But because it's just a wrap, they can't do that.

Blackbeard laughed strangely, his eyes gleaming with cruelty.

At this moment, he was completely looking like a villain, and said loudly: "Do it! Shoot White Beard into a hornet's nest, and let him fall forever!"

The pirates wanted to attack, but if they crossed this gully, it would be against their father's order.



"Blackbeard Pirates, we are at odds with you!"

White Beard's eyes recalled the day when he drank with Roger under the cherry blossom tree. On that day, Roger told him many things. 0

Among them, it is about—[ONEPIECE]

"No bullets, give me another gun!"

Blackbeard threw away the pistol and reached out to ask for it.

And Shilieu of the Rain looked at the white beard in front of him, and said with a sneer: "It's no longer necessary, the white beard has lost consciousness now, and it will fall down if you poke it with your finger."

And at this time.

His voice came from the direction of Whitebeard's huge body.

"That person is not you!"

When everyone in Blackbeard heard what Whitebeard said, they were startled, and pointed their guns at Whitebeard again.

"Still alive?"

Whitebeard murmured: "The one who found Roger's treasure is definitely not you Tiqi!"

"Just like someone inheriting Roger's will, there will be someone inheriting Ace's will. Even if the bloodline is cut off, the hot flame in their hearts will not disappear!"

"This kind of will has been passed down for a hundred years, and it will appear in different people. In the Warring States Period, what your world government is worried about is the huge war that can sweep the entire world when it breaks out!"

"Although I'm not interested in this thing, everyone knows that whoever can find Roger's treasure is the master of the world!"

Warring States stared at White Beard.

He didn't understand why White Beard would say it at this time. Could it be that he wanted the world to be destroyed with him!


At this time, Whitebeard also used his greatest strength and shouted loudly: "ONEPIECE!!! 2.4"

"It actually exists!"

Whitebeard's voice pierced through the clouds and echoed in all corners of Malinfordo.

Warring States:! !

Three words were revealed in his eyes - you are crazy!

All the pirates and navy were stunned, even the Blackbeard Pirates in front of them.

Roger's Treasure!

One Piece!

Fame and fortune, these are the lifelong pursuit and delusions of all pirates!

not only here,

Bucky, holding the phone bug in his hand, was also stunned.

Whitebeard's words are transmitted to Bubble Island along the phone bug, and will be passed on to every corner of the world using Bubble Island as a transit point.

And with the existence of this inventory, not only this world knows, but all the world knows!

Countless people were shocked by Whitebeard's words, even though they didn't know what ONEPIECE was! .

Chapter 553 Whitebeard! curtain down! (please customize)

One Piece World!


The whole pirate world is in chaos.


The existence of this legend was once again confirmed from the mouth of a great pirate!

aboard the Merry.

Luffy and the others were dumbfounded.

Nami said in disbelief: "It turns out that Luffy is not talking nonsense, there really is such a place!"

Sauron held a few swords in his arms. Although he was not very old and not very mature, he already smelled a very dangerous breath!

Sanji remained silent.

But Chopper opened his mouth wide and didn't close it for a long time!

Naval Headquarters.


"How could Whitebeard do such a crazy thing?"

For the first time, Lieutenant General He showed panic on his old face.

She knew what White Beard's shout meant!

It represents the coming of a chaotic era.

If in the future, everything has developed to the point of no return, creating chaos is creating a new order, and what Whitebeard did is understandable, but no one would have imagined that there would be such a thing as Inventory of Ten Thousand Worlds 10 in this world.

Chaos ahead!

All the pirates will riot, and the world government is so difficult to deal with even a white beard pirate group, how can it face so many enemies.

Sengoku's eyes had lost their look.

When he came to power, he was trying to maintain this balance. He had tried his best for this, and now all his efforts were destroyed by Whitebeard's words.

Even though White Beard didn't know that his remarks would be broadcast by Wanjie.

Whitebeard Pirates.

At this time, White Beard also frowned, he didn't expect that he would say this sentence.

"Father, is this true?"

"Did Roger tell you that?"

"What the **** is that place!"

The pirates are ready to move.

But Whitebeard murmured: "Go on, no one in the Whitebeard Pirates is allowed to search for Roger's treasure without authorization. If the time is right, I will tell you of course!"


The people of the Whitebeard Pirates don't need to bother to find it at all. After all, Whitebeard knows this secret and is already invincible among the Whitebeard Pirates.

What's more, everyone knows that there must be a reason for White Beard to keep it secret.


Everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates didn't care, but the other pirates in this world were almost crazy.

【Roger's Treasure! 】

【The master of the world! 】

This is undoubtedly the greatest temptation in the world.

With this kind of temptation in front of them, how could everyone not be moved!

Big and small forces are starting to become active at this moment, and the new world of pirates will come ahead of schedule!

"Sorry, kids!"

"Leave such a hopeless bastard."

"Everything I got was given to me by you."

"It's over!"

The hero is lonely!

Things are changing.

The sky seemed to turn blood red.

Whitebeard stood there, and his eyes, whose will gradually disappeared, seemed to return to the scene where it all began.

At that time, a group of pirates who were showing greedy faces in front of Gold asked Whitebeard what he wanted!

Whitebeard's answer is - family!


Whitebeard didn't fall down, but died standing up!

That face still shocked everyone with black beards, making them dare not move.


Afraid that he would speak again, Blackbeard asked in a trembling voice.

After seeing that White Beard didn't respond for a long time, he was deeply relieved.

"Standing dead!"

Reporters on Bubble Island told every corner of the world what happened here.

After hearing these words, everyone felt a lot of confusion in their hearts. They couldn't believe that Whitebeard was really dead!

How could the unparalleled white beard die?

These people didn't see the battle of Marlin Fodo with their own eyes, and their brains couldn't understand and process this matter at all.

"Hurry up and release it. After the death of Fire Fist Ace, Whitebeard has also passed away!"

People all over the world reacted differently.

Some were distraught.

Some cheered.

"Whitebeard is dead, the Whitebeard Pirates are going to disappear, and the war is finally coming to an end!"

"Is the evil Whitebeard One Piece finally going to disappear under the siege of the navy?"

"Evil has evil consequences!"

"Father! Impossible!"

"Fake news, it must be fake news!"

"Dad is an invincible hero, how could he die at the hands of the Navy."

Everyone in Wanjie looked at everyone's two-level comments on the screen, and they also sighed silently. It is better than White Beard and can't control the slander in public opinion, but it should be said that White Beard doesn't care about these at all, he has always been himself!

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