo promised to March before, and when she completes the first stage of training, it will help her deeply develop her ability to read threads.

Although the first stage of training has made March grow a lot, the problem she struggled with from the beginning was the problem of her own combat effectiveness.

She felt that her mind line was too weak in terms of combat, and she didn’t know how to further improve this ability!

So what Magge is really looking forward to is actually the deep development that Lin Mo said. And about the development of the idea line of March.

The first thing that came to Lin Mo’s mind was a man with coquettish sunglasses, pink fluffy fur, and an exaggerated smile of evil madness!

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