"Let's go, everyone, make a **** way to rescue Ace!"

"Come on!"

"The big troops have arrived, follow Dad!"

When the pirates were in high spirits, the human weapons continued to attack again.

There is terrifying energy in their mouths, and they are constantly attacking. Each attack will blow up an area. Although there is no distinction between enemy and friend, it is not a solution to be consumed by him like this!

"Damn it, the troublesome guy is here too!"

At this time, a pirate wearing a yellow hood and holding a sickle rushed towards the human weapon.

·0 for flowers······

"Don't think about it again, you monsters!"

The huge sickle swung and hit the huge robot, tearing a hole in its body immediately!

The man was stunned!

He didn't expect such a powerful robot before, and it wasn't impossible to deal with it. His body was much more fragile than he thought!

Although these people are not captains, they are also Whitebeard's subordinates. Unlike other members of the pirate ship, their strength is higher.

Human weapons can block the attacks of those people. Firstly, his defense is not weak, but the main reason is that those pirates are too weak!

In the gap, there is no flesh and blood inside, but extremely complicated mechanical devices!


Another mortal weapon was also savagely pierced into the neck, and under the flickering electric light, this mortal weapon also lost its effect.

"Let's see the power from the new world!"

new world!

Even this ordinary pirate mentioned this word, obviously this world is different from the world they know!

Now, everyone can feel the future is coming!


One Piece World.

Four emperors!



World government!

All the high-level officials were surprised by the words of this pirate.

They know things are different and changing, but they never thought it would happen so fast!

How long is this?

One year or two years?

In the future, even such an ordinary pirate can feel this subtle change!

"It's time to get ready!"

In a dark place, a man wearing a cloak and a special tattoo on his face watched the battle between the navy and the pirates in the picture, but his attention was not on it, but his brain was running fast, thinking about how he should adapt to this world changes, or how to get a head start and take advantage of this change to get a head start!

In front of these pirates, several human weapons were wiped out in a few moments, and their huge bodies fell slowly. Even when they fell, their energy lost control, and they shot through the pacifists beside them, forming a Big hole!

Everyone shouted loudly: "Rush to the execution platform now!"

Chapter 503 The Whitebeard Pirate's favorite—Ace! (please customize)

Ivankov stood beside Luffy.

At this time, Luffy was dying and unable to move.

Ivankov said anxiously: "How is it? How is brother Luffy?"

He was very anxious, Luffy's identity is not ordinary, his father and himself are very important existences, the reason why Ivankov came here is to protect Luffy, but don't protect the loneliness!

The ship doctor touched Luffy's body, and was also very anxious. When he heard Ivankov's words, he frowned and said loudly, "What's the matter? In his current state, ordinary emergency treatment will not work at all. There must be proper treatment!"

Ivankov sweated profusely.

Where can I find a regular medical facility for you on this battlefield now!

At this time, Luffy can no longer fight.


He looked back at Ace, only "six six three" if Ace hadn't been rescued, Luffy's character would never stop!

On the execution stand.

Ace bowed his head in front of the execution platform, he was in great pain.

Hearing his voice, Zhan Guo asked suspiciously, "What's the matter, Fire Fist!"

Garp raised his head and looked at Ace above. He knew that Ace was going through the most painful process now.

Asi is a person who absolutely does not know how to show his feelings, but he values ​​affection more than anyone else, which is why so many people are still willing to die for him!

He thought of when Ace and Luffy grew up under his protection. At that time, the two were completely brothers. Many times, even Garp forgot their identities.

It's just that Ace started getting into trouble when he was a child.

And he was fascinated by the treasure left by the One Piece King Roger, which is his father.

Fighting with pirates in the tavern, often going back with injuries, Luffy also walked on a crooked road under his leadership.

Garp knew that it would be better not to take him to meet Luffy at that time, but how can such a child not worry about the meaning of being born!

At that time, Ace was confused, he and Luffy healed each other!

Garp even wondered if it would be better if he didn't bring Ace to Luffy!

Maybe it doesn't exist anymore...

All heavens and all worlds!

The picture of this memory made everyone extremely moved. Although Ace has been imprisoned and he doesn’t talk much, he has won the love of too many people. If given the chance, they would also want to become Ace’s friend...For example, Gaara ,Naruto…

"Little Ace is so cute and pitiful!"

"Why? Why are you abusing Ace so much!"

"Ace is so lonely!"

"It's all Karp's fault. If it wasn't for Karp, everything would be different!"

"Did Garp do something wrong? No, if it wasn't for Garp, Ace would have died long ago. If it wasn't for Garp, Ace wouldn't have his brother Luffy, and he wouldn't have as many friends as the Whitebeard Pirates!"

"I can't blame Garp, Ace is not a stable person in the first place!"

"But this disaster was caused by Ace. If it wasn't for Ace, would the pirates come here? Would so many people die?"

"You still don't understand, the torrent of the times has made it impossible for the Navy and Whitebeard to live in harmony. Even if there is no Ace, before the arrival of the new era, a big cleanup will inevitably happen!"

"I've been told, watch the battle with peace of mind!"


Ivankov was very anxious.

He said to everyone: "Hurry up and move Luffy to the boat, it's too dangerous for him to be outside!"

"As for Ace boy, we can only find a way to save him!"

He knows that this task is very difficult!

It won't help much to stand on the pirate's side.

If you can't break through the front, you can only find another way!

His brain was forming a plan when suddenly a hand reached out and grabbed his ankle.

"Eva sauce!"

Luffy said weakly: "Eva-chan, do me one last favor, okay!"

Ivankov looked at Luffy in surprise.

Luffy's body has become like this, and he still has the strength to move, which shows how deep his obsession is!

Not just Luffy, but other pirates as well.

Everyone is running towards Ace.

"Captain Ace, you're almost there, we're here to save you Captain Ace!"

"You blind sailors, get out of the way!"

"Yes, get out of the way if you don't want to die, we just want to rescue Captain Ace!"

In front of this group of pirates, the marines are a little scared!

A few people even shivered and quietly hid aside.

Ace looked at his subordinates below, and murmured, "I'm really hopeless! Why did you come to save me!"

Sengoku looked at Ace with a complicated look. 0

Although he is on the opposite side of Ace, he doesn't hate Ace, and the two can reach the current level entirely because of their positions.


Jinbe stunned the navy, looked at Ace above and said, "Mr. Ace, wait a moment, we will come to rescue you right away!"

"Even if I sacrifice my life, I must save you!"

the other side.

Many captains gathered together, these people are quite powerful, even if they meet a vice admiral, they can't stop their footsteps.

"Don't worry Ace, we'll rescue you right away!"

"Wait for Ace!"

"Don't give up!"

"We still want to drink with you!"

Everyone's voice was loud, and everyone was cheering up Ace, as if it was not them but Ace who were in the battle now!


Whitebeard Pirates.

On the Moby Dick, there are only many captains and crew members with white beards here.

On the surrounding ships, tens of thousands of pirates looked at the people in the picture together.

"Look, this person is me, I killed two marines!"

"Then... I was killed by the navy. It's a pity, why can't I kill a few more, and I'll make money anyway!"

"Captain Ace is an excellent person. If he becomes Pirate King in 2.4 and leads our Whitebeard Pirates, that would be great!"

"What are you talking about, the Pirates belong to Dad!"

"Don't you understand? Dad's time is running out. Although he is as powerful as ever, he must understand that his body won't last long."

"Yeah, I think back then, Dad was such a powerful person. He was one of the few people in the whole sea who could stand up to Roger. At that time, just one look at him was enough to scare people!"

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